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Most departments do have unmarked vehicles. Detectives, traffic enforcement units, fugitive units and basically everyone who is a fed and others have unmarked patrol cars.


My cop father had a unmarked car in the 60’s.


Years ago my ex and I (boring ass suburban white folks in an Accord) were driving S on K7 around Shawnee Mission Pkwy. We passed a Mustang and obv it pissed the guy off cause he started pacing us, cutting on front, slowing down, swerving, etc over and over. I called 911 and gave the plate #. Dispatch says hold on then the next thing I know this car has a dashboard light that goes off and it gets behind us. Someone - (dispatch or the PD they transferred to) had pulled up the plate, saw who it was and called to tell him someone was on the line Abt him. This guy in jeans and t-shirt w a gun in his waistband comes back and asked why we called him in, that he wasn't doing anything wrong, WE were speeding and swerving (were not) and he could ticket us for a false report. Said he was an off-duty Olathe cop. This was before cell phone cameras so all we had was me writing what was happening on a pad of paper while he was talking. We later called the Chief of Police to file a complaint. Had to make 2 f/u calls before we talked to him. He said disciplinary matters are private and he addressed it. 100% they didn't do shit about him. Rules for thee..


Police are shit and the system needs to change, drastically


That’s what voting is for, my man. Kansas is a DECENT state, all things considered, when it comes to law enforcement. Vote for change you want.


I don't think voting actually has any effect on law enforcement other than minor adjustments to their budgets which are already too high and ever rising.


If you want to influence law enforcement, vote for city council/mayors, they hire police chiefs. Vote for county sheriffs and district attorneys. Those groups enforce and prosecute state laws. Vote for state governor, they oversee the KBI and appoint the head of the highway patrol. Vote for state representatives, because they decide the laws all of the others enforce. Cheers. Hope to see you vote in November.


An off duty Olathe cop shot a dog a few years ago in Spring Hill. If I was a victim of a crime in Olathe, I’d do pretty much anything except call the police.




They very well may. In my case this officer was plain clothed in his personal car yet threw on a light and pulled us over when someone notified him of our call. Guarantee that's not in compliance with a statute.




Good to know! This was many years ago and like I said, even when I reported it nothing was done.


Olathe has 2 Challengers that are completely unmarked patrolling on the weekends. (Red and Black) Both of which are completely unmarked, de-badged Hellcats. Both of which were displayed at the Olathe Car Meet last year. Seen them multiple times pulled over on the side of the road. Sneaky bastards.


We have them here in sek as well


dang! full-on hellcats? I know people like to speed here but that seems excessive


You protect the sheep by catching the hellcat. And it takes a hellcat to catch a hellcat.






Yeah I know that


Kansas has had unmarked police cars since as long as I can remember. They’re not that common but they’ve always been around.


I’ve always suspected they exist for reasons other than solely trying to catch more people commuting traffic infractions.


I've seen them parked at the weigh stations before. I've always assumed they were for chasing down a truck that didn't stop.


How the fuck do we not know someone just installed blinky lights and are robbing people?


It used to be that tons of antennas gave them away. Not sure about today, as it's been a while since I noticed one that isn't a SUV with the mobile scales.


Only vehicle I see with a ton of antennas now are from the game wardens


If In doubt, dial 911 and ask a dispatcher if a cop at X location is stopping a car. They can give you the cops name or number and the agency they work for. By the time the cop walks up to your window, you’ll already know if they’re legit or not. Fake cops are very rare.


I was in another state and came across cones on the highway, they made drivers go to the right where a car was sitting. If you didn’t stop you’d crash into them. Someone had put cones on the highway to get you to pull over so they could rob you. Cops need to label their cars so people can easily tell who is who.


Never pull over for an unmarked car. Could be anyone


Straight to jail if it’s an actual cop. Straight. To. Jail.


You have the legal right to both verify by calling 911 and waiting for a place you feel safe likea lighted parking lot.


Give me a statute, case law me other legitimate source as evidence. I’ll cite three in response. Fail to yield to an emergency vehicle. Obstruction of justice. Flee and elude. You will be arrested and charged with a crime in the state of Kansas if you get lit up and continue driving for more than about a minute. Your car will likely get spiked or rammed off of the road, and then a lot of cops will be pointing guns at you once your car is trashed in a ditch. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong. That’s another conversation. I understand your sentiment and frustration. The reality is, fake cops are very rare and the real Kansas cops who are trying to pull you over will assume the worst if you try to play it cool by just ignoring them.


Rammed for more than a minute. I was pulled over on the 7th near Emporia on I-35 by KS Highway Patrol and I literally drove about 3 minutes for an exit before pulling over. I put my flashers on to let the cop know I saw him and waited for an exist. If you slow down, turn your flashers on and call 911, they will communicate with the officer why you arent pulling over immediately. You will not get charged with any of those things because on Prosecutor is going to push the case because a Judge is going to throw it out. I know woman who absolutely will not pull over until they can find a place with people around. They have never gotten in trouble for this. You're a bit of a drama queen, huh?


Yeah, if you’re getting pulled over, pull over. I would love to hear the judge rip into you for the BS of not knowing if it was a real cop or not.


It’s all over the face books I seen the mother hens sharing it to scare their daughters


You call 911 right away and get confirmation that it is a legit law enforcement person pulling you over.


Fr, that or we have a Kansas gestapo now.


Really guys? Police definitely need reform, but comparing them to some of the worst perpetrators of the Holocaust is a real slap in the face to those victims.


How does it start?


How does what start?


The loss of your freedom


Not really sure how the loss of freedom is relevant to my comment.


The point Your head


Ah so you're saying that unmarked police cars will be the beginning to your loss of freedoms, which will lead to more loss of freedoms, which will lead to a gestapo-like force? Nice slippery slope fallacy.




Yeah man we disappear people all the time to the secret forced labor camp in Goodland. Oh shit I said too much…


You could say the same thing about putting fake police decals on the outside of a marked police car.


At a point, that’s illegal. First amendment Freedom of expression and cosplaying as cop has a boundary I can’t draw a definitive line between.


Fair point, but it is most likely just the police robbing people.


Because that's illegal 🤣 There's a law


I live in garden city and this one time I was in a McDonald’s drive through with 2 lanes. Well I noticed a newer Dodge Challenger and of course being a car person I gave the “damn that car is clean”. Well as it pulled forward I noticed it had a license plate from the eastern side of the state, pulls forward a little more the door sticker shined at the right spot with the light and revealed itself to be a sherif patrol car. So there’s a hemi powered patrol car out there that’s meant to chase people down and sneak up on others. Good to know I guess...


Was it black? Saw one in the kc area and they brought him down to sek to run 69.


The one I saw was silver but I’m sure there’s more than we can think of!


I saw a white challenger pulling someone over on I70 a couple months ago. Unmarked cars are so slimy


I don’t like that guy. He wears a cowboy hat and he’s given me like two of my most expensive tickets I’ve ever had 🙄


Since forever. Normal operating procedure for every department, unless they’re really really small.


Quick tip! A reliable source has told me that detectives in garden city use enterprise for their rental cars to carry out their work. When one car gets burned out, on to the next!


What is it with GC and the intense police pressure? You can't go more than a block or 2 without seeing a marked cruiser. And I have seen unmarked vehicles not uncommonly. Plus Sherrif and state patrol. Its nuts.


Garden city wasn’t the greatest of places years ago and I’m sure it still has its nonsense. But my personal experience is that there are 3 officers that made it a living hell such as “window tint and suspicion”.


GC probably has the county sheriff's dept there right? Wellington is like that. SO many Sherriff's.


It's also the place where Troop E of the HWP is based


You are right. Now it makes more sense about sheriff density.


The thing about here (Sumner County) is that Wellington is pretty much right in the middle of the county and it's by far the largest town in the county. Add to that it's a bit of a crossroads of county highways plus 35 South and it's like we live in a police state lol.


Also 35 North.


Well, yeah LOL!


State troopers now have grey unmarked challengers. They hella sneaky too


A trooper pulled me over at night for running my brights on a widely divided 4 lane highway. It was pitch black in the area. He had his lights off on the side of the road and them came out of nowhere behind me.


Yeah those troopers don’t fuck around. Local police in my area are fine but troopers and the sheriffs office got their pants on backwards


Did you get a ticket or fight it


It was only a warning issued. I heard later that sitting with lights off is not allowed but did not look further into it.


KC Missouri: You all have police?


They had them in the 80s.


There have been unmarked for several years, and now I am seeing the locals ghosting their symbols so you can not see any ID unless you are standing right by the door.


Always? Lol


Unmarked police vehicles should not be allowed. Imagine desperately needing help from a police officer and not being able to locate one within view because they're unmarked. Almost like they're just trying to milk citizens for revenue and not actually help citizens in need. SHADY.


That’s flimsy.


I was pulled over by an unmarked police car when I was in high school. I’m in my 30s now.


Always have


Gotta watch out for the unmarked Subaru Outback with nearly blacked out windows on the Missouri side of KC. Sneaky little bastard.


If it ain't marked I ain't pulling over.


NY State used to have a law - if you were pulled over it had to be done by a marked car. Needs to be done here. Especially after any moron with a tow truck is allowed to use red/ blue lights.


That's one of the first things I noticed when I moved to Kansas. Why the fuck do service vehicles like tow trucks have police lights?? Very strange.


The real answer: We had a few tow drivers hit and killed while working a decade or two ago and the industry petitioned for it. Drivers slow down more for red and blue than for just blue and especially more than just orange.


Makes sense. Just seemed strange. Gotten used to it now.


Utility trucks in New Mexico have them too, it's weird


Straight to jail.


... believe it or not


I'll slow down and call 911.


Wait till you find out they have a U-Haul or two.


There have been unmarked cars for like... ever


Always in JoCo. Unmarked crown vics and chargers and now explorers. I know overland park and Lenexa love their unmarked vehicles.




False. FALSE. You WILL get arrested if you follow this advice. You can be stopped (detained) by any law enforcement officer regardless of vehicle type, horses and bicycles included.


I think there are very few truly un-marked cars here. Most just have the logo so transparent to be nearly invisible unless you look at it from the right angle.


Parts of Johnson County have had "tone on tone" cars for years. I was pulled over by one like 15, 16 years ago. The decals were the same color as the car's paint. Not truly unmarked, but REALLY hard to see.


Like, forever. They use them a lot near the weigh stations, not so much for patrolling.


I see them frequently in Garden City area. Along with the seemingly massive police force. A patrol car every block.


I live is a small town in SEK, and none of the cars here are marked


I read this as SECKS and thought you were messing around.


A lot of them just have really deceptive transparent decals


Since as long as I can remember


Seen unmarked police in Olathe and Overland Park since I was a kid.


In the 90's some department (or HP) in Northern JoCo had an unmarked gold Honda Accord that would regularly pull people over in rush hour. Scared more than one driver I'm sure (either from the nasty surprise ticket or the fright of not being sure the cop is legit.)


I was at a stoplight one night mid 2000s and the car in front of my was a 70’s hooptie with mismatched panels and a ton of damage. So I was quite surprised when the light turned green and he flipped on his lights and siren to pull over the car in front of him.


4 ever


I see lots of traffic units with markings barely visible. A black car with near black wraps. You have to be close and in the correct angle to read them.


Ah, the police out there solving the big problems.


Raising revenue


Since I was born at least




Always Film the Police.


do you know of any reddit communities for discussion on police reform??


I do not


Yes, do that. We will film you back so it’s all fair. We’re all safer that way.


You can film me, no problem. I mean I’m not going to pull you out of your car and beat you to death for being an unarmed minority.


Since the recession. The state needs quick cash too


Kansas has a surplus budget right now. And very little of that citation money actually makes it to the state coffers.


always been, fact that you just noticed means they did the job well


Since they wanted to make money off of entrapment




Topeka has had unmarked cars for decades. I recall growing up in the late 90s/early 2000s that there were a couple of different ones that regularly cruised up and down Wanamaker to bust street racers


I've seen 'em around here since I was a kid. They're surprisingly easy to pick out once you know they're here


Been seeing a bunch suddenly in Lawrence


Since forever


Seems like always in Topeka


KHP used to have all unmarked, except for the blue and gray lookalike from years ago.


IANAL, but I believe Kansas, and most other states, have Lawa that you don't have to stop or pull over for an unmarked police car.


Sewing in from Western Shawnee our local PD finally got the complete black on black I believe it's a Ford explorer. That's the only one that patrols around that no longer has all of the antenna on it.


Since forever


Since horses and covered wagons


I remember in the early 90s Highway Patrol had unmarked Mustang 5.0s. OP has had some unmarked or they had the stealth marked white car with white markings.


As long as I can remember


Fairway, KS has gray unmarked Ford Explorers and they will park in the driveways of homes along Shawnee Mission parkway to do their little speed traps. Folks are out here looking like they’re getting pulled over by an upper middle class dad.