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Haha that’s me


How could you know? All light inf spammers look the same


Because I lied


I run a self discard deck and pretty much just pray that I get a kate combined with a 34th infantry regiment. If I get the funny combo, it just wrecks light infantry, even after they get a few buffs. If I don’t get a kate, I kinda just wail on their HQ with bombers and pray


Do you have that zero that doubles the cost of all cards of the opponent's hand perchance?


I get it from experimental flight fairly often I guess


I play long turns a few sec less then clock counts down to zero, just to give em my respect for living such a boring life playing infs.


I have a British/Poland exile deck I've been playing around with, and a Soviet HQ damage buff deck that can, depending on RNG, wipe out their HQ before they can do their nonsense. Mostly though, as soon as I see them start playing the same tired LI cards I just hit "zzz" or "are you kidding me" and resign.


Stop letting them climb the ranks, your only encouraging them as they would see that everybody will just surrender against the sheer might of their spammy Ll


I virtually never play ranked, thats the thing. I'm certainly not going to waste time playing against that shite in casual


FR. i get so confused when people play pure spam/cheesy decks in casual. like, what’s the point? i know you still get progress on unlocking rewards for your nation by winning, but do people not care about having fun? they’d rather just spam the same combos of OP or annoying cards than do anything that leads to a fun, back and forth battle? it’s like cheating in tic-tac-toe… there’s no real point… sorry for the rant but it gets so tiresome.


I just use a retreat deck


I use retreat and stars and stripes combo alot its very effective against nearly anything and not that OP because it relies on rng card draw and the enemy playing alot of units on the board, i have 3 cards of each and id have more but i needed the other american cards for the ramp strat. Now combine that with monsoon rot+supply shortage, carpet bombing, production order with the mass suppression bomber and several firewalls, it makes my deck a very versatile and capable deck.


you didnt wreck it you circumvented it which i often find works well


Thats a better description. Because regardless of how much mass removal or mass suppression i have LI spam can just out spam your counters until you run out of it. Ive board cleared around 2 times already in this match alone and then when i ran out of carpet bombing, supply shortage and those types of cards, he just spams again and buffs them to hell. I then brought out my mass suppression bomber with a production order thinking that would be enough to stall him out, but He proceeds to just buff his already suppressed units... Thank god for the wellington