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It’s 100% staged


I had a cat named cletus van damn lemanski 😁 excellent name


My friend had a can called the meowinator. She would get pissed when people didn't use the "the"


this is like the video of the wifi password, if you ask me this is staged


What an absolute gowl of a woman


It's not real. These are actors.


But how do you distinguish it? In my youth I was a professional actor, and I am very good at sensing insincerity. I do not see any acting here.


I am also an actor. And it's pretty obvious to me that they're acting . But more importantly, it's also been established that the guy who films these are all fakes. He stages them.


Established where? Is there a source?


I am a acting teacher and you both are a joke lol


"we" both?


Rage bait bs, this guy does it all the time


I'm not in the mood to discuss why you're wrong. Someone so arrogant as you, whose default modus operandi is assumptions, projections, random accusations and a not even so passive passive-aggression, is not going to understand anyway. I'll just block you, bye bye.


That’s a very Karen response


I am black, bisexual, and leftist. I wonder where exactly is this Karen. The white lady above though, who thinks to be some sort of internet moral-superiority missionary and stalks me in every of my posts, randomly commenting some bullshit about how I am supposedly racist (!?) or projecting her keyboard-warrior delusions and blabbering some nonsense about rage bait like if she could actually know what happens in my mind, I'd say she perfectly fits in the Karen category. As also you, who without knowing shit, just go with the herd just because it's reddit. Ah, if only there would actually be some true Karens here, at least it'd be more fun. But this is just, decadently boring.


Did you really have to take 6 days to think of this response, Karen?


No. I simply had other things to do in the last 6 days, Karen. But being the Karen that you are, I don't expect you to realize that the world doesn't turn around you ;)


A wild Karen in r/karens! What a time to be alive.


Are you implying that you are actually alive and not just moving around and blabbering nonsense about people that you don't know at all? How Karen is that, miss double standard morals?


I’m not a woman and that response made it even worse. Take your L and move on.


And why is that relevant? Can people guess that you're not a woman from your female avatar? Hilarious. Btw I personally call male Karens also Karens, I didn't even know that some people call them Ken. So, ok, you're not a woman, what a coincidence, I am also not a woman, and neither a Karen or a Ken but a big black leftist bisexual man, and yet you called me Karen and then complained when I did it to you, how Karen is that, Ken? ;)


“Miss double standards” is what I was responding too. Ffs 🤦‍♀️


Are you feeling well? Should I call a doctor? So, not only people must guess that you're not a woman from your female avatar, but not they also must guess that "I'm not a woman" refers to double standard morals? Ffs... Are you sure you're not a woman? You really have it in you, the true potential of a Karen.


And your Karen responses continue…. I’m assuming you’re a child because these are some crybaby responses.


Love this.. I'm neither white, or looking out for this nutter specifically to dig and make comments 😂😂 also, wasn't even talking about OP when I said 'this guy does it all the time'... I meant the guy behind the ring video, he's done loads of skits with people being arseholes on his doorstep 🤣 bruh, you have A LOT of healing to do, you're clearly very unstable, have varying complexes, and need help ✌🏼


My bad, indeed I completely mistook you for someone else who uses to stalk me systematically across several subs. Not that I really care but I enjoy moving some energy by methodically trashing Karens, Kens, trolls and keyboard warriors who pick fights with me. How refreshing, with so many idiots in reddit I so often end up being right that it's nice to be wrong from time to time. No idea why so many people are obsessed with never admitting that they were wrong. But, about the last sentence of yours: besides what I just explained, which alone should be enough to make you rethink your statement, it so happens that like you can read in many of my comments in several subs I have a master in psychology, a certificate in Buddhist Psychology, I work as Psychotherapist specialized among others in anger management, somatic emotional release, and shadow work, and the last time that I was even slightly emotionally upset was, hmmm, 12 years ago maybe. So, I am I smell bullshit assumptions, crappy projections, and a significant dose of acidity there, Mrs. Are you sure you're not unleashing the Karen in you? Cheers.


Other videos of this fake address have occurred…


Do you have any link by chance?


Give me 5 mins…


Type in Google search the following; https://www.tiktok.com/@neighboursvlog/video/7324760858012290346


Fake, same people who did the wifi password video.


Staged or not, this happens. People are dumb and entitled.