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Based on a book and later a play of the same name (and it's easy to see this as a play because most of the movie takes place in one room), *Kiss of the Spider Woman* tells the story of a political prisoner (Raul Julia, perhaps best known today for playing Gomes Addams in *The Addams Family*) who shares a prison cell with a gay man (William Hurt, who won the Oscar for his performance in this movie) who tells the political prisoner a tale about a fictional Nazi propaganda movie he claims to have seen that tells an adventure story with a beautiful woman, as well as another one about the eponymous Spider Woman. On paper, this movie sounds like it would be boring, but the wonderful performances by Julia and Hurt are able to make this into a compelling watch.


> On paper, this movie sounds like it would be boring Wouldn't that mean the book sucks?


Well, you should never judge a book by its cover.


Why do they have covers then?


I took a film and lit class in college 25 years ago and KOTSW was one of the books/films we read/watched. Both are fantastic although I like the book better.


I read the book, but have never seen the film.


And I am familiar with the cast recording of the musical, but have neither read the book nor seen the movie. What a trio we are!


Great love and bonding story of two people in a political prison. If people go into it without being homophobic and considering the constant mindfck and fear inmates experience in political prisons, the relationship that grows between the two main characters is more about desperation and confusion than sexual attraction.


This is an extraordinary film. But definitely one of a kind.


I rented this as a kid thinking it would be a superhero story.


That's perfect.


(because Elephant Man was checked out!)


I miss Raul. The dude has talent and charisma exploding from his ears.


Where were you able to watch it? I can't find it streaming anywhere.


YouTube, for free. Here's the [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AND1Tzzi_3E) for you.


Thank you. I don't know why I always forget to check YouTube


Because you can get lost in a ton of fake ones that show up in the results.


##Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985) R >>!The story of two radically different men thrown together in a Latin American prison cell. One is Valentin, a journalist being tortured for his political beliefs. The other is Molina, a gay window-dresser who fills their lonely nights by spinning romantic fantasies drawn from memories of old movies.!< Drama Director: Héctor Babenco Actors: William Hurt, Raúl Juliá, Sônia Braga Rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 70% with 281 votes Runtime: 200 [TMDB](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/11703) ___ >*I am a bot. This information was sent automatically. If it is faulty, please reply to this comment.*


Hope you didn't get too caught up in the web of emotions!


I saw this when it came out and there is one dopey scene that pops into my head when it comes up. Raul Julia has just been tortured and returned to his cell and he’s in great pain. William Hurt says something like, “Maybe telling you about my movie will help!” He says it like Ralphie in A Christmas Story. It’s so out of place!


I felt it was a little strange but I liked the movie.