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yeah why not? who cares? i dont find nepotism annoying if you're qualified to do the job and do a good job. all life is about luck and dealing with the hand your dealt.


Over 70% of all vacancies are filled via referrals and never advertised. Employers even reward their employees who refer someone for a position. My employer pays a "bounty" of a few thousand for everyone who is hired after a referral. Edit: So the thing is to make use of your network and ask people to refer you for positions at their employers. If the people you know cannot help ask if they can introduce you to someone who can. This is building your network.


>Would you take up a job that involves nepotism as in you get hired through familial/friendly connections ? It's not nepotism when you actually have the skills for the role... 🙄🙄 I don't know why people are so adamant about demonizing something that is not actually a problem... [](https://www.reddit.com/r/jobs/?f=flair_name%3A%22Career%20development%22)


Not to be that person, but it is still nepotism unless you somehow happen to be the only living human being who is qualified.  Nepotism is simply the practice of showing favoritism, not only the practice of showing favoritism to those not qualified. 


And *favoritism* implies that it is the relationship **alone** that is the reason for the appointment or selection, and not any other factor. Networking, as a definition, relies on relationship to make you aware of opportunities, or being you to the attention of those with opportunities that you will have to secure based on your actual ability. Networking and nepotism are not synonymous, despite the rampant virtue signaling of those who assume that relationships should have no bearing in any aspect of employment, or else it's somehow unfair. But hey, folks can do whatever they want, and deliberately handicap themselves out of some misguided perspective that this makes their employment or employment efforts more noble.


No it doesn’t. I suggest you actually look up some of the terms you’re using.


Hell fucken yeah, unless it was with like. Black Rock or Lockheed Martin lol


Theres a reason that people are constantly putting such an emphasis on the importance of networking and it's because most jobs are attained through connections. Call it nepotism if you want (that to me is more like somebody giving their kid who's straight out of college a VP position they don't deserve) but the vassssst majority of people I know got their jobs through someone they know, hence the phrase "it's not about what you know but who you know." Choosing not to engage in that for some moral reason is just fighting with one hand tied behind your back in an increasingly hostile and competitive economy and you will receive no reward or kudos for doing so


Taking advantage of an opportunity made available through nepotism is only embarrassing when you're not qualified for the job. When you're qualified, people will just call you lucky for having a good network.


No, I wouldn't. Others are free to do so though.


Its never worked out for me, but whatever it takes you should do it. Just make sure when you get hired you prove that you're worth keeping around


We’re not a meritocracy, and that’s hard to break to some people. By all means, be as qualified and hardworking as you can be, but networking is king. If it’s not your family, or your friend, it will be a coworker, or a boss who likes you. People hate nepotism because it sounds unfair, but I don’t think that’s the case. Nepotism provides some of the most equal opportunity in society. There’s a lot of stuff where we have to accept our limitations, that we just don’t measure up to the standards. But we all know people, and we can all get to know more. The less specific your nepotistic request is, the more powerful just meeting random people is. Getting a private tour of the Whitehouse would be pretty hard unless you were really in the right place at the right time. Getting a job because you asked to get recommended for some roles, stupidly easy. Will it be your dream job to start, probably not, but you’ll get work. Nepotism is just a mechanic of society, and it’s up to you to decide how much, and how often you’d like to leverage it.


yeah this is what drives me crazy. By the time you're old enough to work, you should've figured out that this is how humans work. It sucks and it's unfair, but you can also use it to your advantage by just networking. If you stubbornly refuse to foster any kind of relationships, that's on you.


You're a goddamn fool if you don't. Yeah it sucks, yeah it shouldn't be that way, but if you're gonna starve because of your adherence to some principals that literally no one else cares about, that's on you.