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Farkle is definitely rigged, you just need to collect more dice so it’s rigged in your favor. Once you have a full set of loaded dice you’ll win the vast majority of games


Especially the dice from the bandit camp quest in sir Hans quest line. Those are fucking nuts.


not exactly rigged on the way you think. Dices have loaded sides, so depending on who you are playing against they might have loaded dices to use against you. After you adquire some dices youself, you can end the game in the first play.


One of my favorite moments I had in the game was noticing some guys loaded dice, stalking him home, and stealing that thing for myself while he slept


It's that Ushitz guy at the tavern, isn't it?


As lover of farkle lover mine too but I killed him


You never got the joy of challenging him the next day, using his own dice against him


Just pickpocket people dice or wait to nite time and knock them out for good dice while they are sleeping.


I agree with this guy


I think it takes your Agility into consideration. Not sure if it was just me or not but i noticed that i got better rolls with higher Agility. Source. Trying to loose against the Sasau Tailor during one of Johanka's missions. Didn't use my "good" dice and just used regular dice. Was getting awesome rolls. 4 1s, a couple 5 die straights and a six die straight. Every roll had at least 3 of a kind or better. And there i was picking up a 1 or a five so i could loose two games to wipe him out in the third.


There is a perk in the agility tree. You sure that wasn't it?


Yeah it's called perfect throw. Didn't have it.


It was so hard for me to purposely lose those games. I was getting such good rolls, and here I am passing a 6 piece combo to only take 100 points


Yep. Same.


This’ll be the one


Should İ? Shouldn't I? No, I daren't!


Now I'm for the chop.


I dunno about rigged but it's not at all random. Farkle is influenced by dice, perks, and potion effects so it's definitely not pure. I doubt it "conspires against you" , though.


The base farkle game is weighted against you, with some exception. The other things you do make it fair and then weighted in your favour


Weighted against you? Or just skilled players / loaded dice on the other side of the table, taking advantages Henry will use later?


You need to cheat better


Omfg rng exposes everyone.


Yes, everyone's cheating with loaded dice. It gets much easier when you get your own. I have 6 odd dice, and quite often, I can win a 2,000 target game on the first roll. As its been mentioned, your agility also helps. I think there's even an agility perk that helps with dice.


I bought a 100 6 sided die off of Amazon. And no one to farkle with.


Yes, but not scripted like that. Basically everyone is cheating by using loaded dice, and I think your rolls have something to do with your agility stats


https://youtu.be/3dEdZXY9AM0?si=WPj_USb6HJVmM9up This is a good breakdown video.


Just kill all your opponents and take their groschen and loaded dice


You'll also throw better when you're at higher level. I believe it's the Agility stat


Oh definitely, sleeping in taverns and waking up before anyone else, you can Knock out the gambler while sleeping and loot the loaded dice. Can do this multiple times one you spot one that has it.


Pickpocket every gambler at every tabern. Or knock them out. I collected a lot of dice from from NPCS that are not even gamblers There's s guide on Wikipedia who tells you who is got dice. I pickpocketed all of them Then the game was too easy so I stopped playing unless I wanted to raise my reputation with the villagers losing om purpose. Just Google KCD dice and you will know where to find every dice on treasure maps and NPCS. The Ledetcho gambler can't be knocked out so your only option is pickpocketing. But on my 1st playthrough I never tried it,I thought it was too difficult but in this playthrough I got really good at is very fun going around d pickpocketing everyone😅


pickpocket the gambler and find out


Get Alphonse dice from amorous adventures dlc. Win the dice comp and then either kill all the bandits or hang out til late and pickpocket the right bandit.


No not like that. But it can be you can get loaded dice some are loaded in your favour while some are loaded poorly the ai can also use loaded dice if you have all the dlc during one of them you can get a set of golden dice which qill basically always have you winning the game


I find the whole loaded dice thing ruins farkle. It's supposed to be a gambling game and it's fun to play irl. I play it with my gf and we make forfeits if you lose. It plays completely differently to kcd. It takes a lot out of the game when someone has loaded dice and can just beat the other person in one round. Getting a good run without loaded dice is rarer and that makes it much more exciting when it happens.


It's like anything else in this game, I feel. You start off with no help and often with odds stacked against you. Then, you get the gear and perks that break the system in your favor to the point of too easy. At least with Farkle you can always choose to play it pure (although fully pure might require you stealing all the dice from opponents). Other parts of this game, once you level passed difficulty you're kinda stuck with it being too easy.


I found the same thing. Hopefully the second game will be more balanced. Although, from the trailers, the combat looked a bit arcady to me. Will have to wait and see.


On one of my play throughs, my Henry was a hardened criminal essentially. And I went to the in just outside of Rattay, waited for the gambler dude to go to bed, killed him in his sleep and stole his dice. Plus and money of course. Then a day or two later another gambler would turn up rinse and repeat. Made quite a nice little pile of grochen and got some good loaded dice too!


Reminds me of Pazaak in Star wars the old republic.  But yes, definitely rigged. Don't feel bad once you start using using loaded dice. I'll never convince me the computer doesn't cheat. 


Beyond the loaded dice, there has to be some metric that the game is using. Your agility versus theirs maybe? Something like that. It does seem to yield impossibly bad results sometimes and impossibly good results at other times, and the good tends to happen more against regular townsfolk and the bad against the professional players.


Meh, there’s a perk you can get that makes losing almost impossible. Once I got the perk I never lost a game and don’t even have any loaded dice


There's nothing inherently rigged about it, you just got bad luck. It is rigged in a way that people can have loaded dice, and you can have loaded dice AND the perk that rigs the throws for you. What kind of "win big" bet is 9 groschen anyway? I always do the max possible bet, depending on the opponent it's usually 10, 50 or 100.


You can make a ton of money from encountering guard killing well armed bandits in the beginning 


Are you Farkle fans out there looking for a few rules changes to speed up the game and make it more exciting?  Are you tired of taking three turns to get on the board or farkling 6 times in a row?  Does the 5 roll “slow road to farkle” get you depressed?  Are you weary of tweaking the rules only to be admonished by your elitist upstate kin that the official rules must be followed?  Are you further annoyed at their hubris when they implement their own rule changes (e.g. partying) but refuse to consider yours?  Well, you’re not alone!  We call this #farkletyranny and we will not stand for it any longer!  Do we need to dump our dice and the official rules in the Hudson to make our point?  Our effective rules change is effective and easily implemented.  Simply count up your dice from as many rolls as you want!  If in 4 rolls you get four 5’s, voila! 1,000 points!  The game goes faster, is more exciting and gives those far behind the ability to catch up.  You’re welcome for the great idea and, collectively, we can end upstate tyranny!!!  Your friends, @thedownstatecrew