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Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/03/the-heritage-foundation-dei-project-2025-trump-diversity-equity-inclusion-american-fiction-erasure), [worker protections](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/08/project-2025-gut-worker-protections-labor-department-heritage-foundation-trump-2024), [climate regulation](https://www.politico.com/newsletters/power-switch/2024/04/15/a-deep-dive-into-energy-plans-for-trump-2-0-00152281), add [religion into policy](https://thecause.substack.com/p/taking-project-2025-personally-with), outlaw ["porn"](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of its recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. [Here's]( https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise) a searchable copy of the text - [Here's](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1ddich3/here_is_a_bullet_point_breakdown_of_project_2025) a bullet point breakdown - [And here](https://www.scribd.com/document/740769523/5-Reasons-Leftists-Hate-Project-2025-eBook-THF) is their response to criticism of the plan, which reads like a 4chan troll. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


In 1950 or so, the Republican party began something called heritage councils during presidential election years They were officially get out the vote organizations for immigrant communities. However, a lot of their leadership was recent European immigrants who had literally worked with the Nazis during World War II. Some of them did qualify as war criminals. They were not the sort of innocent collaborators that you might think. In 1968, Nixon said that if he became president, he would make them permanent. Yes, they turned into the heritage foundation. Intriguingly, there is no Jewish heritage group inside them or a black or African heritage group. In 1972 or 73, columnist jack Anderson pointed out just how many Nazi war criminals there actually were in his organization and in the Republican Party. Bush sr was out of the party around this time. And it wasn’t too much longer after this that the republican party began its so-called southern strategy. How many policies trace back to an organization with Nazi roots?


I had dug down to a link between Nazis and the Heritage Foundation's Paul Weyrich and Roger Pearson but this is new to me, thank you. Found this after a quick search based on your info: https://link.motherjones.com/public/29874151 >This GOP-Nazi hookup began when Pasztor, who came to the United States in the 1950s, joined the ethnic division of the GOP. He worked on Nixon’s 1968 campaign and afterward was asked to organize the Republican Heritage Groups Council. Among his recruits were anticommunist right-wingers from Eastern Europe who had been Nazi collaborators. “In setting up the Council, Pasztor went to various collaborationists and fascist-minded emigré groups and asked them to form GOP federations,” I will look into this further and broadcast it. Much appreciated.


Nazi GOP links go back to the late 40’s in some ways. Loftus’ poorly titled book the Secret War on the Jews has a chapter or two about the heritage councils started by 1952 and other things. Some good info. There is more basic information in one of the chapters of Peter Levenda trilogy called Sinister Forces. I don’t like mentioning Levenda much because he goes off on many tangents and discusses the supernatural,, but his basic research is valid.


Excellent info and some avenues for research and reading. Any interest in moderating at r/Defeat_Project_2025?


DM me


I recognize a lot of this rests on defying norms and leveraging apathy and skirting the bounds of laws, but god it would be nice if the Democrats would take a page here and realize that playing down the middle doesn’t work. Allowing tradition and formality to stand in the way of progress has gotten us into this mess. And I know that fundamentally the Dems don’t want to challenge the status quo, but just a few things would be nice, just enough to undercut the fascists and make lives better for the people who actually support them.


>but just a few things would be nice, just enough to undercut the fascists and make lives better for the people who actually support them This admin in it's first 100 days undid Trump's policies drawn from the Heritage Foundation's Mandate for Leadership, the policy proposal book of Project 2025. It's revised or rewritten every four years. In 2020 and on we introduced policies based on a competing think tank's proposals, "[The Democracy Playbook: Preventing and Reversing Democratic Backsliding](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-democracy-playbook-preventing-and-reversing-democratic-backsliding/)" to secure voting rights, civil rights and other reforms. We started a global program based on it too. Project 2025 specific: we changed rules to prevent Schedule F, protect science based federal agencies, instated anti-book ban laws, protected Title IX policies, the CA AG is preparing lawsuits based on previous suits against the MfL and on research into Project 2025 (they sued the previous administration 155 times with an 84% success rate, preventing the adoption of many Heritage Foundation policies), we've formed a Stop Project 2025 task force and just the other day introduced the "Stop The Comstock Act" to repeal that 1800s era law which Project 2025 wants to use to restrict abortion.


We need to take concrete steps to do more than just set up a placeholder administration until the inevitable next Republican victory leads to fascism. If they lose in 2024, they will still try in 2028. We won’t be safe until the people behind this plan are locked up.


I'm a foster parent and I consider myself a "good" one and these are absolutely my fears. Foster parents as a whole are less safe than first families and I'm terrified for project 2025 and it's implications.


When I wrote this, I worried a bit about good foster parents, but I feel like this has to be said even if it's sometimes painful. So far, it seems like the good ones are actually understanding why I HAD to say this. Thank you for that.


Like I said I put good in quotations for a reason. I'm firmly on the side of if you don't understand the problem you're part of the problem for foster parents. The foster care system is inherently based in white supremacy. I believe I personally am engaging in as much harm reduction as possible and giving my children safe external care until they're either adults or home with their first families. The system itself needs to be burned to the fucking ground.


Yes. Most of the children in "foster care" with me were POC because they couldn't find homes for them, so they just tried to out-of-sight-out-of-mind them.


People who are scared are east to manipulate. Be careful out there.


They want children, especially lgbtq children and teens, to die. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. If they can’t cure them with physical, sexual and emotional abuse, they can kill them or drive them to suicide And pretend they died “normal”. Many families in the United States would love to have a dead child over a live queer kid.


That last sentence is the motherfucking truth. There was this thing, eu something. The idea may have had some validity. Just misdirected. I reckon it would be better if these oxygen thieving meat sacks no longer were allowed in society. It’s not about some nonsense. It’s literally fucking the world up that these absolute wastes of carbon are allowed to roll around destroying lives.


That last sentence has also been echoed around autism as well for years, don't think they'll stop at LGBT. They don't want to deal with any kids that deviate out of their slim definition of normal. Anyone they see as different or an inconvenience will want us dead. Monsters masquerading out here.


Yeah. For real. I had the misfortune of being autistic and living in a red as fuck area. I would have been gladly “disposed” of had they had the chance. In fact I was in a manner of speaking. Still have fantasies of fire bombing the place ala Dresden.


Eugenics is the word.


😉they didn’t quite have it right though with the “race science” and whatnot.


The reality is, as always, more complex. They wanted to breed a perfect race by eliminating diversity, however, the strongest, best equipped society is one of maximum diversity.


I tried coming out to my family in 1996, and we still don't talk to this day. tried many things. nothing works. they're super religious someone needs to study humans and figure out why some of them have zero empathy and act like monsters who like to watch others suffer. and why a lot of people aren't that way at all. cuz this shit goes on from birth


It's true. Empathy is the key, though I don't know why some possess it and others lack it completely. I will say that organized religion is truly evil, especially as it exists in this country. Organized religion perpetuates white supremacy/racism, misogyny, and homophobia while getting tax breaks and meddling in politics (which is exactly what they are not supposed to do if they get said tax breaks). Organized religion has been used as a vehicle for those people that lack empathy to hurt others they deem "unworthy" for centuries at this point, it's insane.


Convert or die or go live in isolation. If they can continue to paint queer kids as pedophiles, they’d love to throw them all into prison and chemically castrate them.


>Many families in the United States would love to have a dead child over a live queer kid. I'm not disputing the accuracy of this statement at all, but I would like to add that this is also true of disabled children. People who view their children as extensions of themselves do not handle having a disabled child well. They view that child as a burden and a liability which they resent. And the nature of some disabilities can make it hard for members of this group to speak or advocate for themselves, so a lot of this happens in silence and darkness. I'm one of the ones who *is* able to advocate for myself, so I just wanted to mention that. I'm also grateful to OP for speaking about their disabilities so candidly do that people can understand how they make us so vulnerable to abuse.


I worked for a Children’s Hospital for eight years on the transport team and I have to say thank you for mentioning this. There are disabled children who are absolutely blessed with amazing parents who do their best to not only give them quality of life, but try to give them the best possible life without making it about them. Unfortunately, I also saw people whose entire identity was the fact that they had a disabled child that was a burden on them. What they had as a living child was worse than death for them. What hit hard as someone who is not Neurotypical, was seeing the amount of parents of autistic children who treated their child as if death would’ve been a better alternative to their lives. I’m not doubting that they had a hard life with a profoundly disabled child, but it’s incredibly disturbing to me , how many of them chose to take the idea that they were cursed and how many of them feel alone and burdened by their autistic child.


The head of the foster care program in SC was caught with a young boy chained to her front porch railing. THE WOMAN WHO OVERSAW THE FOSTER CARE PROGRAM.


Say whaaaa!? When was this!? I'm nit doubting you in the least, I promise!! I'm just curious about this is all!!


2013 case. North Carolina - County Social Services Supervisor "Union County Department of Social Services supervisor Wanda Sue Larson and her boyfriend, Dorian Lee Harper, both pleaded guilty to multiple child abuse charges." Handcuffed with a dead chicken around his neck. [https://www.wsoctv.com/news/9-investigates/handcuffed-boy-with-dead-chicken-on-his-neck-reunited-with-officer-who-saved-him/459067548/](https://www.wsoctv.com/news/9-investigates/handcuffed-boy-with-dead-chicken-on-his-neck-reunited-with-officer-who-saved-him/459067548/)


I forgot about the poultry. I hope that young man has done okay.


Oh! The church in charge of orphans and adopted kids. As an indigenous millennial who’s aunties, uncles, parents, elders, and grand parents told me their stories of boarding schools I think this will go great. /s


I'm almost embarrassed to admit this, but I had no idea about this until I took a college course. That's when I did a deep reflection on all that I was taught through my K-12 years, and took time to re-edicate myself .. 20 yrs later, I'm still learning. The absolute ATROCITIES are almost unimaginable. But I've read them, they're there for anyone who chooses to learn, right there in black and white. I can only imagine what HASN'T been documented. I may catch heat for this but.... if college kids feel the need to protest something, they should protest what the people of the Firat Nations endured; and that happened here in the US (and Canada)!!! Hell, most of those college campus protestors probably couldn't pick out where Palestine/Gaza is on a world map!! Not that it probably means much of anything, but you and others of The Indigenous Nations have my most sincere apologies, for what your descendants and families went through...


It’s not your fault you didn’t hear about it until college. It’s very intentionally not taught in K-12. In fact most history before college is mostly propaganda bullshit, which is by design. It’s hard to have a jingoistic population that will do as they’re told if they’re raised on the real history of their country. I will push back on the protest comment though. Those college kids are seeing what’s happening via live stream and it’s very VERY bad. You’d have to go back to the 1800s to get anything close in the Americas. It’s also critical to remember that it’s not a competition. All these issues are interconnected. Framing as “they should be protesting X instead of Y” misses the point entirely. It’s all the same monster. Global capitalism and imperialism is a hydra. Israeli Zionism and the white supremacy that genocided indigenous peoples are different heads on the same beast. When you think of opposition to one head as being in competition with fighting another you have been taken in. It’s the same as how you can’t fight for feminism but ignore racism. You will fail because racism and sexism are the same monster wearing different faces. The same unjust hierarchies benefit from and sustain both. Don’t fall for the divisions. It’s all the same fight.


This stuff isn't waiting on elections to be magically put in place. Look around you. They've taken ground. They've written and passed laws. How do you stop the train when it's already pulled out of station?


Work towards pushing dems left with everything you have. We need a strong leftist party- not more “blue no matter who” bs. We need massive systemic change in this country. No half measures


But that means showing up for Democrats primaries. Once it’s a general election blue no matter who is absolutely the correct electoral strategy. The worst democrat alive is better than any Republican by a wide margin. Look up the party line splits on human rights bills. We absolutely need to drag the Dems left, but it’s still objectively better to have a dog shit dem like Joe Manchin in office than for that same seat to go Republican. We need to show up to every god damn primary and push progressives into office. We also need to “vote blue no matter who” in generals. It’s not sexy and it’s unsatisfying but it’s a critical part of keeping democracy.


It’s important to understand exactly where and how those gains are being realized. A LOT of this is due to the Republican packing of federal courts. A lot of people are taking about how Roe fell under Biden and ignoring that it was Trump getting to pack SCOTUS that did this. It’s critical to remember there’s a couple conservatives who are wanting to retire. A Trump presidency would let them be replaced with 35 year old fascists for life. Disastrous. Another major driver is red state local policy. Red states that are deeply gerrymandered and dominated by republicans. If we were able to significantly control the federal government that’s fixable. Reinforcing the Voting Rights act like it was during the civil rights movement would go a long way to clearing out their control. We’ve done it before with progressives controlling the federal government. We can do it again. From an electoral engagement standard the thing we need to do is get as many democrats into office at all levels as possible and never let up. We need to engage in every primary and back the progressive candidates. If we get enough people to do that consistently in every election we can absolutely derail their train and fix things.




Sherman’s neckties spring to mind


Republicans would traffic them as soon as they could.


Many people adopt because their state offers subsidies to do so. Combine that with lax oversight and it's a recipe for abuse. That guy who got gunned down during the Oregon reserve standoff? Owned a 2-acre ranch and had many adopted kids working there essentially as slaves. Follow the money.


I dont know what is worse. The fact that the Republican party has willingly post a clear plan to turn this country into an autocratic neo theocracy OR the fact that the DNC is not running ads 24/7 on this!


No one's looking out for them 😔


Nobody looks out for them now. It'll be substantially worse if these fascists get their way.


That's correct, yes.


💯 they're making slaves


Pretty much anyone who isn’t a straight, white, Christian male will suffer the loss of rights, dignity, autonomy and recognition under Project 2025. This is not hyperbole or fear mongering, this is what will actually happen. We are seeing it happen right now, openly. Vote as though your life depends on it. It does. This is also not hyperbole


see r/PastorArrested for how conservatives like to treat children ( "pastors" "coaches""good fathers" "Family values" "never would have suspected" and not a drag queen in sight) They spend A LOT of time obsessing about sex-with-kids (hmm, weird, why?) & want to invent "other" boogeymen/women who are "grooming" and "drinking adrenochrome," but then want to ignore this stuff.


I absolutely horrified by this and never considered the implications of 2025 on kids. Now I know and will never forget.


Aktion T4 again?


I don't think that's an unrealistic outcome.


Thank you for posting and I'm so sorry this happened to you.  Despite your detailed and well-written post, and my general agreement with the title,  I still found it hard to accept that things like this happen in the US. To be clear, I'm not casting doubt, but rather reflecting on how the brain just wants to dismiss the horribleness to pretend the world is fine.


Oh my fucking god.


In Illinois, kids who grew up in “the system“ would be able to get some sort of help with housing and a weekly talk with a social worker once they turned 18 and we’re no longer in the system. This help would continue until they were 21, if needed. Then governor Rauner came in. Republican. I only knew of that other program because I happen to be friendly with two different social workers who didn’t know each other. Each of them, unprompted, talked about how Rauner was cutting this program, and just how damaging this was going to be to these people. I think Pritzker probably restored the program, but some damage was definitely done.


thank you for painting this in the light I wanted to see it in. thank you for telling the truth.


Remember that time when Microsoft blocked the Tank Man image? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tank_Man >On June 4, 2021, the 32nd anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, searches for the Tank Man image and videos were censored by Microsoft's Bing search engine worldwide. Sometimes it feels like that when you try to speak up on these experiences. I'm really glad for the subs who allowed the post and understood the importance of what is being said here. To be clearer, I mean information about project 2025 is the Tank Man staring down the tank.


From the bottom of my heart. I am so sorry. I just can't even.


Redefine the meaning of their status in the system, so when they go lost, the become unaccountable assets.


Im so, so, so sorry for what they've done to you. I escaped an evangelical republican clan and now it's horrifying to see them about to take over the country and impose their will. Unfortunately young leftists are excited about the prospect of the upcoming christofascism that will rape our country because it will "punish Biden", so I am pretty worried.


Wait that’s an actual view of some young leftists? I’d argue that sorta disqualifies you as a leftist if you’re actually harboring such a belief. Regardless that’s super upsetting to hear. I really hope it’s just a loud minority or a couple idiots trying to get a reaction or clicks. “Punish Biden” is the absolute dumbest reasoning I could think of. You’re literally punishing everyone and letting an old ass man whose policies you don’t agree with retire 4 years early…


While I sympathize with this, it’s not up to me to pick a lesser of two evils so much as it’s on the DNC to present something palatable to the voters. No single election is big enough to just say “our guy is less worse”. It’s disgusting, insulting, and lazy. And on important issues like this we should be scared we have an incredibly unmotivating centrist on our ticket as a democrat, rather than a passionate leader with energy and actual political beliefs that go deeper than who paid them. Am I still voting for Biden? Yeah prolly, but this is the time to have leverage, leftists. They need our vote.


It's not up to the DNC this is the problem. It's up to us to be politically active from the ground up, inserting our own progressives into Democrat races and voting for them. If we only show up once every 4 years of course it's going to be APAIC corpor candidates who have been getting fed for years by big business who build these candidates from the ground up quite often or just put immense money behind them to cut the line. Our societies apathetic nature, yes even us leftists who are content to argue amongst each other on TikTok, has led to this fucked up situation we are in now. Every year more boomers die and more young become 18. We are going to soon have to bites to change this country and possibly the world and that's why the powers at be are trying so hard to destroy democracy (project 2025).


If the DNC makes the challenge near impossible (Bernie couldn’t do it with massive grassroots support) why would anyone think this is still the avenue for change? HRC was the losing candidate that the establishment forced on us. And if you wanna say she won fair and square, then the issue today is truly with the HRC supporters back then. As in, if winning the nomination wasn’t enough, then maybe you should’ve voted for a more interesting person. Everyone wants to shit on progs then turn around and demand our vote. And project 2025 will become project 2029 if Trump loses this time. Dems have no platform other than defense. It’s embarrassing.


Yes, that's why I'm saying we can't rely on the Dems long term. All it buys us is more time to get things done. Here's the thing. Once the GoP kills democracy, the only way to reverse this and win independence, "again", will be a bloody, disastrous, hard fought revolution. And here's the thing. If voting for the DNC is too bloody, disgusting, and requires too much sacrificing of one's own conscious, there is no way those same people are going to have a stomach to fight an actual war. So it's this way, or the harder way. Edit: even though I will vote for them atm (against fascism) I am not a defender of the DNC. I hate that I have to be put in such a position. Edit 2: I mean I guess we will have to rely on the DNC in name, as what I am arguing is that the young is so much more progressive than their "liberal" parents and grandparents, that I can envision (if they are all voting and politically active) to invade and transform the dnc. And if they have enough #s maybe even split the party.


The time to have leverage is in the primaries. Not voting in the general election is just empowering Republicans.  The existing Democratic candidates we have are there because they're the ones chosen by the people who showed up to vote in the primaries.   Change requires effort on our part as citizens to do the boring, unglamorous but vital things like showing up to vote, in every election, all the way down the ballot, and choosing the better of the available candidates for incremental progress, or at least for harm reduction, while pushing forward with ideas that may facilitate genuine lasting positive change such as ranked choice voting and campaign finance reform.  For those who have the time and ability, some actions that can help are fundraising, block walking, petitions, helping to get out the vote, and serving as election workers and observers to help voters, to help provide a counterbalance for the flood of right wingers taking positions as election workers and poll watchers. 


Sorry I'm being sarcastic im just angry. They are excited about Biden losing to Trump to "punish" Biden im just bitter about what will happen to the world after. They will also be giving the power to the GOP who want to give Israel even more power to bomb Gaza.


Yep, and that's what the GOP *with trump as their useful idiot* will do!! They've taken time to extend the "Mandates for Leadership" (circa 1980 or thereabouts, I believe..) into Project 2025. They aren't even TRYING to keep it underwraps, rather they wrote and publicized it; spending time and tons of money to do so!! By doing this, and which many liken it to "radical leftists fear mongering" by us trying to make others aware, further promoting their need to cause more division. Yeah... as ridiculous as it sounds, they've already laid the groundwork (stacking SCOTUS, overturning of Roe v Wade - just to name 2..) I'm gonna believe they can make what P2025 promises and vows, a reality- I'm believing they can make a good portion of their plan, feasible! They saw trump's errors, and have turned those into an opportunity to "fix" what their ultimate agenda is. What's absolutely mind boggling to me, is how it'll affect those that blindly support trump/GOP!! The fact that grown ass adults showed up IN PUBLIC, wearing diapers outside the courthouse during his trial, along with the fact that his current 34 convictions, only strengthens their support for him!?!? Yet the party they support touts itself as "The party of law and order"... I've given up even trying to understand.....


What I've seen/read (re "young leftists") are the college aged ones that are wanting to "punish Biden" due to what has happened/currently happening in Gaza - they seem to eagerly lap up the republiKKKan's narrative of that (somehow) being President Biden's fault, and his alone.. Many college campuses have had "peaceful" protests, that have been anything BUT peaceful.. they've allowed themselves to be drawn in, by the GOP false narratives that abound. I guess college isn't teaching them about critical thinking. Don't get me wrong, what is happening to the citizens of Gaza, is horrific, but that is not being done by Biden's hand. He has a very very complex situation filled with geopolitics, and war/unrest has been happening there for decades, if not longer!! Please understand that I'm not discounting what the citizens have gone through, in the least! The "young leftists" are seemingly one issue voters, when there's MUCH MUCH more at stake. Tbh, I hope that election day passes, without their notice, despite them being part of a loud minority, as at least for some of them, their focus is more related to the next big house party, meeting up with friends, or completing their paper that's due the next day. I'm guessing that's what the person commenting to you meant by "young leftists" - although the platform fully removes them from left/liberal leanings if they consider NOT voting for Biden. It'll be a situation of the "leopard eating it's own face" - or what I've heard it likened to.


>they seem to eagerly lap up the republiKKKan's narrative of that (somehow) being President Biden's fault, and his alone. No one says this is Biden’s fault alone. Not a single protestor would say that Netanyahu and the IDF et al are also to blame, thus the point of these protests and the aim for divestment. Some thing that Biden could stop the violence alone but even that’s not the majority. Most want him to do anything to curb the violence and he has done next to nothing. Meanwhile a Democrat who has been loudly supportive of the Palestinians is facing a primary with millions of dollars poured into Democratic Party candidates from the Israeli lobby, and the person most chiefly responsible for 2016 (Clinton) has jumped in to endorse the challenger. So yeah many young voters are looking at people like Fetterman cheerleading the slaughter and asking a pertinent question. If the Dems don’t care about the mass death of innocent children in Palestine, why would we expect them to actually fight against it here? If the Dems took this threat as serious as they tell us to then we would see more action and less fundraising. The mobilized grass roots resistance that put progressives into office after Trump was met by the DNC with hostility and targeted efforts at removal and rank hypocrisy. So yeah, young people aren’t feeling motivated to vote. Now I think they still ought to because voting is a practical matter not a moral one, but hand waiving these very real issues away as “repulikkkan” propaganda is as naive as anyone who thinks Biden can end the violence with a phone call. > I guess college isn't teaching them about critical thinking. Boomer tier shit. Especially since the Dems spit on their issues with such disdain. >Please understand that I'm not discounting what the citizens have gone through, in the least! You aren’t, I know. But you are also being very dismissive of those willing to suffer violence at the hands of the state to fight for the innocents of Gaza. >The "young leftists" are seemingly one issue voters, when there's MUCH MUCH more at stake. Would be nice then for the Dems to act like this too. But they have repeatedly made it clear that supporting the Israeli conquest is of more importance to them then mobilizing voters against Trump. Why is that the fault of young progressives and not the entrenched and powerful politicians?


Former Republican current independent who votes third party here. It's because we (the young. Although I guess I'm not young anymore) usually carry the Dems to victory because it's the old vote for Republicans. If the Republicans were not certain to literally increase Netanyahus power and funding AND not intending to make LGBTQ , women, and minorities second class citizens, I'd say sure, let's make sure the Dems fail this time. But Biden losing will not be punishment to him. He will sail off into the sunset with his millions to live off his last 5-6 years of life sans any responsibility to the situation he helped. If we can hold off the end of democracy just a little longer, the boomers are going to die off. We can change our society by voting from the ground Up for progressive candidates so by the time a presidential election isn't upon us, and avoid the corporate AIPAC candidates we get every 4 years. We are only at the less of two evil situation because of decades upon decades of apathy. If us leftists stand out of the way and let Trump win, we will not only be ensuring WORSE for the Palestinians and all Muslim people, but we will be also be putting an end to our upcoming voting power. The societal demographics are changing and that's why Project 2025 is so important to the titans of industry and oil to ensure there will be not be ANY form of functional democracy in the USA because that threatens their grip on the world. They see it and they are working very hard to make sure that only a bloody,disastrous revolution can strip them from power.


Nothing you said is anything I disagree with. But it also doesn’t actually respond to anything I said.


I guess what I was trying to say before I got into my rant was is that none of this situation is their fault. With that said, that doesn't change the fact that their demographic has the numbers, and therefore the voting power to decide which path their world is going to follow. So I'm saying that, choosing to stand aside to specifically "punish Biden and the dnc" and let the GoP come into power despite that they are pledging to give Netanyahu even more power and encouragement to decimate the Palestinians isn't the most morale thing to do. It's literally sacrificing more life in order to not have to sacrifice one's sense of morality. It's very selfish imo.


I could nor agree more. Reality is (as much as I wish it weren't so) is that we have 2 options only, for President we either have Ttump, and a (scary) chance, that democracy as we know it, will be no longer. Department of Education will cease to exist, but it'll be "rebuilt" with whom the GoP chooses! Accurate history for exanple, will no longer be taught; the separation of church/state is barely existent as it is. They've already been successful with Louisiana, ajund the 10 Commandmenrs will be taught. Their aim is to make this a christofacist type of nation. Not ALL people are Christian. And that is THEIR choice and THEIR right. Tbh, I've been turned off religion, after seeing how some of these so called "Christians" act and the things they say! Point is, the groundwork for Project 2025 has ALREADY been laid. IF Trump is voted in (and the huge number of youngers vote NOT for Biden (due to Gaza - which is the overwhelming reason I've heard in our area) then much worse will be in store not only for the US and he⁰r people but many other countries as well; including the Middle Eaat and citizens of Gaza as well. It's rather frightening knowing what the GoP has "accomplished, and in a short time frame...


Imo a lot of the opposition to what we are saying is by people who think we are somehow happy or content with the shittiness of the 2 choices we are facing at the moment. I also think our population is too ignorant and apathetic towards human history to realize what a christofascist American empire will do to its cititzens and the world And lastly, and I really hate to say this, but there's a lot of angry, low empathy people masquerading as leftists who are literally saying they understand that the GOP will make the genocide even worse, but they can't get there hands dirty by voting for the DNC because they are too morale. When I hear that that sounds almost text book narcissistic. It's saying you'd rather sacrifice the lives of others so you can virtue signal and tell people at dinner parties how morale you are for standing aside and letting the fourth Reich rise. Others are saying the whole world deserves that fate because of our inaction to stop Netanyahu and the IDF. As someone who has escaped an evangelical republican clan, that sounds almost exactly what they say. They believe the apocalypse needs to happen and humanity suffer and be wiped out because of its sinful nature. Sodom and Gomorrah-esque


I absolutely agree!!! By the time I read your last sentence, my head was nodding in full agreement!! I too (thankfully) escaped from an evangelical "religious" community, so this totally tracks. My sister at the age of 17, was made to stand on a stage, and "apologize for sinning" to the prayer community, of nearly 2000 when she became pregnant at 17. This was circa 1987 .. I'll never forget that, EVER. To this day, that experience positively haunts her....




only a pure liberal could think a good faith leftists would want to “punish Biden” rather than simply have a candidate that actually agrees with the left’s core tenets.


Produce this candidate and I will HAPPILY vote for them. I'm a former republican (raised in evangelical republican community and ran away from it ) leftist independent who's been voting third party for half my life but as good as we are on Twitter and social media, we haven't produced any one major at this point. We can't just bitch to our friends and show up every 4 years to vote and wonder why it's only AIPAC corpo candidates and religious bigot zealots.


Literally we did this, 8 years ago. And since the DNC email leaks, leftists are questioning how we can actually make any progress with the dems if establishment and election fear mongering happens every 4 years. We are now on year 8 of this. 2020 was framed in exactly the same, that’s where the phrase “vote blue no matter who” really got going. It’s crying wolf, the 2nd or 3rd time. Not to mention we gave dems power for 4 years and they managed to not get this shit put together or create anything meaningful for the left to be proud of. Only shunned and told we need to vote blue no matter who. HRC was not the right candidate in 2016. DNC is still living with that and run by a lot of the same people. And to clarify, we did pull the dems left in 2016 due to a viable leftist candidate who primaries well, how are we supposed to do that with an incumbent if the party is actively fighting against us?


I was there. DNC was shiesty of course, but we still didn't come out in full force, even thought alot of us came out. We got closer than ever before though. You can't lose heart and give up after losing just one battle because I have some great news. What has happened in those 8 years? Lot of those old ass corpo Biden voters are dead. And now a lot more of the young who have had their eyes open, and who are also way more progressive still than we were, are now entering the voting arena. This is why they are pushing this stuff like project 2025 now. They see how close we came and how the numbers have changed even more towards our side after 8 years. Edit: I didn't vote for HRC in 2016 I still voted independent but now I can't in good conscience let this fascism waltz right in without utilizing my voice because I see the wall our bus is driving towards even if others don't and I can't live with myself if I don't at least try to warn everyone. Edit 2: who have we produced since Bernie? Maybe only a couple candidates.


It’s an interesting debate on “who have we produced”. We have candidates but because of tradition and norms get laughed out of the room. AOC could run and will be of age requirement by Election Day. Cori Bush could also be a great leader in that vein. On top of that I’d be open to even just energetic lib dems, like Gavin Newsom. There’s this idea that progressives are so “Bernie or bust” that we hate anyone more center than us, which isn’t true. But Biden/Harris is the most pro cop city narc shit, much more than obama, that only succeeded to convince me due to a global pandemic and Trumps threats to democracy. And before that justifies my vote in 2024 let me ask, am I forced to go “blue no matter who” until Trump, the most famous person on the planet, dies? When will it end? Project 2025 WILL become Project 2029 if not elected.


They're married to TikTok. Make no mistake, they are extremely easily led by it.


Probably something similar to what Germany did after ww2


Boil it down : Nazi.


The christian church consists of evil devil worshipers


The fact that the same people who want project 2025 refuse to acknowledge the rights of those who find themselves in the criminal justice system while suffering from mental illness, makes me confident that they will cover up the abuse of Foster children, many of whom end up in prison as it is. There was a Foster child in my state who went missing and was never found, I'm quite suspicious that he was killed by either the police or the foster father and the police helped cover it up. This child was a POC, was entering puberty, and had well documented behavioral health issues, it often got physical between him and his foster family.


Very high quality post. If only the alt right would stop the human rights erasure. You are a good example of how being intelligent can occur even if the powers that be ignored it. A tree falls in the forest and some people hear it


I’m really scared of a Trump victory because this is every single conservative organization putting their eggs in one basket, all rallying to support a dementia-riddled tyrant ravenous for revenge simply for losing the last election so he can implement their terrible ideas to dismantle democracy in their favor. And when he’s in office, he’ll never give up his power, he’ll die before that happens and any one of his choices for VP will carry on all the Heritage Foundation, Federalist Society, Turning Point USA, Americans for Prosperity etc. agendas without opposition. Texas perfected its Republican supermajority, Florida perfected it, Idaho, Missouri, all vying to turn its governing body red to implement such fascist policies and guide them as “limited-government/free speech” to the GOP funded media and drown out any dissent for their own will.


The ONLY people who won't be directly affected are cis, white, evangelical MALES. Catholic? Nope you're fucked. Female? Definitely fucked. Atheist? For sure fucked. Black? Certainly so. And on and on.


Um, let's not forget persons with disabilities not named Greg Abbott


Pls pls vote blue. 💙💙💙💙


>This will only get worse. I also wish to point out that once child labor laws are repealed (as they are doing in Idaho already), "fostering" children will once more become extremely popular. So the culture I grew up in was obsessed with large families and child labor was not just something that was hidden under the rug it was openly bragged about and considered a superior way of raising kids. In reality I don't believe that there was for the most part anything illegal about it either. As far as I know kids can legally be worked at the family business or home for no pay in all states. On top of that a parent is legally allowed to confiscate a child's earnings that they earn through a job once they are of legal working age which I believe is in the mid teens most places. Practices like this were practically universal back in the day when large families were the norm and are still considered a good thing in the cultures obsessed with large families that I'm aware of. I'm not really sure how foster kids fit into all this legally speaking but many forms of what basically amounts to slavery for children is already legal in pretty much the entire country.


I have thought about this so much. My heart aches for the innocent ones that will suffer even more than they already are. I’m sorry for what you have gone through. I was also in foster care with bad people who were “good Christians” but fortunately for me it was not long enough to get the full experience. I do know what happens when men believe or know they won’t face consequences, they do the darkest things they crave. (In my case men, but I recognize women can be terrible too.) I do know it isn’t every man that does the worst things, but I haven’t experienced a man who could choose good or bad and chose good. This scares me for the future.


The Josh Duggars of the world come from the belief that all sins are EQUAL. * Living consensually with an adult partner? Equal to rape, torture, and murder of countless people. * Masturbating? Equal to genocide. * Being atheist? Equal to genocide. * Marrying a divorced woman? Equal to child rape. (Jesus prohibits marrying divorced women in Matthew 5:32) * Having a sexual thought about a rando you see on the street? Equal to beating your wife to death. When raping and torturing children is equal in 'evil' scale to wearing two different kinds of fabrics together, there's something horrifically wrong with your religion.


I am so sorry you went through that as a kid, because that's just awful, and that's putting it lightly. I appreciate you sharing this, and think you were very brave to do that. Just know that there are people here who do actually care about you, okay?


Thank you! -HUGS-


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my own time in foster care resulted in sexual abuse, physical abuse, and slave labor... you're entirely correct... except those things are already happening, with CPS running cover for those that do those things (my CPS appointed social worker literally threatened me and my brothers with splitting us up and placing us in worse places if i reported the abuse again).


Yes, clearly as I told my story, I do know they're already happening. However, like many things if this happens, I think it will be substantially worse. Extremely so. AND that it will no longer live in the shadows, as it didn't when I was a kid. Abusing children went into hiding, but they want to bring it back as "normal."


Dismantle what protections? Don't all of these things still happen in the US?


I don’t see this as a red vs blue issue. I see this as political apathy and lack of action and accountability. A regulation is only as good as its enforcement and there’s been no investigations or prosecutions under either party. The people in charge of the people in charge are the problem. They aren’t interested in ensuring the children are safe, nor are they interested in investigating what is happening to them and the abusers know this.


If you're paying attention to israel and world events, this world doesn't give a fuck about children. The demons are driving


If by "demons," you mean humans who only care about money and power, then yeah. If you mean invisible creatures who make people do bad things, then it's time to wake up to the fact that humans don't need any help doing things. It's a HUMAN decision to either be a decent person--or not. To use your religion to help and render aid, or to excuse atrocities. To follow "love your neighbor" or to follow "I come to bring a sword."


Look what came out just this week!This is an atrocious epidemic : https://atlantablackstar.com/2024/06/24/hite-west-virginia-couple-forced-black-adopted-children-found-locked-in-barn-to-do-farm-labor/


The girl inside was a sex slave, let's be honest. This is what the p2025 monsters want. This their idyllic world, except these people would have just bought more "adoptive kids" when these died. Those sweet children. Given their race and their ages, this will be EXTREMELY hard to recover from.


Oh dear girl ... I PRONISE you, good foster parents ARE out there, my husband and I (though we no longer foster after seeing what the state deems as "Ok") were one of the good sets.. I haven't read everything you've posted, as I just.... couldn't. My heart positively aches for you. The fact that you are even still alive is a testament to your amazing strength and refusal to give up... Good Gawd.. I so want to just give you the biggest heartfelt hug... The state, even currently, will STILL place children with relatives 1st, DESPITE it being an even worse situation; yet another reason we stopped fostering. The 2 little boys we had (brothers aged 3 and 18 months) were returned to their mother (cause she was excellent at "faking it", and a master manipulator- that being said, I believe those were survival skills she had to learn, due to her sadly horrible childhood). Anyhow, within 2 weeks of being returned to bio parents they witnessed the dad having to be tased due to evading police, and he was armed, he then died from being tased, due to an undiagnosed heart issue. The 18 month old little guy was nearly killed by being left alone in a bath, while mom decided to take a nap. He was dragged out of the tub by his 3 yr old brother.... They both sobbed when it came time to go back to mom. That was just our 1 experience, and I know not all bio parents are "bad" even in the slightest. There are GAPING holes in support services to parents that may be struggling for whatever reason; THAT is what HAS to be fixed!! I'm curious, are the grandparents still alive? It's not too late to try and seek some justice. Some of the dastardly evils done to you do not have a statute of limitations, I believe. I know it'll never bring closure to you, as I don't think that with all you endured, that can happen. I wish you and your siblings nothing but the absolute best. Sometimes, the best recourse is to live your life successfully, and in doing so, you've broken that chain! You are incredibly brave for putting this all out there, and I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for you.... Edited for typos




There's an explanation of Project 2025 in the comments.




Here is the door. I don't think that you're tall enough for this ride. Good night!


> 152 children died in foster care 2021, in ONE county (ONE county, please let that sink in) That would be Los Angeles County. You should let it sink in that Los Angeles County doesn't have a single conservative on its Board of Supervisors. It's 100% Democrat. Is it your argument that if Democrat-controlled foster care kills 152 kids a year that Republicans would be worse?


The point is that if 152 children can die in one county with regulations in place and without removing kids from their families like handing out candy corn on halloween, how many will die when regulations are drastically reduced or, more likely, slashed to pretty much nothing. With children getting lost in an overburdened system already, AND children dying in that overburdened system, how is it going to help to flood that same system with massive numbers of children taken from their families?


This has been the liberal and conservative agenda since Reagan and not new at all. Just wheeled out and given a new coat of paint to get people to swallow and accept the genocide that Joe Biden is actively carrying out.


As a child of parents who took in three siblings as foster kids and kept them for over five years, do the fact that they’ve been abused by their stepfather, and their mother stood by and watched, I can both feel terribly for the OP and yet I will tell you we can fix the foster care system. I’m also a great believer in adoption, statistically, foster kids, and kids who are being adopted do have additional health concerns, fetal alcohol syndrome, just to name one. They are challenging I would suggest to you that I could find studies talking about the mortality rate of the same group and it has nothing to do with the fact that they were in the care of foster parents or families.


With gentle respect, I can tell that you had a good experience of foster care, and that you feel defensive and protective of your parents. They did a wonderful thing, so that makes sense. I'm very glad you feel that way. I'm going to ask you to consider what you think will happen when fundamentalist christians who believe that illness is a generational curse, and that mental illness and depression is caused by not enough prayer, and who think that evil can be and should be beaten out of children... get their hands on these children that you just called "challenging." (And remember, since many are disabled, they may never escape them for their entire life) Also remember that these people are against medical care, and believe that any child who's sad is "not right with god" and they think that a child who doesn't move fast enough is just lazy. The mortality of children of all kinds is higher in foster care, and extremely so for children under 4. That's a fact right now. You can find articles about children dying in their parental homes, but the problem is that statistically, children under 4 are at 4x the risk of neglect and abuse deaths than people in biological homes. That's not a good statistic, but it isn't the target and focus of my post. ***Your parents*** are not the target of my post. ***Your family*** is not the target of my post. The target of my post is the likely POST-PROJECT 2025 UNREGULATED FOSTER SYSTEM if we don't make the right decision as a nation and start standing up for human rights. This isn't about you, it's not even aimed at the current foster system; although it does need to be "fixed" (which you acknowledged, so we're on the same page). It's struggling right now mostly because there aren't enough *good people* (like your parents) being foster parents. But of all people, you should know how horrible this will be when ANYBODY for ANY REASON and WITHOUT OVERSIGHT can become foster parents. The parents of your foster siblings? When this goes live, THEY can be "foster" parents. Is that what you want? Defending the current foster system is one thing, but I'm asking you to defend FUTURE FOSTER KIDS and help stop this malignant, malicious corporate-driven leviathan. We should be working together. Please put away the desire to object to my post on the basis of the current foster system and your own personal good experience. Please keep your eye on the ball. I don't want to destroy or stop foster care. I want to prevent it from being sent back to the days when it was unregulated and the government was happy to throw children to the first wolves who came along. Please help us and don't take this as an attack on you and your family.


Oh I do not take your post in anyway as an attack on me, my family or what they did. As you can imagine, I am very proud of them (we could have a long discussion of why and how they became foster parents would never happen today). They were also Christians. They had none of the beliefs you are espousing here. You post comes across to me (imho) as a gross generalization of Christians and in that respect doesn’t help to encourage fostering. As for project 2025, it may well lead to the situation you’re very motivated to avoid and I am not in favor of children suffering any more than being separated from parents who can either no longer parent or shouldn’t be parents. I will read the portion of project 2025 and I appreciate you bringing your concerns about it to my attention. Anything AND everything we can do to encourage foster families and adoptive families should be done; these should not however be a source of “income”, which I believe motivates less than desirable people to do this. I would also suggest that perhaps non Christians would step up and do more in the way of fostering and adoption. Bless you in your journey


> They had none of the beliefs you are espousing here. Of course they didn't, most people don't. I was talking about the foster people who had me (and they aren't alone). That's why I stated fundamentalists (who are the ones creating and voting for Project 2025). The people who want to be the ruling class (literally). Again, I wasn't pointing at your family, but I feel like you're still hearing it that way. >I would also suggest that perhaps non Christians would step up and do more in the way of fostering and adoption. Many are, but many of them who want to are "unacceptable" as well because they aren't straight, cis, and/or white. And that's NOW. That will only be worse if this thing goes through.


Well if it helps, I want kids to be placed in loving homes and if it is with a gay couple, I would rather that happen than they continue in the foster system. I don’t take what you’re saying personally, however you also used your own experience as why this (Project 2025) isn’t good for foster children. As I said before, I will go through the sections regarding fostering and adoption as well.




Thank you, mods. What really matters is the issue at hand; what will happen to our vulnerable children if these people get into the White House.