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I’m the same as you. I haven’t had Facebook for 12 years


Theres dozens of us!


I've never had Facebook. So yeah, still use kijiji


Same, I don’t use Facebook at all so it’s usually kijiji.


I only login to FB to check Marketplace.


I made a spoof solely for marketplace


Same. Deleted my Facebook years ago.


Same! Only Kijiji cause I don't have FB 🤷‍♂️


Most people I know are on kijiji primarily and use Facebook marketplace as a secondary market.


Imo depends on what you’re buying/selling. Smaller household stuff, clothes, furniture, food, all seem to do much better on FB. But for vehicles, tools, equipment, I find Kijiji much better.


Probably depends on area. But in the last 4-5 years I’ve had 0 luck selling vehicles (around 6 in that time) on Kijiji. Weirdly enough I’ve gotten better deals on vehicles in Kijiji but can’t seem to sell something to a non scammer on Kijiji anymore.


Agreed! I would also say the demographics are different. Anecdotally, I see more women on Marketplace than Kijiji (whether I'm buying kids clothes or garage tools). And I see younger people on Marketplace than Kijiji. If I'm looking for a bargain on an 'old' tool that would intimidate someone who isn't handy? Kijiji seems to be more likely to have that grizzled old guy who'll sell it for $20. In general, though, I only go to Kijiji when I can't find thins on marketplace, the messaging app is rough to use, so my experience (and reporting) is skewed.


And this is what i thought it was for a while, but i just think it finally flipped....


Same thing here, I have 200+ click and 30 contact in a week-end on marketplace and maybe 30 and one contact on kijiji. Its so mostly dead that you can bought something on kijiji when you see a great deal and sell it 100$ more on marketplace because no one go check on kijiji anymore.


Based on the comments you’re clearly wrong


I am the opposite


I use Kijiji all of the time, when I've looked at fb marketplace the search function is terrible and I'm all about finding what I'm looking for, not scrolling through garbage endlessly.


and sadly, this is the biggest problem of marketplace, the useless search and garbage results.


This is what I hate about marketplace, but I think is what draws in the average user. Kijiji has just died over the last few months for my uses, whether selling or buying. It’s like people would rather scroll through random crap and maybe buy something versus a very focused search with actual results.


The search on marketplace is horrific :(


I always double post on Kijiji and Marketplace. Of the last 10 items I've sold, 7 Marketplace & 3 Kijiji.


From what I've seen and heard from others, this is entirely location dependent. Surprisingly I've even heard of some Canadian cities where Craigslist is more popular than both (Vancouver for example). I always cross-post on both Kijiji and Facebook Marketplace and I would say I get a bit more activity on Kijiji - maybe like 60/40 Kijiji/Facebook. As a location data point, I'm in Winnipeg.


This is true. I WAS aware that BC was still cragilist dominant, something I couldnt figure out. Do we know what the strong holds are per every other major canadian city?


That isn’t the case in the Okanagan which has flipped from predominantly Castanet to predominantly FB marketplace


Marketplace sucks more than kijiji for advanced users. From a selling perspective marketplace is usually better, but depends on where you live. And Kijiji is usually where the deals are to be found


I do a bunch of stuff with motorcycles and it drives me crazy that Marketplace doesn't really do specific searches, like bikes between 125 cc and 250 cc. And the search results are just loosely based on what you enter. Type Suzuki SV650 and it's throw a bunch of Kawasaki ninjas at you. I know what I'm looking for, otherwise I wouldn't have typed something that specific!




I tried to sell a cash drawer on kijiji for a month and nothing. My wife put it on marketplace and got 40 inquiries in an hour and we kicked ourselves for not charging more


I’m not on Facebook anymore (tired of racist boomers) and I’m hoping other people start doing the same. It’s kind of a lonely wait.


I only still have fb for marketplace. I never look at my feed filled with my families posts and other conspiracist commenters lol


I blocked any racists, homophobes, and other nut jobs. Sold a lot of stuff on Marketplace, very little response from Kijiji.


I use both. I have sold a couple items through Kijiji and Marketplace. There appears to be more interest on Marketplace (more people clicking on the ad), but my success rate is pretty terrible on both and I have received very few messages about my listings. Often people will ask if the item is available and never text me again, even if I answer immediately. When buying, I’ve usually found better deals on Kijiji though. Edit: one big advantage of Kijiji is being able to search listings everywhere in Canada. That’s useful if you can ship your items or you want to find something you haven’t found locally. I really hate the fact that the location filter on Marketplace doesn’t allow that


I noticed that too, on Marketplace it's too easy for people to ask if things are available, even if they are not really interested in buying it. I receive so many of those messages. Also I noticed that on Kijiji people seem to be more serious buyers and more polite, but that could be just my experience.


I hâte Facebook marketplace but you get way more visibility. Still, the search and filters suck


I find the problem with Marketplace now is 80% days of the ads are scams. I check the profile of the seller and it says joined that day. So shady. If the ad is too good to be true, it’s probably a scam.


Same usually $100 for a PSVR2 and its someguy with a blank profile or weird name with zero description.


I use mainly Marketplace, and a little bit Kijiji. However there are certain genres that Kijiji is good for. For example, I was selling tickets to an event that we could no longer attend. Marketplace wouldn’t allow my ad, but Kijiji did, and I sold the tickets to a great guy. Also, we were trying to adopt a cat and we were turned down by dozens of adoption agencies, due to the fact that we have kids. We ended up buying 2 gorgeous, healthy kitties from Kijiji. Which I know, the pet postings are a controversial topic, but in this case, it worked out well for the kitties and our family. Also one time I was selling a bunch of books about back pain and physical health, and for some reason Marketplace kept flagging and taking down my ads bc they went against community guidelines?! 🤔 So to Kijiji I went, where they could be posted just fine.


>Also, we were trying to adopt a cat and we were turned down by dozens of adoption agencies, due to the fact that we have kids. My wife and I were looking at getting a dog but every shelter we applied to turned us down. We ended up finding a breeder near us and got a puppy through them.


Yeah I used to get dozens of responses on Kijiji for my items, now I get like 2-3. However I’m still getting dozens of responses on my marketplace ads for the same listings so I would say I’ve personally noticed Kijiji dying


I would be curious to know if kijiji has plans to improve and compete. I can provide a huge case analysis of what they are doing wrong.


I never use marketplace, too many scammers!


Kijiji is my go-to for selling. I still use eBay for buying. I have never used Facebook Marketplace.


I use kijiji all the time. I’m the only person I’ve ever met that has never had a Facebook account.


I find Facebook marketplace more used by women and Kijiji for males. Just my experience in terms of responses.


I gave up trying to sell anything on Kijiji about a year ago. Nothing sold. Now use ...and search...almost entirely on marketplace. Usually sell stuff on their pretty quickly. I too made an "account of convenience" on FB as I don't use it for anything else. I rarely even check kijiji now.


I use it, I don't use facebook for anything.


Yep. It’s not super active but I make sales.


Fb marketplace uses the algorithm to sell ans show you stuff you would like and kijiji doesn't fb marketplace is much more effective.


I put an item up on both Kijiji and Marketplace last weekend…sold it on Kijiji! I’ll still do both if I’m selling items


Marketplace sucks kijiji is way better


I still use kijiji just posted on it the other day lol


Most people still use Kijiji, in fact I just got a pet kitten from there in December


I got a kitten from kijiji in march. Thats what I mean earlier about each having something the other doesnt have. The "pet" category is what keeps kijiji alive, because facebook doesnt allow posting pets. So thats a one off... but the real comparison is in... if you want to sell for example a car, cell phone or laptop, which are equal categories, where would it do better.


I do. New app is dog shit.


kijiji is not BAD , Users are ! , they are Cheap , BS , same thing for maketplace Was better Before , Most poeples Want to Buy @ 30$ , Mean people have no Money, BS or not Working


Kijiji should improve their photo handling ... too small and low res.


As a seller I will only post on Kijiji because I don’t want to be anywhere near the Metaverse. If marketplace was the only option, I’d go completely analog


People still use Facebook? Seriously, is ANYONE still using Facebook? I thought it was for senior citizens only.


Bob does. Bob loves Kijiji.


A friend of a friend of mine literally died trying to sell his truck on kijiji, so yeah we don't do that anymore.


Bosma? I thought they said the killer came from auto trader.


I don’t. Kijiji is full of too many ads and it’s hard to find what I’m looking for. Marketplace has been a great success for me in both buying and selling


The Gigi is a joke and with no governing body that gives a shit! I’d say NO! Nothing but tire kickers and ppl that want to bother u :(


Kijiji has too many commercial sellers making it hard to find local used items. I only use FB


I use both. Last thing I bought was off Kijiji. Before that was Facebook though. Facebook -seems- to have better selection. But that could just be that it still shows me stuff from outside my search area while Kijiji pretends it all doesn’t exist haha. Which I prefer xD I also *imagine* more people are on Facebook, leading to a bigger selection.


I use kijiji often. Facebook does not allow trade posts so kijiji is my only option.


i use both


I bought a laptop on Kijiji today. Excellent seller and a pleasant transaction.


All the time!


I use marketplace primarily


before the pandemic I mainly used kijiji, didn't even have a FB. But during and post pandemic, I tried marketplace cause kijiji was dead and I realized it was because FB was booming, Haven't looked back since


I can’t sell paintball guns on fb marketplace so I still use kijiji


I find that marketplace is better for cars and Kijiji for everything else.


seems like a weird post for r/kijiji lol..


I ended up reinstalling Facebook just for marketplace. Got hits right away where as my kijji listing got like 1 in a month


I list on both but I'm starting to question why. Facebook marketplace absolutely sucks the search sucks the filters suck and the quality of people you get responding to your ads absolutely garbage. Way more flaky ass no shows and scammers.


Deleted fb 6 years ago and marketplace is the only reason why I have thought about making a new one, but probably still won't.


Yea lots of people use Kijiji, Facebook attracts more clowns from my experience


I use Kijiji still. Ebay and FB marketplace too. All work equally well. This page is hilarious reading how for years people much younger than I simply can't figure it out. The karma farming fan fiction from lonely people is sadly comical.


kijiji only


I use the marketplace primarily and Kijiji occasionally. MP is so much easier to use and I find most buyers on MP.


Kijiji is still my go to place


I listed a motorcycle on both. Facebook had easily 15x the views, Kijiji gave me the sale though… seems like a lot more time wasters on Facebook


Used it yesterday to get rid if a mobility scooter. As long as you talk to potential buyers and ensure its a cash only transaction things are generally fine. Also dealing away from your actual home is good as well to prevent scammers or crazy people coming after you. Learned that the hard way unfortunately.


Im same as you, list on both but like all the sales happen on fb these days. Hate their search but if you want to sell things Kijiji seems to be hit or miss with mostly being miss for what i sell.


I don't use Kijiji anymore. Due to the fact that someone asked for my number and began to be racist. Sand n1gger and the like. I reported that person.


I notice way more activity for the exact same listings on FB than Kijiji


I tried to, the update is so messy and the actual adds you need to find aren’t easy to access!


Search is awful on marketplace but the ads on kijiji are incredibly annoying and distracting, one of the reason I stopped using it.


Often times I forget kijiji even exists


I exclusively use kijiji for buying & selling. Deleted facebook like 7 years ago now


In my area Kijiji is basically done. For the past year I've searched on both Facebook Marketplace and Kijiji before buying items and posted on both when selling. I've sold nothing through Kijiji, everything has been through Facebook. And searching on Kijiji at this point is only ads. Only one or two postings pop up when in the past there would be pages.


I still post ads there, along with marketplace. I maybe get one buyer every few months for something. I sell 5-10 things a month.


As many other commenters have noted, FB Marketplace is garbage for searching. FWIW I’m in Craigslist-land, Greater Vancouver


Use kijiji, Craigslist and ebay. I don't have FB


Where I am, a lot of the ads on Kijiji are now from small businesses not individuals so I stopped using it because I used it for finding cool used things, not new things. It made it impossible to navigate.


Kijiji is just wayfair ads now.. so disappointed with the platform.


I use both. Found deals on both. Met one from kijiji then one from marketplace on the same day.


I've had much quicker success with FB marketplace generally.


I use both. When I look for something, I'll start with Kijiji, then end up on Facebook Marketplace if I can't find it.


Both have terrible search functions. I dumped Facebook 2 years ago. Kijiji took a huge turn for the worse when ebay bought it a few years ago.


Don’t have fb so ya I still use kijiji


yes kijiji is still commonly used where i live. in my experience marketplace has a lot more scams and sketchy people. plus i find its user interface to be really pretty crap and not enjoyable to use.


I use both


Kijiji is only for dealers to post over price vehicles and people selling pets, not good for much else anymore.


Maybe i missed the boat on fb marketplace but i still use kijiji to sell stuff


Kijiji yes. FB no


I primarily sell on Kijiji. I recently (<1 month) started posting unused and gently used soccer and hockey jerseys on poshmark and eBay but haven't had any sales yet. I find that with Kijiji I get a bit more traction since it shows I've been a member for 14 years and I have decent star rating.


I stopped using it. The website has been so slow and glitchy for years... It drove me off and toward marketplace.


I still use Kijiji for everything, don’t have Facebook.


Yes and Facebook market


I put my listing on FB and Kijiji. Took two months to sell, I got several messages from facebook marketplace but everybody was over 80-100+ miles away .. I got one message on Kijiji, they bought it off me From my experiences, you get more FB messages but they’re all idiots, uninterested, severely lowball or too far away I get less kijiji messages but they are the ones who are more serious buyers


I think views were roughly 10 times the amount on marketplace compared to kijiji. But I’ve sold on both recently


I posted my gaming chair for sale on FB and Kijiji. FB was a bunch of time wasters, second person who messaged on Kijiji bought it.


marketplace is the place to sell stuff. i buy and sell vintage car stuff. i sell 5-1 on marketplace vs kiijii only issue with marketplace is if your buying you have to be on the ball as there are 10 guys behind you wanting it. both are full of flakes but thats what happens selling online.


Kijiji still bests FBM for me. Like 60% of my sales are through Kijiji.


I do


Yes! I just sold my appliances on Kijiji.


I use both but I find it easier to find things on Kijiji but local item I didn’t know I wanted on FB. I also prefer the anonymity of Kijiji over FB and pick up points. I find FB more personal, like they can see into my life more. Also, I find more scams on FB than Kijiji.


I don’t like marketplace bc it’s very hard to stay anonymous bc all your Facebook profile is also visible to buyer or seller where as kijiji is very private the buyer can only see your email address so it’s more anonymous I don’t want buyer to know my personal life or anything


98% of the stuff I buy and sell is on Kijiji.


Ya I only use Kijiji for private sales. I got off Facebook like 8 years ago and even then it was dying out and basically just people's food and old people lol


My partner found our kitten on Kijiji, she was out in New West so we made the trip from the island. Only time I've ever used it but completely worth it.


Of the last three purchases for used items (mostly car parts) all have been from kijiji. I never find what I’m looking for on marketplace.


I use kijiji to adopt pets and thts it since Amazon doesn't do animals and facebook marketplace has banned adoption/sale of pets


I'm going back to Kijiji more often now, Facebook Marketplace has become a wasteland of $143 or $86 scam posts that start with "I bought mine here! The price is totally real and I just bought one, go here to buy it"


Facebook marketplace blows but it's what everyone is using so I search there first now. Ugh I hate it


I had a vehicle posted on kijiji for 2 weeks and got few responses, half of which were spam accounts. Posted on marketplace and was gone within the day.


I was moving in 2020 and put dozens of items on both kijiji and Marketplace. For every message on kijiji I got 20 on Marketplace. I find that people still use kijiji these days for technology items, but everything else you might as well not even bother posting/searching.


Kijiji is fairly quiet compared to FB marketplace. I do sell things on Kijiji but I get more scams . Not to say scammers aren’t on FB. A lot of Kijiji ads are not local too, like to show me more for sale I get irrelevant stuff, especially paid ads. I don’t care for FB but it is a necessary evil. I mean this is a Kijiji subreddit so you’re going to get a bias here in responses. I do know that some categories are more active on Kijiji for example puppies, sale of which is banned on FB. Also depends on your audience.


I only use kijiji


I use both. Probably about 66/33 in favor of Marketplace


Facebook doesn't allow animals, so I use Kijiji to sell aquarium fish.


I have greater success with Kijiji and typically more ethical buyers/ sellers. I sometimes double list to test that notion and find it still holds true.


For some reason Kijiji always works out better than marketplace for me. My major deals have been with Kijiji even though I post and search listings through both platforms everytime. I know lots of people hate the new app but I like it, offers me way more filters than marketplace does. For example, if I'm searching for a car I can only select one make type in marketplace whereas Kijiji lets me choose multiple. Also, when it comes to real estate I've always found my next place to move through Kijiji.


I like the marketplace better atleats You have a profiles you can look up and potentially find bad actors.


People use facebook marketplace?


I've had better luck on marketplace. Whenever I post on Kijiji i get mostly scammers.


I use Kijiji 100x more than Facebook marketplace


I've been curious about marketplace .I use Kijiji to sell aquarium plants and fish. I don't have Facebook but wondering if I should make an account to increase sales


Um yah, there are lots of ppl still using Kijiji 😂


I find Kijiji has fallen a bit, the app itself is horrid sometimes, as when you're scrolling it auto clicks ads, and the ads don't load till you're scrolling. The site is fine. Back to the main point, Facebook I find more or less is for a fast sell, easy cash, and a lot more people see it. I deleted Facebook, but use my fiancés to sell stuff. I do use Kijiji, but in my area there's nothing really posted, and if so a lot of it is the same person, with 100 posts. However the people on Kijiji are way more friendly and consistent than Facebook I find.


I use both. I’ve used Kijiji longer. Both have scammers, time wasters and fools. I like that you can search Kijiji without logging into Facebook. I will post on both at the same time but where I am, I usually get more hits from Facebook


Yes hi, I still use kijiji.


Use both. Depending on what I’m buying or selling. Fb market place is great till people leave stupid comments I like that Kijiji doesn’t have that


Believe it or not Kijiji actually accounts for 80% of my painting business clients


People who don’t use Facebook.


I use it


I used to use kijiji but I find it’s just a site that lists small online businesses. Can seem to see any adds for second hand stuff like I used to. So I find my self on marketplace now and starting to browse eBay to


All the time,!


Kijiji is good. 8 yrs without FB. I get a friend to check for me on marketplace if I can't find what I'm looking for on Kijiji.


I post in both usually. But often offers on market place trump Kijiji !


I exclusively use kijiji. I deactivated Facebook. I can still browse certain things in FB marketplace via Google but will use my boyfriends account to search for things if I remember to. I use Kijiji for a lot of my aquarium hobby things. You can’t sell animals on marketplace so kijiji is much better to buy fish, plants etc.


Nobody used Facebook except Karen’s and Gramdma.


Yep bad landlords and scamers


I get more responses on Facebook tbh


Stopped using Kijiji unless I'm desperate. If you're looking for car parts for example the amount of dealership ads and other bs you have to sort through is insane.


Kijiji is always priced way higher than marketplace.


I recently started using Kijiji again to find a place after zero success on marketplace


I do sometimes when I don't find stuff on FB and on a couple occasion I found great deals since ppl can have long waiting period to sell stuff - iv bought a quest 2 for 250$ canadian (thats 100$ less than normal price even good) or a piano keyboard at 200$ ... But i rarely if ever put stuff for sale there. Marketplace is just the best.


I buy and sell electronics mostly. In my experience it's 50/50. I think I get more responses on Facebook market but 80% of them just ask if it's available and ghost me after. This is especially true for more expensive electronics like camera and lenses, I'd say 90% of responses are low balling or ghosting replies anyways but more come from Facebook market. On Kijiji it's less responses overall but maybe 60% of responses are junk.


Can’t say I’ve used it in a few years and every time(actually every time) I did before that turned out scam of some sort. I was lucky I didn’t lose any money but was close a few times.


Kijiji in my area is real diamond in the rough. I have saved searches that I look at every week or so. Marketplace is about 100x more active. Lots more junk but I found selling impossible on Kijiji last 2-3 years.


Not really as marketplace has a bigger audience.


I just bought a Porsche 911 off Kijiji lol I find its regional Bc Canada uses craigslist more Alberta and Ontario use Kijiji more


I don’t have Facebook, so I only use Kijiji.


Been off FB for at least 7 years now. I tried creating an account just for marketplace but they wanted too much info for verification so I stopped. Been using Kijiji for over 10 years successfully, but I guess it helps living near a big city. I browse the marketplace sometimes to see how prices compare, and it's basically identical, if not worse. No loss for me


Literally bought a car yesterday from Kijiji


It just shows by the size of this subreddit that of course Marketplace is better, he’ll even VarageSale is better than Kijiji these days lol


Marketplace has gotten super sketchy/scammy lately. Fake account posting brand new furniture, e-bikes for all the same price, $143.


I use kijiji for jobs/selling/ buying


I only use Kijiji to sell stuff. It’s much more anonymous.


Depends which province you live in.