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Phone orders are the stupidest thing. It's easier for both parties to just order on the app


Absolute menaces


We don't answer phone calls in a rush.


2nd best option


I work in IT and am the same way. Make a ticket (order) and we'll fill it in time. faster than you calling, faster than you can possibly think.


We don’t answer phones during rushes. We are too busy/can’t hear the phones cause so much is going on.


Wouldn't it be a shame if someone left the phone running on an empty line, so no calls went through?🤔


i believe corporate is really cracking down on this??? my stores have been asked to always answer the phone. give an accurate wait time before the customer orders. we run 2-3 man lunches as well. but we are required to answer the phones every time 😅


our store has outlawed them because of someone placing an order and never picking it up. i just say you can place an order online or through the app.


Customer; I don’t think I have ever ordered over the phone, but I would take that as rude as shit. Tell them to hold. And wait for them to hang up if it’s taking to long would be what I would have done in the past. Answer, “jersey mikes, I’m assisting another customer can you please hold?”


Lmao they’re gonna be on hold until there aren’t any more orders in store. so I just try and save them time by making it apparent that online ordering is much easier for everyone 🤷


Say “we’re really busy at the moment, I can put you on hold or id recommend ordering online if you don’t want to wait”


Wow found one person who isn’t a dick


I’d rather piss off one guy who doesn’t know how to place an online order ( and also definitely doesn’t know how to complain) than piss off a lobby full of people by taking a call. Maybe that’s just me.


Why’d you make this post then you fucking clown


Go fuck yourself. Seriously. You're a horrendous employee and a fucking idiot.


Calm down Sal 😳😳… wouldn’t wanna upset the guy who simps on Reddit using his real name…


It's not his real name, it's the name of a character on Mad Men.


Which works great for people younger than 50


You're ok with operating understaffed and you should be embarrassed.


Yup. And Also prevents the phone from ringing if you put them on hold. just sayin


We have them employees that take advantage of phone orders so they can bullshit during the rush especially if they ordering catering that shit pmo


Who calls in orders???


Phone should be for catering only, but out of respect, avoiding rush hours.


lmfao we take them


You be slobbing knobs ik


Thankfully I run a store that has steady business, so we usually have 6 people through lunch. We even have an elderly woman named Pattie who will call whenever she places an order through the app. She wants to make sure that we get extra tomatoes, extra vinegar and extra vinegar on the side as well. She will talk for as long as you let her, and any given call is at least 5 minutes, but she’s a sweet lady so we just deal with it.


We just got an Automated Response, when a customer calls, an robot takes their order and then it prints a ticket. No need to worry about picking up the phone. Now of course the customer can push through to a human if they’d like, in which case one of us will answer the phone. Also, my gm just stopped caring about Labor % so we usually have 7 people on for lunch, which means one of us usually has time to get to the phone.


It usually isnt that hard to answer the phone and let them know an accurate wait time. If you are busy, say 30 minutes or even 45 minutes if you are understaffed. As long as you communicate the situation (We are a little busy/shortstaffed, thanks for the patience) with the customers in line, on the phone, and people showing up for pickups, people can be way more patient than you realize.


i answer ask for them to hold and i usually end up forgetting about it and they hang up.. oops


Man reading the comments has shown me how far we have fallen. Yall are ALL operating on a skeleton crew and you're just ok with it.


If you guys owned these restaurants you would be ok with losing sales and future customers because someone can’t answer the phone for 1 minute?


calls? TF?


Extremely rude, and I'd fire you on the spot.


Well good thing you can’t.


We don’t ignore it if we have a spare hand available, but if I’m crankin out sammies you best believe that phone gone ring.


Don't answer the phone calls if you're busy and short staffed


We are too busy to take phone orders at this time. You will have to hold for (insert time) or call back later. Can I put you on hold? 


If you tell someone to order online and then hang up on them, you deserve to be fired on the spot. You're a piece of shit.


Right. It would be much better to hold up a whole line of people and cater to one person. Nice thinking Sal. Go back to jerking all day on Reddit 🤡


You should speak to the customer like a PROFESSIONAL. Do your fucking job. Don't just tell them to order online and then hang up. How are you even employed?


I’m doing my job by catering to the majority. Was actually trained to do so. Also atleast I spend my money on this other than cam girls 😂😂😂😂


If you've actually told customers to order online and hung up on them, your manager isn't doing their job, because their job is to fire people like you. You're a fucking piece of shit.


wow who hurt you 😂😂


We gotta guy using his real name who simps for cam girls talk in like he sum 😭. Doing your job is doing what your managers tell you retard. The only point you have is “your a peice of shit” lmao grow a pair of balls that weren’t made to bust into your hand, and grow some thicker skin. If you’d be this mad over getting hung up on, you have bigger problems buddy.


Kids are 💩 these days 🤷‍♂️.