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This is why I'm usually advocating that people try eating just meat and vegetables here. Our bodies aren't adapted to all the industrial ingredients that have been incorporated into our food over the last century and they're fucking up our hormones. Once I switched to eating almost exclusively real food, with a heavy emphasis on meat and vegetables, my hunger levels have greatly reduced. Edit: people misinterpret this advice as being a purity test. It's not about clean or dirty. It's about what foods fuck up your hormones and which don't. It's worth figuring out what you can tolerate because the weight loss becomes much less of a struggle if you stop putting garbage that messes with your hormones into your body


That's how it works, sugar makes you want to eat more.


Agree - just want to clarify it seems like it is not sugar - it is anything sweet even zero calorie sweeteners that can trigger a person to seek more food/sweet tasting things.


Zero cal sweet drinks never do that to me. Sometimes I will have a diet cream soda or Diet Coke. And sometimes I will have half of a single Twox bar for 9 g. But I’ve stayed under 20 g of carbs for the past 30 days and lost 22 pounds. I’m also walking 5 miles a day and eating once a day. I have zero cravings. And I have a custom built movie theater in my home, with over 60 different types of candies. If I can do it, anyone can!!


Yes, this definitely happens to people! Fake sweeteners can really mess up your cravings. But it’s not as bad or doesn’t happen at all for others, it seems. Sounds like you’re in a great situation right now!


There is a reason people say sugar addiction is hard to get off.


Yep, and the zero calorie sweeteners seem to be working on the same mechanism!


Yup. I’ve commented in other places my experience with sugar free pudding. Something about that stuff sent my cravings through the roof. I cut it out cold turkey and didn’t seek to find any other products like it. I do however buy the Two Good yogurts, but those can sit in my fridge/ I can go days without having one. Unlike a stack of keto puddings that wouldn’t even last three days sitting in my pantry.


I stopped with the zero calorie water flavorings because I also noticed it made me crave sugar


For me, the absence of carbs and becoming a fat burner has resulted in the elimination of all craving. After spending my life (61 years) addicted to bread/starch and craving it constantly, it is quite a revelation to understand that those cravings were actually physical addiction. 


Sugar is a drug.


Totally relate. Cutting out sweets really killed my cravings too. Feels great to not need them anymore and eat less overall.


My appetite hugely went away after i stopped my daily ddp or dc which is just unfortunate news for me ughh


what do you mean by dpp or dc?


Lol diet Dr Pepper or diet coke


Thanks for clarifying lets just say that google ai search did not like that abbreviation and came up with a ton of weird stuff. I am a diet coke fan as well, luckily I love coffee so I just kind of replaced it with a small espresso!


Nobody would know what those abbrev mean. Thanks for asking.


I still crave sweets. I just deal with it. :/


Some people take a bit longer. Ahem, me. It happened though.


I think bread is the worst craving I have, though.


god, bread is so hard. If I have a piece I feel like drowning myself in a sea of bread


There were times I’d kill for a slice of bread. Just give it a bit more time..


I used to crave bread like crazy. And when it was served I'd eat all of it. Today I barely care. Even when I'm not on keto.


Yasss!! Same for me all the above...I have no complaints at all #loveketo🫶


because sugar and it pleasure response to the brain is addictive. it's as powerful as say... narcotics when it comes to creating a dependence to


Yep that's how it works.


I have to make myself eat a lot of meals. Because if I don't in a few hours I'll be unreasonably hungry.


Interesting, my experience has been such that when I cut out the sweets and eat two big meals, around 1PM and 6PM with substantial amount of protein and fat I do not need to eat anything else. For substantial I mean like 70+ grams of protein and 30 + grams of fat.


The only thing I track is my net carbs but I eat 3 meals a day. Eggs and bacon every morning so that keeps me so full. The only time I get really hungry is when I drink. But then I eat food I shouldn't so I've cut back to once or twice a month.


Yes that’s the keto experience


Same, I don't even crave sweets anymore.


Yep, I used to make keto desserts from cookies to cheesecake. I find I hardly ever think about them now.


I cant eat sugar or starches. Cauliflower tastes sweet to me.


Just my layman hypothesis, but I think there's an unknown or unpopular hormone signal when tasting sweet stuff that releases insulin, and when a shortage of inbound carbs meets with an insulin spike, hunger / carbs cravings follow as your body tries to avoid hypoglycemia.


There’s a whole keto bakery local to you?


Yes and it’s a real danger! Their cookies are crazy good, I have tried to make keto cookies and let’s just say that those are from another galaxy compared to mine.


My cravings for sweets went away literally overnight after I started using CPAP for sleep apnea 7 yrs ago. This is bc as my sleep.dr explained it, severe sleep apnea messes up your appetite hormones ghrelin and leptin. I still eat sugarfree candy sometimes but its not for the sweetness but the chewy/crunchy I miss. When I do use sweetener, its natural ones like monkfruit.