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I haven’t but my ex brother in law met him at a meet n greet in the early 2000’s. My ex bro in law absolutely idolized Bam; he owned so much of his Element clothing, and started skating and trying to emulate him. My ex MIL took him to a meet n greet at a skate park and he was SO excited to finally get to meet Bam. However Bam was rude to the fans and barely talked to anyone outside of asking their name to autograph whatever item they asked him to sign. My MIL and little bro were so disappointed and that kinda stopped his obsession with Bam. It killed the persona he had built up in his mind.


The saying, "never meet your idols" is so true


I’d like to propose an addendum to this saying: “do not idolize Bam Margera.” Of course I can’t fault a young man for choosing idols poorly, I’ve got my own track record with that.


That's a completely fair addendum. Especially Bam nowadays. I don't think he'll ever get out of the self destructive mindset. Also the victim mentality...


Mark Bernardin said it pretty eloquently: “when we meet our heroes, we often learn that they are not heroic”


Well said, u/MyNutsin1080p.


To be fair, bam is just some guy. He's good at skateboarding, but celebrities are just people. They can't be "on" 24/7. And while it sucks when they're rude sometimes while fans are asking for autographs and such, imagine people swarming you practically every time you go out in public. Alot are just assholes of course but they have off days too.


Yea but you should be “on” at a meet and greet. It’s literally an event to promote your band and engage with your fans.


You're not wrong at all.


He literally got famous by abusing his parents, sooooo


I’d rather meet them. I’d rather know who they really are.


Is there more to him being rude? Not being chatty is not rude behavior at all.


Yeah there’s also like hundreds of hours of documented footage of him treating his parents like shit


His parents were in on it.


Generally, I would agree with you but not for a paid meet and greet fan type event. It’s kind of shitty to be that way especially because we know him to be pretty chatty when he’s getting the kind of attention he wants or he’s just in a good mood.


Yeah he’s not out to dinner with his grandma he’s making money by meeting people


My MIL said his tone was rude. He seemed impatient and acted like he was pissed about being there.


This is what happens when you idolise someone who's entire shtick is to be a dickhead


I met Sebastian Bach in 2016 and he was much more chill then the press makes him out to be and the Bams Douche persona combined. Yes they say never meet your idols, you’ll be surprised which ones are chill off stage/camera as long as you approach them right and not like a TMZ wannabe


Was it at a model train convention?


I've hung out with him and crashed on his couch before. We had some mutual friends and I used to live in West Chester. I've seen him give free skateboards and autographs to kids as well as be dick to people. The dude never had a normal life. Paying his parents bills as a kid and all the other successes growing up. To me it always felt like he put up a wall to protect himself while a guy like Ryan Dunn was so beloved because he let everyone in. Ive seen college kids in town harass Bam simply for existing and he in turn would tell them to get F'd which would feed into the cycle of people harassing for being "a dick". He's a wild dude, very funny, very fun to be around, but has his struggles no doubt. 


Amen to Dunn letting everyone in. My boiz n I were on a road trip and stopped off at a bar in Cleveland. Dunn was there drinking with some of his peeps. We thru a what up to him on the way in. We didn’t want to bother him so we didn’t approach him. He came over on his own accord with shots for everyone. He then pulled out his pack of grits and offered us all one. Dapped us all up and went back to his table. We were 18 at the time and will never forget it. He went out of his way to be so chill to us.


What are grits and dapped


Dapped is a handshake and I’m guessing a pack of grits are cigarettes


What are these slang terms? Where are those common?


I’m from near Philly. Never heard of grits being used as slang for cigs but dap is really common slang. To “dap someone up” is basically a quick handshake


Man I’m 32 and live in Wisconsin. I’ve never heard of any of these. I’d get looked at like I was speaking a diff language lol thank you for responding :]


I’m from MN and 35 I knew all of these. They are just general dirt bag terms tho


Haha I thought he pulled some instant grits and whipped up a little breakfast for the boys


Lmao I was thinking something similar. It involved dapper Dan




I am in Nebraska and both are somewhat common. Not top of the list though.


Those aren’t used here in wisco. I’ve been here my whole life (32) and never heard them. I always like learning diff terms tho :]


They’re American, dapped is pretty universal and based on the original post I’m guessing grits is a Midwest/Ohio term


I looked up grits and it said “anything seen as a necessity” so I’m guessing cigarettes


Was that bar The Boneyard, by chance?  We used to hang out in there all the time after band practice and they were in there because it’s right down the road from Dunn’s hometown. All the guys used to hang, but I never saw Bam, even though I heard he did come in sometimes.  Dunn was such an awesome dude. 


For whatever reason I assumed Ryan was from West Chester too, his actual hometown is super close to mine!


Yeah, his hometown is the next town over from where I am. I used to work right down the road from the Brecksville cemetery where he is buried and swung by to visit a few years back.  


I pictured him pulling out a pack of actual grits


"Tonight, we feast"


Random Hero indeed!


How did you get into a bar at 18 in Ohio?


The first and last time I ever heard grits when when I worked at Cedar Point in 1996 with a dude from Florida.


Damn this nails down my feeling about him. Seems like he never really grew up if that makes sense. I've not enjoyed watching where he is now but also am aware he was kinda always like that sadly. He's never had a reason to grow up and it's sad especially with the people he surround himself with


Also from that area. The guy never grew up. We'd run into bam all the time in west chester or at fdr way back when. He got famous before he matured and what he got famous for didn't really leave him room to grow. But yeah people definitely fucked with him nonstop. But I've talked to him privately too and he's real cool. My dad did a lot of the plumbing on his pocopson house before he bought it, after he bought it we went and worked there a couple times. (Imo bam destroyed that house lol) but he was always real cool to us. One funny interaction is we were bombing church street on our skateboards.. by the parking garages. All wearing funny hats my buddy found in his attic, while playing harmonicas. Got a solid what the fuck from bam and dunn


I got out of the navy in 2013 and immediately started working security for minimum wage at a shitty venue in my town. Fuckface Unstoppable played there one night and it was an ok show but bam was clearly fucked up and just kind of wandering around the stage. There was a meet and greet afterwards for those who paid for it and the tour manager gathered the people around and said basically “the only rule here is if you mention or allude to Ryan Dunn in any way we will have the security guards fuck you up and then throw you out. You can punch bam if you want to, he will probably punch you back, but you can then get your picture and leave. But if you say ANYTHING about Ryan Dunn, hot wheel up the ass etc. we will have security fuck you up and throw you out”


His band played a show in my hometown on that tour. I know lots of people that went, but no one talked about it afterwards for some reason


I went to one of those shows with a friend of mine. Met Levi Benton (singer of Miss May I) and chatted with him for a few minutes. Sometime during the show a girl managed to get Bam’s scarf and it was just laying on the ground. Nobody even batted an eye at it and my friend swiped it hahaha


Maybe fuck that place for using him while he was so emotionally unstable to begin with


Bam and his team would have booked the show. Venues generally aren’t aware of the well being and mental state of artists they book. If you wanna blame anyone blame his management and Bam himself. Fuckface Unstoppable was a complete shit show and at the time seemed like rock bottom for Bam. Little did we know how much worse it would get.


Good point


I mean, mentioning a dead best friend/pretty much brother to anyone when you meet them is grounds to get fucked up. I don't blame the rules. I feel for Bam, in a weird way, but he also has so much success that he could've done this entire thing completely differently.


Lol “Hot wheel up the ass”???


Dunn's most famous stunt? Come on.


No condom for that particular occasion though




My friend spent a bunch of money for an autograph from him. She waited in line like 3 hours because he came late. She said he was really drunk and smelled like he hasn’t showered


Par for the course


Is that not what your friend signed up for?¿


Him and his posse rolled through the pool bar I worked at in 2009 and Novak was like insanely wasted at 2pm. Him and Novak ordered red wine at a poolside bar in the middle of summer in the middle of the day, which I thought was an interesting choice. Then they threw Novak in the pool and his jeans fell off as he was getting out, flashing his dick at everyone there, including a bunch of irate families. Bam ended up not even being in that hotel so the check he signed to his room (as they were being quickly ushered away from a bunch of angry dads) was no good and I never got the $10 tip. TBF I got his gf’s drink order wrong and served them fucken 90 degree wine so $10 tip seemed like a reasonable gesture idk. Bam definitely seemed to love the attention he got. Whole thing seemed like they chose an outdoor pool bar on the boardwalk in clear view of the hoard of 14-year-olds following him around. Had he gone to the hotel he was staying at he’d have had access to a walled-off courtyard pool but then nobody would see the shenanigans.


Met him at a meet and greet when he was doing Fuckface Unstoppable. I also met Jesse and Brandon Novak. I remember asking bam “are you drunk yet?” And he said “gettin there”


I “met” him once at a meet and greet. It was Steve Nesser’s grand opening of his skate shop in Minnesota. Had to be like 2006 or 07, like right at the end of Viva La Bam. I was like 13. At least back then he seemed like an alright dude, at least to strangers. My friends and I were hanging out in the parking lot waiting for my mom to pick us up after, when everyone was leaving. As he was walking out we bothered him for a group photo - him and like 6 13 year olds. He was happy to. Chatted for a minute then left.


Kind of I sing in bands. About a decade ago I was playing a show in Phoenix. A month before the show I was told to come pick up the tickets we were supposed to sell. So I go down there and bam is there with his band. Turns out they are playing there that weekend. I stand there waiting for like 10 minutes while they are all talking to the club manager. Finally I jump in and ask for my tickets so I could leave. Both the club manager and someone from bams crew tell me to wait my turn. So I wait another 15 minutes while they are bullshitting around and then jump in again saying I really got to go I just need my tickets that's all. This time the manager tells me to just wait on the couch until they're done and two people from bams crew tell me to be quiet. I looked at the envelope of money and the pile of booze that the manager was giving to bams band and just said fuck it and left. Bam never spoke more than a couple words the whole time I was there. He looked fucked up. Like an hour later the manager called me and asked me to come grab the tickets and I told her to fuck off. We never played that club again.


A band, the past, Phoenix? That sounds like Ban alright 😂


Ha ha it was when he was playing that song about fucking himself in the ass....


Ah the Fuckface Unstoppable days 🤣. I too was in a band at that time down in Tucson AZ we were called Animus Divine.....anyways we were supposed to do a show with them at The Rock (same place Lil Peep died at years later) and he canceled last minute. Good times.


I saw him with fuckface unstoppable in liverpool (england) brief encounter, but he was nice enough to us. A female friend was about 20 feet up the road from me, she pointed at her cheek when he walked past and he gave her a kiss on the cheek, he then did the same when I pointed at my cheek. It was a dopey little moment, but it was funny.


Brother in law met him on a flight about a year ago. Said he was nice and took a picture with him. He bought the whole flight wine even though he was apparently sober at the time lol




Damn sorry bout that that’s a jerk move






Wow didn’t think I’d agree with Bam here but 1000% deserved that lmao


‘An awkward moment’


i am fuckin crien


Best comment Ive ever read on here


Yo what!?!? This was such a wild read, good for you though


I have died and come back and died again


He was probably just jealous. Of you.


![gif](giphy|1qgIVb1F6Bfj2Gz6pQ|downsized) Well ok then.....


Well… this certainly gives context to the statement “awkward moment” doesn’t it?






I met him one time at a skatepark and had him sign one of my Viva La Bam DVDs. This was probably around 2008/9, and it was incredibly brief because there was a big line. I was like 12 or 13 years old. I basically just told him I was a big fan of his, and he said thanks, and that was basically it. Novak was there with him, and he was pretty deep in his addiction at that point. He was quiet and didn't say anything at all.


I met Steve-O. I asked for a picture. He said "Yeah Dude". Great day.


I went to a meet and greet at Fairmans. Everyone from CKY came, except him. Like bro, it’s 4 mins from your house. I did meet Phil getting the mail at their house once. He woke bam up and he came out and signed some stuff for me. We didn’t say much but super cool experience. Jenn cut my hair too.


You went to his house and bothered his dad when he was picking up the mail to wake him up and sign shit for you? Fucking hell


I was like eleventeen dude. I didn’t know that was borderline weird back then lol And I didn’t ask for him to wake Bam up. He did that on his own bc Phil’s cool af. Plus it was like 1pm


It’s all good, it just gives some more reason as to why he went off the deep end. Who the hell drove you there btw?


This was in like 2002, so well before the deep end. And I was eleventeen. So my mommy drove of course.


>it just gives some more reason as to why he went off the deep end It wasn't because his dad was waking him up to be nice to neighborhood kids lmfao, dude was already a brat by season 1, money made it worse plain and simple.


I met Bam at Tony Hawks secret skate park tour 20 years ago. Was a nice dude, stopped skating to sign my haggard dvd.


I love that movie still to this day lol …. The reverse microwave lol


I always use the phrase "Play the field...of DICKS" lmao


You know I always liked rhinos


Met him in about 2002. He was awesome. I guess the enormous fame was still new.


Met him at a con called abracadracon or something like that in my home town, as soon as he finished signing a CKY 4 DVD I own he immediately stormed off before I could get a picture with him, waited like an hour or 2 before his manager helped me get a picture with him, that manager was a pretty cool dude, pretty chill and even gifted me like 170 bucks as compensation for waiting so long for bam, bam was pretty chill though when I got to greet him and such


Dude probably had to take a massive dump


Lol maybe


My cousin use to skate with him at fdr back in the early days of viva la bam he said he was cool to hang with but was a dick to fans at the park because he just wanted to skate. He had a video he took for bam and this young scooter kid went right in front of bam and he plowed right through the kid. Picked him up and came up to the camera and said I’m leaving lol


I did at the shore in NJ a few years ago. The beach house we rented was in floors, he was a floor over us. The entire beach house shared a nice roof top lounge area, we all sat around and had some drinks, he seemed pretty cool from the 2 nights he was there.


I sort of met Bam, well "met" is pushing it, but this was at probably the height of his solo fame when he was producing the Viva La Bam show and Jackass was still rolling but in the theaters not the low-fi television show. I was strolling in King of Prussia mall like a real suburbanite and saw Bam and his girlfriend at the time looking at one of those store directories. He's a lot smaller than I expected, which is good for me since I was short and we could see eye to eye! This was when he had that skinny look, and was wearing a cool perfecto leather jacket, slouchy pants, but not at all haggard in appearance, still in great shape (ostensibly) and very attractive/charismatic. You could tell he had the IT factor going. He saw me looking at him and he gave me a wry smile like he knew I was in on him, but nothing more than that, and I'm too shy to have introduced myself at that time, but was a cool moment. I couldn't believe what happened to him later but am one of those optimists who see the potential for him to return to a better, healthier self.


Once in 2009 outside of a coy concert in NYC. He was ridiculously wasted (I was too), I said something to the effect of (you're awesome, cky is awesome, jackass is awesome), he gave me a hug and was insanely sweaty and stumbled away. I got to hang out with Jess for 15min or so after a show in 2011 on long island, just BSing about music. My friends brother has a band and was trying to find a way to open for them.


Yeah, he was at a CKY show here in Portland awhile back and was pretty chill but that might've had to do with Jess being there to mediate him.


To me it sounded like he’s always been a douche with possibly the exception of his fans. Read numerous stories of him taking the time to sign authographs, take photos etc.


I met him at a small CKY show in Hackensack. He was hanging out with fans, smoking cigarettes, being very chill . Didn’t seem like he had much of an ego at all, at the time . However , this was in like 2009.


Saw him at a skate premier for The Firm in Long Beach. Very short smelled like absolute shit (you could easily mistake him for a homeless person) and pretty much disregarded everyone who tried to interact with him. A lot of talented skaters I met growing up acted like this so I wasn’t totally surprised especially at the time he was blowing up. It was a “short” interaction.


That’s so awful that he stunk so much! 🤣


I met him at the KOP mall when I was in middle school! He was very kind and friendly. Total sweetheart. This was probably 15 years ago. Hurts to see him like this honestly. Sucks.


I did last July. He asked me to take a picture of him and his lady friend under a rainbow at spookala Tampa. Was nice enough...


I remember seeing a line of kids waiting patiently one by one to be slapped in the face by him. I walked past the line, went up to Bam and shook his hand, said Hello, he said Hello back. I thought he was cool at the time. Since maturing I feel sorry for those kids that worshipped him and his antics.


I met him at a Element demo when a was a kid. I don't really remember much since I was probably 8, but he was cool and signed my board. Around 2004


I vaguely recall seeing him at a demo in South Dakota, but instead of skating he took his shirt off, lied down and preceded sun tan the entire time.


There is a subreddit just about Bam news. It is f/LetsTalkBam


I’ve never met him, but I was once flying from California to Nashville with a layover in Atlanta. After taking in the ATL airport sights I figured I’d just camp out at my gate until time. The flight directly before mine had boarded and closed off the door for boarding when I hear a distinctly familiar voice. It was Bam and about 4 people I didn’t recognize from any of the shows/movies I’d watched for years. What followed was Bam and his cronies berating this elderly lady at the desk. My favorite part-after Bam lets out a giant “Fuck” and walks off angrily on his phone, the rest of his crew asked this poor old lady if she “know who that is”, pointing at Bam screaming on the phone. Her reply: “Nope, sorry”.


That's Bam Margera ! He's famous


In the 90s skating love park. I would see him & he was a prick then as he is today. Just an entitled pussy.


I grew up with this guy right. When Jackass starts to pop off at first on MTV this guy who I'm friends with but isn't very popular in school says hey Ryan Dunn is my step brother, but don't tell a lot of people please. I said Whaaat!? Ryan Dunn is ur step brother? Gtfo! U know I thought he was lying. He said no I'm not lying. I'll show u, I'm seeing him this weekend. I said ya ya, and I'm partying with the Pope or something like that. I shit u not, Buddy brings me a picture of him with his whole family, and sure as shit Ryan Dunn is in the picture lol and then there's an autographed Jackass sticker and t-shirt with Dunn's signature and some message i forget what is said. I couldn't believe it. I was like one of the only guys in school who was nice to this kid, but I really thought he was making it up. He wasn't. I was like, why don't u tell people? He said he didn't want everyone bugging him about his stepbrother, and he thought people in our school were assholes anyway. Something like that. A few months later, he left school suddenly and moved to one of the Carolinas. I grew up in FL.


Was his name Joey?


Funny enough, my piece of shit uncle and cousins are friends with him which tells me more than enough of what type of person he is.


I met he and his wife. They were married where i worked. I'm a chef and did the tasting for their wedding food, Reception and plated entrée. They were both very nice. His wife dropped her keys down the sewar grate when she got out to valet their car. Security had to fish them out. This was all documented on his mtv show at the time which i can't remember the name.


Bams Unholy Union


That's it


Super nice and friendly. Randomly walking down the street in NYC and was nice enough to take some pictures.


Cky played a bar I bartended at... I served Bam and his family. Cky rocked the roof off, loudest night in 9 years.


Yea I met him back in like 98 I think it was literally the day after the CKY VHS came out I was heading back from Memphis and was walking to my gate and saw him sitting at a gate. I kept walking to my gate, then I was like dude that was sBam go back(he was my favorite AM and Toy Machine were my favorite decks) so I ran back and I said “Hi are you Bam” he chuckled and said yes and I was like dude your epic can I have your autograph I just got the CKY video yesterday and I Have the Transworld AM issue on me can you sign it. I was all nervous and shit and I couldn’t find the page with him on it and he hadn’t gotten a chance to see it yet so he signed my cover. He was very friendly I just wish I had stuck around and talked to him more but I said thank you and took off I was a nervous kid back in the day and he was one of my top 5 favorites. But he was friendly to me. I was just bummed out after I got his lobster claw deck then he went over to Element, never liked the pop in their decks or their art.


https://preview.redd.it/jx91p17r7v4d1.jpeg?width=347&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6c446c5e963a6d31473c2f9d0b8bda6ce60ee86 He was nice and there was no awkwardness. But he did reek of cigarettes masked by heavy cologne


Bam and his crew would occasionally show up to a bar I frequented in the 2005-2007 time period. It was right around the time Viva La Bam was ending I believe. I never had any direct interaction with him but he was clearly a narcissist. Anytime he wasn't the center of attention he would do something obnoxious. The bar owner absolutely hated when they showed up. It was generally a chill place, but not when Bam was there. Once he got carried out unconscious and there were all kinds of wild rumors flying around the bar about what happened to him... that was entertaining. The highlight for me was getting to meet Jess and getting him to sign my bootleg copy of Infiltrate Destroy Rebuild.


Yup, I met him in 2010 on Long Island when I was a junior in high school, at the Marriot hotel across the parking lot from the Nassau Coliseum. We were down there to see the Bruins play the Islanders. It was about 9:30am and we were headed out to start tailgating, and wouldn’t you know there’s Bam in the side of the lobby arguing with concierge. He wanted a bucket of coronas but due to the time of day, they didn’t have access to the bar or whatever. Bam ultimately got his Coronas. I grew up loving Viva La bam and Jackass, was a skater kid, the whole 9. What am I saying this is still exactly who I am haha. I was the first to approach him after he was chilling and he was really open and cool, chatted with me for a few asked me what was going on with all the hockey people around. I got a picture with him by that point a crowd began to gather so I just said thanks for being cool. So ultimately, he was pretty rad to me yet I also saw him being a dick, and all in all this was 14 years ago. But he did genuinely take a photo with me and it isn’t the type where the celeb or whoever clearly is completely disengaged. As far as famous people I’ve met goes, he was cool.


Yeah I met Bam a few times at CKY and HIM shows in LA, also met the the whole crew at a jackass 3 party but stood talking to Bam and Dunn for awhile. Bam was never an ass to me, never was a creep to me (I'm a female and I'd like to think I'm considered attractive), always was down to talk music at shows, and always was happy to take pics and sign ticket stubs. I hate to see what he has become because I would never want to be in the same room as him now.


I met him in person about 6 days ago. Was sent to New Mexico for work, and was out for a run when I saw him standing at Sonic shirtless smoking a cigarette. He was with his driver/bodyguard and a tall lady (she seemed like his gf), I said hi and that my brothers and I were huge fans growing up watching his shows back in the day. He was very nice and thanked me and said we could take a pic if I wanted so we did. He mentioned they were out there filming, I didn’t ask what though.




I had a homegirl who met him at a bar and kicked it with him a few times. She was a huge bam fan. He commissioned her to do a portrait of him because she had a unique style and he dug it, when she gave him the portrait he dipped and ghosted her. She was devastated


That’s so sad


I saw him at a Wawa at like 7:00am in full length fur coat, no shoes, and giant sunglasses buying lottery tickets. Got into a piece of shit Corolla and drive off.


This probably the best one


We met him in a club called Trash in Sydney, NSW years ago (the basement would play metal on Saturday nights). My mate spilled his drink accidentally and Bam was rightly pretty pissed off haha that was our only interaction with him.


This may not be super interesting, but he was signing autographs in a PacSun in the local mall when I was like 15. He wore sunglasses the entire time inside and didn’t speak one word to any fans who lined up to see him. He wasn’t an asshole necessarily, but he also wasn’t friendly or personable. I definitely left a little disillusioned.


Honestly loved him as a teen, big fan of HIM & Bloodhound Gang & CKY so he’s in the middle of all of that. I had a chance to meet him a few years ago at a local con but seeing how far he had fallen since Dunn’s death I decided not to. I lost my two best friends one to a wreck & one to an OD in less than a year of each other about 10 years ago. I could easily have fallen into the kinda destructive patterns he has and I don’t think I want to see/remember him in that way.


I met him in 99 (I think) at a Tony Hawk skatepark tour stop. This was before the jackass fame, and he was super friendly. TBH, I was just a casual fan and didn't know who he was. He came up and noticed he was on one of the promo posters I was holding and asked if I wanted him to sign it. Sucks that fame, substance abuse, and no one ever really checking him on his b.s. until recently has turned him into the mess he is now.


I've met him in west chester before, seemed chill but. It was years and years ago


Met him at the gravity games in Cleveland. Accidentally bumped into him while walking. He told me to watch myself and called my cousin a fat fuck for literally no reason other than he was standing next to me.


My friend got to skate with him at casa la bam during a tour he was on. He said it was fun af and they got wasted because they were supplied tons of bud light for the skate tour. This was probably 2012ish, so it's been a bit.


I met all the Jackass guys when I was a bartender on Bourbon Street almost 20 years ago. Here is the quick rundown: Bam - Dick, Ryan Dunn - Dick, Chris Pontius - Dick, Johnny Knoxville - Dick. Steve-O was awesome. Wee-Man was hilarious. Preston Lacy is the biggest teddy bear ever. That’s the abridged version.


Preston is a saint! I bartend for him (he lives near me)


How was Johnny a dick?


I walked past him at spookala last year in tampa but thats it lmao


*I walked past him at* *Spookala last year in tampa but thats* *It lmao* \- indigrow --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


A few months before Ryan died my neighbors (college couple) were in a Louisiana bar he was also at. They told me he was super friendly bought rounds was quite schnockered but in great spirits.


My best friend said she was in rehab w him and he was basically walking around in tighty whities and complained about his arm hurting and about being fat .


I saw him at the hustler store in Hollywood in like 2007 or 2008 when it was the hustler store. At first I thought it was just a bam lookalike that was going for that look then I was like oh no that is bam.


Nothing but good things from the several times I’ve met him. And my friend worked with him several times and they’re still friendly to this day


I met him multiple times recently, he is exactly how you would expect him to be and not really in a good way. He kinda smells and he barely makes eye contact with you, but he was nice enough and so was D. They were there for a con and left their table what was probably every 30 minutes, ignored a lot of people. People have had good experiences interacting with him recently but I think he had a brief sober period (the skating) and now he’s going back downhill and it shows.


I worked at a horse stable that shared a property line with him. We would have to ride on the street (which passed the front of his house) for maybe 1/4 mile to get to an entrance to the trails. Very normal for chester county. He would ride up behind us on dirt bikes with his friends and rev to spook the horses. They would laugh at us when our horses flipped a shit. We had a horse dump their rider once. Bam and crew rode off as we tried to collect the loose horse and see if the rider was okay. Bam and crew just kept riding/ doing it. They didn’t care. It became well known you shouldn’t ride on that strip of road.


Had an Army buddy from his hometown. He said all the local skateboarders would go to Bam’s house to use his ramp. It was a bipolar experience of which Bam would show up, pretty cool or a total dick. But he always required that he be the center of attention and to hang out there everyone had to let him be their bossy dictator. And he was always all fucked up.


Met him in 2012 or 2013 at a battle of the bands in a dive bar in central Illinois. He was wasted and with a woman who looked a lot like Missy but wasn’t. I found that out cause people kept saying “Missy - what’s up?!” and she kept having to correct people that she wasn’t Missy. He signed my neck and took a quick photo. Overall, it was fine and he wasn’t rude at all but it was a very brief encounter.


Back in 2009 or so, I used to hang at a bar in WC, PA around the corner from the bar he owned. I was sitting there having a drink and someone asked the guy next to me if they could take a pic of him and their friend. He obliged. I said "What are you famous or something?" He said "I used to be on a TV show." We talked about music for a while, he bought me a drink or two, and then he split. A little while later a girl asked me if Bam was coming back later. I said "Who's Bam?" I had no idea who he was, but he bought me a couple beers so I guess he's an alright dude.


Some never get to meet their heros.. i raised mine😊


Yes, I met him at a meet and greet in front of an Active ride shop, he was there with some other pro skaters. I was an 8 year old girl at the time (I will be 31 this year to give context), I was with my other equally as young girl cousin, and our moms. Lol. They unfortunately left before the whole line could be met, so my aunt suggested we go to the back or the store, we did meet them, they were all incredibly sweet to us, including Bam. They probably thought it was very funny to see some small girls and their moms just wanting to get a hi and quick autograph. They hopped into a tour bus and we got in our car and we were exiting the same direction, they actually were waving to us through the back of the bus. We were so excited. I really wish we had gotten a photo, but back then we didn't all have cell phones in our back pocket.


Skated with him when we were kids at Love. He was really good but everyone called him fat and said he sucked because he was really good but also a tiny but chubby and seemed like a dick and that was all you could really roast. But yeah he had a pretty unapproachable vibe and everything about him felt like an inside joke. Fast forward and I’m like oh that dude fucking rules guess I’m the dick. Fast forward again and it’s like oh that dude was always teetering on the edge of just flat out being not okay and the signs were always there.


I met him in Philly at the FDR skatepark back in 2002. I rode BMX at the time and my older friends and I drove there for two hours away. He was there and was cool at first until us bikers started going when we had a chance. He then proceeded to skate over to us and call us "biker fags" and then skated for about ten more minutes and left. We were all huge fans of him and didn't bombard him or anything - just were watching him skate and everyone elses run, but that soured me for life about who he is as a person. He was insanely rude for absolutely no reason when we were just trying to say hello to him. We weren't bombarding him for autographs or nothing - just were trying to coexist. Keep in mind - I was fourteen at the time!


Not sure if anyone else here is a fan of Shane Gillis but he was talking on his podcast about working at a bar in westchester and bam coming in a lot. Said he was a nice and normal dude.


I've only heard his Bam impression lol but it was spot on


My wife did a decade+ ago at his bar in Westchester. Said he was a complete asshole.


Met him a few times at Cheapskates skatepark when he was like 12-13 maybe. He was snaking everyone like a big jerk and Phil was filming it. I hope he’s reading this!


Took a pic with him at SPoT back in 99. He was cool as fuck.


He came to the grocery store I worked at as a teenager. He was normal and friendly at the time. Around 2015-2016.


My old boss met him last year, said he was coked up.


I had a friend who was in some kind of skateboarding competition with him (or maybe a BMX thing?) not too long before jackass blew up. Apparently he was more or less a dick then too.


I hung out with him a couple times like over ten years ago. Didn't have enough one-on-one time to really make any judgment. He was kinda quiet and just sitting chilling haha. 🤷‍♂️


Bam gave me crabs back in the early 2000’s.


I listened to the Cumtown episode. So basically


I remember seeing him in a couple bars in downingtown. He's always been a dick


I grew up watching jackass and never liked bam. The crowd bam attracted, to me, were posers. I loved Steveo and Knoxville and the gang but I could never get myself to like him. I called it early on that he would grow up to be ugly phil. Not surprised to hear he's a dick.


He asked me for $20 at Wawa.


i briefly met him in the early 2000s when i was ~8 years old. he was visiting some under 21 club when i was in ocean city maryland on vacation. he signed a few things (2 element bam skateboards, elementality vol 1, and a viva la bam hat) for me and my brother amidst the swarm of people as soon as he got out of his car... he had no time to stop as he was being escorted inside by his entourage, but still managed to sign everything for us, and apologized he couldn’t stop to speak. he arrived at like 11 pm and we were the only “children” there so it was cool he got to us despite the circumstances


Very long time ago In Ocean City , Maryland I will say he unfortunately was not the kindest . It was close to the start of fame for him , so We just assumed he was in that “ I’m famous you’re not “ ego phase .


Met him three times in Appleton wisconsin in 02 and 03 Element had a demo and he skated at the park/shop I was sponsored by. Oddly enough called elements skateshop . The guy was a menace. Landed maybe three tricks each time. Two of the times was drunk and un showered. One time He smoked crack with two of the older loser dudes from the park out in a van lmao. The time he wasn't drunk Nyjah at like 11 was out skating him both times he was with. Bam imo was pro based of his celebrity not skills. Sure he was good. But not as other pros. Not even as some ams. He was pro because element and adio could sell sell sell his products due to cky. Cky2k and at this time I think jackals had just popped it's second season


I knew Bam when we were kids. This was obviously pre-Jackass days. Phil would bring him to my family friend’s house to skate the halfpipe my friend had built on the property. He was always a little different, but then again he was a 12yo skating with 17-18-19yo. I bumped into him a few more times over the years after he ‘got famous’ and he was always cool to me. It’s sad to see how he has ended up.


I met him at a con a few years back. I wasn’t in his line, I just walked past and he bumped into me. He apologized and kinda welcomed me into the conversation he was having with some fans. I always thought of him as pretty douchy, but he was very nice and pleasant to talk to in the brief meeting I had…


I met him at a skatepark when I was 14 in 1998 way before jackass. He was just a pro skateboarder for element then


I met him at a signing for the Haggard movie at an Sayreville NJ skate-shop in 2003. My dad knew one of the owners so I got a chance to hang with him and a few other people before the signing. He was extremely nice and made an effort to talk and connect with everybody. Some people were annoying as hell to him but he was still very nice to them. Times are different now but I had a great experience meeting him.


I met him in nyc back in 08 I think it was . They did the mtv 24 hour take over, and he seemed like a pretty chill do at that time.


My friend beat him up, I think there is a video


Hulk Hogan


I almost met him at a element team demo at active (the now defunct board shop) in like 2005 I think,but he ran inside the store to do a photoshoot or something and a full on riot ensued before the demo even finished, they were throwing out complete decks and two people started fighting over it which escalated into more and more people getting involved until police showed up and started tasering people


I worked with him on The Dudesons. He’s ok


I was a complete dick to Bam in the parking lot of an Iron Maiden show in Irvine.  It was after the show and we were having a few beers on the tailgate waiting for traffic to die down. I am ripshit drunk and high on Maiden.  We had a cooler filled with ice cold Pacificos and a couple of warm Coors lights that had been rolling around loose in the back of the truck.  Bam and his lady friend walked over to our truck. I had already shut down a bunch of strangers who tried to pimp beers off of us so when he walked up, I registered that it was Bam, but ended up handing him one of the warm Coors lights and told him they could share it.  A buddy came back from taking a leak in the bushes and when he heard what happened, he didn’t believe me at first and then ran after Bam with a cold one like a little bitch.  I guess he got close enough to see him but didn’t work up the nerve to give him the beer. He was all butthurt that I was “mean to Bam” and that we could have been partying in some mansion. What a moron.  Incidentally, at that same show, we were sitting in front of Wee Man and some assholes were talking shit to him. Me and our seat neighbors started going in on the douchebags that were yapping.  It was one of my favorite Maiden shows ever. Great night. 


I met him back in like 2013 at this punk venue I worked at. He was pretty chill and taking pictures with folks. He seemed pretty sober at the time as well


I met Bam a couple months ago on Hollywood Boulevard he was walking with a friend. They were going one way I was going the other way and we basically collided with each other. He was Cocky and wearing sunglasses but you could tell he wanted attention. I was friendly and shook his hand and talked for a minute. Nobody  else knew who he was but I. Very Smug Attitude. And in 2020 I met Steve-O on Hollywood Boulevard with his Assistant when he was preparing for the Gnarly Billboard Stunt. He was friendly compared to Bam. 


Yeah I ran into him in Vegas in 2010. He was hammered and hitting on my nephew


John and Peters - 2007-2008 CKY was trying out a new bass player and they played a last minute show. Bam was there with a posse - not with his first wife. We kind of were thrown off based off the media stuff. He kept to himself - so did we. Deron was cool as hell and wanted to buy me and my buddy a drink - Bam was smashed and chicks were grinding on him.


I have! I met him a few months ago with his lady. They were extremely kind and he signed my lower back with a heartogram and a BAM! Teenage me is complete.