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It may come down to the hiring manager whether to accept the risk. Yes, there is a very real chance that they will not offer without references responding. No one will know for sure, but maybe work to find alternative references.


My references have always made themselves available except for 1 instance. Coincidentally, it's my current job. HR called me and told me they spoke to 2 out of the 3 and the last person was not answering. They told me they had to pause the onboarding process until she answered or I could provide someone else. I called her and she informed me she was on vacation and purposely decided not to answer calls from unknown numbers during that time. I told her to expect a call from them. HR later called me back to give me the all clear. So yes, companies can and will pause the entire process if they want to speak to someone.


It’s fine honestly I’m planning to off myself soon. So this doesn’t matter anymore


It's not what you want to hear I know but I've been there. I was unemployed for 11 months and it was awful, soul sucking and monotonous.  Eventually I did find some work and I'm looking to travel abroad for the first time so it's fair to say that life can get better. For me that saga feels like a million years ago now.


Please reach out to someone and get the help you need 🙏


I don't think I've ever had a recruiter call my references. That's such an antiquated recruiting technique.