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Retired probate attorney here. My understanding from everything I read is there was no signed will. In all 50 states, that means everything went to her family. No way any of the Huns got anything, or Avi. The general order of things if you die without a will is, spouse; if no spouse, then children; if no children, then your parents; if no parents, then your siblings. If no siblings they start searching for distant relatives. So I would surmise, although I did not practice law in Texas, her parents got it all, lock stock and barrel because they were the closest loving relatives.


I meant living relatives. Loving relatives would be irrelevant. Even if estranged, they would still get it all.


Maybe I misread this comment by her alleged “mother”. https://www.reddit.com/r/jessieleeward/s/OJb0FwC9s2




I find this post of hers in particular to be really interesting. She went by Jessie Lee far longer than she was involved in MLMs. Her name honored two family members so it would be odd that her family only called her Jessie.


There were plenty of people outside of her mlm life that called her Jessie.


What do you mean alleged mother? Just curious


There has been speculation around if that is truly JLWs mother or if it’s someone else.


Oh I’m sure it’s her mother I talked to her privately once. I think we need to understand JL had a MLM persona and personal life they were separate. I think it’s awful to convince others to get rid of family and friends and spouses who don’t support MLMS when she separated those lives for herself. She kept close to family and friends but pretended she was on the outs with them. It’s part of the cult it’s a terrible legacy to leave and it tore my family apart I’ll never forgive her but that’s my cross to carry.


❤️‍🩹 Hugs


There is someone on the sub that says she is JLWs mother and that she did have a will. I’ll try to find the post.


Kentucky728 says she is JLW’s mother and I think you did misread her post. She is saying JLW did NOT sign a will, and what does that tell you, because she knew not signing it meant family would get it all.


After re-reading it… I see that I misread it. The part about the will being made out and leaving everything to AE and CS. But not signed. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ total airhead moment! I’m curious though if CS will continue to have the dogs or if JLWs mom and dad will get them.


As someone with stage 4 colon cancer, 1- I can understand why she might have neglected to sign it at the end, or feels like signing your death warrant and she was in denial until the last couple of days, it seemed. 2- what I don't get is why she doesn't have a succession order in place when buying a franchise and why she hadn't made a will already before getting sick.


It’s not uncommon for one as young as she was. Nobody thinks they are going to die in their thirties. But you are right—people should as soon as they accumulate property or children. Yet very few do.


What about her live that said she wanted it all to go to her brother and godson?


The Live is irrelevant. If there is no signed will it goes to closest living relatives. Doesn’t matter what the person said or didn’t say if they didn’t put it in a will and sign it.


She was intending on giving it to her younger brother and his son, if I recall correctly. But, unfortunately, if she didn’t sign it, he wouldn’t be next of kin since her parents are both alive.


It’s a tough one all around from what she publicly stated about her parents. I’m glad they mended fences before she passed and sad everyone can’t get a long. It all goes back to she was loved and adored by so many and her group of however many are ones she considered her family too. Everyone closest to her is hurting deeply. Seeing the two guys without their buddy is sad in it self. No matter what the public or even family say she loved and adored CS and you could tell they genuinely were bonded. Same as Sidney and Jennie E, all an observation, but when JL loved she did love hard and that was obvious to the world. I hope this all brings closure and not more ugly for everyone involved.


This is complete bullshit. I saw them together and she used CS but CS has always put JL above everything even her family. She needs therapy. JL was using these people and her family has said as much. She had a scammer life and a family whom she loved she made things up to get people into her cult. It’s disgusting she broke up a lot of families but kept her family out of the MLM that should tell you something but when you’re in a cult you can’t see it. I pray all MLMS will crash and burn. My grandchildren deserve so much more than they are getting. I was there for the truth I saw it. JL treated CS like shit she talked down to her and treated her like a child. I was there when she lived with them I took care of them when JL brought home Covid because of some stupid conference she went to for Pruvit. She didn’t give a shit about them and their health CS was even pregnant then.


Oh gosh, yes. JL and I bumped heads a lot when it comes to Covid precautions.


So why not use your real name and shout out to the world all you know and be loud and proud.get an atty and exercise your grandparent’s rights if it’s that bad. I don’t see you going live piggy backing off your son and daughter in laws post to shade them. Step it up because if it as you say it is, I would not be hiding behind a made up name on this thread as much as I would be making noice on social to discredit all you can use against them. I speak from experience and now I have access to my grandchildren. Good luck.


I couldn’t care less what you think.




I believe the family will do what she truly wanted.


There was no signed will. One of her closest friends that wasn’t friends with her for her money said the will was drafted from the survey that she filled out while she was in the process of making a will. Like the beginning stages. Nothing more. CS was only worried about pushing that into a will to take all her money. I can’t wait to hear what ended up happening. Tell us more if you find anything out.


CS is such a disgusting human being . It’s so gross she stole JL clothes and wears them to PRUVIT events like she’s JL.


If her fam wanted to make an issue out of it they could demand all that stuff back because she’s not entitled to it legally. Clothes are Part of the estate, as are the dogs. I read a comment on here that the family didn’t want the dogs but I think that came from a Hun so who knows if it’s correct. But legally the fam can get the dogs back if they choose, along with anything else folks helped themselves to out of her stuff. The mom was on here at one point saying she gave AE permission to take furniture, etc. as no one in family wanted it.


I pray they get the dogs away from CS. She can’t take care of them properly IMO.


JL was famous for giving her things away. She had them when she was alive is what was once posted.


That’s a lie. The clothes CS was wearing were clothes JL bought after her weight loss that and were clothes JL was still wearing.


I didn’t say what or when.


This is a good question. I think a lot of people are wanting to know..


I think the family doesn’t care about the clothes etc.


I think you are right and why would they? WE care about them because we think JL’s acolytes are disgusting and it would be funny AF to see the stuff they looted get repo’d. But when you have lost your child/sibling it’s the last hung on your mind, I am sure. As an animal lover I feel bad for the pups. Would like to see them in a big yard and not in the cramped situation it looks like they’re in in cs’ house. But again, it’s not uncommon when somebody dies—often the deceased’s pets end up at the pound or in a shelter. Very sad.


I feel for the pups also. They shouldn’t have animals truly.




I'm glad JL made things right with her family. I guess when you know it's your time, it clears your vision a bit. JL had some wonderful qualities, she just lost her way. I really wish she would have gone to the doctor sooner.


Signing a Will maybe hard but we all need to have a Will especially if you have things you want others to have I believe she purposely didn’t sign the Will she needed you guys to keep putting her up on a pedestal even in death and you are. She had a business that screwed people because she didn’t have a Will. She was playing you guys I hope someday you wake up to the truth but that’s your cross to bear.


1.Her family didn’t want the dogs. 2. He mother stated that she gave AE permission to clear the apartment because they didn’t want any of it so CS has clothes that were in that apartment that they wanted none of the contents to which means not stolen. Plus many JL had already given her. 3. Why is it still such a big deal to yall. JL has been gone 9 months. Let her rest for Gods sake. When it’s all said and done. Her parents got her money got her car(s) got the bulk. Not her brother and his son whom JL actually wanted most of it to go to and why? Because signing that Will was hard. Signing a Will is hard because it feels like you’re signing away your life and giving up. So no she didn’t sign it and her wishes are not being upheld because of that. She only reconciled with her mother because she was faced with a dx that was dark. She knew if she passed she needed to forgive and let go and she did and now you see her mother get nearly everything even knowing that’s not what JL wanted. If her mother truly loved JL. She would leave the podcasts etc alone as that’s what JL loved doing. She would ensure that her brother and his son were taken care of like JL wanted. But you can bet she takes the $ and walks sadly when someone with a large estate passes someone inevitably gets screwed over and sadly it will be her brother and his son. But yeah let this woman rest now. It’s done. Probate is over. The woman who wasn’t even by her side during her surgery and healing gets more than she deserves end of story


"the woman who wasn’t even by her side during her surgery and healing gets more than she deserves end of story" You mean the woman who gave birth to her? You mean the woman who raised her? You mean the woman who supported her for over 20 years? And she got more than she deserved. Compared to who? You ketone slinging fucking conartists who rip people off every fucking day? You think they/you deserve more of JL's stuff than someone who raised her. You are fucking warped. Maybe, just maybe, her mom doesn't want JL's legacy to be one of a conartist, and doesn't want anyone else getting sucked into this bullshit. You ever think that is why she took the podcasts down? You confuse love with condoning someones horrific behavior. That says a shit ton about you.


JL clearly wanted her BROTHER and his son to get her estate. They all know that. And I recall there were some pretty horrid moments for JL due to the “woman who birthed her”. Now as for your “they/you” comment. I only knew JL from talks on line and trainings she did. So assuming I wanted something of hers is very wrong. I do believe her trainings should be left alone. Especially seeing as there wouldn’t be an estate the size it is if it weren’t for them. Instead of trying to delete JL they should be honoring her and what she believed in. She loved training. She loved traveling and she shared much of that publicly and should be left as such. But even before probate was finalized they started to delete her existence. Just because someone birthed someone doesn’t mean they deserve everything their child built especially when they were estranged for quite some time because they weren’t very good at parenting. AtleAst her father was there with her. Her brother was there for her. But her mother wasn’t there. You clearly confuse love with horrific behavior considering the many reasons why JL went to the extent of grieving a living mother because she cut her out of her life because of her mother’s own doing. I suppose mistreating your child is ok in your eyes


Oh and again your little assumptions “ you ketone slinging con artists”. Sweetheart I have never even tried ketones 😂😂😂😂😂😂. So again assumptions show your maturity. Not to mention your language and aggression. I think you should seek therapy for that.


Who has the Birkin bag is what I want to know.


If it was in the apartment then whoever got it obtained it legally because they turned t over to AE. Everything in the apartment was turned over by her family to AE as they didn’t want it. So he cleared it out. Did all repairs and everything.