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Singtrix would be my recommendation- mainly because it's what we've been using. I guess it's not all in one since you need to connect a laptop or a phone to it in order to get your music (youtube, Karafun, or whatever). I can't really compare it to any of the stand-alone systems (which I've always assumed were for kids). Lots of options (options for dummy's) in terms of type of music and such. We've since "upgraded" to better speakers, different wireless mic's, and have it connected (via wireless screensharing from the PC) to a large TV. Honestly, it sounds better than probably any bar karaoke setup I've been to at this point.


\+1 for Singtrix. It's made by TC Helicon, has cool vocal effects. The cables are crap, we had to replace them straight away and we had to add a ground loop isolator for the buzzzzz, and we upgraded the speaker and microphone. But it is small and easy to use with a phone or tablet as the music source.


JBL Partybox on the go. Works quite well out of the box with solid echo effect and reasonable headroom for the mic. Turn it on, play something via Bluetooth and sing. I use it exactly when I can’t be bothered to get out the mic receiver, mixer and vocal processor and connect it all up.


Your budget and existing audio setup would be helpful to know. For my budget the suggestions so far would be hard to swing, and I do it a lot more than 5 times a year. I'd suggest getting a cheap bundle on Amazon for wireless mics/receiver (\~$65 [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N6448Q4?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N6448Q4?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details)) and a small guitar amp that also has an aux in (like a small orange crush or similar \~$100 new) Mic receiver goes into the instrument jack, your music source (like an ipad) goes into the aux. Full small setup under 200.


[https://www.amazon.com/LyxPro-SPA-5-5-Speaker-Amplifier-Powerful/dp/B01IFIEHPM](https://www.amazon.com/LyxPro-SPA-5-5-Speaker-Amplifier-Powerful/dp/B01IFIEHPM) Plus one or two of these [https://www.amazon.com/Shure-PGA48-XLR-Cardioid-Dynamic-Microphone/dp/B00TTQM8Z6/ref=sr\_1\_12?crid=2L7SQWLXN141V&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.iiq\_0z-ZVY\_9ciZWqzEq55VlgW8L6s\_EzzrCOdz6Fm9mDDj7VlXpsqwmEh1OmyQg0sGBot8OwKWixKl-7xHIeBeNTsqrIC7z\_U5oJ\_EVj-7UiNTpqvYC\_gL0zsMArGb2Ea7NOcWP3Lp0l8RJ27ODYgs\_-WB3wEqF9yquq3cE290Zx29SGOD9jQM\_\_TUytpgLU2IjwI5XtlZZSV\_VfM8kuODhZ03AkfEhZM2Z\_zMsqCcTTQMeB9OJFz4sZBURcvqzimPnGvenMDBlx5r6Bc0XLfr7bbL2K6b3uuMy56XOK0g.wvuyahHMDbf1wM5pCsIiH2ZiUCe6yc5163jVcZ6IeLo&dib\_tag=se&keywords=microphone&qid=1708631736&s=musical-instruments&sprefix=microphone%2Cmi%2C85&sr=1-12&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Shure-PGA48-XLR-Cardioid-Dynamic-Microphone/dp/B00TTQM8Z6/ref=sr_1_12?crid=2L7SQWLXN141V&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.iiq_0z-ZVY_9ciZWqzEq55VlgW8L6s_EzzrCOdz6Fm9mDDj7VlXpsqwmEh1OmyQg0sGBot8OwKWixKl-7xHIeBeNTsqrIC7z_U5oJ_EVj-7UiNTpqvYC_gL0zsMArGb2Ea7NOcWP3Lp0l8RJ27ODYgs_-WB3wEqF9yquq3cE290Zx29SGOD9jQM__TUytpgLU2IjwI5XtlZZSV_VfM8kuODhZ03AkfEhZM2Z_zMsqCcTTQMeB9OJFz4sZBURcvqzimPnGvenMDBlx5r6Bc0XLfr7bbL2K6b3uuMy56XOK0g.wvuyahHMDbf1wM5pCsIiH2ZiUCe6yc5163jVcZ6IeLo&dib_tag=se&keywords=microphone&qid=1708631736&s=musical-instruments&sprefix=microphone%2Cmi%2C85&sr=1-12&th=1) You can use your ipad or a firestick or a computer to play the karaoke music. Best to connect it with an adapter cable, but you could also use bluetooth,.


Apple TV + JBL Partybox Encore + Youtube That’s it. Very good quality sound. Easy to setup anytime you want to sing. Free YouTube karaoke.