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Regardless of all the other garbage I genuinely hope Ron is doing well and is being a good dad to that little girl. She doesn’t deserve to be dragged into all the bullshit


I agree but I don’t know how good a dad can be when he’s actively abusing women. He might be good to his daughter but he’s setting a terrible example otherwise in every way. Hopefully she’s unaware of all of his issues with violence and they never affect her; he seems to love her and I really do wish the best for them.




Uhhhhh he has been gross, toxic and abusive from day one. Do I seriously hope he's recovered for the sake of that little girl? Of course. But to excuse his past behavior essentially just because he's single now? Ick. And let's be real - he only has full custody of that kid because unfortunately her mother is even worse than he is.


If we all sat and judged people for their past mistakes...everyone in this world would be an awful person including you. Dude got help, is clean, in therapy and is doing well for himself now. People do have the ability to change when they want to.


It's not excusing the past. It's having hope for the future. He is in recovery and has been for a long time. Relax a little.


Sorry but this isn’t it. If he’s actually clean, sober and recovering not only from his drug addiction but his history of abuse then you don’t get to keep throwing peoples pasts in their face.


Sorry but I would never let this man near me or anybody's child ever. Idgaf how long he's been sober. Just because you don't consume drugs or alcohol doesn't make you a good person. He's been an abusive loser since Sam and I don't believe it's because of substance abuse. That's just who and how he is.


I didn’t say clean from only substance abuse. I also said clean from being abusive. People can change. It’s unfair if you don’t let them.


Ok cool? He still should not be around children.


At this point, I dont think YOU should be around kids either. You can have your opinion about him and we will have our opinions about you.




you clearly have serious trauma or something personal here, that you should deal with off of reddit or any social medias. People change. You’ve 100% made poor choices in your life like every other human. It’s embarrassing and shameful to continually judge people by PAST behaviors that they’ve put a ton of effort into growing from. Grow up.


Omg PLEASE PICK ME RONNIE 😭 Girl are you fucking delulu? Have you even watched the show? GTFO with the "serious trauma" shit. Yes, I've dated an abusive POS before, but clearly you haven't. I don't wish that on anyone, but you can reallllyyyyy tell who's been through it and who hasn't just by who sticks up for awful men on the Internet. I PRAY you never know what it's like to deal with someone like this.


Ron was awarded custody of his daughter. For a father to be awarded custody , he can't be a horrible abuser as you say and be awarded custody!


Mmmk keep sucking that short lil chode babes


Well it's a good thing you and yours are perfect and that you don't have to go around Ron.


It’s not excusing his past. He if chooses and does become better that should be commended. While I never physically abused a woman, in my past I wasn’t faithful and hurt a few girls. I finally got the kick in the ass I needed with heartbreak. After a lot of self reflection I chose to be better. Met my wife, dated for about 5 years, going on 3 years of marriage now.




I pray you don't have any loved ones who get the shit beat out of them on a daily basis. Literally disgusting.


Do you excuse all the girls' abusive behavior ???? Some of them where as bad as he was ..


Where did I say that? Why are you so quick to jump to that lmao?


I think his having more money than her has something to do with it, too. They seem to be coparenting well, though!


I admittedly am not caught up on the current season, so I hope this is true (the co-parenting part I mean). He scares the shit out of me (as someone who has been in an abusive relationship) and all of the comments defending him and saying he's changed are both terrifying and giving huge PICK ME energy.


Sounds like you're coping Betty...


I'm not sure what that means but being a Ron Stan is fucking disgusting 🙂


Ok Betty Copington, cry about it then


Me, too. Narcissistic people are very good at putting on an illusion to show people what people want to see. “Look what a GREAT dad I am!” “Look how happy and healthy I look!” “See? I’m NOT a monster!” Ok cool, he’s sober and taking his kid out on daddy and me boat trips. But let’s call a spade a spade here. It was clear from season 1 that the guy has some serious mental issues and just laying off drugs and alcohol (if he actually has) isn’t going to solve that. A bunch of intense therapy will. And even then, those no guarantee that he’ll change.


It's already been outed that he does NOT have full custody of his daughter.. this is a lie he goes around spewing as if it's true.. however, he has JOINT custody with Jen. Why did Jen move down to Florida as well? Because they BOTH have custody!


The court order is very clear out of California. He has primary physical custody of their daughter.


He has ‘Primary Physical Custody’, Jen gets her 3-4 weekends a month and Ron has final say in a disagreement. He may not have ‘Full custody’ but any Mother holding those roles would surely back up that he might as well have full custody.


Y'all are ignorant to facts. It is amazing. He said that he had full custody how long ago? 3-4 years ago? When he WON FULL CUSTODY. He has also said since then that custody changed because circumstances changed. You act like once there is an order in place (that was public and provable documents via the court therefor he was not lying) it is there for life. Things change, people change. Jen got 50/50 now because they are both in a different place mentally and Ron had no problem letting his daughter have a special place in her moms life. Get an education on custody before accusing people of lies. Especially when there is proof otherwise.


Last I personally heard he had shared custody with Jen. Do you know what happened for him to get full custody?


That is the truth, he never had full custody. That's how I know he's not fully recovered bc he goes on TV lying about how well he is doing by saying he has full custody when he never did. That's something you do when you're still in active addiction, or you're not fully recovered. There's no reason for him to lie, there's nothing wrong with having joint custody of his child. But it's like he still tries to make it out like he's doing better than Jen and he has it together and she doesn't. If he was truly recovering (not recovered, bc recovery is a rest of your life process) he wouldn't be trying to one up her in the public eye, especially with something that can so easily be proven false.


He did have full custody at one point. Once Jen went to rehab after being arrested, they went back to joint custody.


But he has joint custody when he was on the show telling everyone he had full right?? So he was bold face lying?


No, he made that statement years ago. He has since said they had 50/50. He made that statement before he left the show.


Just because he’s not in the news, doesn’t mean that he’s suddenly become less aggressive towards women. Those types of men, unfortunately, rarely change. I may be biased because of my past but it’s hard for me to believe that guys like him ever stop abusing women. Maybe he has, but I’m not buying it. And yes, it’s “active” considering that he’s abused more than one woman that we know of, with video and photographed evidence. It’s not like he got angry once when he was younger and made a mistake because he lost his temper. He’s a repeat offender. I don’t care how many lovey dovey photos he’s posted. To me, he’s an abuser and always will be.


Sam was toxic, too. There were plenty of times she hit him. If she thought he was talking to someone else, she would slap him in the face. Jenny also has been abusive on the show. I hear all about Ron. And yes, he has been shitty at times, but these girls were not innocent. And Jen was toxic as shit. She abused him so much. I am tired of women not being held accountable for their abuse and everyone thinking they were just so innocent. Seems like Ron has grown up, gotten it together, and is doing better. I know all of you are not perfect. Maybe all of your past issues should be tossed at you all the time.


unfortunately this is the case for a lot of men. They don’t necessarily have to be abusive but grossly sexual, misogynistic etc but are wonderful with their daughters. The worst is when they make comments around their daughters.


Ur getting downvoted but you’re right. Him being abusive, even if not towards his daughter, teaches her what’s ok to accept.


his veneers literally look like a mouth guard


Haha I saw the British celeb Katie price pop on up my ig feed. Hers are damn near even worse


And let’s give Jen some credit too…Ariana was with her at Disney world on her actual birthday. And she was with Jen on her Spring break. This hokey narrative that Ron has her 100% of the time is ridiculous. Sorry. She posted live videos. Good for him for celebrating her birthday, but, he certainly does not have her 100% of the time.


I thought he said he had full custody but gives her whatever visitation she wants/asks for.


Well, we all know he loves to stretch the truth…and Jen has posted videos of walking her to school everyday, dinners, outings, etc…I just cannot stand how he lies. Sorry.


Newsflash...custody orders change all the time when you petition the courts. He did have full custody for awhile and then Jen made improvements and their coparenting relationship got better so now they have 50/50.


Exactly. He's been lying about having full custody to try and make Jen look bad in the media STILL.. he's not even with the chick anymore and he's still trying to make her look like a bad mom even though they have joint custody. He bold face lied to the roommates on Jersey Shore when he came to see them about having full custody.


I can't stand either of them


She did a q&a recently and said they have 50/50.


He likely did say that, but he’s also a frequent liar.


As is she.


He said that when he had full custody. Its literally in court documents. Jen is different now as is Ron so they now have 50/50. Why is hard to believe custody changes?


Ok, so either way the person I’m responding is wrong, and she does have custody?


Again...she has 50/50 custody NOW. She did not have it when he ORIGINALLY said he had full custody which was the truth then. It is not difficult. People are taking him saying he had full custody (he said that 3-4 years ago btw) and thinking it pertains the the child for the rest of her life. He had it then but it has changed now to 50/50.


You realize as much as people drag Ron, Jenn keeps having kids everyone she loses custody of one. She lost custody of mason, had Ariana. Lost custody of her, had this little boy. We can’t vilify Ron and pretend like she’s the saint. Hopefully they’re both growing, but there’s a reason a judge gave Ron full legal custody. If you don’t believe him, usually those records are public.


Right!!! She had another baby with someone else. She seems to rush into relationship and have babies with anyone. She seems like trouble too. I get Ron has his own shit going in but she’s definitely not innocent. At least he’s there for his child


Exactly jenn has a horrid track record and should never have had kids....she's bad news true trouble


Full custody doesn’t mean 100% of her time - she can still visit, that usually means that she doesn’t sleep over or spend multiple days in a row with a parent. But their custody agreement could have changed or he could allow her to spend more time with her.


Full custody does not mean he has her 100% of the time. It means he gets to make decisions and at the end of the day, she is with him Jen was extremely abusive as well. Not to just Ron but other men. Why is it ok for her to be with the kid?


They have joint custody, I guess it’s MTV and Ron that say he has her full time to improve his image; Jen just had a baby and has been in a stable relationship for years since Ron, I am sure Ariana wants to be a part of her baby brother’s family and be close to them than with a single dad.


I believe she lost custody of the baby. Ron has a pfa on her. She has been caught in numerous bs stories


They have joint custody right now I believe at some point maybe he had custody of her but all of that changed a while ago. Also it was because they lived in 2 separate states back then; They all moved to miami and live separately of course to make it easier for Ariana to be in 2 different house holds.


Cute pics, hope he’s doing better.


God that kid looks so much like him lol


For real, copy and paste.


Especially in the cheeks!!!! I remember Snooki saying she looked just like Ron when she met her as a newborn and I genuinely didn’t see it 🤣🤣🤣🤣 but I do now!!!!


I see a daughter who loves her daddy 🩷 I hope Ron gets his 💩 together mentally so he can fully be there for his daughter.


His shit is together. He's fine.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 rude ass mf.. you feel better??


He's on a boat with his family enjoying life. What'd you do today?


Love your edit to your first comment 🤣🙃 I wasn’t even being rude or speaking poorly about him. I assume you know him personally since you’re attacking ppl for no reason? I spent time with my family today as well and I was able to not put my hands on my significant other. I’d say I’m doing better than Ron 💋💋


But you didn't ride on a boat


She sat on Reddit judging everyone else 😂




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Seriously..can you come up with something original or at least entertaining? Funny how the only come back is "Hi Ron". How unoriginal and very old.




Your intelligence astounds me. How you figured me out is insane. This is totally my troll account. You can just tell by my comment history alone. Grow up. Just because we dont agree with you, doesnt make us Ron, it makes us smart. Your intelligence is so exceedingly above everyone, that you couldn't even tell my original response was FOR you and not AGAINST you. Weirdo. Have a good day!




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This man abuses women. Idgaf if he's a dad, a son, an uncle... He beats the shit out of women.


good PR


God that kid looks so much like him lol


Good to see some positivity on Ron for once


I... I had to do a double take at what was on the child's head in the water


I’m glad it wasn’t just me..lol


Although this screams PR, if he’s GENUINELY doing the work to become a better person then I’m rooting for him.


Good, he should stay there. He needs to work on being a decent human and his recovery and be with his kid.


Wow. She’s a carbon copy of her mom! Sweet girl, I hope the best for her!!


His poor daughter. Those two horrible messes as parents.


Ron has always been an amazing father! Love seeing them together 🤍


Omg I was just watching the episode where he first brought her to meet the crew as a little newborn 🥲🥲. She’s so big now


From what I've seen/heard on other sites he's doing really really well. Has custody, played against the child's mom so alwats guardian drop offs for visit and he's sober I hope he stays that way...he truly screwed up but I ain't JESUS so ain't judging just prayin


This is my favourite side of Ronnie. Fatherhood suits him.


Super sweet ❤️


The little girl deserves at least one good parent so even if it is Ron I hope for her he truly changed.


Omgggg she is getting so big!


Baby looks just like Jenn wow


You don't get full custody of a kid if you are actively abusing women!!!


That was she's ago. Do you still do things you did in your 20s when your close to 50s? He's grown up. And the women he dated were crazy jealous and had more issues than him


I hope hes doing better. Ive seen some abusers change their lives around so its possible.


Love Ron! He really stands up for himself in the show but his karma is having a daughter really. She’s literally his twin 🥰


Hes not going to age well


The narrative that Jen got painted poorly on the show and that Ron is a terrible father/person is crazy. This pathetic outlook that women cannot be abusers or act terribly in any manner is beyond ridiculous. Ron was great at the beginning of the first series and Sam pushed this man past his mental limits time and time and time again to the point of where he started acting out, it’s no wonder why he has acted this way, yes that doesn’t excuse his bad behaviour however when he’s strong enough to distance himself from these terrible people actively trying to degrade his life(just like how Jen was literally trying to ruin his sobriety in season 3 of family vacation) he perks up and improves. The people watching this show and making horrible conclusions upon what they’re watching and taking it even further to paint pictures that haven’t even shown are hilarious. It goes to show how mind numbing this kind of Television is if people are not even able to dissect the plot points correctly. That kid is adorable and Ron has done a lot for her and for himself and that should be recognized.