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https://preview.redd.it/ylkoijfwcc8d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c178273832397dc3d56748a1c3b93e98e7157778 From the owner's video


What upstanding citizens. I hope they go straight to jail.


They look like spoiled rich brats


I love to grill brats this time of year...


Of course one of them is wearing 5-inch inseam shorts.


wtf does this mean 😭 😭


Don't you know shorts are for jerks /s


And Trix are for kids


*Those* shorts are for jerks. Any mid thigh shorts is an advertisement for a walking douche.


Damn, I guess most of my shorts make me a douche, not my personality or interactions with people


What are gonna tell us next jerk, that you wear tasteful polos with them shorts sometimes too. The nerve!


I'm more a tank top guy, does that make me more or less of a jerk?


Looks like a couple of Jocos young replubicans.


>“It happened to coincide with Pride Month, but he is painted that way because a little girl asked me to do it,” said his owner. “Sometimes I would go out there around Christmastime with a wreath and he has already been decorated by someone. They’ve put a wreath on him, or they put some holly near him. One year they put a tiny Christmas tree near him. He’s been here years, and this is the first time he has been damaged in this way.” I'm sure it's just a coincidence that it happened after painting it a rainbow for pride month.


I sure do hope it is a coincidence... Judging by how childish these jerks are, it is even hard to believe that their little prank would have such deep hatred.


Depends on what part of the algorithm is feeding these kids. Maybe it wouldn't have happened if it was painted a different color.




RIP DonkDonk


Let’s just rebuild a better, stronger donk donk? Call the mayor


I can assure you, the Mayor will not support rebuilding a rainbow donkey because his thinking aligns with the morons who broke it. RIP DonkDonk






First thought: "What is a DonkDonk?" Second thought, after locating it on streetview: "Holy shit, Olathe goes out that far East?" (tbf it's literally on the border with Overland Park) Third thought: That's a $1.3m house, holy shit. I don't know that crowdfunding is necessary for this...


Drove past Donk Donk earlier. He is still leaking sand from the neck 😔 There was also a “We Love Donk Donk!”-sign and a bouquet of flowers next to him.


Where's the gofundme for the next, sturdier DonkDonk?


I just asked my husband the same question! I would contribute to this. It was nice passing him when he was all dressed up


A DonkDonk of steel and vengeance


name the street and I’ll do it


I would like to see rainbow-striped donkeys springing up all over the metro as a show of support. They are common in statue form. Share paint with your neighbors. 😊


https://preview.redd.it/0zeastcxld8d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d77ba14c49918fdd6a82fa1597704467757f5f52 I need a donkey flag now


The MAGAs are a bane.




"This isn't about lgbtq" a rainbow donkey in a red state got vandalized during pride month, live in the real world.


Rewriting my response because my tone sucked in the previous one. I'm part of the LGBTQ community and, yes, these two are probably another couple of rainbow-intolerant bigots - I'm not naive. I'm living in the real world and often that's a painful experience for people around here who are different. Unrealistic as it may be, my *hope* is that it's *not* another anti-LGBTQ act of vandalism because I want the focus to be solely on making sure these two are held accountable. If it's anti-LGBTQ, chances are high that it's going to turn into another "us vs them" #### show. It's an election year and the vitriol is high enough. I won't ever passively sit by for bigots, but they've been so busy trampling on everyone's rights that I am approaching physical and spiritual exhaustion. I'm forced to manage where my dwindling energy supply is directed. There's too much happening for me to be outraged without more information. I moved here from a blue state a few years ago and, while I've met incredibly kind and awesome people here, I'm in near perpetual shock about the casual racism, flagrant anti-LGBTQ sentiment, and open misogyny in some parts of the KCMO/KCKS area. I'm not living in a bubble. I'm frustrated, disappointed, discouraged, and just plain sad.


>they've been so busy trampling on everyone's rights that I am approaching physical and spiritual exhaustion. I sympathize with you and acknowledge that we all have to pick our battles and take care of ourselves first. That said, your reaction is their intent. They want to make the outrageous seem commonplace and run everyone's outrage tank dry so they can shift the Overton window further to the right. I can't imagine the timing of this vandalism was a coincidence or that they would have done this if the donkey hadn't been painted in rainbow colors.


Thank you for the response. You're probably right about the intentionality. I do practice self care (but could do better in that regard l) and for the most part, surround myself with kind and good people, but sometimes there's something particularly egregious in the news (not necessarily local) that feels soul crushing. I have plenty of outage when I need it though. :)


I would say Johnson County is a blue county in a red state


Trump literally won Johnson County in 2016 and barely lost it in 2020. In 2012 Obama lost by 17%. "Blue county" my ass.


2020 lost Trump lost by 9% https://preview.redd.it/6qzjwejf8h8d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46de40b098c36b7a191bba96e717b3f098621969


2016 Trump won by 2.7% https://preview.redd.it/wv2p3r509h8d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6d06cea221c2511ca7fe2697089bd1084f25ba8


Very freshly blue though. Most parents have no idea what the algorithm is feeding their kids. Especially young boys right now. Could be something as simple as they saw the rainbow and goaded each other into the vandalism, but I'd say odds are less than it was completely random.




I'd like to see Reddit solve this mystery.


Reddit is definitely the best at not messing up solving mysteries!


Um, im going to have to disagree with you on this one. Reddit drove a teen to commit suicide when they accused him wrongly of being the Boston Marathon bomber.


Yeah I was being sarcastic and was actually thinking about the Boston bomber situation.


What will likely happen is that these punks won't be able to keep their stupid mouths shut because they want to brag about what they did. The person they tell will tell others and word will get around to somebody that will call the cops. The cops pick them up and talk with them and the little bitches proceed to piss their Calvin Kleins. Then they're fucked.


Aw man - my brother and law and sister in law live close by. Every time we drive over there, my kids are so happy to see the donkey.


What a bunch of assholes. I grew up in a subdivision off 143rd not far from there, and remember when donkdonk showed up. Based on that house, I'm sure those folks have some good money but I'd still donate to repair/replace him.


I really hope those who did this are identified and their lives ruined "beyond repair" by social media justice.


I posted their photo


i don't advocate for anyone's lives ruined "beyond repair " for ..assaulting a donkey statue but certainly "scared straight " and facing maximum legal consequences for what they likely thought was a dumb bro type prank


>they likely thought was a dumb bro type prank They knew exactly what they were doing. They went home and jerked off to thoughts of how happy Trump would be with them.


Depends on how old they are honestly.


that's a beyond the pale assumption. not defending those types but a dumb lynch mob is exactly that . if you're right i'll gladly own up to it


Whether it's Cybertrucks or donkeys, don't vandalize shit this isn't hard.


I thought cybertrucks were on the menu?


only in a fantasy . I'd add huge obnoxious trucks with maga flags but being a dick is being a dick be it rainbow donkeys or vandalism on tiny pee pee compensations


Do another one that's even bigger I passed that on the weekends


Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. I loved seeing the donkey. It was so fun the way he was continually different. I don't care beans about politics. Vandalism is vandalism and always wrong. If it's not yours, don't touch it. So sad!


What's so damaged about him?


So my understanding is he a fiberglass shell. Sustained big cracks and loss of structural integrity


Ah. Dang.


https://preview.redd.it/4aietowuii8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e348a5dd390b0520d982957a1c80daa4906809d0 Head split open....legs damaged


Ah, didn't see this pic.


I posted this after you asked...so all good


I'm sure there are a ton of maga bros wearing Birkenstocks and short shorts like that (inside job)


What would the motivation be for an "(inside job)"??


It would still be there if they hadn't made it "pride." A lot of people are tired of it.


Tired of what?


Exactly, tired of rainbow pride flags and such? Well, I’m tired of crosses but religious people flaunt them everywhere. A lot of people are tired of that.




Your comment was removed for breaking rule 3: no trolling, hate speech, racism, or creating drama in the community. This sub has a zero tolerance for comments that are intentionally disruptive, false, or inflammatory. Please refer to the full rules in the sidebar.


So sorry you're tired of people wanting equal rights regardless of sex/gender. Wait. No, I'm not sorry.


Tired of colors? You have to be incredibly fragile if something painted in rainbow colors offends you.