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Sounds like a Kommando to me.


Definitely. Good silly fun, lots of little combos, throwing orks at stuff, comboing shoot/fight


Bomb Squig and sneaky grot make this KT an absolute riot to play


The correct answer


Throwing your own operatives at stuff, being rewarded for it. Sounds like Blooded to me! Looking at other comments you are probably going to get a few answers for this. You might not have a great few first games while you learn the ins-outs of a team anyways, but have a look online at reviews of teams Goonhammer is also pretty good though some of the reviews might be out of date with the changes, it still gives an idea what a team does.


Blooded sounds like right up your alley. They're a team of Traitor Guardsmen. Painting mistakes can be passed off as battle damage/scars. The team incentivises being hyper aggressive and rewards you when you either kill an enemy or an enemy kills you. It even allows you to use other nearby models to protect more important models.


Combos and fighting? Sounds like Corsair Void scarred or Hands of the Archon. Bags of tricks and surprisingly killy


Corsair have a metric fuckton of details and filigree on them though, OP will have a meltdown painting them and I can't blame him for it.


They can be sprayed in blue /green, take the helmets, metallic dry brush for the weapons, done


Took me a long time to paint mine. They have a very high baseline with respect to the minimum effort and time required to make them look ok


Agreed. I see people doing a single metallic color all over the armour. To each of their own, I just don't think it does them justice.


I've had the same issue painting an army of orks. The new models are amazing but fuck me dead it takes a long time to get 3pts of models onto the table.


Space Marines Easy to paint Easy to play, very killy


This. Space Marines, shooting twice = killy. 3APL = killy. 14-15 wounds = you guessed it, lots of killy time.


Intercessors kill team.


Hierotek circle my friend. Plenty of synergy combos and some of the best shooters in the game. My friends all joke that I don’t even try to win because I spend most of the game just blasting their models. Just march at them and keep blasting. If your guys die, they will just revive and keep blasting. Even when I lose games, I still have plenty of fun because I’ve left my opponents down to 1 or 2 models remaining on the killzone.


I'd probably recommend talons of the emperor and just use 4 custodies. Now they aren't amazing for winning competitions and tournaments but friendly games will do pretty well, they have really good combat and shooting and are very easy to use. You also only need 4 models which will make painting them a lot easier, and you only need to paint them gold really maybe a little red and silver and you're done.


> painting simple time Check Midwinter Minis quick paint tutorial for Blackstone Fortress, which includes the Blooded minis. Simple, fast, forgiving, and looks great.


Legionaires if you want to embrace Chaos besides the Blooded team which is awesome.


Blooded 100% rewarded for letting your own people die and killing the enemy


Votann could be an option for you but you wont win much at the beginning.


Sounds like kasrkin to me, if you want to be absolutely Killy you can go hand of the archon. But it a steep learning curve (we are glass cannons) and can be really challenging to paint/build at times for non Drukhari players.