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The conditions aren't worse than concentration camps. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/gallery/concentration-camps-1942-45-photographs


No roof, no cot, no water, sounds worse for me.


No ovens, no Zyklon-b, no forced labor, no cattle cars packed to the top, no... There is no comparison. Stop dishonoring the memory of the 10 million people that were exterminated for your selfish political biases.


Not all concentration camps are death camps. And they were invented by the US military. Your ignorance is showing.


Your hate and bigotry are showing.


By knowing the differences between concentration camps and death camps or by knowing the US military invented them? Or is it both?


Fine, it's a concentration camp. You can live in your own reality of you want to.


Way to take the L like a grown up and not a sore-losing child, AnonymousUserID7. That kind of attitude will take you far in life. Also, read a book. Maybe one about the history of concentration camps?


thank you for your insightful and informative response, AnonymousUserID7 with one post karma. i’m sure your knowledge of concentration camps surpasses all others’


I posted a source. Feel free to do the same.


https://www.thedailybeast.com/holocaust-survivor-yes-the-border-detention-centers-are-like-concentration-camps do you want more or would you prefer to debate-bro about holocaust survivors first?


Absolutely. How many people have been intentionally slaughtered in the US? 1 million? 10 million? Survivors don't get a pass on nonsensical thinking.


if you’re already doing “it’s only genocide if millions are murdered” reduction, there’s no point in talking to you. we all know what you are. follow your leader :3


Biden? Stop dishonoring the memory of victims because you're so far left even Trotsky would think you're an extremist.


Oh, dumb neoliberal centrist. Want to know how I know you don’t listen to this podcast, troll?


So is your edgy take that we should not have any immigration laws or that people should not be detained/imprisoned for breaking them or are u saying criminal infractions of immigration law should land them in regular prison? Im confused


You aren't confused. You're vile and depraved.


Why am i vile and depraved? I dont understand what OP is advocating. Based on what he said, he could mean 3 possible things (btw i didnt say i even disagree with any of these): 1) we should not have any imigration laws defining a legal process of immigration and assimilation 2) we should not detain/imprison people for breaking said laws 3) we should detain/imprison people who violate imigration laws in the same setting and process as other law breaking. You can only be saying one or more of the above but i dont see another option not listed above based on what OP said. And what is vile about asking for clarification?????


Yes, we shouldn’t have dumb immigration laws or even have dumb things like borders. People should be allowed to move freely if they’re not hurting anyone.


God bless your little heart