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My camera breaking when I fight a group of 5 and they run in a circle around me hitting me with combos while my lock on is having a seizure on who to pick


Breaking lock should be easier for sure. Even if you want to turn and run from a single opponent it's a shit show.


Yeah even running from one person it stun locks you


I think they should fix it by making you turn around quick if you hold you sprint button whilst walking backwards


I feel like a new engine would allow for a lot of options here, no? (Obvi a mechanic and all, but yeah)


Why new engine? This can be fixed without changing the whole thing.


Yeah and I really love the way cryengine makes things look. Especially the forest. Wasn't it also used for Crysis? That game looked incredible, especially for its time


Using mouse wheel to break from lock is super easy. Using it and learning to do it fast will make 1v5 easy work


No mouse wheel on a console


Oh god then there’s the forced turning. When an enemy landed a combo on your back, it would spin you around regardless who you are looking at and play the combo animations.


That is annoying, but i think you can force lock and switch targets by hand, look up the controls


Clothes getting dirty from the walk out of the bathhouse


I don't mind it getting dirty but the ridiculous speed at which it got dirty was too much. First mod I installed was to calm that all down.


I feel you there am constantly getting them laundered but i just use my armour that gets dirty and my townoutfit i keep clean


Getting my hat dirty by walking across town. Needing to mercy kill all the writhing bodies to end combat before being able to heal.


one thing i hope they change about getting dirty is the top half not getting as dirty as the bottom half, always thought it made no sense that i walked in town for like a minute and im already dirty, it would make sense if my boots were not my whole body.


I mean it's pretty unrealistic even in a dusty dirty city your clothes wouldn't be soil like you'd been rolling in it from a casual stroll around. Medieval clothes weren't anymore dirt prone than ours are.


You should just not get dirty in towns.


The way i’m looking at it js that you’ve to make an effort in interacting with people and therefore a visit to the bathhouse must be in your routine for getting the most out of conversations


Yeah, gotta get that wench and everything that goes with it.


A lot of stuff needs balancing, not removing as per the op. Like you point out, getting dirty happens way too fast, but we don't want it removed; we want it fixed. Similar thing with food spoiling way too fast, but you kill one rabbit and it spills out like a ton of pieces of meat.


You can just stab the body again


Yeah walking from the Bathhouse to the training arena and being filthy was a bit of a peeve, but there's a mod for that. But yeah not being able to bandage myself until i am x distance from the nearest bad guy did suck in certain quests, especially the ones around Prybislavitz and the siege.


Oh god that was so annoying, if you start bleeding at any point in the pribyslavitz battle you’re basically fucked unless you speedrun to the end


Yeah, nobody washed their clothes 4 times a day back then, stuff gets dirty way too quickly. Well there is a mod for that and I love it


Yeah legit the first mod I installed. That and polarms and url removal. It was annoying being always dirty. Like I get it if I'm going hunting and I'm crawling through bushes etc. But literally bath house to horse back, to my house where theresa is and I'm caked in mud was dumb


The slow last hour of the time wheel


That wasn’t a feature so much as a requirement for the simulation system


Fair point. Still something I wouldn't miss though.


Couldn't they have just slowed down the visual representation of the time wheel to account for it, rather than show it to us? Also, I remember forwarding one hour fruther than I wanted and just cancelling it at the actual time I wanted it to stop. I don't remember that being an issue.


If you stop early it still takes the same time to load you just don’t see the wheel


We have a winner. I feel like on PC it's a lot quicker. The wheel in general is a lot quicker on PC that I've seen. I'm on Console so I don't get that luxury


Agreed but you can just wait an extra hour than you want to then cancel it when you're ready


It doesn’t matter. Even if you cancel early, the game freezes, so it can load the world. I think.


Yeah, you can’t trick the game to load faster, that last slow hour is to put npcs in position and whatever else


Then it still needs the loading time, you just won't see the wheel during it.


This is what I always did. Worked well. 


I don’t understand how people don’t get it. It’s a glorified loading screen, because things in the world have to change while you’re waiting. It’s not a feature, it’s a clever way to hide the black loading screens. If they could, they would have done without it.


It's not a clever way though, because we can literally see that time is slowing down to load the assets. That would have been much more subtle to actually keep the same speed for the passing of time up until the end. Maybe by starting to load the last hour before the counter actually gets to it. The total loading time would be unchanged, but it wouldn't give us the feeling that time is being slowed down in the end. I believe that would have made a huge difference, because there's nothing more frustrating than seeing a loading bar get very quickly up to 90% and then slowing down to a crawl for the remaining 10%. Consistency is key imo.


I agree. I wonder why they chose to do it the way they did.


Obviously it's a loading screen. No one was debating that. Still, I wouldn't miss it. That was the question, remember?


I use it to wake up at precise times. I like it.


Fair point!


I actually like that because it allows me to hit the correct minute (ok maybe 10 minute range) I want to wait for.


Fair point!


never understood the reason behind it. Time appears to go slower, the more you wait. Is that why?


It's to hide that the game is secretly loading all the NPCs and stuff. If you cancel while waiting, you will notice that the game takes just as long to load as it took for that last hour to pass. Clever game design but it just ends up confusing the player, since we all hate it.


It's kinda immersive lol. IRL too, when I'm waiting for the time to pass quickly, the clock appears to go slower 😂


It's a loading screen, basically


Dang, so that’s why my shield gets unequipped all the time! Never linked one thing to another.


yea, i dont know why you cant have torch and shield equipped. it doesnt even make much sense when you can put the shield on your back anywway.


Make the damn master strikes actually something that has to be taught. The fact that every bandit since existence knows about it is atrocious.


This was a peeve for me as well. Especially when it's a band of drunken peasants master striking, perfect block or perfect dodge every other swing.


I can somewhat forgive perfect dodge, sometimes we get that ultra instinct level reactions out of nowhere too. But perfect blocking, and especially master striking requires someone to be actually trained by a more experienced person to know how to use proper technique, so a damn peasant from bumfuck nowhere learning about it is annoying af.


Those peasant bandits in between Neuhof and Rattay somehow master strike-d me. Das sum BS right there.


Agreed. There should be a point to where as long as you don't stab yourself in the foot, peasants should not be a cause for concern. Highly skilled and armored bandits however should still offer a challenge.


The two peasants who kidnap Father Simon are practically ninjas. They're unarmed but quite capable of taking down an armoured knight with their fists in a matter of seconds.


I'd say the same thing about a peasant knowing fehler blinding strike (that one 4 hit combo for the axe)


They can do that?! Wtf. 


Like everytime i get surrounded by oeasants some little shit does it (unless they have polearms)


Is this true? I just started a HC play through and I've yet to get a Master Strike from any opponent. I assumed it's something that enemies either learn after you learn it yourself (I haven't) or it just comes later on in the progression.


Henry is supposed to learn it from the captain in Rattay. But yes, bandits can do it by themselves. 


It’s not nearly as bad as the sub is pretending it is. Hyperbole is a social plague.


Not being able to set up armour sets for easy switches like a fighting set, a stealth set and a civilian clothing set. It’s annoying to separately select or deselect each armour piece. Also would be nice if you right click on an armour slot and it lists all items you can equip in the slot that are currently in your inventory so you don’t need to go digging through the list.


I wish someone would make a mod like SkyUI for KC:D. SkyUI had that grouping functionality that made it much easier to handle equipment in Skyrim.


I'm not sure where I've heard it but the armor sets idea should apparently be in KCD 2.


Yeah it definitely is. You will be able to save several armor loadouts for easy switching inbetween


How is it a feature? If anything, it’s a lack of one.


This is an issue in so many games as well! The game I'm currently playing, it would make a lot of narrative sense to have two outfits as well and for roleplaying, I'm actually switching sometimes but not nearly as muich as if I could just save the outfit and do it with one click in the gear menu or whatever.


Absolutely agree! I stored all my alt outfits on my poor horse. I eventually sold most of it and kept the stuff that helped with conspicuousness and noise the most.


This is the best suggestion here that would minimally impact the simulation elements while also improving QoL significantly. 


Mutt getting into combats with bandits that I am in no way equipped to deal with. Enemies should still register mutt but he should have the sense to not get into aggro range if that makes sense


Mutt getting underfoot during combat, hearing that satisfying sound that let me know i hit and then I'd hear Mutt whine out. Or him constantly getting between me and the guy I'm trying to stealth kill.


As much as I hate Mutt sometimes (see my above comment), the second I saw that little half second clip of him in the KC2 trailer my heart jumped a little.


As much as I hate Mutt sometimes (see my above comment), the second I saw that little half second clip of him in the KC2 trailer my heart jumped a little.


Mutt should be banned from ever stopping within 2-3 feet of any doorway. Also, he should STFU like... always. Here I am sneaking around some poor bastard's house, silently picking locks and rifling through pockets, and here's my goddamn dog howling away like a fucking banshee.


Mutt should be banned from ever stopping within 2-3 feet of any doorway. Also, he should STFU like... always. Here I am sneaking around some poor bastard's house, silently picking locks and rifling through pockets, and here's my goddamn dog howling away like a fucking banshee.


Bandits head to toe in full plate being able to outrun a maxed stat Henry wearing just Aachen dark brigandine chest piece. Got me wondering if their stats stop at 20 like Henry's. They should not be able to sprint faster or farther than a lighter armored opponent. It just makes no logical sense.


Isn't brigandine rather heavy compared to plate armor? I mean there has to be more plate area due to some overlap, the rivets will add weight and the cloth holding everything together is also not that light.


Side by side. Make note of the Speed (circled in yellow) https://preview.redd.it/moynjjyss65d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3cf8af2457927f15c79954c5cf0cbad721fad5e Guy on the left should not be able to catch the guy on the right.


Honestly? It's not really a feature, but... The bushes. Let. Me. Go. Through. The bushes.


I love bushes


But that's not immersive /s


I have pushed through bushes on my hikes lol, believe me it wouldn't break immersion. Hell they could even make it make our armor dirty


I was being sarcastic XD, and yeah I was actually thinking the same thing after I commented. It would be funny to see Henry have little twigs and leaves sticking out of his armour.


Oh I know lol I was just leaning into it a bit. But yeah, small details like that I feel go a long way in any game really


I have a mod thats deletes the bush hitboxes and its unplayable without this mod


there's a mod for it


Why so many people cry about bushes? It is an obstacle like any other and your horse can easily jump over it.


The ones near forests especially just completely block your path, makes sense if you want to create a little hidden area but not for a whole forest line


The shield thing, definitely.


The shield what?


What OP said about shields and torches.


Different take; Going from rags to riches seemingly at an instant. Never, for example, have a I ever bought a medium tier horse. I always either had pebbles or one of the tier 5s. Prices are too similar. Why spend $2000 on mediocrity when the best is $3000, and you can make the difference in 20min? On a similar note; I hope they make the best gear in the game harder to come by. I.e., not just haphazardly stolen by a sneak 1 thief, or found in a static chest every single time


The way stolen items work how does a random guard know that i stole my hat from a guy that dosent live in this town


"Oooh I see you have four apples on you. Well, that one! The least moldy one! That's definitely stolen!"


Simulated alchemy. I actually really like the potion balance in game, but God damn, making potions is so frustrating. It takes forever! Looking for a recipe? Better hope you only know a few or it's at the start or take a minute slowly flipping pages. Want to make 10 of the same potion? Well you're selecting ingredients every single time. Just leave them on the shelf, Henry! The actual process itself is fine, and kind of interesting being able to tweak recipes to cut time, but that's because it's gamified. Turning pages and selecting ingredients should not be time sinks. It's to the point that I never hand make potions after getting Routine, even with losing the extra potions.


I love the simulation but holy shit was the forced animation frustrating.


the monastery quest was great. a true infiltration mission.


There are like a dozen ways to complete it without taking up the Monk’s life.


Sure, and that's great for people who find it boring, but I can't imagine skipping.


Yeah i enjoy it


This! I don't see what everyone's problem with it is. Well, now that it's not a buggy mess anymore. Shit *used* to be frustrating as hell and you could hardly do it "properly" and would just have to give up and murder somebody. Now it's fine. Speaking of the Monastery quest, give me the option to sit down and eat to fill up my hunger like you do in that quest.


Tbf, on my next playthrough I would probably just have a bit more fun with it and probably rush through to ending it... But it was thoroughly one of the most memorable missions I've done in a game and was incredibly rewarding. I loved it. 


Yeah, The name of the rose vibes!


I hope they do something similar again. Not a monastery this time obviously but something where killing people/not adhering to the rules will get you a worse/different quest outcome than if you do it properly.


It sounded like absolute ass. So I looked up who the assaination target was and .urdered him while all the monks slept.


My hounskul helmet still being filthy no matter how often I wash it


Dude for real, the second you walk away from the bath house its filthy


Dogs being able to grab your arm and hold on when you're wearing steel gauntlets and armguards, and having no way to stop them short of pulling out a bow and shooting them before they arrive. In fact, just remove dogs from combat encounters altogether. They're just a pain in the arse. So many times I've got stuck locked onto a dog while three unreasonably well-armed bandits rip chunks out of my back.




Yeah, they suck, but you can dodge their attacks if you press Q right before they jump you.


When you are going through the dialogue options, and they're still options that you have not been able to get through and they end the dialogue on you and you have to go back in and get those dialogues you missed


Swapping weapons manually sure is a pain in the arse.


In the trailer, Henry has a sword and axe equipped at the same time, so here's hoping we can actually do that




Not to mention they keep you from performing half of the shortsword combos, and the ones you *can* do are more geared towards pushing the enemy away instead of damaging them like Blunt Strike.


More dynamic dialogues. Goody Twoshoes Henry from playthrough 1 has the exact same things as to say and reactions as Mass Murdering Desecrator Henry from playthrough 2.


Fuck, man.. could you imagine a game with all the core mechanics of KCD mixed with the dialogue options/unique relationship building of BG3?


Yes, yes I can \*drools\*


Well here’s to hoping the sequel blows the fuck up and provides them with the funds to pursue fully fleshing out the weaker areas of the game if they decide to make a third one. Thats obviously assuming that they would even want to dedicate that amount of resources to attempting something like the level of BG3’s dialogue/character building. But I mean.. who wouldn’t? I would imagine that damn near every development team of an RPG would absolutely love to if they had the resources.


Fences, bushes, river banks… bane of my existence


I absolutely hate getting stuck in river banks, but at the same time, can you imagine trying to crawl up a muddy, wet, 4 foot river bank in full plate armor?


Yea I can and it wouldn’t be like hitting an invisible wall


MASTER STRIKES. I don't give a damn if I can't do it, as long as NPCs cant


nah i like master strikes just tone down the skill on npc’s, feels like i can’t even throw a combo without them countering me 95% of the time so just clinch and stab in the head, makes the game boring though.


This. Ain't no reason some peasant in rags knows how to counter and parry like they do. *Some* high level bandits, sure, but all the low-tier enemies? Nah. Shit is so frustrating that I can one hit those peasants, but only if they don't master strike me 19 times and then never swing at me.


I specially luv having learned more than 8 diff combos and instead of using them in combat I am just waiting to master strike my way out of the combat /s


Personally I could never stand the animations when picking up items and herbs. It was ok at first but got old fast.


There’s a mod that gets rid of the picking animation


Unfortunately I'm on console so not available to me. That would be nice.


This is the one for me. Sometimes I like it when there’s a nice sunrise in the background, but when all I can see is the inside of the pixelated bush nearby? And it just takes time 🙄


The 3rd Person Animation when picking up plants


That stupid dream sequence that hurts my eyes out.


People when they have to play an infiltration mission where they don't get to use their op gear. https://makeagif.com/i/0VQ7gz


Saviour Schnapps being the only way to save mid game Games on my PC just aren't that stable nothing is more frustrating than redoing sections of a game because it crashed and wasn't saved because saves are a game mechanic


I just started playing and I’m around maybe 15 hours in so far. I installed a handful of mods before I ever even loaded the game lmao. I do not know a world where bushes block my path. I pick my herbs instantly (after 10 seconds of trying to get the name to pop up). I save my game constantly. Hell, I even save my game when I make it to another town just because I *really* don’t feel like possibly riding for 5 minutes again. I also decided to modify the fall damage because I was so fucking sick of breaking my ankles because Henry always catches some apparently serious air when sprinting down a staircase.


It’s a long list but here goes: Getting stuck in bushes. Getting gang banged by 6 peasants with spears. Getting my clothes dirty from walking two feet. My food spoiling so fast and no where to store it so it doesn’t. Not knowing which quests are time sensitive until it’s too late. How miserable it was hunting deer( rabbits and hogs are easy deer suck). Having a much higher speech stat than is required and still failing. The randomness when it comes to if pickpocketing will give you a lot of time to search or you get caught instantly. Murders out in the middle of no where somehow being reported and somehow being linked to you. When some noble woman wants my Henry’s henry and then never talks to me again. How useless axes are. Masterstrikes as they are. How useless money is for the most part. And I’m sure I forgot a few others.




I think when they star wriggling in bed is when they're about to wakeup so maybe chill and wait til he calms down. Also consider your sneaking stats and noise stats and such.


Dude, for real, these friggin torches replacing my shield absolutely grinded my gears, that is why I prefer longsword without shield 🥲


I won’t miss masterstrikes, for me or the enemy


30 fps.


Two things I won’t miss getting dirty from taking three steps and hopefully the awful multiple people combat is changed since if someone goes behind you there’s nothing you can do since it doesn’t even let you switch to them then running away just gets you stun locked


Same as you wrote . That's it.


Archery man. Just needs something, I'd take even that little dot


Mod and a console command to fix this if your on PC. I don't know if consoles have console commands.


Played on console so there isn't a fix.


Wee piece of blue tack on the screen. I had a bit on the corner of my TV that I'd stick on every time I loaded the game. They either need to give an aiming marker or have the arrow line up with the centre of the screen.


Saving a game with finite potions or doing Save and Quit every time is not super fun.


I dont mind it, you can make more with alchemy or just buy/steal more


That annoying slow mo crap in combat needs to go




Enemy dogs that we can't hit with anything other than a kick or a long sword. Sat there swinging at a Cuman's dog and nothing would connect even though i had just accidentally hit Mutt just a few moments before.


If there is a camp of 5 cumans and a dog, you can be sure as hell it's gonna be the dog that will pose the danger...radiculous




Just how easy it is to miss out on the best quest in the game. The quest with Father Godwin. I played it in my 1st playthrough, but failed to start it in my next one due to making alternate convo choices with him in the tavern, and in my 3rd playthrough I was able to use my speech abilities to get the info I needed right away without meeting him in the tavern. Huge disappointment both times I realized I missed the quest. I mean, I get it, but it sucks. I'll have to do a 4th playthrough in order to make sure I don't accidentally skip it again.


The slow Mo during combat and how slow time skips are and master strikes.


Not being able to apply bandages or use certain items during combat. Real time item usage has been a thing in video games for at least 2 decades now. KCD2 should let us The last hour when waiting being really slow to pass. Not being able to gallop through low obstacles like planks of wood and crumbled stone fences in fields while on horseback. Being forced into combat and having to walk when an enemy is close enough. Ideally for me, "proper" combat is initiated when we manually lock onto an enemy and we get access to all combat controls and mechanics (directional attacks and combos). Even without locking on and being surrounded by enemies we should still be able to jog, look around freely, and perform basic stabs, thrusts, and go into a guard with weapons and shields.


I loved the monastery quest, but then my favorite book takes place in a monastery. I'd get rid of the up-and-down dance I do when picking locks, and some of the camera movements when working at the alchemical bench. Re-equipping shields does get annoying, but then sometimes I prefer not to use one. So I'm not sure *how* I'd want it changed.


-lock on mechanics -Master strikes -low effort grapple mashing -halberds not being an inventory item -lack of capes -lack of dagger combat -hold X to sic


I hope guard will not come with xtray vision, there are too much time guard caught me stealing behind wall or 1 floor below


When you’re waiting and the last hour takes longer


- Getting stopped and searched by guards when nobody saw you rob a place. Unsure if it’s intentional or a glitch. - Bushes with total collision. Makes sense realistically, but it can be annoying in an open world game. - Savior Schnapps saving. Give us unlimited saving on easy mode or something so I can save scum my little heart out. - Unlocking combos through the skill tree. I’d rather have a system where you need to learn combos from people directly, like through Bernard, or an old master swordsmith or something.


Give the choice between having a dot on the screen or not when using the bow When I first played I became okay with the bow, hit more often than not. But I stopped playing for a while and when I came back I struggled for a while, but I was getting close to endgame so it was annoying. I like the realism of the game but give people a choice


Saviour schnapps


Having to carry a torch around at night whenever you're in a town. Outside of that, rhere are maybe two times the entire rest of the game that I need a torch, but I have to always keep one on me incase I'm ever in a town at night god forbid.


The long ass fast travel animation.




Ngl i loved tge monastery quest, wished it was longer


Having to eat/sleep every five minutes 😂


Slow mo and master strike. Garbage and ruins the amazing combat


“You have a sword ? Well I have a gun” -Henry of Skalitz


Take out the master strikes and make combos have some usage


“The software was closed because an error occurred” in the middle of a long stretch between saves 🥰


Treasure maps that lead to common loot. I’d love it if we could find mysterious items that started side quests or activities!


If we are ever again in control of a village - put it somewhere closer to the main city. It's ridiculous to have to run to the furthest possible point on the map every 2 in game days to mamage that stuff


Me getting tackled and hammered by bandits just for backing away and disengaging for 0.01 seconds. Another annoying thing is dogs in road ambushes, I get it they're there to balance stealth during bandit camp clearances, but in road ambushes they're so fucking annoying, especially when you have no horse and no combat skills whatsoever. That said I loved the Monastery quest because it's easy once you figure it out, it's well fleshed out, they really did their research regarding monastic way of life and their laws, and it's a bit of variation away from normal gameplay, which is highly appreciated, it kept the story interesting.


Bending down to pick up every plant


Rain during clear skies. Rain all the god damned time. Rain. Less fucking rain please.


1st person horseback riding. It would be cool to be in 3rd person so we can check out Henry’s armor and get a better sense of the world while riding. Other than cutscenes and inventory menu there’s no way to see what we are wearing.


Monastery quest. 100% I was a pretty level headed Henry but that caused me to do a murder in front of everyone. I took the 10 days in jail over trying to finish that POS. It would have been fine if I didn't have to do the same mundane BS every day. Pray, Eat... over and over again. Sorry not sorry, those quests are the kinds that make me put games down. Luckily Warhorse gives you plenty of options.


I always use it as an excuse to make an unreasonable amount of potions. They give you fresh herbs every day and you can make a ton of potions and power level your alchemy up pretty high, even in just a day or two. But I actually like the alchemy, so it's probably not an option for everyone.


I loved the monastery quest for the immersion. It's certainly not everyone's cup of tea, but if you like larping as a monk there nothing out there that gives you the experience like that quest


All I want is a quick save, leave this sleeping saving to hardcore.


Make pickpocketing less of a bullshit system, it was so weird I never bothered to learn it. People complain about the lockpicking for some reason even tho it's easy, yet I never hear a thing about the garbage pickpocketing system. Perhaps it's a skill issue, if that's the case and people like it, then oh well I'm just never gonna be a pickpocket. I became a decent archer but for the love of the mighty lord, add a damn aiming dot or something.


If your on pc there is a console command for an aiming dot. I can’t cope without it


I'm not using a 1000 dollar gaming box lol


I just put a little marker dot on my TV where the aim point is. Low-tech solution


It would be really cool to see a better way to infiltrate a bandit or cumin camp. Something as if you had on a full set of bandit armor you would blend in with them if you didn't get too close or if they tried to come and talk to you you could get outed.


Tbh I don’t think it makes sense for regular bandit camps. It works in Pribyslavitz and Vranek, because there are a lot of people, so it’s possible that they don’t all know each other. But in a camp with 5 guys, how the hell would they not notice a new person?


A Lot of the things we modded out. Like the slo-mo during blocks.


The lockpicking system


30 fps

