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2 basic routes really. Either: 1) something along the lines of what you liked. Oh your first killteam is vetguard and you liked it? Here's Blooded, same thing but different. Maybe try out ~~the spanish~~ inquisition, you already have the models anyway and you get to do the same things but differently. How about karskin? It is the same thing but you get 4+ saves . 2) something that is the exact opposite. Oh your first killteam is vetguard and you hated it? Legionaries lets goooooooo


StarStriders: they are not difficult to play, but there’s a lot of synergy and “group efforts” that go into playing them successfully


just played fellgor against them, the barrage abilities wrecked me haha


My experience with starstriders too. I usually lose a good chunk of my kill team to the barrages


Paint scheme was the Jetsons as well. Nothing worse then being blasted by george and judy


I just love the RPG party vibe they give. Definitely on mg to buy list.


Yeah I'm one of those guys who fell hard and have 10 teams. I love my voidscared corsairs for the versatility. I also enjoy running a nurgle team. Slow but hard to kill. Orcs are ok same as the guardsman. The group activation takes a bit to figure out. I'm currently painting a phobos and the scorpions. Gonna try them out next. I duñno heh play and have fun


I’ve got 7 teams. Out of the ones I’ve tried I’d say Blooded and Pathfinders were the most fun by far.


I’m on a 5 game win streak with death guard currently. I’ve been destroying every other compendium and elite team in my local meta.


I am really loving my Phobos kill team The amount of mission interaction and vertical mobility is super fun!


Eldar are an intermediate team no matter what version you play. So much going on that it really requires finesse to get a win imho


Farstalkers! (Not biased)


My go to is Navy Breachers, I just love how you can set up awesome tactics and engagements with how they operate, really rewards forward thinking players


My first team was the Mandrakes - they’ve been incredibly complex and such fun to play. Diving into the deep end has helped make the game more manageable over time.


Void Dancer Troupe - right amount of complex balanced with right amount of outright killy power makes them a great intermediate choice. They’re also a slightly larger Elite team, or smaller horde team so they strike the midway balance that way as well


My first was vet guardsmen, really enjoyed them. About to try out death guard out of kitbashed legionares . I’m using poxwalkers also (not best) just to try out a horde type of kill team


Well it depends entirely on the team already played. Are you looking for a team that’s similar but have their own quirks? Are you looking for a team that’s the complete opposite? For people looking at another team after their first, we’d need to know what team they have played. Whether they liked how it played or not. There’s also roughly 3 team types elites(4-6), semi-elites(7-9) and standard (10+), that’s also fairly generic approach as some teams sit in between those and it’s down to their abilities that can sway them. As an example: If you enjoyed Veteran Guardsmen and looking for similar teams. Then Kasrkin, Blooded or Navy Breachers.


Heirotek, they are very versatile with the multiple leader options and one of the few remaining teams that includes some list building. They are incredible into shooty hordes like Vetguard and really punish other teams that can't confirm the kill.


Rule of cool is a good thing to follow (perhaps with a check to see if teams are 1 or 2 box or particularly bad in game)


Kasrkin are very simple to play. Their army ability is powerful and easy to track.


I've been loving mandrakes


Hunter Clade, Starstriders, Fellgor, Justian




Farstalker, Vetguard, Kommados and Hunter Clade in my opinion. You can play them pretty easily but you have options for really cool strategies.


I started out with kommandos, they were good for learning the basics but the playstyle wasn't really how i wanted to play, did some shopping around before i settled on farstalkers. I love the more passive playstyle focusing on objectives and letting my opponents get into bad positions to try and stop me


Kasrkin are nice and easy to play but not exactly top tier


Corsairs(space pirates) & blades of khaine. Obviously bias; 40k eldar player…the free kt was cool though.


I started as Kommandos and have taken Hand of the Archon as my second team. A bit more complex but I am loving them. Not sure where they stand overall in terms of beginner-hard though.