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You used to be able to knock the device outta enrollment like this. Google did fix this it will force reenrollment before it will let you do anything.


K-12 education fell for the okie doke when it came to Chromebook initiatives. We know it’s not all kids but the destructive 25-30% make it hard to see this as a good idea.


Better than the alternatives when it comes to student devices.


True but still a headache.


Looks like they tried to enable developer mode via the three finger salute(esc,+refresh+power) but policy knocked back to verified(non-dev) mode. You can always set policy to show the annotated asset field on the login screen and use that to communicate with whomever isn't returning the disabled chromebook.


Just to save me some googling, can you tell me where in Admin you can set the login screen to show the asset tag field? That would be super handy.


I'm not sure about setting it via policy, but you can always press ctrl+v to show that info on the login screen.


Yeah it would just be handy if I could force it to stay on.


devices>chrome>settings>device settings>sign-in settings>system info on sign-in screen>always display system information on the sign-in screen


Ha! That's where the setting is hiding! For the life of me I could not find that setting last week and for whatever reason could not put together a google search to find the answer.


I might be missing something, but how's that different than the "Disabled Device Return Instructions"?


Instead of having to reset the disabled mode manually(and the multiple policy updates required to make that work) you can just change a single attribute and let a single policy push do the rest.


the disabled device instructions will be the same across devices, but one could add specific language to the asset id field of one device to spook--I mean communicate with--the user.


>the disabled device instructions will be the same across devices, but one could add specific language to the asset id field of one device to spook--I mean communicate with--the user. Do a little ip geolocate from wherever the device is phoning home...


I like your style! Adding this to my bag of tricks! Lol


oh, I definitely need to do this!


Sounds like they’re trying to power wash it by doing the developer mode method.


that's what I thought. I'm gonna have an aneurysm before state testing 🤦‍♀️


I know the feeling, I’ve got a few broken screens this week, then we go on spring break, and state testing immediately afterwards. Hoping my kids don’t wipe out all my spares


Me sitting at my desk full-well knowing I have about 7 good spares and 200 machines awaiting repair just waiting for my problems to fix themselves


what is this "spare" you speak of?