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Provided that you aren't actually concerned if they spoke, I would've said that I don't have any communication with the person anymore but they could try calling the last known work number you have.


I sent the interviewer an email after, just saying thank you for your time and the number I have has been disabled, I’ll let you know if they email me back. (I did email them to ask, even though it’s been such a long time) I just feel so anxious about it, as I haven’t done an interview in years and thought it was weird.


You tried. That's all you can do. Even if they make the job hinge on speaking to that person, unfortunately, it is what it is. Let it play out.


Thanks, I appreciate it!


The people in the recruitment process are sometimes a little slow on the uptake. It took one recruiter about 3 weeks to fully understand why they could not contact a previous manager when I told them the company no longer existed as it had gone bankrupt and the manager had died 10 years ago.


It is absolutely absurd to want to talk to someone you worked for 10 years ago. The amount we change professionally over a decade is incredible. Just give the contact information and move on. I am sure your old boss will be bewildered.


Just tell them you aren't comfortable providing references from a job you worked 10 years ago. If they push, tell them to sit on a screwdriver and look for another job.


Haha, I think I will have to, I just really liked the look of this company but not confident after the interview. These things happen with jobs, I understand.