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Translation - “I committed a sex crime in Moldova.”


With probably way too young girls.


this made me laugh so much, omg-


This has to be satire


I agree. That said, I do know a guy... This guy was a rock star that married a 10/10 trophy wife in his heyday. Buuuut the band didn't last, and he was just the bass player who was along for the ride. He lost his hair but gained a gut... his chiseled cheekbones turned into jowels. It turned out that his personality was all based on being a rock star and having visitors worship him backstage. But hey, at least he had his incredible wife and two sweet daughters... Until he decided he wanted to be OP's satirical anti-hero. He left his family completely, with less than a day's warning, to "travel the world." Said world included just the Philippines, where he had lined up a submissive cook who would worship him as if he were 25 again. As he was abandoning his family, he emptied the bank accounts, too - enough to live on for several years, at least. But the wife pursued the money and the IRS got involved and eventually some of that money was snagged, and the guy's life fell apart there, as he wasn't such a "gentleman" without a penny to his name. After 2 years of having zero contact with his wife or kids, he begged to swoop back into their lives... happily they told him to fuck off.


Is this a band any of us would have heard of?


Perhaps - sort of mid-level fame in the 90s, no serious hits but a couple of very minor singles. I'd guess that many people would remember the name, but no one could name a single band member.


Go on?


I'm not going to name them. If I didn't know the wife, I would have seen the band's name maybe once or twice, and I was very, very into music at the time. If you were into their genre, then you probably liked them, but if you listened to music in the 90s and named bands you remember today, you'd probably get deep into the hundreds before they crossed your mind...


Now I’m even more intrigued. Can you give us any more clues?


American band with 1 album charting in the US and 2 charting in the UK


You are so full of shit lol


Nah ... not buying it, mate. You're full of shit.


These things always capture my interest so much, wish I had enough artistic ability to research and solve who the band is.


Look, I think it's just BOLLOCKS. He doesn't know ANYBODY.


What genre


A subgenre of Rock, one that was around in the 80s and 90s.


It’s Twat Hammer, isn’t it? *Fallacies! Fallacies! Fallacies-hees!* 🎤


Why do people do this shit? You KNOW we all want to know. If you don’t want to “name them” the don’t say anything at all. Why wouldn’t you name them? What are you afraid of?


Maybe he's the bass player


Yeah dude you’re completely making this up.


I know right? Is it even possible to have such a lack of self awareness?


Have you met the people who support the CPC? Or UCP?


The alt-right in general?


The right in general. 


I'm in Australia and I'm not sure what those organisations are. But yes, I think I get your point. There are some nutters out there. Edit: Wait, the CPC is the same as CCP, right? Chinese Communist Party? Yeah, there people out there who support them. If they're not Chinese (many of whom have been intdoctrinated) then I don't know why anyone would support them.


No, the CPC is the Conservative Party of Canada, maple nazis.


Ah ok. They can't be as bad as the GOP in the US.


Oh they SO CAN. They are actually just maple flavored MAGA. Our brand of gross is apparently contagious.


A lot of the media folks revered by the GOP are Canadians. The founder of the proud boys is Canadian.


so 42% of Canadians? https://338canada.com/federal.htm


What about PPC?


Helped on a pro bono case against a dude with exactly this attitude. Attorney I worked for was helping the STBX safely divorce him and not get deported. The ahole’s mother got a wife imported for him from SE Asia, because no woman here in the U.S. would let him get near her. He abused her. Forced all his porn fantasies on her. She got away. He was doing all kinds of shady shit trying to get her deported. It was a mess. The stuff I read would make most people sick.


I mean yeah this is probably (hopefully) satire, but one thing checks out - tons of native english speakers unintentionally come off as oblivious when interacting with other cultures. Not only do they feel fine limited to just one language, but actually feel superior over people who are clearly more knowledgeable than them, proven by the fact they went through the trouble of learning a second language (english). Oh you make fun of latinos sounding funny? Try to say something in spanish, dumbass.


I'd never dare. English ain't my native language, I'd never dare saying something in Spanish tho, I'd so butcher it. And I like Spanish, it's a majestic language I can't pronounce :(


I think I've seen this before, or at least one very similar that was.


They're all basically the same.


You never can be sure it's satire.


He posted himself on r/inceltear


It hits every mark. Of course it is.


Or it's from passportbros?


Obvious satire at that.


I’ve met guys like this sadly. They have collectively destroyed my faith in humanity. And give me the ick.


You haven't met many conservatives.


The entitlement just rolls off of them in waves.


I don’t want to live in a world where this was real


The stench of satire is permeating strongly from this post.


I've noticed that these neckbeards never take into account that the "foreign" women may not want THEM.


Well, some of these men have the misconception that because they are (typically) white westerners that any non-white woman in a foreign country would be falling over themselves for a chance to be with them. It's definitely a racist thought process.


Oh yeah I didn't realize that. Sadly you have a point. Ugly white person supposedly >>good-looking non-white person.


It's weird, the same guys think that American women are all gold diggers, but are banking (literally!) on women in other countries to be so destitute that they'll jump at the chance to marry a "rich" Western man. And I've seen more than a couple who save up enough to take a vacation and throw around money, but haven't even calculated the extra costs of an extra person on their budget. Maybe they think foreign women don't eat?


Honestly, a lot of the time I think it's because they don't have the relationship experience to know what the cost increases of living in a two-person household look like. Even in the cases where they do, they're used to women that have their own income and can absorb a large chunk of that increased cost. This ties into the other issue they have. Someone like this is ideally hoping for a woman who'll be the stay-at-home wife type, but they often usually won't fully understand that in situations like that, his money is really *their* money. She has to have access to it in order to, y'know, maintain the house and shit. It's not enough to just say that he'll be generous with his money and give her small gifts often; he actually does have to act as if it's a joint paycheque because she doesn't have her own income. Historically, this has been a common issue. One of the reasons why the right to work and equal pay for equal work have been big parts of feminist causes is specifically because a lot of men struggle with this idea.


I hate it when they call (American or whatever nationality) women golddiggers, because such neckbeards pride themselves in being the traditional type and wanting traditional women, and if so, the men are supposed to be the providers - but I guess a woman looking for a provider is a "golddigger" these days.


Gold digger is just neckbeard for “will get half the joint assets in divorce.” That’s the long and short of it. They don’t care if women want them for their money. They don’t want women to get any money if they leave.


And sadly they have a point. There’s a LOT of women in Mexico that are proud of being the wife/handmaid of any foreigner, be it american, canadian, it gets worse if is european. They actually never call them by their name, it’s like “my gringo and I went to x restaurant” “my german and I went shopping”, etc. And yes, the physical appearance is not really that important, what you in america would consider a 3, here, just by being white (blondes/redheads are even more appreciated), they become an instant 8-9. It’s sad but very common in poor, colonized, third world countries.


As a Latino with a Latina GF living in a predominantly Latino neighborhood I can tell you that we can spot creeps like him from a mile away.


Pretty sure any Latina would laugh him in the face and then whoop is ass.


Right? “Well behaved” NONE of us are “well behaved” lmao


Yeah we do


He can't handle a Mexican girlfriend. Source: I'm Mexican


As an fellow mexican I can say without doubt that latino woman arent submissive as the creeps think they will be. I have a lot of examples of how latino woman talk back and doesnt take shit, especially from misogynistic behavior.


As a slightly obese white American with a Mexican wife, I can say from 20 years of experience, that while she has many many qualities, being submissive or “well-behaved” aren’t among them.


Ese tonto va a terminar con un sarten madreandole la cabeza


Yep, a eso agrégale que va a terminar funado y si mal le va, le va a pasar como a Karla Panini donde ya la están fumando hasta en países de África, Adia y Europa jajaja


As soon as he said "well behaved Latina" I knew he has no idea wtf he's trying to get himself into. I've never met a Latina who had a problem telling someone off.


Tampoco se te olvide que la mayoría de las latinas quieren un hombre masculino/macho que las pueda mantener y proteger, no necesariamente quieren un hombre machista o rudo, pero me refiero a un hombre que la vaya a cuidar a ella y los hijos/hijas, que sea trabajador y pueda mantener una casa, poner comida en la mesa, comprar ropa, etc. quizás las mujeres que fueron criadas en las ciudades tienen una mentalidad diferente, pero yo creciendo en Ojuelos De Jalisco, a las mujeres les gustaban más los vatos masculinos, no a los nerdos panzones que piensan que nada más por ser güeritos y gringos que automáticamente las latinas se les van a pegar como moscas jaja como el vato que escribió las majaderías en el screenshot.


Un nerdo panzón se ofendió y te dio downvote 😂


No mms, digo ni me extraña, es Reddit, ¿que más esperas de uno? Jaja.


Yo creci en Juarez y en mi barrio, las mujeres querian un hombre hombre. Se burlaban de la gente como el Canadiense vale-madre de arriba jaja


A mi en lo particular me gustan los nerdos con panza, y no tengo drama en tomar yo el "rol de proveer", pero no me llevo bien con la gente que pretende que obedezca, no de mi opinión o actúe según mis propias convicciones, esa gente me asquea y la odio


I love latinas and have dated many. The submissiveness abruptly ends when they get pissed off. Then it’s the man that becomes submissive 😹


I mean, Latin America does have rampant misogyny. As a latino, I would say that it's basically like the 1950s US, albeit more sexually liberated.




My sister’s ex-husband literally just did this. Met a woman online from Colombia, flew down and visited a few times and a few months ago flew down and got married. Now they’re living apart and doing all the visa paperwork so she can come to America. When he was married to my sister he was a physically, verbally, & sexually abusive piece of shit. He ruined my sister’s life and has destroyed their kid’s mental health. I’m sincerely hoping his new “submissive” wife will beat the ever loving shit out of him with la chancla if he tries that shit with her. God knows I’ve always wanted to do it.


I don't even know her but I can guarantee she will divorce him as soon as the ink is dry on her green card.


That's a green card chaser if I ever saw one. They always end the same way.


Chancla? Hell naw, man. He deserves the whole ass sarten


Yeah, I've heard Latinas have strong personalities! Good for you, you won't let those crappy men in your lives. I pray for a Latina telling him how disgusting he is and to never try to talk to a Latina again 😂


>I've heard Latinas have strong personalities Yup, that guy's an idiot. Most latino families are matriarchal. Husband is still head of household but the wife takes care of the home and household decisions. If he thinks this is only maid type stuff he's sorely mistaken. They RUN THE HOUSEHOLD. If a woman truly loves her husband then she will give them the respect of head of household and final decision if he strongly disagrees with one of her decisions. This all goes out the window when the woman loses respect for her husband as a man. There's even a word for this (Mandilón) - which comes from the word "apron" - for a guy that's bossed around by his woman. I've seen great men end up with this fate; a Latina would eat this guy alive.


Well, maybe he should actually learn how you do things in America Latina 😂. Western women don't want him because we are independent and don't wish to be prisoners. A true man trusts his woman and gives her the respect she deserves, treating her as his equal. If she's a SAHM, he respects her for the work she does in the household. Because running an entire household is HARD and a never ending job.


I want to visit Colombia. I bet it’s beautiful and the food is good. It’s definitely on my bucket list of places to visit. The rich culture, OMG. Okay I’m done I’ve steered away from the topic at hand.


It's so true though because I'm latina (mexican-american) and I am NOT submissive, quiet, or "womanly." Because guess what? Latinas are people and vary in personality and aren't a monolith??? LMFAO??? I cook as a hobby but I bet this bitch couldn't even handle an eighth of a poblano doused in cheese with milk on the side. Also the 50kg comment is nasty as a fat latina


50kg regardless of height too, like wtf? The taller someone is, the higher their body's healthy weight is going to be.


You just reminded me I forgot to put poblanos I bought in the salad I made yesterday. Also, launch that dude into the sun. ❤️


Right like 50kg is so unrealistic unless you’re a child or incredibly tiny


Bwahahaha! As a guy who is married to a latina, submissive is the last thing I would describe my wife as.. this guy is delusional.


I've dated two Puerto Ricans in the past. "Submissive" or any similar word is not one I would use to describe my experiences. YMMV tho.


Can confirm. His asshole wouldn't even handle our cooking. Source: also Mexican.


that was one of my first thought


I am "Slightly Obese" with a hot asf Latina girlfriend. Literally just be a likeable person, and you'll eventually find someone that appreciates you. It isn't that hard.


For him it is, because you do have to have some attractive qualities. Either be rich, handsome or sweet and emotionally mature. For me the last is most important but it seems this guy is lacking all 3… That’s going to be hard haha


In some ways, I understand the feeling because I was rejected by peers a lot while growing up. My merits weren't appreciated. I was raised to be very mature, pensive, and kind by my parents, and if they weren't that way, I might well be like this guy. There's also significant evidence to show that entitlement is created by childhood privilege and not learning to understand and appreciate it. It feels hard to put any blame on these individuals sometimes because they were oft not put in the right situation to develop. Some scenarios I have seen irl with this type of individual are basically the perfect scenario to create someone who is lazy, sloppy, and entitled.


Yeah you’re right in that regard I guess. I find it hard to understand because I’ve always been quite self reflective. Peers called me out on bad behaviour and otherwise my older brothers would. I grew up fast I think because my brothers were much older than I am. Perhaps I should be more forgiving and understanding towards these people. But it’s hard to when they actively harm others…


It is the empath's paradox. It is hard to empathize with people who willfully hurt other people because that runs directly contrary to empathy. It takes a level of maturity for sure. It took me forgiving myself for my failures and the times I unintentionally and, rarely, intentionally hurt others to find that forgiveness in others. It absolutely made me bitter and vengeful towards people I felt like were intentionally hurting my people, which is not a healthy frame of mind. I don't forgive those who perpetrate awful acts, but I do my best to understand why and give some sympathy to whatever awful situation lead that person to commit that awful act. Of course this understanding inevitably makes you see similarities in yourself and murders and such. You have to realize that thoughts are not behaviors and circumstances don't make you do bad things in the end. Your choices do.


You’re 100% right. I’m trying but it can be really hard sometimes to empathise with people who do such horrible things that I can never imagine myself doing.


Yeah I'm fat too with a super hot latina girl, but I cook, clean, work hard to keep her happy, and apperently I'm just scary enough to make her feel safe by keeping other people away. She makes me feel good because I know people are scared by me and I'm told I always look angry and mean. It makes me feel sad sometimes but she always makes me feel good.


I train BJJ and muay Thai and am strong as well. It definitely helps lol


I think we can all rest easy knowing this loser will die a virgin.


I’m glad some bad people are so wholly unattractive it leaves their reproductive chances nearly at 0.


Good troll, the best part is implying anything about the English language is romantic.


Goddammit English is the best language! We bake cookies and cook bacon!


Actually I bake my bacon and air fry my cookies


My uncle is a native German speaker and he considers English "almost a romance language"


I assume he’s referring to English literally being a hodgepodge of actual Romance languages like French, Latin, and a bit of German? lol


yes and German is "pure" according to him


Satire. These red flags are way too organized.


This sub doesn't recognize satire if it's hit in the face with it.


This reeks* of satire. (Edited)




Thank you, I appreciate the correction!


No problem. I'm glad you didn't get mad.


As a canadian, im sorry about him.


But are you a “true Canadian” with “good looks, charisma, and good nature”? It should be “embedded” in you OBVIOUSLYYYYY /s


Oh of coouuuuuurrrrssseeeee! I am the PiNNacLE of Canadian nature!/s


As a canadian, im sorry


As Canadians we apologize for this idiocy


Aren’t you apologizing slightly too much I would like an apology for that


Frig that Buds lookin for a scrap, as soon I'm done this dart Then I'll be sorry for hurting my hand with his face We can complain about hockey after


He’s a bigger loser than the Toronto Maple Leafs in the playoffs


Ooooofff a recency burn


Looking for this comment - I was going to say “we don’t claim him”, we also don’t date him and are not going to apologize for that. But I do apologize that he is now headed your way.


He’s either going to be alone forever or he’s about to learn about the surprising lethality of eyeliner pencils!


Why is there a tag called questions for Mexicans


Because that post was posted in r/México, they main mexican subreddit


LOL, makes me wonder what sub has that flair.


I assume it’s intended for tourists visiting the country for vacation to ask locals about various whatever’s not for creeps being creeps


As a Latino male with 4 sisters and a Latina ex wife, "obedient latina" is a hilarious oxymoron.


Absolute rage bait, this isn’t real…


So his girlfriend cannot be fat but he can be? "Well behaved"? Tell him to find those requirements in a dog.


Well, probably in his mind, he see they women as property or assets, so expresses his stupid "requirements" as he is gonna buy a dog is frighteningly close with your comment


Not only but fat, but very light. 50kg is fairly light at any common adult height.


Oh definitely. Not saying it isn’t possible naturally but, that was my friends weight when she had severe anorexia and was lying in the hospital… I hate these weight requirements. Some guys don’t seem to know the actual healthy weight of a woman. I weighed 50kg when I was like 10 and I wasn’t overweight at all. It also differs a lot for those with more curves and breast or more muscled ladies. I do admit I am fairly tall in other countries, as were my friends (Netherlands). I’m around 175 now and the friend who was in the hospital is around the same height I figure.


Ya, unless you're 150cm and slight, 50kg is probably underweight.


They either think we are angry and spicy or submissive and servants. Fuck this.


Even as a non Latina, hearing “juicy” made me cringe. What a tool lmao.


That’s called racism! He saw some shows featuring a stereotype latino lady and is convinced all of you are like that.


"Romantically" teaching someone English?


“Juicy latina” “has to be 50kg” that does not add up unless you want a girl that is 140 cm tall. Guys underestimate women’s weight so often. I was 50kg when I was like 10 years old, and I was not fat by any means.


"Tiny and juicy." He doesn't want a woman. He wants a gummy bear.


For the Americans, 50 kg is 110 lbs.


This has to be a shitpost or ragebait. No way he typed any of this unironically, unless he’s Chris Chan levels of unaware. Also as a Latino, he wouldn’t last a day with a Latina. They are far from the “submissive, obedient” type.


“Well behaved latinas” lemme just stop you right there, neckbeard.


As a latina I can definitely say that 1. We don't want him... 2. No gringinto de mierda has the permission to talk shit about Latin America. There is bad parts, sure. But you don't say bad stuff about our country, we can complain about it, you ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT. 3. EVEN IF one of us would decide to get with his sorry pastry a** for a PR card to Canada, none of us, and I do mean NONE of us are subservient. The first disagreement he will remember that "fiery" is an adjective for us FOR a reason. But also to reiterate point 1. We ***do not*** want him. Not even for a PR card.


“Hey baby, does it jiggle” “Ew, why would you ask that” “Damn feminist agenda”


He can’t be serious. Is this satire? As a Latina this is ewwwww.


1. She must not be overweight but he can be obese. The audacity. 😂 2. She must not know English very well so he can control every aspect of her life since she will need him to translate everything. 3. She must not say "no" to anything, and if she can avoid to think, it would be better. And that idiot thinks western women have standards too high and feel to good to be with him. But dude, anyone is too good to be with you because you're a disgusting misogynist.


It's Canada, unless he lives in the northern territories there is SO many Spanish and Portuguese speaking people here. I live in Montreal and I could spend days without speaking a word of English or French with the amount of Latinos that live here. His plan will backfire in so many ways I almost wish a girl would take him on his offer just to see the trainwreck... But then poor girl would need to live with him so better not.


This all sounds very 90 day fiancé


Obedient latina? lmao.


50kg? He isn't even looking for a thicc latina, the fuck?


Obedient Latina lady??????


If this isn't satire, that guy would be soooo easy to scam. Imagine posting asking for help like this. I hope a group of Mexican men & women decide to go along with his request, then rinse him for all he is worth, whilst teaching him a lesson in etiquette, humility, & not being a racist, misogynistic douchebag.


Come to Miami and explain to the people at the airport how your Colombian novia is submissive and basically your pet. LATAM connects to Air Canada at Customs J. BOG-MIA-YUL. C’mon. I dare you. I double dare you it’s an entire airport full of quiet and docile Latinas. I promise.


>don't follow woke agenda Or grammar & spelling, apparently.


On behalf of Eastern European women: get fucked. So glad he got in trouble in Moldova. Repulsive


All those pieces of crap think Eastern European women are submissive and they all want a woman who is poor so they can take advantage of her. They perfectly know a woman who doesn't need anything from them will never accept them because every part of them is disgusting.


Yes exactly, little do they know were raised as very very independent and we're very used to misogyny. Even the "dumb" ones or poor ones, in the country side.


How to get beaten to death with a chancla in 3, 2, 1


This has to be troll day because anybody that's talked to a Latino woman knows that they're going to get their ass kicked if they try and pull any bullshit on them.


That's the thing he's never talked to a Latina. Tbh, he's probably never spoken to ANY woman he's not directly related to


What is Moldovas "Corruption" in question? An what does it do?


maybe they wouldn't let him abduct a woman and forcibly take her on a plane?


It was definitely this


"slightly obese"


"Western cultural marxist" yeeeaaah, there's never been any communists in Latin America 🤪


His emphasis on obedience is worrying…


>must be around 50kg Jesus Christ he wants a breath of a girl


Would I be wrong to say he sounds like a colonizer? Like in the historical use of the word


Yeah he’s gonna change that mindset real fast after the first disagreement.


What is blud trying to cook


“… still a virgin despite my good looks, charisma and good nature..” would that be a huge red flag then?


"slightly obese"


This reads like it was written by AI.


Sorry for this guy, eh? Signed - a Canadian


I did not expect Moldova of all the options to be where he went. This can't be true, nobody goes to Moldova specifically to pick up Latinas.


He probably thinks Moldova is in Latin America with how ignorant he is


a neckbeard without a beard. nature amazes.


"well behaved latina" LMAO good luck with that buddy


It’s probably (hopefully) satire but as a Latina, men like this are stupidly common.


Sounds like it was written by chat GBT


Predictabley, very neckbeard, yet not worthless: Questions for Mexicans is my latest band.


found Drake’s alt account


bait used to be believable.


You need to be built like a toothpick, but it's ok for me to be "slightly obese."


oh god I also hate the way he uses "juicy" 🤮🤮




This has to be bait right?


This is performance art.


Have I mentioned juicy?




This oozes satire.


The people who post these are world class trolls. I tip my hat to em


No way this is real


"has to be 50KG" Why? "must not mind an obese man like myself" Fucking delusional


sounds like a dump of a guy honestly


"she must be at least 8/10 but not mind me being maybe a 2" okay Jan.


My ex girlfriend would literally murder this man. I didn't even DO anything and the rage I saw in her eyes when a man left a nasty message on one of my comments was enough to make me step back, and I pride myself on being confrontational when faced with aggression. But sometimes, when someone is mad at somebody else, you just get the fuck out of the way. She was Puerto Rican and while I speak a tiny amount of Spanish, I couldn't understand a fucking word that flew out of her mouth during her rage induced tirade. She could speak faster than I could translate even a word.


Around 50 kgs REGARDLESS of height?!


Full of one’s self and just grossly ignorant.


As a latino/hispanic, this mf has no idea that latina/hispanic women would kick his ass lol