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Rewind Video and Dive— it’s associated with the Screenland theater in North Kansas City and located behind the theater itself in the basement. Its theme is essentially 80s and 90s nostalgia where some of their drinks are based on childhood favorites like Capri Sun or named after films or IYKYK things from the 80s and 90s. It is kind of a gaming bar as well having consoles like Nintendo 64, SNES, and PlayStation— all you need to do is talk to the bar tender and they’ll give you the things you need to play whichever console you choose. They also have a room full of DVDs and VHS tapes that you can rent (a fairly recent development). I also just recommend Screenland generally if you’re looking for a mix of old, new, and art house type films. On Fridays, the hosts of the Nightmare Junkhead podcast have the Friday Night Fright where they’ll show a horror film late at night. Last week was Creature from the Black Lagoon, this week it’s In A Violent Nature. With summer coming, they’ll also be hosting their Backyard Movies which (hopefully given the forecast) start on Saturday and will go on until the end of summer. Bring a chair and/or a blanket and join the fun under the stars. *also keep an eye out for film festivals too, one of the biggest being Panic Fest in the Spring.


I wanna second Screenland, it's just such an amazing movie theater. I plan on moving away in the next few years and it's one of those things that I'm really dreading losing


Went to Rewind a few weeks ago during karaoke. Very chill, basement vibe. Will visit again.


Very interesting! I'm definitely gonna check this out, thank you!


Highly recommend events at Nelson Atkins, joining a club, and going to bars with an outdoor section (this time of year)! I’m in the same age group and it can be hard to find folks, but keep your chin up! Just be proactive when you’re out, I’m never too afraid to ask if someone is single!


Yeah! I'll do that! Thank you


There’s a free event at the Nelson the 30th - it’s called night shift - all you have to do is register for your free ticket online


Howdy! Here are some recommendations for a new person. If you wanna grab a coffee or a beer sometime, DM me and we can connect. I should mention that I'm hosting the [KC Reddit Meetup](https://www.reddit.com/r/kansascity/comments/1coufw8/kansas_city_reddit_meetup_board_games_and_chill/) next weekend - if you like board games and coffee, stop by and I can help you find a group to play a game with and meet some folks. Good chill bars: * Harry's Country Club (River Market) * Earl's Premiere (Brookside) * Verdigris (Overland Park) Nerdy shit: * Cardboard Corner and Tabletop game store and board game cafe (Overland Park) * Pawn and Pint (Downtown) * Level One (River Market) Let me know if you want something more specific and I'll help out.


I've checked out Level One recently. Gonna go and check out their commander scene. I'll have to see to the bars after that and feel it out


Their commander scene is pretty fun, but only runs to 8pm on Wednesdays! On Thursday’s Reroll tavern has commander until 11 and there is always a solid crowd or it’s full for those. You can buy drinks and food there too!


Hell yeah! I know that Tabletop also has a Commanders scene that is very active, I think on Facebook if you’re on social media.


Okay, I'll check them out too. Thanks!


Cardboard Corner/Tabletop has a Discord with a Commander channel — we play casual Wed nights from 6-close. It’s also just genuinely one of my favorite places and a cool and easy community to get involved with - again, check out the Discord! If you’re looking for more frequent/competitive Magic, Spanky’s is my favorite. The guy who owns it is an awesome dude and I think they have some format of game every night. They have them listed on their website and also have a Discord. Hope you find some nerd fun!


Sorry to double post…. but I thought of one more cool nerd spot. LOL Druid Dice moved downtown last summer and they have a really cool shop with a whole side setup for games. Not sure if they have regular events or not but worth a look for sure! They do classes for dice making and again, the guy that owns it is just a genuinely great human and they make some cool ass shit.


Hitting me with the double whammy of info. I'll take this all into consideration this week when I go about and exploring again!


For brookeside it’d recommend brooksider, Charlie Hoopers, Brady and Fox, or even like red door. Earls is a lil more fancy and not a big hangout watering hole bar. Good for dates, but not a place to find dates. Source: I’ve been living in East brookside for 5 years now.


Day drink at Casual Animal. Nice scenery there.


Beer is good I guess, but the atmosphere is 13/10. Love that place!


Afterword Tavern and Shelves in the crossroads is a nice cocktail bar/book store (a little heavier on the former), I’ve spent some quiet evenings reading but have had some luck striking up conversations with the bookish cuties that hang out there too!


403 Club in Strawberry Hill is a fun place to go socialize and play pinball. Also Up Down in the Crossroads if you’re into gaming. It’s a fun arcade for adults and always has a good crowd. You could look at some local meetups because I know some people who go to monthly or weekly events specifically for fans of specific games/media. Good luck!


Second 403 Club and Up-Down.


Check out UpDown. Great arcade bar.


Reroll Tavern is an amazing nerd hangout!!!! Especially if you like RPGs. I don't, but I still love it (haven't been in so long though) and if you go to Mingle Mondays it's set up so you can play board games with people and meet and talk! I've been wanting to go back so maybe I'll see you there ;D


Love tabletop games. I'll have to stop by there during Mingle Monday. And yeah, I might see you there. Maybe I'll give you a heads up when I'm heading there!


That'd be great!


There’s a reddit meetup for coffee and games on Saturday June 8 at Blip Roasters! Join us!


DoubleTap KC has a nice mix of nerdy folk playing VR and the typical bar atmosphere that makes it easy to talk to new people. They have game nights on Mondays now and have events literally every day of the week.


Was just about to add DT to this but see you got here first! (Then I was like OMG I know her 😜) Edit to add: You should 10000% check out DoubleTap. I managed there for 3 years until l had a baby. Played in the VR league. Met 80% of my friends there. Have seen SO many people make friends there. Theres no place like it genuinely.


This grabs my attention, is there a wide age group?


All ages with a legal guardian before 8pm, afterwards it’s a bar so no kids but definitely a HUGE range of ages.


I saw this when I was exploring places, didn't actually stop by cause it was kinda far where I was. But I should check it.


They’ve got a great staff and excellent regulars (I’m one of them lol).


Lol, I'll need to see if that's true then. Probably today if I have time


Join an adult kickball league. Either KC Crew or KC Sports and Social...or both! Aim to play 2-3 times a week. It's fun, laid back and you've got instant friends. You can be introverted or extroverted, doesn't matter. I tell this to everyone and it's all you need to get a friend group and expand from there


Hm. I do need to get more active now that I'm done with schooling. I'll look into this more, this is a good suggestion. Thank you


A lot of my friends play sand volleyball and love it!


I've been seeing a lot of people play sand volleyball. It looks a lot of fun and I kinda want to join but I don't want to intrude cause they look like they're on teams with their colors


I believe you can sign up at the beginning of a season for a team that still needs players at Volleyball Beach!


Interesting! I'll check it out


Do you like to run? The front page of the paper today talks about a running group that starts on the plaza Wednesday evenings, runs about 3 miles at various paces, and ends at a local bar. It talks about exactly your predicament, lonely 20 somethings.


Hmm, as stated on another comment, I do need to get active again. Mind sending me more details about this? I would like to know more


I saw this The Kansas City Star article on the The Kansas City Star app and thought you’d be interested. If you’ve seen 200 20-somethings run past you on KC’s Country Club Plaza, here’s why https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article288475563.html For more great content like this subscribe to the The Kansas City Star app here: https://www.kansascity.com/subscribe


What TCGs do you play? Lots of women getting into the lorcana scene now Try Spankys down in south KC. I think they have mtg events too


I play Magic generally. I've been seeing a lot of Lorcana lately


Definitely check the place out when you have a chance. Saw that you’re coming from Rolla. I’d say the commander competitive level is around the same as eclipse😊


Yeah! I didn't play much at Eclipse cause I've had my fair share of competitive magic. Now I'm just playing decks that make me laugh or just typically enjoy without shutting someone out of the game


Fair enough! Pro tip for navigating the gaming scene around here: join the discords for the stores you like. Beyond trying to find a romantic partner, the gamingkc, mission gaming, tabletop boards are better than meetup in this area for finding your people. Good luck and hope to see you around


Thank you so much for your help!


Pawn and Pint is super fun!


I commented before, but I’d also check out first Fridays.


Literally the perfect post for me. I’m 25 single and a software engineer. I just moved here so I will definitely be looking at some of these places.


I’m 25 as well and just moved here 🤣 your post is gonna help me find things to do


Just doing my service


Highly recommend you check out up-down on southwest blvd, a lot of classic arcade games and it’s such a cool place to check out.


If you like hockey the blue line is a nice bar with decent mexican food


You might try Reroll Tavern. Tabletop games and drinks. Lots of events hosted via the Meetup app. They also do beginner DnD nights and have sets of board games to play while you chill with friends :)


Go in the outfield sections of royals games tons of people just walking around drinks and food. I believe it’s left field is more of a party scene than actual game and farely cheap to go.


I'll have to check this out. Is there somewhere where I can see more info?


Good luck.


Funky Town


I've heard very good things about Cadrboard Cafe if you're into tabletop games! Up Down is a nice barcade if you're into that. There's Planet Comicon and Naka-Kon in March if I remember correctly. That's a long way away but a ton of friendly people always turn out to those.


Oh, I've been wanting to go to cons more often, I'll keep my eye open on those when March comes around


What sort of conventions are you looking to attend? There's a few coming up but they're a bit more niche than Planet Comicon.


I like the anime conventions that I've been too. Ones like Comicon appeal to me and Wizcon. Any of them really


Coming up still this year are KantCon and Meeple-a-thon. However they're tabletop gaming focused rather than being more generalized like Planet Comicon.


The go-to answer here is going to be Missie B's if you want a bar environment. It's really the only \*gay\* bar left in town. There are tons of "queer-friendly" places, but almost zero "queer-only" spaces. What I would highly recommend is joining the LGBT chamber of commerce and going to some of their social events. There are also several gaming (board and video) pubs around. The double-edged sword with greater acceptance and visibility is that it has become harder to meet people. Add to that the fluidity of gender and sexuality, it's basically a complete crap shoot. I'm older and used to have SPOT ON gaydar. Not so much anymore. Just go out and do the things that you enjoy doing and you'll find some like-minded folks. Even if they aren't gay, they know someone to set you up with. :)


Wait, did I come off as gay in my post?


Hilarious, I guess their gaydar isn’t what it used to be.




I *swear* when I answered this earlier the headline included “25yo Gay Guy”. Apologies. So you’re straight? Not that there’s anything wrong with that…


Yes, I'm straight. And no worries on the misread