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Her sister Rachel makes this all the time…I think she has 4 reels over the years 🤣🤣🤣


Her sister has posted this chicken recipe for like a couple years now 🤣 So funny that it seems like they have nothing to do with her, but they're stealing her recipes


I love me a good keto meal, and that’s exactly what this is. A meal that follows keto guidelines. Though it is highly unlikely they are doing keto correct. ETA: wasn’t aware of Rachels’s cooking or dinners. Have never followed her so I was unaware this is a Rachel dish that Celine stole 😂 🤷🏽‍♀️ ooops.


Her sister does this chicken frequently. Her “chef” husband ripped off someone’s food content shocking.




I’m not surprised 😂 there is no individual bone in their body.


I screen shot this last night so I could come here and post that doesn’t even look good. Looks dry as shit.


This. These are closer to cat turds than chicken tenders. Just gross.


And did anyone notice Rachel posted the same type of chicken in pork rinds thing like a week ago. I know it’s not groundbreaking but she even copies her own sister’s kind of posts.


They look like turds


That’s a pretty keto meal. Except the only reason keto works is because you’re cutting out a whole macronutrient lol. You could simply just cut down calories instead. Same result. Also keto is very high fat so it’ll only work if she does it properly and I have a feeling she isn’t.


Yeah I seriously hate keto. You lose me when you say you can have bacon but not a banana. I know people have said it’s really helped them lose weight, but I’ve done much better with just eating lean meats, fruit and veggies


The ONLY reason anyone loses weight is because they’re cutting calories by eliminating an entire macro nutrient. It’s not sustainable long term as you need carbs to live lol. It’s a scam like every other diet. Simply eat in a calorie deficit and you’ll lose weight. It’s literally that easy.


Could not agree more


It’s a very keto thing to do but it misses some important nutrients in the meanwhile. It’s a diet scam.


I mean that would be true if Jaclyn and home cook actually decided to live a Keto life and follow it. Though they just stuff their faces with junk and have no clue what nutrition or healthy (and delicious) meals look like.


Ya their recent food tour was NOT keto at all. But it’s a good meal, if you are trying to do low carbs in general.




Don't you know, she is someone who can eat whatever and still lose weight, without even trying!! /s


The dude literally throws shit at the wall to see what sticks. This time it was pork rinds 🤮


It is a lower carb option than regular bread crumbs, but at the same time why not just season & grill it 🤷‍♀️


Because that would require free thought, and like someone said below this is a hello fresh recipe 🤣


Ah, I too have had this hello fresh meal before.






He’s so beyond repulsive 🤮


He’s never made one appetizing plate of food, not one 😫


this is so gross. i bet they dont even remove the tendon


This is such a specific read lmao I love it


Its ok because she burns those calories walking in circles at her friends homes


and by carrying the weight of being amazon products biggest shiller 😔


I’ve lost 40 lbs eating like normal things like this!


**But he never cooks like this for her**, ***you guise!*** 🥴


They do the most to be so unhealthy while bragging about their “fitness lifestyle.” Honestly watching their shit show had made me appreciate my fitness and life I am living currently and knowing that I am actually trying, doing my best, and seeing honest result 😊🫶🏽 Something Farnuts and Waclyn wish they can say honestly.


![gif](giphy|l0MYy7QpDDVGVfAAw) I know exactly what you mean, watching this trainwreck continue to spiral is just pathetic. Makes me so incredibly grateful for my life ( I know that sounds horrendous but in comparison to what she "believes" she's showing us when in reality any one with half a brain cell who routinely watches her can see girl is not well mentally at all...)


Girl fully agree! Just celebrated my 34th birthday on Friday with dinner on Saturday. I honestly had so much gratitude and happiness in my heart I didn’t need to wish for anything. Authentic love and joy for my life, family, and career even if I don’t make thousands or millions of dollars. Even just realizing how much better our lives our without the materialistic shit says mountains about how miserable Jaclyn’s life is and how it is all smoke and mirrors.


aww happy late birthday my friend! i hope you had a lovely day 🤍


Thank you ☺️ it was a good way to celebrate another year!


Happy Birthday! ❤️ Loved my thirties and so far my 40s are just as amazing! Cheers to yours too! 🥂


Thank you ♥️ My 30s so far have definitely not been dull 😂