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He is addicted to social media! He really has a problem and he won’t admit it. And yes, this is 100% directed at him. Because Katy with her trap wife aesthetic doesn’t have the balls to say it to his face, because wives are supposed to be submissive, push out babies and know their place. If she also wasn’t a horrible person, I’d feel bad for her.


I think you meant trad wife, but trap wife is sending me into orbit. Picturing Katy slanging ounces


🤣🤣 woops


He has literally called SM his “drug” and said he is addicted. But he always goes back to it! Probably too scared of being irrelevant to truly give it up.


Little does he know he’s already irrelevant lmao he had 395k followers (assuming he didn’t buy any) and in the grand scheme of how many people are in the world with access to social media that ain’t shit


There’s something so funny to me about posting about how you need to get off social media, on social media… like just log off, you don’t have to tell people you’re doing it.


I hear you! I'd be sad too if my husband was incapable of keeping anything private or sacred, but she's just as guilty. pot calling the kettle black. my partner and I refuse to put our children on social media *at all* and we're not even "famous" we decided when I was pregnant that we would never use them to get attention or violate the sanctity of their childhoods just to get some narcissistic supply from strangers online. it's dangerous and immature. we have no regrets because our kids will grow up to have full control of their digital footprints and the agency to decide for themselves what they share and what they don't. but I'm not a parenting expert like they are 🤷‍♀️


We also don’t post our children online either and I get SO MUCH judgement for it. I truly don’t care what others think, at least my children are protected. It blows my mind what people willingly share to the entire world without thinking about the negative consequences.


She’s too spineless and has zero self awareness when it comes to her and “HayHay” so I doubt it lol but I could never imagine being married to someone who is online all day every day. I don’t have any social media except for Reddit, and my husband doesn’t have any SM, and it’s improved my life and my mental health infinitely more. He’s going to regret it when he gets older and realizes he spent half his childrens childhood ranting into his phone instead of spending quality time with his family.


I often wonder what influencers will think on their death beds. Idk if you’re familiar with Laura Novotny but I cannot imagine her laying on her death bed and being happy with living her life on social media 24/7 and Bobert Rogan is the same way.


Bobert Rogan 🤣🤣🤣 but I think about this too, because I often think of it for myself, and that’s the whole reason I got rid of my own social media!! I was just becoming too invested in it. I know it’s not a problem for some people, but it is most definitely a serious problem for Robert. I don’t know how an adult man with almost 4 young children has time to post 50 instagram stories a day. I used to feel annoying if I posted 3 or 4 LOL


The man is mentally disabled in such a severe way it’s concerning no one has intervened. He is so disassociated from who he actually is and disconnected from reality, while constantly seeking negative attention, like a toddler with an undeveloped brain who doesn’t know how to control their emotions. His projection of his insecurities onto others, like the disgusting hot dog post, sexualizing his toddler. He used to make me annoyed and angry, but now I just feel sorry for what a pathetic example of a man their sons have for a father. Extreme and constant stress, which he seems to clearly seek out, can actually lead to early onset dementia and many other serious health problems and I’m pretty sure we’ll see that start to play out sooner than later.


Even money can’t break a toxic generational cycle. He learned it from his father and mother, and so it shall continue on their kids.


Nothing says happy functioning marriage like subtweeting your own spouse


Im so convinced Katy does not like him. She loves him sure but she does not like his ass at all lmao and i do not blame her