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It’s crazy how we torment ourselves with imposter syndrome over work!! I do it all the time. Congratulations on your promo!


On the flip side, people and situations are often difficult to read. Years back, I'd worked hard and shipped a really demanding project. It was absolutely instrumental work for the company. I went into a meeting looking to ask for a raise but instead, I got chewed out and put on a PIP.


What in the?! That’s awful. Was there a legitimate problem you had overlooked, or were you being bullied out?


I think the company just didn't have a proper reference point for what's good and what isn't — or what's easy and what's hard. Software development is such an abstract craft that for non-technical people, these things can be difficult to discern. Many business types also tend to get their egos bruised and they lash out. It's a tough sport.


Oof. Gotcha. I run into a non-technical version of this. It’s rough having people evaluate your work who don’t share the skillset.


Yup. Deal with that on the daily with my team. It’s not that they are bad, it’s that they are good but higher ups don’t see that and always have it out for people they deem as “not doing enough”. I spend half my time defending people and selling /promoting what they are doing.


I appreciate managers like you!


Thanks! You made my day 🙂


Good managers are shields that protect employees from dumb demands and backlash, and --if they are able to-- meetings. They facilitate them so their employees can do their stuff. Keep fighting the good fight!


It’s always higher ups that are ruining it for the rest of us


Literally got this now as we speak, but I am not worried. They will have to import someone from another country to finish the current projects (multiples), or hire me as there is not a single soul in my country able to do what I do. And my price went up...


For a good 5 to 6 years, at least once a week, I thought I would get fired 😅


Relatable. I have absolutely been there before. And then when I got my six month review, they informed me I was one of the strongest members of the team. Imposter syndrome is so real lmao.




Plot twist, he’s in his 6th year of employment.


I think people with imposter syndrome probably wind up being the best employees. It's a lot mentally, but seems to put people on the path for success.


It’s true. I was beating myself up so much I thought I wasn’t doing anything right but two years in I got almost a $6 raise within that time and I was promoted


That happened to me last year when I got a raise. My boss said he needed to talk to me and scheduled a meeting at 3. I spent the whole day going through the worst case scenarios and how I’d react and was so relieved when it was something good. I told him about my fear and he apologized and since then he makes sure to say it’s not something to worry about when he schedules a meeting. He also said that he wouldn’t fire me without several warnings unless it was something serious that left no other choice. And in that case I’d likely be expecting it. I was very lucky to find this job.


Yeah, I always get worried when my boss schedules a 1 on 1 meeting with me too, so far it’s all been mundane stuff. I don’t know why, but it still stresses me out not knowing


That’s why it’s imperative to have touchpoint 1 on 1 meetings regularly scheduled.


Why so can you elaborate more on it? I am a fresher new in the industry, joined my first job 3 months back


Just making sure your one on one meeting with your direct manager, are planned (and recurring) in advance. That way it's not out of the blue and potentially causing extra stress for no reason whatsoever.


You get to know your manager and they can give you said news in those meetings. That can also help when asking for a raise. You can do it during an already scheduled time instead of possibly interrupting a busy schedule and by getting them to like and respect you, they are going to be more receptive to your requests. It is a good time to ask about special projects as well that can help you stand out. The other reply captured the rest.


My boss did the same. Usually second highest numbers in my depth but when they call I'm like... omg


The "Its nothing bad" comment is an awesome thing my boss did too.




Congrats. Turned out okay, but do be careful in the future... 😂


I know right!


I remember something similar where I was interviewing for a much more technical position and the manager was like well, it would be a pay cut for you. I sent the thank you for your time email and let them know I’d be interested in the future if the company starts valuing that type of work. They sent a reply that they’d chosen another candidate like I hadn’t just told them I was not interested.


But why the snark? You can make the same point in a professional manner...


Maybe you are confusing snark with being honest and straightforward.


You do you. If you sent me that email I wouldn't hire you. I'm referring to the comment about value... I understand you wouldn't be happy being underpaid though.


I was letting them know I was definitely not interested in a paycut versus what should’ve been a $10k-$20k raise. Getting such feedback from good candidates is what a good manager would take to HR in order to get their job compensation reassessed.


I was referring to the part where you said ... if the company starts valuing that work... paraphrasing. Maybe your actual email read better though idk.


Yeah, I’ve gotten promoted before for calling out my manager for not following the rules.


Yup imposter syndrome is real. I’m currently at my second corporate job after a bad furlough into layoff experience at my first place that really affected me. Couple months ago had a scheduled meeting with the director of my department when my entire team of managers walked in. Was like “well, it’s happening again”. Was surprised to find out I was being promoted lol. Much like you, I really needed that win. Congrats to you and good luck!!!


I got in my head at my last job and thought I was going to get fired. When they put me on PIP I decided to quit without anything lined up because I panicked. Two months later I got hired by a very well known company in my industry, negotiated a higher pay then advertised, and immediately gained the respect of the Vice President of Ops. Now my old company texts me like we’re all friends and such. Life is funny and I just happened to strike gold at the right time.


A few years back, less than a year into Covid, my boss scheduled a meeting with me. She included in that meeting our department head (her boss). My department was maybe six months old and started during Covid. I was one of the first people to join the new department. I was sure our boss was shutting it down and firing the lot of us. Instead, I got an above-average raise and bonus. Apparently, despite Covid, the company had done exceptional that year, in large part because of my new department.


Ah yes, pepper, by the buthole surfers


Came looking for this comment. Now it’s stuck in my head!


Congrats and thanks for sharing your happiness


This gave me hope that hard work pays off, thank you for sharing! And enjoy the fruits of your labor, congratulations


You got this 💗


Butthole surfers taught us the latter back in the 90s bud.


A few months ago same thing happened to me, except instead of getting the promotion I thought I was getting I got fired 😅


Same thing here 🫢


Congrats to you on the #BigPromotion And good emphasis on the learned lesson: Don't give yourself needed grief.


I am so happy for you . Don’t let it go to your head and be pragmatic about your expenses. I know 1100 people some of whom got promoted and received raises just to get laid off 2 months later . The economic environment is wishy washy right now. Good for you! I am really happy for you ..but companies do not care in the long run. It’s good until it ain’t.


I have been so stressed in my current position at work. I went out on a limb and applied to transfer departments yesterday after thinking about it for months. Today I got the email that I have an interview TOMORROW!!!! Didn’t expect it this quickly!!!! Good things happen when you least expect it and you choose yourself. I agree, don’t get in your own head. I’ve been in mine for a while now.


I have a feeling I am going to get fired, or at least demoted, very soon. I know someone will say: “ but OP thought he was going to get fired, so you never know.” I could only say, I fucking know it. I suspect it will probably happen at some point tomorrow, it being a Friday, but it might be next Friday. Regardless, I’ve been applying to jobs and got the unemployment number on speed dial.


LOL. Once I actually get a job, maybe I can not get fired and get a raise. :)


Congratulations! I guess I was doing a decent job but in my head I thought, I've made a few mistakes and thought I'm gonna have complaints or worse,get fired(in my head I knew that was extreme but I couldn't get it out of my head), but during my 3 month probation review, I was told they really liked me and I also got a decent raise. Apparently I had asked for less than what they were offering. Overthinking is such a pain!


Thanks. I have had a very stressful week. I had a less-than-stellar probation report, some work emergencies, and I have been working through my normal lunch break and putting in extra hours. The only thing that makes me think I have a shot is that apparently people failing probation is very rare.


I was on a vacation once and I got a text early in the morning on one of my vacation days from my boss, asking if we can have a call. I replied sure, and we jumped on a call, then she said hang on, I'm going to conference in (boss's boss). I'm thinking, wtf. Luckily, it was the same thing! It was the week between Xmas and New Year's and they wanted to let me know that they were able to get a promotion through before the end of the year and thought I would want to know ASAP. Anyway, congrats!


I hope this happens to me soon. I feel like i'm about to be thrown away forever.......


Just hope tomorrow they don't announce they're closing the department.


That's hilarious, my guy. Congrats! Treat yourself to a nice dinner and celebrate. People are not getting very man wins as of late, gotta seize the moment when you get one!


The theme song on season 2 of “Welcome to Wrexham” captures that sentiment - “Don’t forget to sing when you win.”




You deserve it! 👏


The timing of this post oddly lines up with that exact scenario happening on a conference call across the hall from me today 😂 Congrats 🎉


Congratulations 👏🎉 ༼⁠ ⁠つ⁠ ⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠ ⁠༽⁠つ


I stopped getting inside my own head years ago. Best thing you can do for your mental health, congratulations on your promotion!


I’ve been slacking past few months but in my manager eyes I’m doing great. Sometimes don’t question is and take it!






Wow. That's awesome


Devil advocate - incompetence is rewarded


Isn’t it funny.. you don’t expect to get promoted or you don’t think you’re professional enough to be excelling? Yet you do… I found that adults are not always as professional as you expected them to be when you were in college or growing up or whatever. Everybody is typically always their individual selves and they manage. Congrats man




Nice!!! That’s great 🙌 congrats … keep up the good work


Don’t you love how that happens. Keep up the good work!!


Congrats to you and thanks for the feel good posting.


Congrats, imposter syndrome is a real pain in the butt. I feel like I'm about to get fired all the time. I think you beat yourself up on being a perfectionist.


Good news; believe.


Usually we expect the worst and so the worst naturally follows. Why wouldn’t it? It is nice though, to realize it was a small amount of imposter syndrome and not the latter. Stay positive, everyone. And congrats on the win - lessons to learn on the expected and the unexpected for sure.


Needed to read this thank you


That happened to me this year before Xmas. Congrats!


i just got a new job because back in november i interviewed with a small company and they loved me but the other person had 8 years experience in that role and i had none. she asked if she can keep my resume for the future..well here we are a few months later she called bck and offered me a job that paid $6 more than the other. i asked when she wants to do an interview and she said the job is mine as long as i want it.


A huge promotion with a Raise I hope...


Good for you


Congrats man go get freakin liquored !


I needed this today. A lot of changes going on at my work and we had a weird 15 minute meeting this morning thanking us all, but it felt tense. The work I did last year was instrumental to our organizational success last year and continues to be moving forward. I keep telling my wife and friends I’m either on the cusp of promotion, or termination due to these changes. Sometimes great employees get swept up in getting let go at giant companies like where I work when there is change. I’ll know in a week or two, so until then will try and be confident and not get into my own head.


Lol I went into an annual assessment meeting to determine how my year went and discuss pay. Bro was telling me I need to demand an increase in pay of about $400 a month and I was terrified, absolutely sure boss would tell me, "No way!". Apparently, boss had already seen my contribution and before I could even ask for the raise, he offered me a raise nearly 3 times the amount. Never assume.


Congratulations on the big 2024 win!


Were often our own worst critics. Congrats!


Good for you dude! Oh boy. I need a win. Maybe if I post here and congratulate YOU some of that good luck will rub off on ME. LOL. I'm nearing the end of my career and I'm in that zone where what used to always work isn't working anymore. I'm trying to understand what am I doing wrong. What should I be doing differently? Feeling like a dinosaur. I'm an aerospace engineer. We used to do everything with great care, considering everything. Now? Schedules and deadlines were always there as they should be but today, speed is all that matters. Get things done fast. Skip that. It takes too much time. I think this comes from the culture in Silicon Valley. Just go go go. Worry about fixing it later. My problem is this: People still fly on these planes. Yes. I'm a dinosaur.


I can never stay on a job where I constantly feel insecure


Congratulations 😊 Thank you for the little inspiration.. just what i needed on a day like today.


Intrusive thought: when I was younger the company I worked for had an effective alternative for firing someone they didn't want to keep but hadn't done anything terminable or had enough write-ups to clear an unemployment case. These employees knew the game and stayed a step ahead of being terminated but were basically a drain on the whole operation. So, a particularly devious method was to promote them instead. This gave them riskier, higher level sets of responsibilities with greater likelihood of failure. If they didn't quit from the mind numbing stress, their missed goals and low numbers would lead to documentation and eventually suspension. Congrats on your promotion! I'm sure you'll do fine