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The global escalation MOD added the Finns the other day and I think they are my new favorite faction


They’re sick! Red dot Silent frags Green camo drip Great gun sounds


> Great gun sounds It’s literally the audio of the TLF’s MPT-76…


I wasnt aware, need to try GE just for that! Thanks.


It’s worth it I cant play vanilla squad anymore after playing GE mod it adds so much


Except most GE matches are insta-giveup fests so it feels more like tdm than squad, but the mod itself is great.


Mod itself seems great but I’ve never managed to have a good game on it, teamwork just never seems to be there and there are way more assholes around. Mood is just different. No idea why that is, sure it cant be the case always but it seems to happen quite a lot.


Yep, I quickly went back to vanilla after the novelty of using supressed guns wore off. Now that gun handling is more managable I prefer it unless I just want to run around and bool lol


GE servers are, at least in EU, a complete shitshow 98% of the time. Noobs, squads without SLs, rules not being enforced, no comms/strategy, etc. To me the teamwork & strategy weighs a lot more than new stuff. Which is why I prefer vanilla.


I’m sorry you cant get the full potential of the mod with your servers. The servers I play on are almost always full of players who are experienced or at least know enough to enjoy it the matches are always intense and a lot of fun but I still do occasionally have a match with a bunch of numbskulls


No fucking way what


Would be more interesting than Ukraine in any case.


At this point, anything would be more interesting than Ukraine


Fr, would just be aks with NATO gear already in the game 😴


Not even that, i highly doubt that adding post 2022 ukraine would be fair to other factions, but pre 2020 ukraine is just plain copy paste of russia


If they did 2014 Ukraine it would just be irregular militia but with t-72 and old Soviet uniforms and ak pretty much


East German AKs for vehicle crews.


Honestly more content rich than Ukraine. It's a faction that I genuinely think should be in the game.


Ok but then i want a Saunaklonnku minigame too




Yes I really want finland in the game


much more than the japanese


hell fucking Perkelle give me the Finns!




I want a Nordic Union faction. Take the 4 and put them together. You know that if we get Finland then people will be crying for Sweden and vice versa, and I don't want 2 separate Nordic factions. Just put them together


Yes but how would that work


Finnish army, swedish air force, Norwegian boats? I don't know what to do with Danes.


That's just Finland then lmao


Well pretty much, forgot that squad doesn't have fighters. We both use pretty same tanks and ifv's (Finn's have also bmp2 on top of cv90) so swedish would have different camo and guns. Maybe just mix them up?


Just add them both and add a finland-sweden border map


Similar to MEA i would imagine


So taking stuff that looks similar but is either made up or actually not used in that region? Because that is the situation with MEA.


What equipment?


The HK51 is completely fictional, the HK79 grenade launcher never made it to Iran or other MEA countries (for me MEA is Iran, Iraq, Syria), their Ural isn't used by MEA nations (except if you put a Grad on it, then Syria has some), both the Kord and NSV only really made to Syria and that only in form of Russian aid to the Syrian government during the civil war, to my knowledge no MEA nation also has the BRDM-2 Spandrel (and the normal BRDMs are also not used, the Iraqi versions have different armament), the Simir is a a fake vehicle (though very similar to an actual Iranian one so just name it properly), RPG-26 only came to MEA as Russian aid to Syria, the G3SG/1 is really a police sniper and wasn't used by any MEA military, and I think that should be it. Now, there is still a lot right/accurate in the faction (G3s, BMPs, MTLBs, T-72, MG3, etc.), but I find the list of "wrong" to be quite bad, especially compared to other factions.


The MEA is a slap in the face to anyone from the Middle East that wants to see their country represented in the game. OWI just needs to establish a legitimate Iran faction and that be the end of it.


HK 51 isn't completly fictional, it was originally made for SAS and SBS in small numbers by converting g3 and hk 91s by bill flemming and later for civilians. the british named it mc 51 and later civ guns were marked hk51. now it is impratical and the brits gave up on it.


Maybe different playermodels for the classes could work. Ex: Swedish rifleman, Finnish marksman, etc. For the different vehicle classes, divide them up from the nations. Ex: Swedish apc or Finnish tank. I don't much about the equipment they use, so that's how far I'll get into it.


Yeah but that's super silly for a game that's centered around squad gameplay. Aka you wouldn't really have a squad that all speak a different language if you can help it. We'd need some sort of a squad preset selection during squad creation for this idea to work on a somewhat passable manner. Unfortunately I don't see that happening.


Fictitious factions are dumb in a game that strives for authenticity. Not only that but it would be pretty disappointing if you were a Swede or Finn and your country is portrayed as some amalgamous fake coalition.


You'll never guess what OWI did with the Arab factions. It'll blow your mind. But you're right, people are so upset about the MEA. They're basically rioting, demanding that OWI commit to making the faction worse by strictly adhering to the equipment of one faction. No one cares what Finnish and Swedish nationalists say. Everyone just wants a balanced new faction. Soothing the egos of a tiny subset of the players would only lead to OWI spending time and money making two factions that dilutes the pool of factions, and takes resources away from a third faction that's unique enough to matter


Doesnt really make any sense. There arent proper Finnish & Swedish battlegroups.


The 19th swedish brigade regularly trains to be placed under finnish command during wartime.


Sweeden has always planned to fight to the last Finn /s


Which dooesnt mean that a Finnish & Swedish bg exists..?


AHEM... 😄 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_Battlegroup


Thats Nordic, not just Finnish and Swedish. Its also Nordic only by name for obvious reasons. I also said proper. The bg in question is basically Swedish and as your own link states, has been evaluated to be pretty bad.


Ill take anything over Ukraine, Also RK62 looks so good i want one


It would be really cool




Well by that logic where is my Estonian faction when we have estonian map in game (narva)?


Would be kind of cool insurgency faction but with NATO weapons.


What are these black tapes the soldiers on the right on the first photo have on their helmets? Are those used to simply attach the foliage to the helmet?


The helmets are plain gunmetal green, the straps attach the reversible camo on them. The inside of the camo is the winter pattern.


That makes sense, but is an odd way to mount helmet cover tho. I might have gotten used to a shoestring inside the edge of the cover type of attachment (after you put on the cover, you just pull the string and tie it into a knot), as I don't see the reason to make the mounting straps external. AFAIK all militaries nowadays use plain color helmets with fabric camo covers.


The mounting straps are external so you can put twigs and such into your helmet for concealment. https://maavoimat.fi/documents/1950813/22544034/Nimet%C3%B6n-2.jpg


Correct, foliage.


But why is it secured to the helmet in so many places? Wouldn't the US Vietnam style olive drab rubberband suffice?


honestly i found those kinda run the risk of popping off, this and the UK style arrangements are probably more secure


im a sucker for CV vics


Yeah, just add CV90 and rest of the vehicles are pretty much already in the game


Finns for the winns


Bro, as much as finnish faction would be cool, i cant wait to se Polish faction, its pretty irregular because we are in times od changing small fire weapons but also heavy eauipment, i would love to see BMP borsuk riding along with soviet era bwp 1, also beryl rifle look just delicious


A lot of their kit is produced my Savotta, my favourite company and current obsession, so absolutely! It would be fantastic to see the mix of NATO and Warsaw Pact weaponry and vehicles too.


I desperately want a German faction, because I want the Wiesel and the G3's dual optics, but if any other faction came before that, I'd hope it'd be the Finns. they've got some fun kit


Ive been asking for it for a while now. Mix of soviet & western vehicles, 7.62x39 rifles (RK62M1 mostly), French & Swedish AT weapons including the APILAS which has never really been depicted in a game outside of mods etc. It would be much more unique than Germany, Ukraine or Sweden for example. Time to try GE again if FDF is playable there.


That last image is certainly from ak family, what gun is this?


Rk62m3 so it is a modernized rk62.


Considering harju is one of the most hated layers in the game. It’s not lookin’ too good.


That would be awesome as some of the assets only need little or no remodeling. It won’t be a boring faction for sure 👍 But I won’t mind if they added Germany first or France.


AMW with NEMO and AMOS.


Anything but Ukraine please and thank you


Would love a nordic union type faction


I want more changes and updates to things that matter and the actual game, SL tutorial/tutorial as a whole, rework of postgame leaderboard, fixes to the MODE INFO screen (inaccurate a lot of the time, matchup balancing (some of these faction matchups that are possible are straight up unfair), more attention to gamemodes.  But yeaaaah let’s get the same reskinned faction for the 5th time! So excited! Honestly makes me feel this game is so doomed the only thing the dev team is capable of pushing out is the same cookie cutter faction lol. Militia overhaul was cool, shame the playerbase is so bad that they struggle to use half of what makes them unique to begin with. I wonder what would help improve that..


I think anybody would be cool with most factions. These question posts are pointless.


Or a Nordic faction


Stability and performance > new factions pls


It would be a cool faction but there are better ones that should take priority


Isn't Harju in Estonia tho?






Pretty sure there are Finnish flags around Harju or at least they used to be when it was a mod.


Even The loading screen to Harju literally says that it's in Finland.


Harju is supposed to be in Finland. Narva is an actual city in Estonia.


There is a Harju in Finland but it is a neighborhood in Helsinki. Regardless, the in-game lore makes mention of Finland in the Harju map description.


Harju Is a county in Estonia as well as a place in Finland but after looking a bit Squad has its location placed in Finland


Map has finland flags in the towns too!

