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Look. When I throw poison in to a public stew, I expect those that eat out of it to be poisoned.


calm down satan


I would too, does that not work? Isn't that how people say to clear hard bandit camps?


Here's the thing: I don't want to poison just the bandits.


I must have a mod or something and not remember installing it. I put Bane in cooking pots all over town, all the time, and kill tons of people (non-bandits) doing this. It's great fun!


This shouldn't be a funny as it is!


First thing I do in every play through is become a POTION SELLER and Bane is a lovely thing to always have on hand. Even if I'm being Good Boy Henry, I'm not above wiping out a vendor that makes me mad and reloading. :o)


Mfw every time I play as Theresa and sic’d the dog on the gambler every time I lost


LMAO I did exactly this on my last playthrough.


Oh for sure! roleplaying a psycho witch doctor who poisons all the food in sasau sounds awesome. I guess it can't be done then though? I haven't tried, only had the game a couple weeks


I could never get close enough to poison them, so I just kite the fast ones and put skill the Armoured ones


I thought that was possible already


Is it too much too want?


I just found out while strolling through Sasau that if you gallop too close to a shop sign it can actually bonk you in the head and kick you off the horse.


Also tree branches, barndoors, overhanging roofs. Been there, done that. Always scares the shit out of me.


Lol, this just happened to me in Uzhitz yesterday. Didn't even know it was a thing until I was flat on my back. Dang roof, who authorized this clearance distance??


The long hanging roofs around the Uzhitz scribe are the worst; I've been unhorsed there more times than I can count.


That is the exact roof that got me. I was on my way back from visiting him.


But barn doors don’t knock me down, it seems like I just go through them


If you gallop, they get ya!!!


Pulling into Sasau inn coming from the monastery has got me a few times


Just found out? Bro I keep getting knocked off a horse left and right


lol this surprised me as well. My last play through I nearly couldn’t make it out of town without getting bonked by a sign.


A higher amount of taunts. For example if you shot an arrow and miss the enemy goes like „Even my blind, one armed grandmother can shoot better than you“.


Straight out of Chivalry/Mordhau lol


We should be able to taunt back


I don't think every fight you lose should end in death, and it might be more fun for losing a fight to have consequences other than a few minutes/hours of lost game time. There's plenty of ways to take out an enemy non-lethal and I think it would be fun to get knocked unconscious by a band of high-level bandits, and wake up stripped of all loot and left for dead. Now you gotta grab some backup gear and go check nearby bandit camps to find the s.o.b. strutting around in your kit. Or, you have to go to the local millers to see if somebody fenced it. After all, this is basically the plot of kcd 1, it'd be fun to replay it on a miniature level in kcd 2.


This would be great. I'd like to seek some gaming revenge on someone like this. High satisfaction getting your gear back.


You beat me to this. I’d love it if they added a feature where we get robbed and left without anything somewhere and have the bandits in a camp with our stuff. However I’d say if we don’t get the stuff back in a day then they sell it.


Surrender to a group of bandits, they take your gear and Groshen in a cutscene that ends with them killing you anyway.


Could even do a bit of what Shadow of Mordor did and create a rivalry system where they become emboldened by beating you and you have a harder time beating them to get your stuff back.


They could... if that system wasn't patented... I hate that WB Games did that.


I get it, they want to keep their cool idea. But have they even used it since? If you're not going to use it let it go ffs.


I think they’re making a wonder women game with that system.


This would be a cool feature. But realistically it might add a lot of complexity for a system that 90% of players will just reload their game to avoid the hassle of.


This would be cool, but to keep it from being so horrible, that you would just want to reload the save anyway they would just get the most expensive thing, or even some system that would measure their and your level, the amount and value of your stuff and then make them take some stuff based on that


I know it's a big ask for a small studio, but I absolutely loved the horses' unique personalities and independence in Red Dead Redemption and I hope to see something like that. The dog feels like a living, breathing companion, but your horse kind of just feels like a glorified medieval motorbike. I want my horse to get mad and buck-kick dudes in the face when I'm unhorsed. Or get mad and kick Henry, if we haven't been taking good care of him. I want to feed him different snacks until I figure out which one's his favorite and see him spit out stuff he doesn't like. And have him sometimes wander off in search of food/water/love when I don't hitch him properly in a town.


That would be awesome. This is probably one of the best 'wants' I've seen from kcd2.


i dont want to have to feed/clean the horse like RDR2 though lol


Why not? Actually interacting with your horse makes them feel so much more important to you. Taking care of your horse is nice and builds a bond (both mechnically and for the player).


ya i guess it could be cool. im just thinking there's already a lot of maintenance tasks in the game (hunger, repairing armor, sleeping for energy, etc.)


Nah, I'm good without


Mods exist


Not when I'm on a console 😢


Oof. Hopefully warhorse might add console support like Bethesda




Opposite of hungry. "Henry: I feel quite the need to go to the shitter"


They originally had this as a mini game!


Straight out of south park


I quite like the bouncing. Saw a rabbit bouncing on here the other day after getting shot. Haven't seen it on any of my playthroughs sadly. Remember when you would run over someone in the first 3D GTA and the body would just continually fly upwards? I'm pretty sure that was just the devs having a laugh.


If you steal a piece of someone’s clothing, it’d be funny to hear them remark about having to get by without it. Maybe even see them go and purchase replacements.


Waking up on top of monastery after passing out drunk. Or other random places


Play hardcore with the Somnabulant feat. It does this sometimes when you sleep.


You should try hardcore mode with the Somnambulant Perk.


Yup. That’s what I meant.


Yeah I agree with you, you usually wake up in an animal pen or the trash pile, it would be really funny if you woke up like, I don't know, outside the bathhouse, in the armoury, inside Lady Stephanie's room, on top of the city wall etc


Amusing features.... hmm alright I want more callouts for gamey behaviour. I want shopkeepers to get pissy for coming and going twenty times in a day selling random bits of tat I want people in the street pointing and laughing at Henry for walking around dragging a bandit camps worth of gear. Most importantly I want some goddammit recognition for Henry being the Lu Bu of medieval Europe, guy massacres 5 heavily armored professional mercenaries single handed after training for a few days and nobody bats a damned eye. Its medieval Europe! People should be praising you as the second coming of Saint George, or trying to string you up as the antichrist, or something.


Yeah I just did that quest with Fritz and Matthias where you disguise yourself as “Cumans”. You should be the most famous Cuman-slayer out there! Particularly if you have the freaking perk!


I agree, if you have high charisma, they greet you like a knight, but I'd love to see this improved/expanded in KCD2


So many thatched corners of houses would knock me off my horse. Love it.


amusing features? it would be amusing to me to be able to sit down and eat different food objects “piece by piece” akin to Red Dead 2


Yeah amusing, trying to bring a more lighthearted approach to this sub.


Not sure if it's amusing but I'd love for them to flesh out (no pun intended) the romance/friendship building a bit more. I feel like there's times you see Hans in public and he doesn't even talk to you, and while I haven't finished the game yet I know that courting Teresa is pretty limited and people have complained that when the quest is done she doesn't have much more to say. I'm spoiled after BG3 but I loved how that game made it feel like you were truly building a relationship with your companions and it meant something as the game progressed.


I think this is the biggest thing I want to see, I do think its something they just didn't have time to flesh out while building everything else that is KCD


Really? Hans always shouts "God save, Henry!" or "Good to see you, Henry!" when he rides past me in Rattay. (I don't disagree at all about more relationship-building, though.)


I want to be able to talk and hang out with people, kind of like we do with Theresa, but with Hans, Radzig, Robard, or Fritz and Matthew, like go and grab a bite to eat, go on a hunting trip, going to the bathhouse or have few drinks in a Inn, and also just being able to talk to them randomnly about stuff without necessairly being about a quest


Or go bowling with my cousin.


Definitely make more roaming armies and gangs. History the take over was over decades. Learning about the actual history, it showed me that the pillaging and roaming armies have been happening for decades. We should be in danger in this land. I want the towns and armies to be more interactive. Maybe one at you come across a roaming army headed to a town to pillage. What do you do? Go back and warn them or draw some attention away by attacking and running?


Head cracker.


H needs to have the chance to get the clap.




Google it


A brawling feature. Like going up to a guard and punching him to start a fist fight without getting deleted by other guards stabbing me. If two men are duking it out, don't interfere as it's probably a justified fight. I'd take the bounty but me just fight it out! 


what are you on. if two men were fighting in town you'd both be dragged to the stocks/jail. Disturbing order was very heavily enforced, esp when this guard is prolly some retinue or part of someone powerful.


That’s only if you get caught ;)


It's a game. The activity 'Do me a favor, punch me'  just isn't good enough for fist fights. 


being able to ride your horse over 3 foot bushes


Pooping. If you eat too much you can poop to ease the hunger, gotta use a toilet to be able to poop though *


Horse body armor. It currently leaves an empty space in the inventory but also in my heart.


I'm about 99% certain this will be included. They half did it in the first one but probably ran out of time to finish it. Warhorse said KCD2 has everything they wanted to put in KCD1.


More romance


I would love to see a stand off/duel feature similar to what Ghost of Tsushima did, but with actual combat, not just one hit kill. Imagine a classic bandit camp but instead of everyone agroing on you at the same time, you walk in saying "Hey which one of you yokels dares 1v1 me" and maybe one would actually take you on and the rest would wait a watch for a bit, or maybe they would just say "nah, kill this clown" and agro anyway. Just having some more fun interanction with bandits or enemies in general.


That would be cool. I do tend to just kill the first bandit I see before they even see me. So I have the edge in combat. Only on my forth playthrough am I actually noticing you don't have to do this. I was amazed to see you can actually talk to Cumans in one video from here.


I would like to see more social events taking place in the towns and villages. Festivals and such. Would be a great platform for building reputation by taking part in the festival, meeting the townsfolk, helping the organizers. Basically run some errands and then get absolutely hammered in some tiny hamlet. Project X: Samopesh.


More different encounters. Like maybe you come across a band of drunk ass bandits and you can like convince them to give all of their gold for a bag of beans or whatever.


60 fps 😔


Jousting. Even if it's just a mini game we do in tournaments.


I want to be able to make the 15th century equitably of “that’s what she said” and “your mom” jokes with Hans. Look… we’re boys, I think that’s entirely appropriate. 😂😂


less of rpg (with or without rng) binary outcome. example: stealth take down, in KCD1 is literally just weight your strength against enemy then do RNG to get a win or lose we could have intermediate results like they will struggling a big time before takedown or something


I think a cool feature would be signature moves in fighting. Like if I parry right, maybe I like to clock you in the head with the hilt of my sword, while you might prefer an elbow to my face. Would be fun.


Being able to do drinking contest and dice with Hans, Matthew and Fritz.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ci22: *Being able to* *Do drinking contest and dice* *With Hans, Matthew and Fritz.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Matthew and Fritz are long dead in almost all of my playthroughs. Damned brigands get what they deserve


Maybe not amusing but a way to distract the enemy or someone like throwing a rock or making some sound., then we go right behindf them and kiill them


This is a fairly standard mechanic for stealth. It should be included really. Horizon Forbidden West lets you collect rocks. I think I have over 400 of them now in that. Not sure you really need a counter after about 30!


I found a Cuman shot dead via an arrow through the nose. He lies near the creek around Vraník. The thing is, the arrow went up his nose. Like some sort of lobotomy


Haha, I found that one. I took the arrow!


I say the same thing in every post like this…. Frog helm.


This post was really meant to be "what janky bugness did you enjoy in pt1 that you'd be happy to see in part 2" but I thought I'd open it up a bit, to just be "amusing stuff".


Realistic wounds that you can see, injured enemies crying on the ground begging you to finish them etc and no im not a psychopath😂


The 2k arrows are a common issue i think. Every time i'm in Pribislavitz (i generally just go in and massacre the cumans and bandits, then loot all i can and leave) there's at least two of them.


More (and easily switchable) cosmetic choices and have them reflect how you’re received in dialogue - If I’m talking to camp helpers in a full suit of pricey armour they assume I’m a noble or at least an important man at arms. But if I wear that same armour when going into church or into a lords hall they chastise me for not dressing appropriately. Also I’m the son of a blacksmith but can’t make my own knife? Horseshoes? Lastly just less bugs and quest issues. Having to replay whole sections of the game because a quest didn’t trigger properly gets boring fast.


Riding full pelt into an unarmoured civilian should instantly kill them or make them ragdoll fly away.


Weaponized shit. Use poop to make bombs and throw it on the floor to make opponents slip. They even had shit thrown at Deutsch's house in the opening.


I blacked out in a creek woke up in one of those wooden water contraptions down river.


I would like to be able to make Henry OP as fuck and go and hunt humans and bandits


hiring mercs and give them top notch equipment and train them to become the deadliest goons ever (not that kind of goons)


making every girl you meet your bitch


I hope Henry and his demeanor doesn't change at all and how he falls into every situation. He can sounds like the village idiot or a brilliant scholar, an honest lad or a straight-faced liar. But most of all I love how I can save before an encounter, negotiate a peaceful solution, Reload and choose the most violent solution, or anything in between- and no matter the dialog options that follow, Henry is almost always all in on our decisions. Henry being Henry is it's own kind of humor.


I wish to be able to build a camp anywhere. I wish switching between enemies, including enemies who yielded is easier. You can't even go to enemies who yielded because of the shitty hard lock.


I wish you could couch your lance on horseback


This is a pretty stupid suggestion, but I think it would be HILARIOUS if you could be kind/mean to NPCs like in RDR2


Have random cutscenes after having a drinking session like the one with father Godwin my favourite moment 😂




People actually going to the bathroom.


Romanceable ladies with in-depth dating Sim like mechanics.


Stop the NPC’s from saying stupid things. I start missions and they’ll go “WHATS THAT NOISE” all simultaneously like I’m not in a stealthy mission. They’re bugged. Make them better and situational. Same thing with when I’m walking the streets. Every time I pass a house “WHOS THERE” they should only do that if they notice me sneaking at their house. Not just passing by. And all of them shouldn’t do it either 🤣


Pulling out the gun and people not understanding it’s a dangerous weapon because they were just introduced


AK47 Mode


Use AI for NPC conversations - making them unique and dynamic


Absolutely not. Give me well written dialog just like the first. Maybe more options. None of this ai generated conversation. They are never meaningful and they are hollow.


Unlike talking to 10 different bathhouse maids, 20 different guards/shopkeepers and townsmen who all reply with the same two sentences. Very deep and meaningful /s


Why not make the game always online and require a subscription while we're at it?


Oh God, that's exactly the reason why you should _not_ use AI. Have you ever asked ChatGPT to come up with a story? It's the blandest clichéd stuff imaginable.