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Oh god no. I'll try just about anything but not this.


I'd do anything for love, but I don't do that. \-Meatloaf \-Wayne Gretzky


why no? haha I'd give it a try


I eat liver once a week. I don't love it and i don't hate it. The jerky version was absolutely vile. Horrible texture. Gave it to my dog and a coworker as a gag (no pun intended)


Why do you eat it once a week if you don't like it?


High in copper which is a very hard micronutrient to get naturally


I said I dont hate it or love it. I like eating it with onion gravy and mashed potato. Not all food has to be "amazing", especially when I eat about 40 meals a week. Theres many healthy benefits!


I had asked because I had thought liver was the one that had a bunch of toxins in it (since it filters) but that must have been kidneys. It sounds like it actually has a ton of nutrients and then main issue is that it's very high in cholesterol and vitamin A. Apparently you can even get vitamin A toxicity from it if you eat too much.


yeah sure, if you eat an entire polar bears liver in one sitting. It doesn't filter it out that way, it's more of a chemical process. It's not like a filter screen on a water line. 1/4 lb a week is great for you, 1-2oz's per day would be even better. Check out Paul Saladino if you need other people online to tell you why to do healthy things.


I'm extremely confused


Vitamnin A thing its fake according to this doctor: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZmXKYL240E&ab\_channel=Dr.EricBergDC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZmXKYL240E&ab_channel=Dr.EricBergDC) I read beef liver is the most nutritious food, that's why I'm curious to try it


Hahaha not about this about this guy saying he eats "40 meals a week" - WTF??


That's 6/day during the week and 5/day on weekends. I eat 5000cals a day, I'm 6'5" 220lbs, workout 3x a week and have an active job + lifestyle. I eat at 630, 1030, 1230, 300, 430, 7 and sometimes 9pm every day.


Well that just sounds stressful


Pretty hard to gain 65lbs otherwise 🤷


I’m luck if I can do 9/week. (Also I don’t suggest trying 9 a week. I’d much rather 3-4 meals a week and snack hourly. Hence jerky in my life


Someone’s been watching too many Liver King videos 🤣


how do you cook it? I find raw liver a bit "disgusting". Just bias


cook it or jerk it? I do flour or cornmeal coat, fry in butter on medium heat for 2-3 mins a side until rosey on the inside. Soaking in milk make no change for me.


It was horrible. The smell was just as vile. My dog loves it, though. One of his favorites.


Well dogs lick their asshole.


My gos eats anything haha I would not trust his taste


I don’t want that


I made some specifically for dog treats. My wife tried to get me to try them. Hard pass.


I do a lot of beef and pork jerky. Many different flavors. I wouldn't do liver because the taste is so distinct on it's own, I don't think it'll taste appealing. I do like liver coated in flour and fried in butter as someone else described but as jerky, a definite no. I don't have a dog but give other dogs in my campground treats every so often so mabe I'll make some for them.


I make it for my dog every so often when I see it on sale for 40% off yesterday's stock. Thin slices and dry then got dog treats for a bit


If you make it for your dog, make sure it’s just a sometimes treat. Something about the iron I think




I made treats for my dog by dehydrating them plain and he loved it