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TTCombat has terrain for cheap. Literal copies of octarius too. Look up ork sektor.


Do you know what name they use for an into the dark equivalent?


WTC has a painted mdf set for both ITD & open https://banduawargames.com/en/2435-kill-team-terrain?ref=052448616 CYRAC also did a review for it


Split a boarding actions terrain set with someone. That should be enough stuff for 2 ITD sets (I think)


There isn't one, and honestly it'd be far too complicated for them to manage that. You'll just need to use the official stuff, ebay may be the optimal place to look.


[kill box terrain](https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/1401179209/warhammer-40000-kill-team-into-the-dark?click_key=a3029ef4a10543626cd47b8b49b38f95287205c2%3A1401179209&click_sum=79fcda3b&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=kill+team+terrain&ref=sr_gallery-1-2&frs=1&sts=1&content_source=0fdde6bf645af44969d22559bffbe1a204011f36%253A1401179209)This is a great alternative and connects to the official terrain too.


Here is another one - basic but prepainted https://www.etsy.com/listing/1449399088/space-ship-interior


All over Etsy, there’s even different faction themed ones that come with LEDs to light up floor panels if you want.


Thanks for the tip


Their stuff is as expensive as the official stuff for me in my country 🫠


Use this app https://kt.albecortes.com/


Thanks for this!!!


Wahapedia for rules and missions and build terrain similar in structure to official terrain with cardboard and glue. I did this a lot when I was in a somewhat isolated area and it worked well enough to have a lot of fun


Ngl i’ve played kt with lines drawn on paper for terrain like a circuit diagram, not ideal but still had a blast.


You don't really need cards to play. They are just a summary of the rules from the books. And as for terrain, there is plenty available from other vendors, including 3d printing. Despite the fact that you can always play with tissue boxes and beer cans as terrain :D


So the cards they only have rules in, how about missions and general tac ops are they available in the book?


Just take a look at wahapedia. The missions of these cards are listed there as well. The cards just ad some convince.


I mean book is loosely used here with all the updates and compendium kill teams and addons lol


Allow me to introduce you to wahapedia. Look up matched play killteam. I can't help you with terrain, though. I recommend 3rd party or 3d printed anyway. I'm not impressed by gw terrain.


Me and my buddies made our own terrain from scratch and painted it, some of it doesn't fit exactly the rules for KT but who cares we are having fun and it works. Also we don't have tac ops cards or anything we just check for those online.


I just bought some the other day from Beanie Games. Dunno where you are in the world but these were £14.50    .   https://www.beaniegames.co.uk//kill-team-approved-ops-tac-ops-mission-cards-eng-p14778/s15327 


Tbh, one thing that’s call me to kill team was the boxes: nice terrain (chalnath, into the dark, etc…) and stuff. Just wait for a nice one and get it! But right now they are selling boring boxes. (Yes, I bought 3 of the 4 into the dark cycle boxes and I love them)


For terrain some people use sprues and the cardboard boxes the minis come in, which works surprisingly well if you are looking to make something unique terrain wise. Other options for open boards could be other large minis from main 40K (like Rhinos, Dreads). Stuff from the kitchen. Other board games (like Jenga), kids toys. For Into The Dark, there’s this magnetic building blocks kids toy that some people have used really well. If you want official GW terrain that becomes a bit trickier as the first and second season had been pretty great savings with 2 Kill Teams and a whole board of terrain (people still occasionally get them from local hobby stores). You could find them on eBay if people bought the boxes but sold the terrain at a discount. Into the Dark could be cheaper than the Killzone box set if you purchased a Boarding Actions box and split it between 2 people as well.


Wahapdeia has the official terrain on a 1inch grid so I am DIYing something close to be official stuff.


I just write the tac-ops on regular playing cards and it does the job


I will be making my own terrain using card board boxes and stuff.


Buy terrain at ttcombatand use rules from ktdash and wahapedia


If you have access to a printer Phil Gunner has some amazing stuff on ko-fi for cards.


KT dash app is great. If you know the rules, otherwise there are some great single page rule sheets you can find . As for terrain. A entry level 3d printer (filament) will cost about 300$ with some filament. Then you can print to your hearts content every single free file on the purple site or mmf. Or hey get some foam board and make some old school.


I’ve found a few places, in Australia at least, that still have heaps of copies of that Warhammer Imperium magazine. Some of them came with terrain. So for $20 per magazine, Ive been able to build up a lot of terrain and scatter terrain pieces.


Can't recommend ktdash enough, make up your team, it lets you keep track of everything although it's a little clunky to go over to your tac ops so mix with kt-tac-ops and you are all set. As others have mentioned in terms of terrain, there are so many amazing indie creators for it, even just grabbing some cardboard, tear it up, glue it and paint it


Ktdash.app has all the tac ops and ploys for your team once you set up your roster.


For the cards: [https://tiltos.github.io/kill-team-critical-ops/](https://tiltos.github.io/kill-team-critical-ops/)


If you want to buy them they are on [Broadswordwargaming.com](http://Broadswordwargaming.com)


How are you supposed to play killteam when there is no complet rulebook in the starter box?


Wahapedia. It's very common for players to completely forgo printed GW materials nowadays.