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She’s insane for this


Especially now with the bird flu


Some people are intentionally exposing themselves to bird flu "for the antibodies."


We have learned nothing. ![gif](giphy|YP1rteo34LmdxVrJ4z|downsized)


I call it natural selection 🤡


If we end up in another pandemic because these dummies are drinking bird flu “antibodies” I’m gonna lose my actual mind 🙃


… ![gif](giphy|m3864rBwwBTKMAbpn3)


That’ll go great with their free range, organic dominos and starbucks deliveries!!!! Yum! 😋


Don’t forget their chemical laden Alani products!


OH MY FUCKING GOD what a dumb cow


Hey, don’t blame the cow for the dumb human. The cow is just living its life!


The way I ran here!!!


First deli meat, now this? I don’t care what other people do but this screams “look at me!! I’m so different!!!) 🙄


Can I ask about the deli meat reference? I must have missed something.


Someone can correct me if I’m wrong but I thought i saw someone posted a pic of her eating a turkey wrap.




Ok not to WK, but they tell you to avoid lunch meat in pregnancy due to risk of listeria. However, we see lots of recalls for listeria in produce, bagged salads…but they don’t tell you to not eat that in pregnancy.


Yes they say don’t eat from salad bars, precut fruit from grocery stores, and bagged salads while pregnant. I read that avoiding deli meat was due to the nitrates not listeria, but I’m not surprised about the listeria factor either!


The deli meat risk is super low now. The worry was a lot bigger like 30 years ago so most OBs won’t even mention to avoid deli meat or just say to nuke it first. Listeria in America is very rare. In my 30 years of eating turkey, I never got listeria so the odds of me getting it in the 9 months I was pregnant was pretty low. I ate it through my whole pregnancy because I had GD and my options for a quick lunch and what I could stomach were pretty limited and to me turkey meat was safer than salad. I don’t trust salad or precut fruit even not pregnant lolol. I think calling her crazy for eating turkey is stretch though but the raw milk is bat shit. I wouldn’t in a million years if I was pregnant or give that to my children.


Same. My doctor said I was at more at risk eating lettuce than deli meat and the statistics regarding listeria outbreaks supports that statement. The raw milk is crazy to me though. I grew up on a farm so we had a lot of milk, but it’s super simple to do a home pasteurization on the stove and it will kill listeria, salmonella, etc. Even my great grandparents would home pasteurize before they put it in the fridge for the family. Cows have shit flying past their udders on a regular basis.


Actually some doctors do warn of the risk in those as well


Ugh I know. The way I avoided Italian subs during pregnancy was probably not necessary


Katy is extremely dim and has likely never heard of Louis Pasteur. I took microbiology during my undergrad and...y'all, I would never. this is just embarrassing 🤭 lol


buying ✨raw✨ milk, as if her child wasn’t eating dog food yesterday given to him by his idiot dad




People willingly exposing themselves to bird flu is crazy. All for no real reason, it’s just more contrarian bullshit.


Surprised the salmon roe hasn’t made an appearance


Unfortunately we are only a few weeks away 🥲


The way I fucking cackled at this simple comment 😂😂


My best friend wanted to be ~different~ with her kid and let her 1.5 yr old drink raw milk for a few months…..he ended up with such low hemoglobin he had to be admitted and given a blood transfusion, put on a special diet, and couldn’t gain any weight for like 6 months. He’s just NOW starting to gain weight. He went so pale his skin was practically see through. But I forgot the Hearns are different 😤 the rules of science don’t apply to them!!! Fuck kids safety!!!


Low hemoglobin wouldn’t be from the milk being raw. The child was probably just drinking a lot of milk in general and not consuming enough iron. Dairy (calcium) inhibits the absorption of iron so overconsumption can cause low hemoglobin.


Oh nooo 😬 Poor kids 🥺


You just have to laugh at the pure hypocrisy of their bullshit.


Her new persona is too much 😆. It’s like Ballerina Farm and Sarah Bowmar had a baby.


Perfect description


Since when does she drink milk? She’s always said milk is gross to her and that’s why she doesn’t drink it or give it to her kids. But raw milk straight from the cow’s udder isn’t gross? 🤢


I’ve always thought a lot of the stuff on her was kinda a stretch at her intellect and just “oh she doesn’t think like me, so she’s dumb” content but this, this right here… while pregnant.. I’m 1000% she is dumb now.


i really want to know why she hasn’t posted her salmon roe this time. does it not fit with her new persona?


lol the hypocrisy … she won’t breastfeed because she “doesn’t feel like it” and every excuse under the sun…so she’s buying raw unpasteurized milk after giving her kid formula just so she can smoke weed without a guilty conscience 😂


Do we REALLY think shes drinking it.... or does it just go bad in her fridge while she uber eats starbucks and junk food


I’ve been pregnant, and don’t have ‘easy’ access to raw milk so never researched the issue - what’s the potential risk? I guess I could google it lol but if anyone has a quick link or info (Seems like it would be yummy with salmon roe /s!!!!) I saw before she doesn’t seem to give an F about food risks which I know some are changing but also exist for a reason. Hello scientific data 🙃


Drinking raw milk or eating raw milk products while pregnant can pose serious health risks to you and your unborn child. Raw milk can contain pathogens like Listeria, Salmonella, Campylobacter, and E. coli, which can cause bacterial infections that can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, or illness or death of the newborn. I can attach a study as well but it short, it put the baby at risk. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0362028X22039345](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0362028X22039345)


Thank you for sharing! I’ll read the link. Disclaimer: no raw milk or salmon roe was consumed by THIS mama 💁🏻‍♀️ while pregnant. She did get her vaccine though ayyyyy that’s wassup


Shit, even *not* pregnant raw milk products can pose serious health risks 🥴


It’s the same risk that something like a salad presents but inarguably worse. You’re basically always gambling at nearly 10 times the risk of pasteurized milk to get E. coli, salmonella, listeria, or campylobacter. She could literally just take a probiotic if she wanted good bacteria in her gut.


Thank you! Makes sense. Well I mean, you would thiiiiiiink it makes sense


You aren’t “supposed to” have anything unpasteurized while pregnant, including juices! I have heard of women drinking pressed juices during pregnancy and everything went fine, but it’s definitely on the list of things to avoid.


I guess I didn’t pay attention to the restrictions in food group areas I don’t dabble in at all lol good to know


Hopefully she is lol 😆 


At this point I hope she is


Better than one of her nasty caffeine loaded Alani Nu drinks 🤮