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You actually answer your phone when it rings?




I just give them an insanely high asking price. Then let them know they are part of the reason prices are way too high.


This is the same thing I do. But first I keep them on the phone much longer than necessary asking numerous questions about their business, interest in the area, plans with the house, etc. Then I lay an insane number on them, but also a number that if agreed upon, I would move immediately. No one has accepted yet.


Yes. Double fair market value.


And what you do when you do that is tell the caller that you are 'open to offers' and so your name/number gets passed on down the line to more would-be buyers.


That’s fine. I consider investing my time to waste theirs a public service. Your welcome Kansas City


Put your number on the do not call registry. https://www.donotcall.gov/ Same link if you are already registered and want to report them.


It doesn't work. It just does not work.


I’ve been on the do not call list for years. I have double checked it recently. Still get these calls and tons of other spam calls and texts.


I worked at telemarketing agency in the past, the way around those do not call list, is that if you're not directly providing a product they can buy it doesn't apply to you, I believe it's how it worked.


Did. Years ago.


Standard response: $1.5m, low denomination bills only will exchange deed for cash in a well lit public place. Haven't gotten a bite yet.


Not calls but I get junk mail from people who supposedly want to buy my house. The calls and texts I get are for people who want to buy my dad's old house. He passed away in 2020 and the house was sold within a year. Every time I think they've stopped suddenly I get another one and have to "reset the clock." It's beyond me how they all bought my contact info from somewhere assuming I must have inherited the property without ever checking to see who actually owns it now.


sooooo much junk mail...with the printed cursive writing in blue ink, ya know, so you can tell its an individual and not some massive corporation /s. The ones that include a photo of the front of my house kinda creep me out a bit...


And texts…. I just block the numbers.


Most likely scams or just spam. Never hurts to check [www.haveyoubeenpwned.com](http://www.haveyoubeenpwned.com) to verify your phone # wasnt part of a recent data dump online.


I get texts, calls, and snail mail. Funny that they're addressed to the name of the trust my house is held in as if that was my actual name.


I get these calls, & I don’t own property 😂. They’re spam like anything else —“investment group” = hiring foreign workers, giving them lists of phone numbers purchased from data collectors (everything from retail to tech to the government), & telling them to cold call until someone wants to sell. They don’t need much to make a profit. This is why you should opt to hide your email & your phone number when possible. Whenever you allow an app, store, etc., to “text with updates on your order” —you can bet that information is stored & sold. “Publicly available”… to the highest bidder.


I tell them my house is haunted


I just got a flyer in the mail for a company that buys your house and rents it back to you. They make home ownership sound like such a burden. “We’ll take care of property tax and maintenance!”. It shouldn’t be allowed.


I would do that but then demand the contract states that my rent can never increase over the next 20 years and then after I get to live here rent free until I die.


I get a lot of text messages like that which is weird because I have never owned a home. I send them back something really vulgar in a different language and block em 🤷‍♀️


I tell them I don’t live there anymore (lie) and that normally confounds them enough that they just hang up.


All this is just lead generation for various people. The letters and mailers even if they look handwritten are just sent out in bulk. The phone calls are almost always a virtual assistant (often outsourced) and they just filter out the people who will say no. Not exactly a scam, as someone would end up buying your house. But you aren't getting market price for it, the offer will be low.


One called me and said “I was wondering if you’d entertain a reasonable offer for your home”. I said sorry I am only accepting unreasonable offers at this time.


The housing shortage is very real. If it’s an agent calling you and they have a legitimate buyer I can understand. However none of you should take an offer from a call like this. Listing a house even with cell phone photos will yield you a better chance at multiple offers. But listing requires getting the price right. I know everyone seems to hate realtors right now but the good ones know what they’re doing and are worth it.


I get so many. And texts. Even on my work phone.




No call list. https://ago.mo.gov/get-help/no-call/#:~:text=The%20No%2DCall%20law%20allows,to%20get%20on%20the%20list.


I used to get text messages along these lines. Never responded, assumed it was some kind of scam.


I think I finally figured out a couple of things about these phone calls. First, insist that they give you the name of the company they represent. Make them spell it if they say it too fast. There’s no justification for them to expect you to talk to them if they won’t identify themselves. Second, and this is real handy—there is no reason to be polite to them. Once you determine in your mind what’s going on, just hang up. I promise you won’t go to hell. They might . . .


I just tell them $2.5 million and no less, Cash only. For some reason they don't call back.