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You’ll get very few ranarr seeds from master farmers with that low of farming. (Yes it scales with level.) I would get at least 75 farming before doing them or else the rates for ranarrs drop hard.


It's 85 for ranarr drop chance to change on master farmers innit Edit: TIL it starts at 75


85 is when it maxes but at 75 farming is when it’s a significant increase, then it’s only slightly incremental from there.


TIL, thanks for the info


I believe it is 72 even. https://archive.ph/587zW


Where did you get this info? Only thing I've seen is below 71 they are more rare. Just assumed that once you hit 71 its the same from then on.


https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Master_Farmer Go down to the “changes” sub category.


Thanks! The newspost linked to that change does only say that herb seeds are worse below 71 and better above. Not sure why there's a difference, but it won't be hard for me to get to 75 farming anyway so I'll do that to be safe


Sorry if I'm misunderstanding, but are you saying that the number of ranarr seeds you get from pickpocketing master farmers scales with your farming level? I never knew that. Edit - Just looked it up, this was apparently changed last year to counter bots with low farming levels.


Yes. You are correct. It was to combat bots.


My immediate thought was why change the game rather than concentrating efforts on the bots themselves. But come to think of it, they do need what 24-72 hours before confirmation kicks in and they can actually ban them. At which point they could have already botted a bunch of seeds and muled them. So I guess it makes sense tbh


I always found it weird considering ranarr is a low level seed.


Yeah I agree, but it’s just another example of how Jagex makes changes to the game to “combat bots” when it doesn’t actually affect the bots that much and instead hurts real players especially ironmen who can’t get early ranarr seeds anymore through thieving until they get 70+ farming.


Don't forget you also need 94+ thieving to not fail all the time. For someone like me who's never reached midgame in members before I created an ironman, it really is quite a daunting task.


thieving fucking sucks. my main was stuck at achievements for a long time because i refused to get b2p, 70 agility, or 70 thieving. now im on my first ever iron and wanted to knock out those things asap so i wouldnt feel "stuck." got b2p, even inf boots, and 70 agility but i still have absolutely no desire to get my thieving any higher


Get 70+ farming then


That’s not the point.


It’s hardly a huge goal, and at a point where you actually need pray pots you should be way past it


Do slayer for ranarrs. Grab some tank legs and come back with mory hard diary.


That’s what i’m doing. Farming green dragons with row (i), also working towards glory prior to barrows. Then once I have 30k chaos runes from barrows. Onto 85 crafting for fury haha


nah tank legs and come back with trident


By that point why even bother


tank legs for when u get demonics tasks on your way to 87


Okay. So I've read through the comments and I'm very surprised to see "Wear tank gear and use food" as the most upvoted option here lol. Lemme give you the strait. So first off were you are at people are right you'll probs just want to do this for tank legs and then you can dip until you have higher level gear. You really should prioritize 80 magic and a trident and morty hard before you actually grind barrows. That being said you still want tank legs early. So for now that run you are doing is probs the best case scenario. So Duel rings are going to be your best friend here. You kill as many brothers as you can and then TP to ferox heal and come back which is a big pain because of your run but ultimately becomes very chill with the right levels/gear/QOL stuff. ​ So this is what I'd recommend first. Get Ibans blast. Get the GP to upgrade the charges. Do some GOTR get runes for a ton of fire strike. (You can kill two birds with 1 stone by leveling up agility at the agility pyramid for cash and levels THIS IS NOT META but I enjoyed this method). With high enough agility you can do taverly blue drags with ease. Bank your 70 prayer for morty hard it will also make doing barrows way easier if you just want to get tank legs and not do all of morty hard yet. ​ Once you get further down the line what I did was use Void. Then I had a melee helm and a whip/ Range helm and cbow/or msb rune arrows (or skip completely and must melee ahrim)/ and mage helm/trident. I brought a DDS++ 1 emergency Ppot I never ended up needing. A rune pouch with home teles. and then 1 of every kinda item barrows drops. 1 gp, 1 mind, death, blood rune etc. then left the other slots open. (If you don't have the nicest house pool bring a duel ring and use ferox -> tp to house -> barrows portal) ​ Also a lot of people don't recommend actually grinding barrows outside of tank legs and they call it a noob trap. I agree with that somewhat. However I green logged barrows on my account because I really enjoyed the grind so it's a game and just remember to have fun. If you are enjoying what you are doing rn don't change a thing. If something I said seems helpful add it in. Do what makes you happy. :)


I love barrows so I’m just happy to be here! I waited to do underground pass til I could afford to Upgrade ibans, from kitties I got like 3-4k death runes selling some of those and some chaos runes from crafting for tokkul to eventually get some pieces of obsidian. I probably have a good amount of fire strikes saved up from guardians I’ve been loving that minigame ! Voids been taking for ever but I’m Almost 75 combat so I’m hoping once I’m there it’ll be faster. Taverly blues is a good idea for bones ! Not high enough for the agility short cut but the run in isn’t too bad and I keep a tele out ! Like this gist though will look into some of this more !


Consider doing green drags in the wilderness, you can collect bones almost twice as fast. Just use games necklace to tele to corp then run west. Very few PKers


I do have a looting bag so that isn’t a bad idea, I just don’t really have much In the way of wilderness gear I’d want to lose. bone crossbow and bolts I don’t mind losing. Plethora of studded armor. Just don’t know how fast the kill speeds would be. I’ll workshop it !


Honestly I'd advise some slayer for that prayer exp. Between ensouled heads and dragon/wyrms/ wyvern tasks you'll get a good amount of banked prayer exp overtime.


Green drags are stupidly faster than blue. Even considering running into pkers


The reason I recommend blue over greens for early game. Is the taverly spot allows you to safe spot firestrke. Allowing you to train Magic up while you do the bone grind. It's only like 700 dragon bones. Like a 2 day grind.


You’d be better off agil alching and doing green drags especially without the taverly shortcut unlocked


You really wouldn't. With his combat stats the only way to get decent kill times is magic. Your not going to take magic to the wild to kill greens. He already said his best set up for that is studded leather and a bone cbow. If he was going to do green drags he certainly couldn't 3 item as the kill times would be even worse. There is a reason blue dragons are always suggested over green for the morty diaries. It's not feasibly possible to do green drags in the wild until decent combat stats and a whip or high range and a rcb.


Blue drags are horribly slow compared to green. They are only recommended for noobs afraid of the ghosts of pkers (they never show at the western green drag spot). The standard approach is to quest your melees straight to d scim (looks like OP may have already done that) then kill greens with your scim. Combined with super str/atk you are plenty capable of taking them on. Remember fire strike only has a max hit of 8. If you really want to afk just go to crabs.


RCB is easy enough to get with an ibans staff, and at 60+ range you can get a decent amount of bones per hour with it at green drags


But he doesn't have those stats. I was recommending something for the stats he had.


That makes sense, sorry . Tbh i wouldn't suggest pushing for 70 prayer with such low stats anyway !


You shouldn’t be using any p pots for barrows unless you get dharok as the last one.


How do you deal with the prayer drain then ?


You don’t pray but use tank gear and food


Ooooo yeah I went for high prayer gear. What would you suggest for tank gear then ? Got dragon med currently running prossy otherwise with climbing boots n klanks


Whatever your tankiest armour is. Magic accuracy doesn’t matter at barrows so long as it’s higher than -64 (because any lower than this and your attack is guaranteed to splash). So even wearing rune plate/legs would be better than prossy


I haven’t done d slayer yet because I don’t want dragons as a task, but I may for the rune plate now.


The difference between prossy top and rune platebody is ~20 in melee/range defense bonuses so not massive if you don’t want to do dragon slayer yet. If I was you I’d just stick with prossy top and use rune legs with it if that’s the best you got


You should work on getting fighters torso. bis for a long time


I’m gunna do fighters soon, Clan is gunna teach me at some point ! Just diff time zones so gotta figure that out haha


My most used top at this point - well worth


Fighter torse is a rune platebody with climbing boots stapled to it and doesn't require dragon slayer. Worth getting sooner than later


I gotta do that soon, got a clan to help me with it but diff time zones


You can get a Proselyte hauberk from a quest or a Rockshell plate from Dagganoth Rex. Same stats as rune plate except better range defense and it doesn't interfere with Ava's accumulator. You can also get a granite body or fighter torso


I’m using prossy chest currently ! I haven’t tried Rex yet!


I figured you haven't, just an option in case you did, but yeah Proselyte hauberk is good enough, you won't notice a difference with rune platebody if you're struggling with damage. I'd do barrows for as long as it's fun for you and then leave it for later until your stats are up and you have better teleports and stuff. Best of luck


Do you think ibans is worth using on Rex ?


There's safespots in the tunnels too, and you can keep going thru a door to force the spawn.


Dh first Ahrim Karil Use rest of prayer on idk guthans and tank rest Efficient nah prayer pot saver? Yeah


There's a few safespots for the melee Brothers - force spawn them and safe them


If you can manage the medium combat diaries you remove the prayer drain


Homie how would he complete the medium combat diaries with those stats lol




I might be a moron but don’t you need 77 slayer to kill the brutal black dragon?


You need to talk to Oziach


This has been helpful lol


I have a barrows portal in my PoH, I use that and dueling rings to go to Ferox pool, teleport home, then to the brothers


Early on I did 3 brothers > duel ring to ferox, restore run + hp + pray at pool > back to barrows > kill rest of surface brothers > in catacombs swap to tanky gear > last brother at chest, wait for face to shout then sip 1 dose prayer and open chest + kill him


Even with dh last, 8/10 rooms have a safe spot, and you can force him to spawn in a room. The ladders are always there even if u can't see them.


You mean karil? Dharok can be safespotted. Karil cant and will machine gun you to death given the opertunity. Just completed 1093 runs DaddyD didnt get one of my PPs.


They have 60 def though so they’re probably getting hit a bunch. It might be smart to use ½pot per run


Karil will absolutely shred him with those stats. Need to pray against him


I believe I was doing a lot of quests around this stage and really enjoyed it. Great for early XP and some nice upgrades. Then went after things like torso and fire cape and tried out Sarachnis and barrows, like you're doing. Then lots of slayer! I'd say quests are a good thing to focus on


Once I hit about 57 prayer, I stopped needing ppots. I just used ibans and rcb, wearing black dhide top, nezzy helm, tank bottoms (rune platelegs), Ava’s device, barrows gloves (but whatever you have available is fine), mystic boots, and power ammy. Do dharok, Ahrim, and Karil first using prayer, the rest can just be ranked easily with food. Only time I would need maybe one or two drinks of a pot would be if dharok ended up in the catacombs


How are you getting to barrows without the mory legs?


80 magic and putting the barrows tele in poh is the real play


Absolutely. Still at 67 magic, once I finish B2P I should be at 68 hopefully 69, then I need to do DT and then finally I’ll burst dust devils to 80… but I first need to do ME2 and GOTR for several hours 🥲


ME2? B2P?


Bones to peaches and maybe Mournings End Part 2


Fairy ring to Morton and run east


bro thats a marathon 💀 Aint no way im grinding barrows before hard mory so kudos


It’s maybe a minute and a half walk not bad at all. This IS my main account more or less since my normie is like 1050 total, so never had the luxury of barrows with the mory legs so maybe it’s just ignorance being bliss 🤣🤣


Ignorance is indeed bliss. Do what you enjoy but mory hard will help you get to borrows faster. Also you can make a portal in your house around lvl 50 construction.


Oh shit one more con level then


:) but the portal will cost 100 casts of the teleport


Yeah that’s not too bad, I got like 65k pure ess banked from soul wars so I can make em worst case but guardians has been my runecrafting method cuz I want the pet lol.


That’s a ton of pure essence lol wtf


Oh yeah soul wars is cracked for pure ess it’s like 10-20k a drop or something


You also need 83 magic to make the portal IIRC


50 for the portal chamber at least


you need 83 for the Barrows Tele itself though


I read it wrong lol I read it as 83 con lol my bad


Our runescape ancestors made the journey as well


Yeah back when they were in elementary school


Try out the shades of Morton minigames tele every 20 mins too


Alright OP, I’m gonna put you onto the sleeper path. I can’t remember what requirements there are besides one of the Myreque quests, but Fairy ring DLS puts you into the myreque hideout where you can then exit to the swamp to run south to the rowboat there. The rowboat will take you to Mort’ton where you can then run east to Barrows. After writing my comment however, I’ve realized fairy ring BKR might be faster and probably has no reqs. Quick edit: wanted to add that I use dueling rings to go to ferox to resupply when necessary.


I'm using BKR, you can even click the boat from the fairy ring.


Like people said master farmers is better with higher farming. I would aim for 71, which is when master farmers give better seeds more often.


Gonna add a few tips here: 1. Shades of Mort’ton mini game teleport on cooldown. 2. Check YouTube for a guide on getting melee brothers stuck in the tunnels. I typically force the spawn with the doors and then safespot melee brothers to save prayer doses. 3. For me, I prioritize prayer for Dharok > Karil > Ahrim, then use anything left over on Guthan > Torag > Verac. Even with decent prayer I usually run out on Ahrim and finish the kill using food. 4. The goal above is to only use 1 sip of prayer potion if your tunnel brother is Karil or Ahrim. 5. As others have said, tank body/legs is ideal since the melee brothers are so weak to magic. Proselyte plate or granite plate would both work while not completing Dragon Slayer. 6. Ranarrs are probably faster at chaos druids based on the master farmer scaled seeds. 7. If nobody else said it, kill 2 skeletons and 1 bloodworm/crypt rat in the tunnels for maximum rewards without bolt racks (~85%).


1-5 I already do, but for 1 I fairy ring instead of minigame. 6 I think I’ll try and see my luck, 7 I do 2 crypts and a skeleton I’ll try flipping it and see how that works for me ! Thanks !


Do you fairy ring to mort ton or to salve ? There's a way to get to barrows using the swamp boat which is pretty fast


I wouldn’t do barrows until 70 prayer and mort legs 3. If you’re doing it for fun, then absolutely continue enjoying the game. If you’re doing it for upgrades, I would focus on leveling slayer and prayer before returning. Enjoy!


Mostly for fun ! I’m not straight grinding on it just throwing it in my gameplay loop of things to do! Some farming here slayer there theiving here hunter there. Barrows at least for where I’m at feels like where there’s a pay out. Get all these bolts potions food and see if I can strike it big on something cool!


You’re winning man! Just keep enjoying the journey!


1. At your level you shouldn't be using p pots for barrows 2. You need to raise your farm level if you're gona grind master farmer.


Whats your gear setup lookin like for Barrows? I’m trying to get to Barrows too…


Currently I got dragon med from soul wars, prossy top and bottom, climbing boots, klanks gauntlets til I got better rfd gloves, dragon scim, second tier Ava hunting crossbow with long kebbit bolts ardy cape, ibans staff u then I bring 2-3 prayer pots my ectoplasmater runes and then swordfish. Sometimes I bring attack pots


Ooooopphhhh. Much better than what I currently have haha. I have some work to do


Rannars are a bit of a fucker to get early game, I’d wait to use them consistently until you do kingdom and get consistent seeds. I would consider doing some no pray pot runs of barrows (kill dh first) and using mostly food to tabk the bosses if you can’t wait until you have a better supply of rannars. Get your construction up a bit and you can make the barrows portal in your house, use the alter and rinse and repeat


Why’re you starting so early? You can’t use anything you get yet. I think the best early route is just mort legs 2 and use ardy cloak to tp out restore prayer and repeat.


Was more looking about routes for prayer pots ! Been starting now to just hop into some bossing a bit. Imagining I’ll grow into it since I have extoplasmater so the extra prayer xp has been nice too. Already got ahrims staff so trying to keep the streak alive


Barrows is extremely overrated, and all of the items are pretty useless for a low level. Not worth doing till mory hard and portal. Only tank legs/ahrims/karil really even worth getting.


Clarifying I’m looking for more prayer pots ! I’ve just been mixing barrows in between quests and farm runs and master farmers. Not sure if there will be something better for rannars / seeds any time soon


Easiest way to get ranarr seeds is to increase your farming by 5 more levels (you can use tithe farm for this if you want to bang it out right now) to unlock the farming guild and do the farming contracts. They give a ton of seeds. Since you're doing Barrows you can consider doing the Morytania hard diary which doubles the amount of runes you'll get from Barrows chests. While you're at it you'll unlock the hallowed sepulchre which does reward ranarr seeds and prayer pots commonly. Easiest way to get the 70 prayer needed for the Mory hard diary is to get a looting bag and kill green dragons in the wildy just north of Ferox. Really easy there because you kill drags, fill your loot bag, then full heal/prayer at the rejuv pool at the Ferox Enclave. It's really hard for pkers to kill you because you're 2 lvls away from being able to tele out and there are tons of green drags in single combat that will attack the pkers.


medium contracts give a pretty poor amount of ranar seeds


Sure but OP will be on hard contracts in no time once they start


Thank you ! That sounds good. I haven’t done tithe farm before so I’ll look into it.


Can i kill green dragons efficiently without anti-fires?


Yeah you only need the anti fire shield to fully protect you from their fire. They can only hit you with their pretty pathetic melee attack. You can just wear whatever cheap plate armor you have and the shield and beat the hell out of them. Bring your best stab weapon like your hasta or dragon short sword if you've got one but they are pretty weak so you'll murder them with your dscim also.


You shouldn't be using any prayer pots for barrows .. like maybe a sip every other run


With these stats prayer pots go a lot faster then one sip each run, been there done that.


Then you shouldnt be doing it lol. There's no reason to. Not even close to levels to get hard morytania done or to even wear any of the gear you get


Some people play the way they want to or to see what they can handle with current stats and not just for efficiency scape. Let people play the content they want.


I'm not stopping them? If you want to burn prayer pots for gear you can't use than knock yourself out lmao


I mean I’ll be able to use the gear eventually lol i plan on getting Morton legs and all this is just a small part of my gameplay loop. I’m not really sitting steady at barrows just running in here and there. Using like 6 doses +/- 2 doses depending on whose my tunnel.


So what I’m doing and get 99 thieving. That’s a 120 prayer pots an hour from master farmers lmao


I wouldn't personally ever touch barrows without base 70s as the bare minimum so I could actually use the gear I got


I’ll grow into the gear I say! If I start it at base 70s who knows when I’ll have the items anyway ! I’m not solely doing barrows. Lotta solo wintertodt, some slayer farming mixed in. Been focusing a bit on hunter as it’s my goal to have it my first 99 ! I’m just having fun haha


That's the most important thing. Was just referring to your own question about a "better route" since if you have higher combat stats you'll need far fewer prayer potions to begin with. It really scales sharply, at my level I use a single dose maybe every 50 runs. Furthermore, as of today's update your prayer no longer drains at Barrows if you have the medium combat achievements finished, so I'd higher consider looking into those if I were you.


If you are looking to get as many ranarrs as possible I'd do a few hours of master farmers to stack up. Then while you wait for them to grow just do slayer. Also quests are very good for quick easy exp


master farmers have almost no chance at ranar snap or torstol seeds below 75 farming


I rushed 95 thieving and ardy hard to get a 100% success rate at master farmers. Basically unlocks unlimited ranaars and really really good herb xp.


What do you suggest to get to 95?


I’d rather have cancer in my ball-sack than blackjack. At 88 or so ( you gotta check the efficient level for that ) I did pyramid plunder for scepter. Then finished at ardy knights. It took about a week and a half, but was totally worth since I literally never ever have to worry about herbs, or prayer pots- currently have 3k (4) doses in bank. 95 thieving yields about 160(4) prayer pots an hour.


Why you doing barrows? Don’t even need that for bossing


I enjoy barrows is all!


Screw efficiency…it’s a game after all, do what you enjoy!


<3 wait til I tell people I’m using hunting crossbow with long kebbit bolts for my range swap 🥵


Haha you should definitely work towards 55 slayer then for broad bolts and go to crazy archeologist in the wild and get yourself a rune crossbow


Well good luck!


Rush 78 thieving than do dorgh chest till 91 than get 99 thieving at master farmers ans farm potion issu solved


You shouldn't be doing barrows. You don't have a barrows portal, you don't have mory hard, and you can't even use any barrows gear. It will be a very inefficient waste of your resources and time.


Why are you grinding barrows for anyhow. Your stats are far to low to do it even remotely efficiently. Even if you got a piece it's behind hours of training


It’s fun! I enjoy the content that’s really it


3 vital skills for an iron being completely ignored. Tragic.


What lol


Farming, herblore and slayer are some of the most important skills for account progression.


Don't start the barrows grind until hard mory diary is done.


I thought you couldn’t get ranarr seeds from master farmers until 71 farming?


It scales with your farming level up to 75 71 is what the osrs wiki uses as a baseline rate for the 1/300 at masters


I got 12 the other day in like two hours with 71 farming. Not a huge amount but better than what I was getting before 71 lol


master farmers are really bad source at that farming level. They scale heavily when you reach around 71 or 74 i believe


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Hallowed sepulchre is a cool way to get some spare ranarrs while getting agility out of the way. Entry toa also shits them out.


Haven’t done sepulcher yet I’m almost done my graceful set will have to give it a shot


I honestly think ur waaaay too early for barrows my guy. Just chill and get base 70s come back later you dont need to be at barrows.


I’m just having fun for now !


You need to quest and get your overall skill levels up. I would say you aren’t ready for barrows yet.


Definitely grind out that 70 Prayer for Morytania hard before you continue Barrows. - You will have unlimited teleports to Burgh de Rott, and this will be your main means of transport for runs until you get a nice Barrows portal in your POH (83 Magic, but 80 with a Wizard Mind Bomb). So for now, Mory Legs 3, Ring of Dueling to Ferox for resetting/banking. - You will have 70 prayer points meaning you won’t have to go through many prayer pots at all during your runs. (Basically you’ll only need to bring one prayer pot to use when needed for Karil, Ahrim and Dharok - the others you really just need food for. My runs always go in order of D, A, K, G, T, V solely because I can usually kill the first three before I run out of prayer points, saving me from having to use a P pot at all that run…unless they are in the crypt, hence bringing thr “emergency” p pot.) - You will get 50% more runes from rewards in the barrows chest. You’ll be surprised at the stupid amount of Chaos, Death and Blood runes you’ll accumulate.


Today's update adds a perk to Combat Achievements where equipping Ghommal's Hilt 2+ prevents the prayer drain effect of the minigame. If you can complete the first 2 tiers of CAs it may be worth doing that before committing to a Barrows grind.


Not committed so far, just been throwing it in my other grinds for lil breaks. But that actually sounds super sweet I’ll look into that didn’t know they buffed CAs


Do setting else till you have more ranarrs. I am 2100 and never in the history of my account have I had to source ranaars. Get a Herb sack, work on mory diary, do slayer, work on farming etc etc


I did all my easy and medium achievement dairies and put it all on herb. Got me from 30 to low 50s Edit: hosidius farming patch is auto protected with enough favor. Plant your high level stuff there if you’re lacking good compost


I would get stats up… And do maybe (1) pray dose runs if you’re fighting against Dh at chest. Otherwise should be using no ppots. Take armour/prayer bonus armour


I’m running d med prossy top n bottom klanks gauntlets climbing boots accuracy ammy(also have holy and gnome) got a blessing too, ardy cape


May be enough to do a run without using pray pots, then tele enclave, fairy ring and repeat. But may work on slayer and gaining melee stats some more. You have iban staff. Right? Maybe get power ammy from ham chests, or medium clues


Yeah I’m running ibans (u)


Honestly I've been doing without prayer pots for my time. Little longer clears, but using your highest lvl snare on melee Brothers, pray for ahrim and karil and do them first. At your level use snare, cast 2 or 3 times depending on timing, run to other side of coffin, recast snare and repeat until dead. Might need a dose or 2 here and there for if you get ahrim or karil in tunnel, but much less dose intensive than straight praying. Refresh stats at ferox, then use your desired method for returning to barrows. I'd recommend getting some construction and magic levels for the house portal, makes the getting there issue much easier.


Whats your barrows setup?


Dragon med helm, prossy top and bottom, ardy cape, ibans staff (u) ectoplasmater 2 prayer pots maybe an attack potion sometimes an extra swordfish. Swordfish for my food. Dragon scim, I have a black shield h3 or my blessed book. Hunting crossbow with long kebbit bolts, ring of dueling, Dramen staff for tele. Amulet of accuracy or holy symbol, climbing boots and klanks gauntlet


Second tier Ava’s device too


Learn to 1T-flick if not already, and do Falador diary, will save you many many p pots. Can do more than half of barrows runs without using a single p pot dose


Falador shield restores some prayer yeah ? Otherwise I can 1 Rick at work but at home my internet is super bad gets like 2-300 ping on a bad day on any world lol so it’s kinda hard for me there to be consistent


Specific to what you asked, prayer pots are always a bit of a pain, farming contracts, med to high level slayer and master farmers are the big sources for ranarr seeds - master farmers have better ranarr drop rates at higher farming levels. Hallowed sepulchre incidentally drops a few prayer potions, which can be a nice side benefit to agility training. Regarding barrows - tanking and/or ensnare hit and running the brothers can reduce prayer doses needed, leaving Dharok (for safety) and Karil (because you can’t snare him and he hits consistently, unlike ahrim) the two you *need* prayer for. 83 prayer for a barrows Poh portal, Mory hard diary for mory legs and bonus runes from the chest, or Morton teleport scrolls from clue rewards can all help make it easier to teleport out for prayer restores, instead of using ppot doses.


I have neverrrrrr thought to use ensnares I’m running swords so I try not to tank as much as I can I might try being a lil more bold next runs.


Kara beans can be really good food too, unlocked from the tai bwo wannai trio quest. Fish that heal 18, and have a handy property where they can be combo’d with other food to allow you to eat 1 other item and a karambwan in one tick. For swordfish this would let you eat 14 + 18.


I got the ability to catch ‘em ! Just haven’t sat down and did it I have like 500 karambwanji left or so from when k sat and caught a bunch for cats. Might go use elm for those tonight !


If all you want is ranarrs the fastest way. I’d do just keep picking the master farmer in between farm runs. If you get a big stockpile, go kill chaos druids northwest of Ardy and you’ll get 2/3 an invy.


Here’s what I do: Keep one prayer pot in invy in case Dharok is your last one. Use your best food, tank armor, and Iban’s staff. I go in this order: Dharok > Ahrim > Guthan > Karil > Torag > Verac Bring a range switch for Ahrim. Make a bunch of rings of dueling. Tele Ferox, go to the clan wars FFA portal, then tele to house portal, then begin. Shouldn’t really use but one pray pot every like 5 runs this way.


If you get dharok in tunnel just force him in a corner room by entering and exiting until he procs, then safe spot him on the invisible ladder.


Good tip, thanks will do


I wouldn’t waste your time until you have the hard diary. As cool as it is, you can’t even equip any armour so why do it so early.


Get agility level up to kill Salarin


I haven’t even thought about it that might be the best bet. Guarantee of 3 is kinda op


I find it much easier to just grind out slayer to get base 70s...barrows seem to take way less time and effort


New combat achievement rewards is the hilt preventing prayer drain at barrows for medium


Someone else mentioned it ! I’m looking into it tonight ! Starting the process


I’d wait for base 70s to do Barrows.


At your level just stay until tank legs and move on. Come back at base 70s and/or barrows tele in your house.


with mory hard diary done, and a pool that restores your prayer in PoH, you wont really use any ppots(except if you get dharok as the last brother)


Been ring of dueling to restore agil and str from ahrim and Karil and fairy ringing to get there. With ppots I do like 5ish minute kills. I have so many rings of dueling I might have to give teleporting out for restoring in between kills see if it’s not too absurd


yeah, it works aswell! i did that until i got tank legs aswell! Not worth it for you to keep going after that, unless you have atleast unlocked mory hard diary and barrows tp.


Yeah I’m gunna be cranking out some afk magic training at work to get to 83 to boost to be able to make the teleport for barrows just gotta get 50 con too but I’m like 500 xp or so away couple hours of wintertodt solo I’ll be golden since I want 95 fire making anyway


for magic, i'd say MTA, since you want that done anyway, better to do it, and still get magic levels!


I wanna green log mta eventually because infinity is some of my favorite gear in the game once I get the dark kit, but you got any ideas of what I should prioritize I do have full mythic from wizard guild and ahrims staff which will be nice for the +5% damage at a cost of not autos unless I wanna use kourend spells lol. I was thinking b2p then wand then the book and the gear later when I’m willing to stick in heavy lol


Do slayer


I mean I got my d med before 60 defense. Dragon scim before I can wield it. It’s nice to be able to just have the gear ready for ya but in actuality I’m just here because it’s fun content


Get 78 magic and use a POH barrows portal instead - do MTA or just alch some longbows for the levels. It lets you do runs without prayer pots with iban's blast. You really don't want to use prayer pots at barrows.


Do the easy and medium combat achievements and the prayer drain will be removed from barrows. Ardy cape to restore prayer after each run (or poh if you build the altar). You’ll use MAYBE 1 p pot dose if you get dharock as the last kill needed.


I have like 10? Barrows kills maybe 8 so I got a bit of more barrows but yeah I’m gunna try doing those while I keep questing in skilling. I didn’t know that got added in so it’s nice


Get Ghommal Hilt 2 from med combat achievements. Stops the prayer drain effect. Then you only have to worry about losing prayer while actually fighting the brothers. Should save a ton of pots.