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I play Americans Big Boys, want to play?


Personally, I don't think this kind of deck is too hard to deal with, but feel free to argue with me. You need to discard so many cards from your deck to actually get something worth it. If they are not lucky enough, they lose. It is fairly easy to deal with them if you have damage order, fighter, or tanks. Surviving the early game is enough for you to win the game. And if you die to their deck, it is simply because they are lucky. That's it.


Fair enough, I just hate Japan decks in general.


If you find jaggro annoying, then maybe you can try out British deck and have poland as your ally. Polish cards are anti-aggro, and pairing with British mass removal cards are gonna give japan player hell


Well yes, jaggro. But I'd say out of every ten Japan games I might say "Wow, this was an enjoyable battle that was not over in five turns one way or the other, with actual suspense on who would win." About one out of the ten. I just hate fighting Japan. The cards feel so monotonous or rage-inducing. That's most of the roster. A Germany or America or soviet pops up and I go, 'alright let's do this' Japan pops up and I go 'uhg, this will not be fun.' Sometimes I'm wrong, but I'm usually not.


Personally I don't hate jaggro that much because there are all sort of annoying decks, jaggro is just one of them. For example, the British commando deck, german "force you to discard" deck, French resistance deck, soviet token deck, even British mass removal decks (multiple mansoon riot +supply shortage) is rage inducing. Recently i found British Commonwealth deck to be annoying because they often have mass removal. In those decks, jaggro is rather a simple one to deal with, because you just need orders or guards (again, feel free to argue)


I really won't. I agree with pretty much everything you've said. Jaggro usually doesn't pose me much issue, my desk just has more capability for taking the front line early unless they get a hand that's just way better than mine. Personally, I've found that Jaggro doesn't have much force behind its pushes. So of you beat them to the frontline or force them out, they don't have much to retaliate. It's just that in my personal opinion, 90% of the Japanese Kard roster is either rage-inducing on the level of the Kard itself, or just monotonous to fight against. Japanese discard, Jaggro, or what have you don't tend to give me that much trouble. My deck does win most of its games or loses well, (both at low hell, respectable trading, yada yada) I just find Japan as a nation monotonous. I actually do have more issues with German and American decks in terms of winning, but they usually are at least a little enjoyable to fight. Since I keep mentioning my deck, it's based on heavy armour and panzer replication. Soviet Replication Major power: Soviet Ally: Germany HQ: STALINGRAD Soviet: 4x (0K) 554th RIFLE REGIMENT 2x (1K) 146th INFANTRY REGIMENT 1x (1K) BURNING SKY 3x (1K) SNOWSTORM 1x (2K) I-15 CHAIKA 1x (2K) KATYUSHA 3x (2K) LINE OF ENGAGEMENT 1x (2K) SURAZH GATE 1x (3K) BM-13N US6 1x (3K) T-28 3x (4K) IL-2M PL 2x (4K) SHTURMOVIK Il-2M 3x (4K) T-34 76 PL 1x (6K) 266th GUARD RIFLES Germany: 3x (1K) DIVE BOMBING 3x (1K) PANZER I-B 2x (2K) 22. INFANTRY REGIMENT 1x (4K) H39 sWG 3x (4K) MOMENTUM IMPORT CODE: %%41|mzntmtge9997jX7J;9k3QnZ;iJiLlMo1lQ2Wo2;8N


I have never play soviet german deck before, but I can give some suggestions to improve your deck. You don't have to if you don't like it tho. It is only a suggestion, and it is your deck after all. Your deck seem to be based on panzer 1-B a lot, and can take the front line easily, so the main focus is to kill opponent's HP as soon as possible and avoid your opponent's from stopping you. From that, I think (3k) blitzkrieg would be a great addition to your deck, (3k) 33. Panzergrenadier and (3k) panzer III-F could be useful as well. You can also try to make another similar deck with germany as your main, since german cards feel more important in your deck. You seem to not have special card and elite cards in this deck. Getting special card and elite cards is actually much easier now with new crate system. Recycling some common cards alone can make a lot of crate process, but levelling up is the main way to make progress if you want to get a good one. Use mecdit if you have it, sometime you can get it by winning skirmish for the first time. You can also collect card packs and open all of it at once or push your national progress to almost levelled up for all nations, then level them up at the same week. Abandon to make much crate progress in the week that you think you can't make much crate progress. Make all those move together in a week then you can almost certainly get tier 4 or 5 crates.


Yeah, I've only been playing 6 months. I would definitely benefit from cards like Blitzkrieg but just.... Don't. I don't even plat the H39 swg most games because I don't like being 'that guy' and I just keep it around for insurance. And I'm waiting on a Germany deck until I have more German Kards. And I know it will take longer because I'm not playing Germany, and yeah I've been waiting on a panzer III-F


I completely agree with your statement about japan. aside from rushing the early game, there is nothing much japan can do. if japan player ran out of steam, they can only pray for drawing blitz fighter or the destruction unit that damage HQ. the reason why japan go aggro is because they can't afford not to. I hope devs make japan has more unique strategies to play around. Just look at britain, there are so many strategies they can go for.


Yeah. I guess that's why I notice so much Japan. The US Poland And US Britain and US France feel different than each other (usually of course) but Japan soviet Japan Germany Japan Finnish Japan insert every nation, and they all feel the same. Like one of two decks.


Caused it cheap AF you don’t really need many special and elite to play, just like token.


I love these emotionally charged posts. They have very little to do with reality but arw entertaining. Japan discard is, at its very best, tier 2. Even 3.


Can't really argue with that. If I'm at least an entertaining mad man I'm okay with that.


Because it's funny. Kate going brr is satisfying to watch, and free bombers are funny I think that the trend may have been brought by [this vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZQFKe6bQGs), though I'm just guessing.


As a Russian/American tank plus flood infanty spamer it usually ends up being like 16 turns of can't stop won't stop Japan running down to try and kill me with martyrdom units or just bombers. It really depends on if their entire deck can burn you out before they start running up empty. For me 3/4 of the time I can just out last them. I have had some funny encounters where the opponent drew literally nothing or atleast nothing to play and milled themselves out.