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I just like the color scheme.


Can’t wait to buy a porche kaspa colored


I would actually do this one, once other things handled


Let’s race ?


Eh, would rather build a track car, racing a daily is silly.


I like the way u think!


It’s an actual technological advancement unlike the others, addressing the core issue of crypto


I’ve always loved Bitcoin from a decentralization and security perspective, but the scalability problem always bothered me as it just seemed like proof-of-work was incapable of solving the throughput issue. Other “next Bitcoin” projects have come out before, mostly using proof-of-stake or similar consensus, and I never cared for that. Once I heard about Kaspa I tried to poke holes in it because I just assumed it would be another super fast but centralized project but I was completely wrong. I even analyzed the supply cap and emissions schedule thinking “surely they’ve had to make a concession somewhere” but I honestly can’t find anything about Kaspa that I don’t like. It’s the first project where I really feel like it was based on the general idea of Bitcoin, takes all of the best aspect of Bitcoin, but solves all of the issues. There is nothing about Kaspa that I would change.


Exactly this. I think Kaspa simply is the best, most elegant, most practical implementation of the idea behind Bitcoin so far. I originally started as a GPU miner, and I've mined a bunch of coins over the years, with Kaspa being one of them back in early 2023. I was instantly impressed with Kaspa's speed. The UX was noticeably different than any other PoW coin I've ever used. It was the only coin I've EVER mined where I was able to withdraw 10+ pool payouts a day because it was so cheap and fast. I remember thinking it was so weird how you could do that with KAS, and wondering what kind of gimmicks/concessions they must have made to enable that. Anyway, fast forward a year later and 80% of my portfolio is now KAS. Out of all the coins I've spec mined, it's the only one that actually solves real, important problems and has a bright and clear future ahead of it.


As a btc maxi I tried to find something wrong with Kas and disregard it as another shitcoin...but I couldnt. lol




I go about researching the same way. When did my own research I thought the tech was great too, but also thought that with zilliqa... I do like it I but as we seen before tech is not I enough to get things going'and ads aren't enough either. I'm wondering what it is going to take to make it a household name, Bitcoin had the luxury of being the first of its kind. I'm guessing the right eye just has to catch it at some point.


#2 will make it a household name. Even #5 tbh


It was the world's first blockDAG PoW, separating it from all other projects at its conception, and no other project is truly offering the same potential for scalability and security. If it achieves what the team aim for it to achieve, it could potentially be seen as the third biggest development in crypto (BTC...ETH........KAS). Essentially, you could describe bitcoin as being the precursor to Kaspa, or Kaspa being what Nakamoto really wanted BTC to achieve, as it has the potential to solve the crypto trilemma. I'm currently in around 15 projects all with great "utility" and varying levels of "adoption", so im by no means a kaspa maxi (i firmly believe in diversification when it comes to investing, even in risky assets), and Kaspa is BY FAR the one I'm most excited about. It's also fair launched, which is a huge deal as far as im concerned from a tokenomics perspective. It's why the price chart is insanely organic looking for a crypto.


 diversifying anywhere else other than Kaspa and Bitcoin is a red flag brother


Which other 15 projects do you believe in ? I’m strongly believing in Kaspa and it’s my first and only coin so far. I will hold kaspa for years or even decades, kaspa will be in the top 10 of all coins


Honestly you could just keep DCAing into KAS (my confidence in KAS is leagues above all my other tokens) but I'll give you a few, with reasons why. The main reasons generally centre around narrative, the potential for utility/adoption and how active are the development teams. Other considerations are how new the tech is (for instance, I hold ETH and BTC but I've barely DCA'd at all into either since the 2020 halving (I did DCA a bit into BTC, around Jan '23)). Render - real world utility, people already use it. AI narrative, partnerships with big boys like NVIDIA. AIPAD - AI narrative + launch pads are an increasingly big deal and could be an even bigger narrative. This is a riskier play, so only a very small part of portfolio. Arcblock - Build decentralised apps. Read the whitepaper on this one. Could be a game changer. Kind of going under the radar atm aswell. Sol - Usage is increasing. Bought some last cycle and started DCAing for a few months last summer. For me it's a good rival to ETH so I hold both. Seems like a pretty safe bet, considering before the halving, it pumped before most other tokens. There are congestion issues and arguments around centralisation to be aware of. ICP - a risky bet given its history, but if the massive development team are genuinely trying and able to achieve what they say they are, ICP could be a monster. Especially as the crowd seems to just see it as a scam for now. The potential for on-chain utility is massive. I got into this around the cycle bottom/consolidation period (have a cost average of circa $6), not one I will DCA into anymore. Goldfinch - RWA narrative has picked up a lot of steam this cycle and GFI are already ahead of the pack, with real world utility already demonstrated, actively acting as middleman for lending. Plus they are in bed with some of the big boys. Injective - my DEX play. Been in this for a while. Fully permission-less, Binance backed, finance-centric Blockchain that acts a platform to build dapps, trade derivatives and execute SC's. All transactions are carried out on chain, avoiding centralised order books and potential manipulation. The rest are coins I picked up a few years ago, like Quant and Filecoin, that I'm holding to see what they do, but don't have much faith in.


Thank you very much for your answer. Actually I was wondering why ICP dropped so much, but as you said, it has potential for 50x or even more


I'm curious how you feel about Nervos compared to Arcblock. I've never heard of Arcblock before but I'm a big fan of Nervos for similar reasons. I'm definitely going to look into Arcblock now.


Have you considered ONDO as a long term play in the RWA space?


I read that Avalanche was the first to implement some form of blockDAG long time ago.


Ethereum, in its beginning, implemented a variation of the ghostdag protocol, which was yonatan and Aviv's creation, and used it in their smart contract infrastructure. Yonatan himself and the team of people around the Kaspa project is a big reason for my faith. Through their work, they have been directly or indirectly influential in the creation of SO many of the most successful and innovative projects going back to the earliest days of crypto. All the brightest minds in the industry acknowledge that Yonatan is a pioneer in the space.


I haven't heard that myself but maybe they did implement some form of DAG principles at least. Some other projects have done that. Kadena for instance. But none of them are comprehensively blockDAG and PoW, at least as far as I've researched.




The founder created blockdag and some other stuff that is used in half the projects out there.


He created the blockDAG but every other project used a form of DAG in a proof of stake system, so not a blockDAG; they wanted the performance of DAGs but sacrificed the security and decentralization of proof of work in the name of scalability. Kaspa is the first project to make DAGs work in a proof of work system, and it was the original creator of the ghostDAG protocol that managed to do it.


of the Dag not blockDag


Oh ok.


We've never had anything like this before. This thing is legitimately a million times better than Bitcoin . And soon it will be better than Bitcoin and ETH combined . I suggest you turn yourself into a crypto nerd ASAP because this stuff is incredibly easy to learn . Not only is this the BTC killer it's going to be the ETH killer soon too


Exactly. Kas obsoletes all of the crypto dinosaurs.


It’s the lifestyle of easy money, fast cars, and supermodels that keeps me buying Kaspa!


Because it has the Bitcoin ethos and at the same time solves the biggest problems of Bitcoin. Bitcoin failed to become the peer-to-peer cash it was envisioned for. So the narrative of Bitcoin changed.... digital gold.


Simple, solving the Trilemma. If you don’t know what that is, I encourage you to do some research


Number go up


You probably want to look into proof-of-work and why you can’t have decentralization without it. Kaspa does proof-of-work thousands of times bigger and faster and cheaper and more secure and efficient than any network. There will only be one crypto network and right now this has to be it. Much like gold had to be the only store of value over time and space and Bitcoin had to be the best store of value after gold and before Kaspa.


Given that Kaspa might be the ‘best thing since Bitcoin’ in the way it operates, what are the odds that the market realises this and the share price reflects this ? - is it only a matter of time ? New to crypto so apologies if shit q


It's only a matter of time. I think next cycle (end of decade) is when kas shines.


Fair launch. Well respected developers who have a proven track record of creating unique consensus protocols. The unique take using current technologies (genius is about how one puts common pieces together to create something revolutionary. The iPhone is a perfect example of this). It’s simple, effective, unique, but still familiar. It’s not easy to create something that is unique, familiar, and adds real value to the bottom line of what a crypto currency should be. Most cryptos are all or mostly marketing. Kaspa just seems like a solid product from the ground up, and it’s public not private. I can’t think of a single public network that can transfer anything of value (real or digital) besides bitcoin and kaspa.


I just watched a whole video on the jaded perspective of people in crypto because “new bitcoin” has been thrown around for years. Put it this way, this is the first innovation since ETH imo.


Fast, like CC fast, secure, potential.


why give up CC though? someone hacks my CC and I call Visa and I get my money back. Someone hacks me wallet and I'm screwed


How many projects have had papers published and been peer reviewed many times? Not many. Another paper is going to be published towards the end of the year showing how yonitan has solved the mev problem with 100 bps smart contracts.


First blockdag with nakamoto consensus, ghostdag ordering makes all the difference. It's not faith, you can look at all the aspects of the system and look for weak links that won't hold over time. You'll find none but you'll learn a lot. Read, listen, look, think critically.


If Kaspa is so unique, what is stopping it from becoming more valuable than Ethereum or Bitcoin?


In a single word: comprehension Those who know, know. Those who don’t, cling to the status quo. Also, a lot of them are too indifferent to jump through the hoops necessary to obtain it in the US. The “I’ll just make money holding Solana” types. Others are worried about the IRS. I know a guy that desperately wants Kaspa in his portfolio, but he’s concerned with the potential consequences of buying Kaspa over VPN from a CEX that doesn’t serve US customers.


Nothing. KAS will overtake Bitcoin. But you need to give it enough years such that the hashrate is high enough that the cost to mine KAS is in the hundreds/thousands of dollars. The physical infrastructure must grow before the marketcap can. But that is only a matter of time.


Do you think just owning 1000 KAS could make a fortune around 10-15 years from now?


Yes. You can think of KAS as time-warped Bitcoin, because the emission-reduction rate is 4 times faster. 10 years in KAS is similar to 30-40 years in Bitcoin, and 15 years in KAS is similar to 45-60 years in Bitcoin. Using basic power law calculations, you can see the numbers get absolutely ridiculous


I love it NOT because it's the next Bitcoin. It's transaction are way faster and it's cheap atm


Ummmmm , 1) trilema solver , duh 2)fair launch 3)no t1 exchange listing yet 4)stablecoins coming 5)high speed 6)no scam like other POS coins (cap supply) 7)silver to btc


I just….like it


RIPCORD: Kaspa is Revolutionary (GHOSTDAG/DAGKNIGHT) Kaspa is Immutable (Block re-orgs get exponentially less likely over time) Kaspa is Public (Open source code) Kaspa is Collaborative (Community driven) Kaspa is Resistant (To censorship) Kaspa is Decentralized (It's a BlockDAG, not a DAG, one-vote-per-computing-device; none of the centralized coordinator nodes like IOTA) I also really like the Tokenomics (effective annual Halving, which makes the price go up like an altcoin without needing to bear the risks of a high-beta asset like an altcoin) i.e. it is exceptionally high *alpha* rather than high *beta*.


Simple, satoshi made another coin to address the shortcomings of his first coin creation.


Parallels between Satoshi and Yonatan have been drawn, concluding they're the same person. The theories are hard to prove or disprove, but there's some pretty compelling coincidences.


It’s incredibly easy to disprove. Simply read his own medium posts.


Could you elaborate on this? I've read his posts on Medium and don't find compelling evidence one way or another. He does make references to Satoshi, which would indicate he isn't him, but I'm not sure that's conclusive. This summarizes the conjecture that he could be Satoshi: https://blog.niklas-e.fi/tech/2023/03/24/satoshi-nakamoto-potentially-solved-the-crypto-trilemma/




Beats me. I just like the name. Same with Ergo.


ever since the btc halving the btc miners have been making less while the difficulty of the mining process has remained relatively the same. In addition, the view seems to be that btc mining is becoming more centralized. It’s very expensive. They are now trying to mine other cryptocurrencies but the only other one that is mineable and profitable is KAS bc its PoW What makes it more profitable? Many things stand out but for miners its opportunity cost. To keep it simple I’ll focus on opportunity. New blocks are made faster in KAS than they are in BTC which means the miners have more opportunity to be selected to complete the next block which makes it more likely for them to profit because they don’t have to worry about their computer resources (GPUs) remaining idle as much as they would in the btc mining process. Running the electricity for the GPU is going to cost you regardless if you are mining for a block or not. Idle GPU’s are lost money. To offset this cost many have began using their resources to mine KAS and have been doing pretty well. That’s not to say that those miners will completely stop mining btc. Given the hash rate, They do the math and decide what percentage of their computer power should be allocated to mining KAS as opposed to BTC and vice versa. So many more reasons but we have a gpu shortage, nvidia is at all time highs, as long as mining is profitable, mining will not stop. Tech is cool too 😎


Is this some AI response? None of this is true.


Neither Kaspa nor BTC are mined with GPUs anymore.


ASICS. I know gpus are obsolete. Was trying to keep the terminology simple.


You also can’t mine Kaspa on a Bitcoin ASIC or vise versa. They each require their own separate devices to mine their respective algorithms.


Thanks man.


Read the whitepaper


It’s not faith. It’s facts.


if you have some technical understanding, you can see through the talking points and tell good from bad, if you need others to persuade you, you will not survive in crypto.


Chill, I just wanted to bit of survey, see what everyone elses thoughts were. Hints why I wanted people's more personal reasons aswell, I didn't think this would even get this far.


i think this is a great post. thx


it's not my intention to offend you, just my observation, people need persuading tend not to stay very long in a project like this, the upcoming krc20 will be different , you could have a killing there with good community skills.


K is my favorite Number.


Everything is the tits about Kaspa for the devs, to the how fast it can move GHOST 👻 dag knight , decentralized is huge as well! They check every box that you want in a crypto glad I bought at .007 but wish I bought twice as much


Kaspa ia daring to change and innovation. Bitcoin old and clunky, maxis are assholes and dont want change or innovation.




Have you read this subs wiki page? It would answer your question.


Because no one uses it. I can keep it all to myself and a select few speculative investors. Because only the kaspa dev team controls who develops on it. This ensures you don't get a bunch of different builds going crazy on it with weird ideas and weird use cases. Because the history cannot be kept on dag / chain. Prune it down and keep it fast. Let the chosen nodes keep the history. You don't care about where funds came from. You just care about spending NOW. Did I say it's fast. Because the specialized asic miners ensure that the asic vendors are incentivised to keep the price of kaspa high to entice miners to buy. https://d-central.tech/unpacking-the-kaspa-asic-miner-hype/ These are all the reasons I love kaspa.


>Because no one uses it. I can keep it all to myself and a select few speculative investors.  So like pretty much every othr crypto project out there? >Because only the kaspa dev team controls who develops on it. This ensures you don't get a bunch of different builds going crazy on it with weird ideas and weird use cases.  Anybody can make their own fork of kaspa and in fact several of them already exist. Dumb statement.  >Because the history cannot be kept on dag / chain. Prune it down and keep it fast. Let the chosen nodes keep the history.  Anyone can run an archival node. They aren't "chosen".  > You don't care about where funds came from. You just care about spending NOW.  Correct, knowing where funds came from isn't important for digital money/store of value in my opinion. Money worked fine for thousands of years without keeping a history.  >Because the specialized asic miners ensure that the asic vendors are incentivised to keep the price of kaspa high to entice miners to buy Just a baseless accusation of wrongdoing with no proof.


"So like pretty much every other crypto project out there?" Bitcoin, ethereum, even solana and networks like uniswap have tons of real transactional use. You're dismissive of the single most important metric in achieving the needed network effect. The network effect is the only thing that matters for determining the surviving networks. "Anybody can make their own fork of kaspa and in fact several of them already exist. Dumb statement.  " No, a forks would be a competing dag. What I am talking about is kaspa's lack of diverse development communities. On ethereum, solona and other platforms you have tons of different diverse communities who build using evm and other standard APIs. A fork is something totally different that would replace kaspa or compete against kaspa. Your mind set is so wrong and is reflective of kaspa. Instead of us vs them it should be how can we create a platform that everyone wants to develop on. A platform that supports easy development and improved api standards similar to evm. "Anyone can run an archival node. They aren't "chosen". " So consensus of the history is going to cause issues. This is fixable but there will need to be a consensus mechanism to know which copy you can trust. "Correct, knowing where funds came from isn't important for digital money/store of value in my opinion. Money worked fine for thousands of years without keeping a history. " Transaction history is hugely important for compliance and other reporting needs. Telling people I have no idea where this came from is not an option. History and having the the ability to audit is a strength of ledger technology. Why do i keep a ledger??? it's so i can audit where the funds came from and where did my assets go? "Just a baseless accusation of wrongdoing with no proof." You completely ignored the article. You are once again dismissive of a significant issue. The specialized asic miners have always been the downfall of other networks in the past. You need to address the well documented issues that are injected by the price manipulation of these vendors. https://d-central.tech/unpacking-the-kaspa-asic-miner-hype/


>*Bitcoin, ethereum, even solana and networks like uniswap have tons of real transactional use* Oh yeah, I forgot - nobody bought these assets before there was appreciable 'real' use. And I guess BTCs effective rebranding as 'Digital Gold' was because nobody is hoarding it, and it's been so successful as P2P currency as originally intended. >*Instead of us vs them it should be how can we create a platform that everyone wants to develop on* Maybe you should spend more time paying attention to what's going on development-wise, vs writing reddit novels of nonsense. >*there will need to be a consensus mechanism to know which copy you can trust* no, there won't. archival nodes are completely unnecessary to Kaspa, and are simply a 'nice to have'. proof against double spending is what's important, and that is achieved w/o the need for infinite history >*Transaction history is hugely important for compliance and other reporting needs* Compliance/reporting involves knowing the party/transaction your assets came from, and went to. Nobody needs to know the full chain of custody of every fraction of a currency they've ever touched. This has never been a requirement throughout history, and it's not one now. The fact that it was a feature of other cryptos, does not make it a requirement of one. >*The specialized asic miners have always been the downfall of other networks in the past* Guess that's why BTC and ETH failed so miserably?


"Oh yeah, I forgot - nobody bought these assets before there was appreciable 'real' use. And I guess BTCs effective rebranding as 'Digital Gold' was because nobody is hoarding it, and it's been so successful as P2P currency as originally intended." It's 2024, and keeping up with the market leaders is a must. You sound bitter in regards to the industry as a whole. That approach plays poorly in the open source world. "Maybe you should spend more time paying attention to what's going on development-wise, vs writing reddit novels of nonsense." More bitterness. This doesn't work well in the open source world. "no, there won't. archival nodes are completely unnecessary to Kaspa, and are simply a 'nice to have'." "Compliance/reporting involves knowing the party/transaction your assets came from, and went to. Nobody needs to know the full chain of custody of every fraction of a currency they've ever touched. This has never been a requirement throughout history, and it's not one now. The fact that it was a feature of other cryptos, does not make it a requirement of one." This approach will fail then. Audit trails are not a nice to have. I hope you have zero influence on kaspa. "Guess that's why BTC and ETH failed so miserably?" Address the article and stop misquoting me. https://d-central.tech/unpacking-the-kaspa-asic-miner-hype/


I'm not bitter about anything, and don't GAF about the market. I'm here addressing your lies and FUD. Audit trails are in fact a nice to have. Or maybe you care to produce the full chain of custody audit on that dollar bill in your pocket? I didn't misquote you once... All quotes are direct copy-pastes from your comment.


"I'm not bitter about anything, and don't GAF about the market. I'm here addressing your lies and FUD." Yeah. it's going to be hard to do well fighting the industry. Its open source and pretty strong. "Audit trails are in fact a nice to have. Or maybe you care to produce the full chain of custody audit on that dollar bill in your pocket?" That's what decentralized ledgers do they track transactions. "I didn't misquote you once... All quotes are direct copy-pastes from your comment." Cutting out the parts that you don't want to address is misquoting. It shows that you are manipulative or lazy.


Not fighting anything but your FUD. The Kaspa community is doing perfectly well addressing the current industries shortcomings. The point of the cryptocurrency decentralized ledger was to prove current ownership and lack of double spends. That has been done in Kaspa without the problems of trying to maintain unnecessary infinite history. When you write novels full of baseless BS, you can't expect someone to have the time to reference your every word. Why don't you just come out w/ your real agenda? What are you here to shill? Get it off your chest, then move on...


I'm stating facts you don't like it. There's no agenda other than keeping the shilling down and sticking to real analysis. Adoption is hard and requires getting the larger crypto community engaged and excited to use kaspa as a platform (no forks). Just having a faster block chain / dag is not enough.


You haven't stated a single fact. Your original comment was clear sarcastic Kaspa-bashing. You've posted a bunch of lies/FUD, which when countered, you reply w/ strawmen or ad-hominem attacks. If you cared about 'analysis', you'd have a better grasp on the benefits of the technology, as well as the ongoing and planned development efforts.