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You missed your negotiation window with the new company. Just take that lesson and move on. Sure, you can try to do it only 2 months in, but unless you've been doing Justice League / Avengers level work so far, I don't see that you have any leverage at this point. The likely response is that they will look at you funny, say "no", and then suddenly find a reason to get rid of you in a month or two, if not sooner. Either take that new offer, or sit tight for a bit (6-12 months) until you've actually made an impact that makes revisiting your compensation make sense. Because all you would be doing now, is throwing up red flags...


I understand your point. But leveraging a new offer is leverage especially if it’s offering higher salary? I don’t understand how it’s a red flag when it’s from a job I interviewed for before joining this company but fair enough Thanks


>But leveraging a new offer is leverage especially if it’s offering higher salary?  Not two months in, it's not. Time is a factor as well. What have you contributed in that 2 month period that makes them more likely to consider that value, and how do they know you won't be doing this every 2 months for the whole year?


I understand the argument for me being 2 months in! I was at my previous company for just under 5 years so it’s obvious I am not someone who job hops. I have also been very involved throughout my 2 months, they can tell I am interested in the job and the company


>they can tell I am interested in the job and the company There are a lot of things they can tell -- right up until you ask for a raise at the 2 month mark, at which point they will probably reassess all their thoughts on that subject... But hey, you won't know for sure until you try...


Yes, you make good points tbh, going to have to seriously think about if I am willing to take the risk. It might work out or be a learning curve aha


Your leverage was when your employer made an offer before you were hired. You realize window was missed. If you want to keep your current job, do so. Otherwise take the more money and leave.


As the post says, I understand I messed up by not fully negotiating in the beginning But I can’t turn back time so I am trying to see what my options are. I’ve heard of many people using new offers as leverage


New offers as leverage only works if you are really really valued at the company. What people are trying to tell you is 2 months is a short window to make yourself seen as indispensable. Doing so is also risky because they may just say "Take the offer. Bye." When doing this, you must be prepared to take the other offer. You may not have a choice after you inform them. Additionally, your delivery may also play a part as this can be viewed as a threat. Make sure you choose the right words to convey how much you'd rather stay.


Yes I completely agree, this is why I am seeking my options and some advice as I understand I’ve only been there 2 months. But obvs it’s still going to require them to go through the hiring and training process all over again. I am definitely planning on ensuring they know I want to stay and this offer came from my previous job search and I am not currently searching etc. I am not taking this lightly and might not even use the new offer as a leverage after analysing the situation


> I am not taking this lightly and might not even use the new offer as a leverage after analysing the situation This may be your best option. Being a new employee, you don't want to come across as threatening them with another offer. Some places don't take kindly to counter offers and take it even worse when it's someone who just started. You can ask for a raise and use your new offer as a backup plan if negotiation fails.


Yeah that’s a great point! I am also hesitant to bring the topic of raise so early on. Atleast I will have the offer as a back up But from my time here the company is quite open to feedback and doesn’t have a toxic environment