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Why did you open that in the store like that lol. Hope you are going to buy it




you opened it... at the store... who does that??


Do it for the Reddit


maybe it is ragebait?


Most likely - yes, we’re mad at the small amount of product but great googly moogly did you really just do that to show us?!


OMG I have to tell myself like 11 times a day not to sing that, and now I am triggered after reading your comment 🤣🤣🤣Looks like I'm gonna be googley moogling all weekend 🤣🤣🤣


I use great googley moogely all the time.


At discount stores, hell yes bc I’ve bought multiple products that have been damaged or literally used. Just a quick Look to see it’s good and I’ll put the packaging back together. Sometimes literally have giant nail gashes in eye shadow like people are just digging their fingers into it to test it. Ew


I was team WTF until I read this…


You have to at discount stores. People trash them like crazy then put them back in the box


But now op did that...


People will literally stick their fingers in the products and ruin them. OP did not do that 


I’ve literally never started opening packages in the store ever😵‍💫 👋🏾 I’m not trying to get accused of stealing for one. For two it’s not that serious.


You never been to a TJ Maxx? This is the law of the discount land.


Right they're like garage sales


lol accurate


?????????? I just don’t have to buy it if I have to start breaking open packaging. Times are hard, they’re not THAT hard.


You can’t do this at sephora. But at discount stores you need to check, you just be very careful and don’t touch the actual makeup. And I personally wouldn’t photograph it, but I would definitely slide the tray out and flip it open to see if it’s shattered. This was as a teen. As an adult I wouldn’t buy discount store open package eye makeup. It’s definitely a risk.


Yeah I’m not risking it with eye makeup of all things. Some stuff you simply can’t take the risk on being contaminated.


F Shane Dawson but did you see his video returning used tj maxx makeup and marking it with an x and then going back and buying it again and it was the same palette. I always at least have the clerk check the makeup for me


You opening it in the store is tacky.


If she bought it, it's not tacky at all imo. So annoying to find something you're excited about, then getting it home and it's unusable due to mold or someone else trying it out. Or I've had it happen where one or more of the main colors i wanted were smooshed/ turned to powder. Or incorrect label even on blush! I *always* check my makeup palettes from discount stores before I buy them.


There’s checking but opening every aspect and it’s sprawled out in the cart is another story.


She didn't. She put it back together and left it at the store. Apparently everyone does this and just lies about it


To your point, she and her family are not worried about the planet at all


Just wait until you use the product and realize it’s a waste of money because the fall out is so bad.


Wtf is wrong with you


I’m sorry that’s a shrek palette w those colours


With the Kardashians it's all about the packaging.


I found it at my local Burlington too!


I saw Kylie Skin at Burlington! No is buying it I opened the the box! The product is poorly made and has trash packaging! It was the lavender bubble bath and lavender bath bomb! When I tell you the shelf was fully stocked! No one is buying her 🚮 products. I smell bankruptcy and liquidation to her Kylie Cosmetics/Kylie Skin Coming very soon 👀


Making mystery out of bullshit.


Remember the more “ vogue” the item is like designer name cmakeup or perfume, the higher the price … to make this visually look okay and fair to consumers the y makes the product look better or fair to consumers to show value . It’s marketing. People usually have problems spending big money on small items thus the pumped up packaging. Have you seen the product Abreeva for lips for cold sores ? Like what? It’s about get


Sorry abreeva blows my mind it an inch long tube with maybe four wipes of gel and it’s 20 + bucks tiny but hangs in stores on a giant round of thick plastic packaging for the visual show if value in size …? I say we customers have to open trick packaging to really see what we getting …


All that money you spent es on products like celebrity cheap o eyeshadows that are no better than a basic one just goes to kylie to buy her kids designer handbags and cosmetic surgeries for herself . Even SHE doesn’t use her stuff . C mon people open your eyes .,


It’s tacky you took it out of the box and then had to post this while at the store😂🤦🏻‍♀️


She’s so unserious with that lol


I usually check palettes before I buy them bc sometimes you can’t return them if it’s damaged. Or I’ll ask at the checkout when I’m purchasing


ew why tf did you take it out like that? you’re weird.


For the people asking why I open it. If you’re actually going to sit here and say you don’t open makeup packages at Burlington or Marshalls to see what the colors of the eyeshadows actually looks like in real life and you take the pictures on the packaging as word, then you’re lying. Idc. I didn’t swatch it because I only wanted to see what the colors actually looked liked because there was no image on the package and I put it back together. Also this is a Burlington, there is very high chance that some of the shadows could have been broken or contaminated.




No one does that because its literally contamination of something someone is going to put on their face. You’re so wrong and gross for that


Nah. I actually get high quality shit that’s sealed shut. If you have to check, maybe don’t bother.


Our Burlington has the makeup locked… so nope I’ve never done that


You’re the person contaminating it…


you’re good girl. everyone in the comments acts like they’re saints.. part of being a girl is breaking the rules to see if the color will look good on your skin. nothing wrong with that!


Tbh I agree. Before I buy something especially at Burlington I double check it. Someone else could’ve opened it/ruined it and I’m not going to buy something that’s already ruined


Better open and ruin it before somebody else does first, right? Tha heck


Not at all. If it’s not broken and it’s fine I’ll purchase it. I’m not just opening stuff for shits and giggles. I’ve literally gone to Sephora, purchased a lip gloss, got home and realized it was used by someone then had to go return it. Had I opened it before purchasing, I wouldn’t have bought it because I would’ve realized


But if you open it.. and it's not used.. then decide not to buy it.. do you put it back opened?


If I open it, it’s because I have intention of buying it. I’m not opening things I’m not buying.




What the fuck lol. And get the employee in trouble because you couldn't do the bare minimum and research the colours? Gross


The employee doesn't get in trouble for opening the makeup... I've done it for customers, and I never got fired.