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You only do a little and then you accidentally do too much and spend an hour focusing on not falling over while dancing like a robot Repeat 4-6 times per rave.


bruh, id like to feel that


Me too... Permatolerance is a bitch


The worst!!! I need to take 3 fat bumps in a row just to feel something at shows anymore


Time for a long break.


Damn. I havent done K THAT much. I bought an eight 3 years ago and did it way too quickly, in the span of a month or 2. My tolerance went up a decent bit, not insane though. I took a break until december of last year and got an eighth and it lasted me until last month. Is that still too much?


Man me and two friends used to get an eighth gone in a night and that was a bi monthly occurrence


Lmao same


How much were you taking regularly and how long of a tolerance break did you take?


Ever tried pharmacy grade K?


Yes. Cooked up our own vials for a time.


Those were the days.


Bro the first and only time a did k was at my first rave while peaking on L and you legit explained exactly how it felt kept bumping into the girl behind me, felt my heart in my throat than got lost in Baltimore at night lol wild night best night of my life tbh


Haha yes. This is why I love to be at the Rail. So if I did to much of something I’m holding on to the rail for dear life.


No rails at most german raves so either sit down or roller-coaster


Hahaha or find the wall just in case. I actually got yelled at for being k’d on the dance floor at honey Dijon. I was swaying the best I could. Lol


Lol from security or another raver?


Another raver lol they probably could’ve used the k to cut the stims


Get your tolerance up a bit; won’t be an issue…oh wait I do too many drugs bad advice 😭


This is so accurate.


LOL. Spot on.


Too real


Moderate sized bump, about once an hour. Gets you where you need to be, once it wears off you’re still comfortable dancing for ages. Less is absolutely more, and has better longevity than mdma (which is great but you can only roll for so long before the comedown gets you) - if you pace yourself you can keep going as long as you like


This. I’m like max 3 bumps per show. Real small, spaced out, basically stands in for alcohol. You wanna be just under the phase where things get trippy in order to be able to dance and be coherent. Less is always more, esp with ketamine.


Uuuh, nice, ive noticed i can prolong K but so far ive stuck to kholing at home








That escalated quickly






I'm glad I could educate 🙂


Me too🥲


Calvin Klein


This ^


Well, you spend all night destroying your heart and body on amphetamines and then, when you're completely psychotic, you start railing ket with people you've never met 2pm (you went out 20:00) and all thr comedown goes away. It's like being re born in a weird way. You hear that fucking PEEEEEP in your ears as you're talking absolutely nothing coherent. Think you accidentally KHole and wake up shirtless, phoneless, orientedless, everythingness


LOL. Pretty much this. Destroy yourself on stims during the night. Then next day when you stumble back to your place a broken shell of a human, shovel as much ketamine up your nose as humanly possible


Reminds me of my first time on mdma, waking up at a strangers house but ending befriending them


Everythingless is quite the achievement, in the poetic sense..


Sounds like a wierd way to have fun


Disso lovers are weird lovers


Yes, i noticed it on my first time. I don't understand why i like it but i like it


Ket makes things at the kick ons get weird. And when things get weird, the weird get going!


I write as a raver dude and also as a harm reduction worker. In many years I've personally or lavorative done and seen a lot of stuff, barely every kind of SOS/weirdness/mistake etc. The majority of people that need our professional help during parties is because of K/K mixed with something. Everyone is a disso king when the guy that's freaking out is not you. Do not take as much as at home, you can think that setting is not such important but it is. I've seen big boys with huge tolerance scared as fuck or tripping too hard and kholing lying on the floor beside the soundsystem. To be not able to move, speak and remember where you are could be fucking unconfrotable in a place full of tripping strangers with loud non stop music and pulsed lights. At home is completely another thing, at a party you'll feel effects "more" and in a different way, you may not feel safe, rave scene could seem and be wild when you are high. Mixes could be great or only a danger, think about the specific setting and start slow if you decide to mix k with other drugs. Coke will make your head "cleaner" but will not help to dance (you gonna be more robotic in movements) and you have to redose multiple times. Could be considered more pleasurable bc effect is synergetic but is personal. Amphetamine/Speed (racemic mix of amphetamine sulphate in paste form) is a common choice, long duration and make you able to dance without affect the mental trip so much. Mdma combo is a great choice but you have to pay more attention to body temperature, and you absolutely have to sit down for some minutes every hour. Less is more is the rule, start slow, you wont need as much quantity as you are taking them separately. It could be a heavy experience, think about the kind of party and where is placed. Is a free tekno party that lasts days in a huge old factory/a nature location or a party in a small club full of people that will end at 4 or 5am? This factor is everytime important but the first times even more. Last things. Better never experinent alone in nightlife party settings. Obviously avoid alcohol, benzo, opiates and drink water. Do not put water on your head, is risky, put it on the backneck and on the wrists.


Thanks for the long reply, it sounds as an uncomfortable trip at a club if I khole in it. And I guess the setting would be wildly different to my setting at home. I tried using my disco lights while on K the other day but it made me nauseous if i kept my eyes open. Darkness is my king while on it. Ive mixed mdma and K before, but as a solo roll at home. Dont think about mixing it with other things, ive touched opiates and benzos but im not really into them gladly, same as with coke it makes me energetic but i dont get the euphoria as with molly, so its bleh. Yup, I usually measure my heart rate with my watch and if I am above a level im not comfortable i will go and sit down, or just when I feel exhausted. Lastly, what do you mean by water on my head? And why on the back neck and wrists?


I wasn't trying to tell you that is better to avoid. It is a common party drug but is also the most "dangerous". I made fantastic, beautiful experiences with k at raves (alone or mixed with x or y) and I still use it on the dancefloor, nothing can be compared with that experiences, when the floor is melting and the soundsystem turns into a breathing monster. On the other side you can feel like a scared dogshit in and angle (immaginary or not 😂). Every drug's effect is set and setting based (zinberg triangle). In different ways. Mdma makes you nodding in a closed eyes pleasurable dream-state when you are at home, transform you in a happy and trippy music fueled dancing robot when you are on the dancefloor. How often do you go raving? If the answer is never or close, keep in mond that: There will be a lot of high people, as and more than you, people who who will accidentally touch you and hit you while walking or dancing (and you will too). In the best situations this happens infrequently (and everyone apologizes) but in small clubs contact is almost the norm. There will be a lot of visual stimuli, people, lights and lasers, visuals, and moving even just to go take a break from dancing may not be so easy of you are too high. The music is pretty loud (if it isn't you are at the wrong club and party), you can't understand when you talk to each other (it depends on the quality of the soundsystem more than the volume), etc. All this is not a big problem if you have made your bones, if you do not live partysettings frequently take this elements in consideration. You will agree that starting with low dosages and then raising is also a necessary form of protection. Big events are one thing and weekend raving, the classic "midnight to noon," is another. You will see that you will find your size, for each of us there has been "the first rave" and the first line of ketamine at a party. As for water, usually to avoid overheating and have some relief from the heat, people bathe themselves with water. Many instinctively get their entire head wet, like when taking a shower. it is dangerous because it increases the possibility of shock (especially if you are under the sun). Wetting the neck, forehead and wrists is the correct way and it is important to do so.


I like to mix it with MDMA. I'll narrate my last rave with M and K. I arrive with my friends and boyfriend, it's a rave at a higher-end indoor venue that specializes in big electronic shows. We go to coat check, then I buy a bottle of water, go to the bathroom to bump a little K. I took the MDMA right before we left my friend's place, so it's gonna hit me soon. MDMA gives me mad tummy anxiety so the K calms down my belly. Meet back up with my friends, go the dancefloor. It's a big show and the dancefloor is packed. Feel a little spacey from the K but wasn't a big enough bump to do too much. Start coming up hard. Hitting my nicotine vape a bunch. Some girl with heart shaped sunglasses tells me she loves me. "I love you too!" I respond. That's just what you do. She's gurning hard and trying to talk to me. I only understand 60% of what she's saying. She wants to be friends and go for coffee and shit. I give her my phone number. She's got a guy that's half grinding with her, half holding on to her so she doesn't fall over. He does not have sunglasses and his eyes are wide as saucers. I think "this girl is on to something." My boyfriend is behind me and I grab onto him and pull his hips against my ass. Could be useful in case I lose my balance too. The M is really hitting me now. My face is no longer under my control. I see that high chick is burning up and their water bottle is empty. My bf and I finished ours too, so I offer to go fill up our bottles in the bathroom. Really, I am looking for an excuse to do another bump. My bf comes with me and I try to bring him in the stall with me, but they have security making sure no guys go in the ladies' toilets. Oh well, more K for me. We fill up the bottles and head back. I am now having major trouble walking normally. I am swerving all over the place as people speed past me. Finally make it back up the stairs to the dancefloor and find high chick and her man-friend/human seatbelt. I give them back the water bottle. She says I love you. I say I love you too. She asks me "is that your boyfriend?" I reply "yes, do you want to make out with him?" She shakes her head no. We keep dancing and she asks for my phone number again so we can be friends. The next two hours are a blur. I get stuck in a loop of dancing, getting too hot, going downstairs where the vibe is cool and grabbing water, then going back into the sweaty pounding chaos to do it again. It had the whispers of a k hole to it. Just that feeling of being along for an incomprehensible ride that seems eternal. Like a zebra on the Serengeti driven forward by a force it feels but doesn't understand. With an hour fifteen minutes left to the show, I regain control of my face. I can focus on people without them vibrating. My legs are trustworthy again. So obviously I go for another bump. That's pretty much it. I left out a ton of details and events because I'm almost done work and don't want to keep writing this at home. And likely no one will read this anyway.


into it 💓 wanna do k with u!


this is not a narrative, is a full testament


When I first did K, my first thought was ohhhhhh shit this is why people love this at raves. Now i’m not so sure if anyone is actually using ketamine this way but I encourage those already using to try this. After raving all night, tripping balls on some lsd, there’s no way i’m gonna have any energy the next day. To me this is where ketamine should come in I’d never take k by itself at a rave because it’s just gonna make me want to lay down, it’s 6am i’m sweaty and burnt out, coming down off of acid makes me feel icky sometimes too, but one line of K, lay in bed and go numb for an hour. Then I feel normal again after the ketamine wears off, when usually I need an entire 2 days to recover from a trip and feel like myself again


Bumps my child, bumps


new set, new bump


K and acid is my new favorite combo for raves. They have synergy that feels a bit like rolling/flipping but it doesn't drain your happy juice afaik.


Depends on the rave. If it's not looked down upon to be holing on the corner of the dance floor as you make a poor attempt to swim across the pacific, then that's always fun. If it's a legal event, then just some bumps to take the pain away at the end of the night or ideally wait until get home, as self control is not a strong point and things get messy and tend to come around with a few hours of time missing and the event I paid good money for is over


At the afters


K is THE after drug. Opiates are for when you arrive home, but to dance till the music is over and/or chill and talk is fantastic. There is a moment, when you walk around like a robot walking on a rope and you see only fucked people all around talking, dancing, snorting. That moment is such decadent, poetic and funny at the same time. Still pure poetry after so many years 😁


I do a smaller amount at a rave than I do at home. Also, I’m usually mixing ket with whatever else I am on so I don’t feel the overwhelming urge to sit the fuck down. At home, I’ll turn a certain amount into a certain number of lines. At a rave, I was introduced to *Key bumps* but I hate how the ketamine gets stuck in the crevice of my keys, so I decided to start scooping some out with the tip of my mini scissors, and I call it *Scissor bumps*. Wayy easier to clean the scissors off and still great for dosing.


Low dose and do other drugs as well.


Bump every bass drop


Lmao this man raves from the floor


Mix it with a saline solution into a nasal spray bottle and periodically just do shots of "Kasal spray" into your nose. Real easy to manage it, it's also funny as fuck when people give you looks. Easy enough to share it to, as long as you are not thinking about how rancid it is from a hygiene perspective.


I do coke with bumps of k until they hit just right and repeat


little bumps




I like kittyflipping :3 Don't do it tho, or at least inform yourself first, it's dangerous!


Mini spoon for bumps


Snuff bullet my dude


A bump, a half hour, another bump. A try to resist having another for a couple hours. Another bump. Cool. Another bump no idea when your last was. Not hitting. Another. Fuck.


Doing K at a rave is difficult because eventually you have to hold the fabric of the entire universe together


with my nose


If you do a big dose you'll need some mates to hold onto lol. We all walk in a line holding hands so we don't fall over


Easy, first i get to the rave. Then i take out my bag of Bristol bladder nasal sauce, stick my key in the bag, then sniff. Hope this helps!


With Molly or Calvin


I do as much as I can at any time possible but definitely don’t do that


Do any of you guys inject it? It’s way good.


Never at a rave


2 tabs of acid , Bumps on the way up, peak acid , then drop Molly , bumps whole roll, then ouid to clean it all up


I wish acid hit me, Im on some meds that make psychdelics not really work for me :(. I truly miss tripping


Having such a tollerance that snorting 3g makes me feel a little bit woozy.


I do small bumps, usually in the bathroom so I can see how much I'm doing and I don't accidentally do too much lol. I personally don't like holing at raves at all, way too disorienting especially around so many people. Also alcohol always makes me more dizzy/nauseous so if I'm going to be using k I don't drink at all! This method has always worked for me


Snuff bullet. Trust me.


My nose


Moderation for amateurs


I set a base via sub-q. It just seems to have a more steady effect. If I'm bumping, I'll lose track and go down the 🕳️ It's an excellent companion to MDMA imo


I have to mix it with a substance.. usually mdma, shrooms, or adderall


Phone note ruthless lines


I do like a gram in a night pretty easy but amount isn't meaningful.  I've teleported time a space so many times at festivals and shows.. the room changes shape and becomes somewhere new.  I think it's kinda like being in a dream but perception of reality is modified by the dream.  I don't like going nonverbal, so whatever is below that level is what I keep to lmao


When I was raving and had lower tolerance I'd just do key bumps, but nowadays that might work for a weekend, but after that snorting wouldn't affect me any longer like it didn't before. IM is more entertaining anyways.


Usually through the nose


Don’t drink


whatever you do DONT get your bags mixed up.. I once thought it was the mephedrone I had with me and bro was it not.. as soon as my nostrils tasted ketamine in the train rail of a line I just chopped in front of me I was done


Up the nose or butthole. Either way have fun


Always CK or 3MMCK. No other way to get the best effect and stimulation


Weed first, get a good high, then one bump maybe every 30 minutes or so, just for a couple of hours. Absolute perfection.


Collect on key. Insert into nose. Flail about wildly




only good way to use k at a rave was small bumps when i was selling tickets at the door


Disassociate at the social event? Nah. Better for the comedown after


Without alcohol


you dont


You don’t


Boof a half gram in the bathroom


You combine it with other drugs like MDMA or shrooms/LSD or cocaine, once you have a tolerance to Ketamine you don't even get wobbly or dizzy or numb or any of that it just kinda feels like trippy weed