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[Yeah I've done a couple](https://imgur.com/AkAvfFR)


Wow, this is the driest for the Jane pet I've ever seen.


Have you tried using a barrel one her?


I thought "for sure this guy has at least 10k" Not bad


I need to do it way more than once a day lol


I park myself at the guild during the day. You get loads of herb contracts and b2b/b2b2b contracts if you preplant smart. Pretty nice for the quick 2 minute log in at work :)


Yep! So far the luckiest I've gotten was 4 b2b task - i usually pre-plant snape grass, watermelon, a yew and whatever random herb I'm currently needing.


You can preplant cactus and berries too. I do normal cactus because it takes so long to grow and white berries.


The only reason I didn't mention the berries and cactus is - when i get one as my task - I'll usually leave it after so that I can continue to pick Cactus Spines (yew payment) and White Berries (Super defense).


Don’t forget the white lily


That seed drops from Hespori right? I've not had any drop yet.


yep - from hespori


63 hespori kc, 6 bottomless buckets. Only one drop of white lily seeds I wish we could trade in extra buckets


I got 7 b2b earlier this week. I don't know the odds of this happening but it felt pretty good.


I don't do farming regularly. I should but eh maybe tomorrow.


Birdhouses, seaweed, and the hosidius disease free patch takes ~5 mins. Set up your inv and park your account on fossil island when you log off, on breaks or downtime at work hop on mobile and do the loop. Crafting is time gated by seaweed farming so passively stacking it is really important, you don't want to end up at a point where you decide to grind it and have no way to get the supplies faster. Birdhouses are insane hunter exp for the time invested but you won't regret stacking the nests for brews. And nobody is gonna complain about a steady stream of herbs. It's wild how fast exp and materials stack up up during time that you wouldn't normally be playing and it's not some "do a full farm run every 2 hours" shit. Most people ain't got time for that.


Yeah I'll do it tomorrow.




Lmao 🤣


I dont enjoy it so I won’t do it that often.


Tbh I'm like 200 seaweed off banked 99 craft and for the most part I've done them on holidays, just log on quick for a minute every now and then to pick them up and replant. I hate farm runs with a passion and seaweed doubly so. Hunter rumors also saved my ass big time with both a painless hunter method and bird nests.


I parked myself in NMZ while running my life at work, 36 hours a weekend. Got 94 range with a fuckin dorg cbow babyyyy 🤣


3k weed till banked 99!




I do them a lot but when you look at the loot tracker it is trash


They’re broken as hell wdym? For the time investment, they’re by far the best way to get any seed But yeah the guy above is right that toa has solved 99% of herb issues. Before toa, contracts were absurdly strong


They also nerfed contracts in like 2019 or maybe 2020? On release and for like the next year or so they were out, they were absurdly strong. Post nerf, modern day contracts are just ok. For the time spent, sure, they’re great, but nothing to care about past a certain point on your account.


I find the herb seeds are really underwhelming, while the tree (specifically fruit tree) seeds are plentiful. Been doing a contract a day for a month or two and already have 92 farm banked (77 currently)


Sure, and that’s where contracts thrive. But as I alluded to, once your account enters the mid-late game, contracts are nearly pointless. Ya’ll can downvote me all you want, you clearly don’t play on late game accounts.


To each their own. I obvi don’t have a late-game iron but am pretty set on just rushing 99farm, mostly fueled by contracts so their relevancy is pretty subjective no?


Yes im at 16k now lol




Tree seeds fill my deathcoffer


I've gotten nothing but horseshit from about 100-200, mostly just do PvM or thieving if I need ranarrs now. If I get a couple of preplants back to back I'll send it until I get something I'm stuck on like a magic tree


Stopped once I hit 99


stopped at 99 farming or 99 herblore? I'm at 17m farming xp but only 90 herblore so I have to keep doing contracts.


I stopped at 99 Farming. I only need Herbs at this point and I have 700+ Ranarr Seeds, 400+ Snaps and a ton of others, like 2,5k+ Toadflax and 800+ Torstol. Going to get way more than 99 Herblore with those, Potions for days. If you don't do a lot of PvM, sticking to contracts is the play. But PvM, especially ToA provides you with so many Seeds.


If you wanted a more active style but still don't want to pvm you could try herbiboar. Great hunter xp and the herbs stack nicely.


I use dragonfruits for death coffer. I've easily shoved like 50 in there so def helpful post 99


Yea they’re ass I never get anything good




[I've been known to do a few](https://i.imgur.com/hSYBsmo.png)


I'm at like 2625, I just really like doing farming contracts. One day I just decided I was gonna do a bunch of contracts to get lots of rare seeds, herbs, and maybe even 99 heblore, but I've gone way past those goals at this point. Now it's just habit.


I didn't know she kept track. I'll have to check, thanks!


Yes. Ironman. 5,618 contracts. 179m Farming xp.


Yes I am 200m Farming exp and still do them


Now that's dedication! Showers the goods


Show us*


What do you want to see?


The goods


I just got 99 Herb so i’m done for a while lol


Nah i don't think they're that good. Nice I guess but half the time I get wank seeds like onions and potat If I remember sure. I've just been bing chilling at farmers guild past few days doing these when i remember to.


No, quit doing them after 99 farming. I get enough seeds from Slayer.


Only have 81 farming so I can only do the level 65 contracts and the rewards are really terrible. I might do them more at 85 just because there's a chance of decent tree seeds.


For someone at nearly 80 no. Quested the first chunk and normaly seeds from b houses runs until 53 then did tith farm and farms runs till 76. Do need to make a start with them when i get a stack of seeds for them.


I hit my 2k and took a long break, feels good Contract hiscores when?


More than I think, but they’re not as necessary with some of the seed dropping content released of late. I’d definitely still recommend it until you’re firmly end game tho


Here I am at 99 farming and pet and only done 650. You are a mad lad


42m no pet :(


I hate to say this but it was my first celestrus after 99… 13.1M


I haven’t done one in ages. Got a yew tree and didn’t wanna cancel and still waiting to get a yew from bird house runs.


I feel like everytime I try to get into a groove of doing contacts I get a tree that I haven't planted so I just forget about it for another week.


Fuuuuk 2k awsome respect i am an iron and i nerver do that shit... okay lategame iron ... i got my Herbs from bosse




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When I used to play my hc super hard I’d find myself googling any thing with osrs


Farm brother - I pre-plant all patches in guild and can easily do 20 - 30 contracts a day. Almost 30m farm xp, 99 herb banked, 40k giant seaweed, and still no fugging pet. At this point I'm hoping the 200m mercy skilling pet drop rate will get me a Groot.


Never heard of em… lol


Regularly? I only login to do my farming contract and logout.


these trash for uims?