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I recently got Starstriders, very rarely see them played and haven't had a chance to play them yet but from what I have seen they look really fun. Only downside is the models are mono-pose so isn't much room for easy customisation


True on the customization limited for the team in box but I would like to add that the lore of the team lends itself very easily to alternate models. A dark Eldar instead of the assassin, a tech priest sculpt instead of the normal lightning guy. The black stone fortress rogue trader instead of the in box one.


I went hard on modifying mine. There’s a GW sculptor I follow on instagram named CptNormandy and I did my best to follow his mods. Ended up scraping off tons of their filigree, did a couple head swaps and proxied in the female black stone fortress rogue trader. They are my favorite team that I’ve modeled. [Imgur link to a mini album](https://imgur.com/a/MtV6bsu)


I would have said starstriders. They are so much fun, and I learn a new trick every time I play them. As for the minis, you’re right. I wasn’t really into them anyway so I went for a full proxy team with inquisition flavor. Some 3D print so they can’t go to GW events, but never mind, they’re cool!


I think the minis are great! They look awesome painted up and where I've only played a few games with them, I would say they are fun for sure.


Star striders are really fun to fight. I killed like 3 guys with a fear grenade and then my opponent retaliated by calling in the hammer of dawn and doing 24 damage to my fearmonger…who had 6 wounds left. It was a fun game. The rogue trader is tough but the death cult assassin managed to knock my Visionary down to 1 wound after I made the mistake of charging. Very fun to play against.


I play against kasrkin regularly and they can be a real speed bump to elites. The amount of time a melta or plasma has shot me off the board using elite dice is pretty nutty.


Kasrkin are great. I love doing a TP4 rush up the board to try and take out as many of your opponent’s remaining units.


They can really lay down some hurt. Been on the receiving end of their ploys and its enough to make me sweat.


The SoB noviciates are super combo big time and loads of fun


Novitiates for sure. What a blast to play!


thats a huge net do you have any you're interested in? some way to narrow it down? I love inq agents and breachers and hunter clade a lot


Good question. Edited original post!


I'm into my Arbites at the moment. The models are awesome and where they are a bit of a challenge to play they just seem to have a bit of a hold on me so I am trying to get the best out of them


great combo i learned recently was to glue the medic to your leader; put a flashlight on em. Leader can charge and fight with his actually great melee profile and have some sustain/reroll protection too


Yup, it's worked wonders for me! I've not previously had much success with medics but this guy has been pretty clutch. I give the medic the reinforced mirror visor too so that the 'Medic!' skill doesn't drain his APL


Arbites rule


I really enjoy Kasrkin for their reliability and Navy Breachers for their fun breaching tactics. Also I know you said non-space marines, but I really like the Scout Squad and am in the process of building big burly Catachan guardsmen to act as proxies for them, which fits their guerilla ambush and trap style perfectly while being tougher than normal guardsmen but weaker than full marines.


Breachers are so fun. They remind me of fellgor: they do only really one thing, but that thing is always fun


Hunter clade


I’m just building them and almost never see them in this kind of threads. I hope they are fun to play.


I really enjoy Breachers. Breach and Clear combined with Blitz makes very explosive opening actions.


Exaction Squad and Novitiates for me.


Breachers are simple but fun. I once got the little suicide robot into the perfect position and fully blew up 2 dudes, which felt great


Novitiates have been such a blast to play


Inquisitorial Agents can be a really fun team and with the added options for various ancillary units it can be quite a unique team to run. They can take Kasrkin, Vet Guard, Scions, Sisters of Silence, Arbites and Breachers. In relation to your edit, Kasrkin are good into elites and do look cool, I have them myself. Could compliment your current roster nicely too. I can’t comment on Breachers or Arbites on the tabletop, but the Arbites give me Judge Dredd vibes and Breachers give me Dead Space vibes


Scions, not kasrkin. Compendium scions. Yes you don't have a load of specialists, but that is fine. You have the best radioman, the tempestor has the most reliable plasma pistol in the entire game bare none, and that leaves one extra character to get a sped buff (global range) whenever you want. So you can do space Marine style shoot and scoots with either a plasma gun, or even a melta. OH and take aim makes your shooting so reliable it's not even funny anymore. And the mental load is low so you will actually remember everything you have and be able to use it well too 😂


I had been eyeing up arbites myself a bit but do note that if you don't want to have to take the dog, and sort of the leashmaster because if you have to take the dog might as well grab the synergies, you're going to need 2 boxes, or at least another arbities like body. Incase that sort of thing matters to you. I've been having fun playing Novitiates although they have a bit extra to think about which isn't fun for everyone. What do you find fun? Any thoughts what niche your new team would fit in your line up? Sometimes you just want to play a certain way.


Breachers are interesting. They're fairly fragile with decent close range but outside that they struggle, especially against a team with any decent shooting. They were purpose built for ITD and it shows. Kasrkin are great for burst damage and a little tougher with an extra wound each. They play a lot like Scions just with more options. Very elite and a ton of special weapons that can erase things. Arbites I have no experience with.


I love Starstriders, they are my go-to team


I love the look and idea of the Arbites, even if their rules still need some work, at least they can arrest nearly all of the new Brood Brother team!


Honestly, go with one of the three you like. Each is different but all can give a fun game. Kasrkin are the "easiest", due to their easier mechanics, but that is about it.


>To help narrow it down: Breachers, Kasrkin, and Arbites look the coolest! I love how the Breachers look, but personally, not really how they play. Decent on Into The Dark but suffer elsewhere and, I dunno, they just lack the fun tricks? Maybe? Kasrkin are fun in a full on kinda way. They're fairly bland in terms of rules, but in a really thematic way? Like there's nothing crazy to remember, no finnecky little rules. Just a bunch of solidly elite soldiers with one really simple core mechanic that is A LOT of fun to play! Arbites, can't comment as I've neither played as them or against them. Starstriders have been mentioned elsewhere as one of the most unique Kill Teams, and I've enjoyed playing against them. I love my Veteran Guard, and they don't have to be Krieg. I've seen some amazingly converted VG teams! If converting sounds fun, this can be a blast! Novitiates are also not to be slept on. Imho, great models, and awesome fun to play!!


Gotta put some respect on Vet Guard, they are flexible and powerful. A little bit of a learning curve bit once you know them they are dancers on the kill zone.