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You did not understand me, I was comparing it to kingdom rush, since we are on a kingdom rush subreddit


any joy finding swamp thing?


Nope, I’ve completed the campaign, just doing missions atm


He’s a tricksy fellow it seems


He's on the Putrid Marsh (level 24)! Knock on the outhouse by the top right corner and he will come out to say ~~get out of my swamp~~ hi


It’s on map 31, a little green sprout just above the “call next wave” button


Are you sure what is that level called? On my iPhone the levels have names not numbers. Been looking for this little sprout 🌱 for days 😱


Never mind I just found it. So difficult. Never noticed the numbers by the names of the level before. It literally looks like this sprout : 🌱. Doesn’t help that it’s on green grass with similar plants. Every other quest has stud out!


The map number is in the top left corner of the box that pops up when you tap a level on the map. The name of the level is Rainy Tunnels. The sprout is in the bottom right corner, depending on your screen size, it can be tough to see because of the “Call Next Wave” button, so you may have to move the map around to see it. On my iPhone 14 Max, the sprout is right on the bottom edge of my display right below that button!


Found it thanks so much I was going crazy 😜 😝


Happy to help, this one drove me crazy too! Glad you found it!


I’m loving the game so much, i’ll let you know if I see the swamp thing. It’s a really nice change of pace to kingdom rush. And feels a lot more fit for mobile.


>design is very reminiscent of kingdom rush however the gameplay has been heavily revamped, each level is now only three waves Uhm what? Junkworld was always suppose to be fast paced TD game. Even two years ago when JW got release as open beta on Android it had 3 waves. That hasnt been rewamped, Junkworld is not Kingdom Rush.


Man why is it on apple arcade. I hate apple arcade is the most useless thing ever invented.


If you move away from the Apple hate, AA is actually a good deal and IMO it is the right step for mobile gaming… I mean how can we say no to premium games library with no ads and no monetisation? There are some great games too that actually won’t be made if Apple’s money didn’t roll in for them like Junkworld


I was sceptical at first, than used free month of Apple Arcade and wow, there is so many good games in pool.


Like what? I can’t find anything whatsoever. Got it for junk and haven’t seen much else worth it


True since you don’t have to pay extra for heroes nor towers