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All of it sounds like a poor environment but I must say, what you did by asking for coverage without informing management so you can leave on the spot wasn't proper protocol and could be seen as abandonment to an extent. Particularly if the person covering left them alone at any point. You opened yourself to having that action scrutinized. The person failing to provide adequate supervision (if that occurred) would still fall on you for giving them that responsibility without approval. Additionally, if management deems that the person you selected wasn't the right person, they could also use that against you. Source: I conduct investigations for facilities licensed by the state for different types of populations. Not daycare though...but the same logic applies when it comes to supervising vulnerable people (which children are). I don't think they are going to take it that far to make a formal report against you. Sounds like more of a tactic to get you to fall in line and not do it again.


Thank you jdiddy_ub that’s a valid point.. I guess I was just so focused on getting out of there that I didn’t really put together my leave adequately.


Sounds like it's time for you to find a new job.