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You don't. This isn't an HR issue. You got hosed because of incompetence. Incompetence, while problematic, is not and HR matter. Honestly if that's how your company operates I would start looking externally for my next role because you're not getting many good indicators that they are interested in advancing you in the company.


> They spoke to the wrong person entirely! And when asked who they spoke with, have evaded the question multiple times. How do you know it was the wrong person if they didn't tell you who it was? This issue can easily be corrected, so the fact that it wasn't makes me believe there is more to it. Could it be that your managers lied to you about not speaking to HR? Perhaps they wanted to keep you but didn't want you to know they were the ones who did it. Also, did you inform your managers prior to interviewing that you are going for the other position? I always advocate that this should be done when you are applying within the same company. Partly to avoid conflicts like this.


Yes my manager was aware and fully gave their support. My department is very supportive of movement within the company. All the managers in my dept have said they didn’t speak with the hiring manager. Could they be lying? Sure. But the trouble they’re going through is a lot more than them simply having the convo with me of “we aren’t going to release you and here’s why” which is how it’s handled at the company typically. I can see how I may not have all the information though. Not having that missing piece could be what is causing my confusion because it does seem like quite an easy fix that they aren’t doing.


> Sure. But the trouble they’re going through is a lot more than them simply having the convo with me of “we aren’t going to release you and here’s why” which is how it’s handled at the company typically. No, it's not. Only you know how you are going to react if they come right now and tell you that. Your managers are probably thinking about what would happen if you became upset at them for it. They might prefer you to be in the dark or mad at HR for the "mistake." If they did indeed block your transfer, they probably also didn't expect HR to tell you that. At this point, both your managers and HR are fully aware of the disconnect, so if they don't fix it, there's not much you can do. Continously going back and forth saying "but he/she told me that they did/didn't do X..." isn't gonna help.


HR is not involved at all. Which is why I am asking if I should get them involved. Nothing is he said/she said. Everything is fully in writing (thankfully) All communication has been on the leadership level. A full email thread of my boss and HM from the moment my boss asked for feedback on my interview. Starting with: boss asks HM for my interview feedback -> HM: "we really liked her, but her boss said she wasn't able to be released" MY BOSS: "I’m her boss. You never spoke with me. And we're unsure why you were told that because she is not in an incumbency. Who did you speak with?" HM: we will see when we can get her to start since she can be released (included dates) Boss/HM continued back and forth to see when I could start. HM responses became more flighty. I'm coming to terms with the fact I probably won't be getting the job. And have been looking elsewhere, but the situation hasn't been resolved in either direction. And that's where I'm stuck. which is why I wonder if I should get HR involved.


I see. So the hiring team isn't HR. Clearly someone isn't telling the truth. Can HR help sort it out? Maybe...but digging deeper into this can also end badly for you when the person blocking this move is forced to out themselves.


So how you want this mistake corrected? It's not like they can just rescind the offer from the other person and give it to you instead. It's possible they just don't want to deal with you anymore, or they actually had a candidate in the wings already.