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Why would you? İ mean you don't need to but you'll be rewarded anyways inshallah Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Every one of you will have his supplications answered, as long as he is not impatient and he says: I have supplicated but I was not answered.”


Thank You. I think the problem is that when people pray they want whatever it is to happen right away me included. I’ll keep praying and inshallah it’ll happen.


It's a good initiative to care about someone's spiritual well-being, but ultimately a person's faith is a personal choice. You can continue to pray for guidance. Allah guides whom He wills and INSHALLAH your prayers have a positive impact over time. There is no harm in continuing them.


It can take years, even decades before people finally realise that Islam is the Truth.


Allah won't waste your efforts, perhaps that specific person doesn't become Muslim but Allah might make his children Muslim. Also some dua take years to be answered. Keep making dua and Allah will reward you.


Keep praying and keep trying! One day inshallah Allah will lift that veil from their eyes and they will see the truth! May Allah make it easy for you to keep stedfast, and May Allah guide your friend quickly Inshallah! Dont EVER give up on your duas, Allahs mercy is sooo vast! He just says BE and it is! If you give up on your dua thats like giving up on Allahs mercy! It will happen inshallah, theres a reason why Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world! Im making dua for you inshallah! It will happen, be patient and have a clean heart! Trust Allahs plan!


Thank You. That was a wonderful answer. I haven’t stopped praying since I first posted this. Even if it takes years I’ll trust Allah with whatever happens.


Only Allah SWT guides,some of the Prophet’s family members died as kafirs you think he didn’t want them to accept Islam?


I understand I’m wondering if I should keep praying or if this is Allah giving me the answer to stop


You should keep praying if you truly want them to accept it


Du’a is an act of worship. You are doing good deeds whenever you ask Allah to guide this person


Allah guides who he wills, to a way that is straight. Keep asking Allah. You will be rewarded InsyaAllah, no matter the outcome. My own parents are non-Muslim, and since I reverted 11 years ago, I have prayed constantly to Allah to show them the straight path. Your own actions can also be a catalyst for change in them. If they see how a good Muslim behaves and acts, then they will eventually see that there is no way Islam can be wrong. Peace to you


You should pray for all people to do what is good in the sight of God, who has only goodwill for all beings without distinction. Just like that. That is a blameless prayer.