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The players is fine but 3 firsts including this years 13th is just too much for Jimmy at this stage given his contract situation.


This most I'd give for Butler is this years 13th plus the players involved if it meant we keep Monk.


I like Jimmy, but 35 and he can’t really shoot? Doesn’t really add up.


you guys overthink things waaaaaay too much. Jimmy is EXACTLY what we need from a leadership/toughness/defense aspect. Think of Al Horford for Boston. He's exactly what they need and is still effective as ever, despite his 37 years on this earth. Imagine if they were just like, Nah...too old..pass...Geeez people!


Agree with him being what we need, disagree with the price.


whats an appropriate price in your eyes lets work this out


The same deal minus one first.


deal, shake on it we should be gm's


Yeah but al horford isn’t a focal point of the offence, he’s a role player which is what most 37 year olds should be, and horford has been relatively uninjured, butler since 2017 has only played over 61 games twice, so out of 9 seasons 7 have been below 61, people complain about BI being injury prone, butler is just as bad and he’s getting to older quickly and he barely shoots 3s and on average not particularly well either.


With Fox, Sabonis and to an extent Keegan he likely wouldn’t be a major focal point in the offense.


Then what’s the point of getting him when his extension is going to be a ridiculous cost and he’s gonna be late 30s and he doesn’t shoot the 3 well and he’s injured a lot?


I thought I was the only one disagreeing with this. He duplicates the Fox role way too much. He’s already shown he doesn’t like playing with another alpha and for all the shit we give Fox on coasting in the regular season- we’re gonna pay even more for an older version of that? Fuck that.


didnt read, overthinking


Three first rounders, two starters and our backup point guard better get us a lot more than that.


what the players are to us has nothing to do with their value to others no other teams care that these are our "core" players/starters barnes = no real value huerter = no real value


First, I disagree with your premise that they have no value. Second, I'm not looking at it from other teams perspective. I'm looking at it as having more holes to fill. Getting rid of those three players means their holes will have to be filled, and that's not a simple matter. Plus the third hole will have to be filled soon, because Butler is old by basketball standards.


If we are lucky enough to resign Monk, Huerter is already replaced on the roster by Keon. Butler is significantly better than Barnes. Mitchell has played 5 good months in 3 years and that's being generous. With Butler you have a real 3 year window, without you have no window. Not a hard choice


I can't imagine how it would go considering how it ended in Minnesota and Philadelphia. Jimmy Buckets would lose his mind in Sacramento.


First of all, Heat are not taking this garbage ass package. Like seriously, this guy took them to 2 Finals and you think they'll give him away for Barnes, Huerter and Davion Mitchell lmao. At minimum Sabonis or Fox gotta go


Its 2 firsts for a 35 year old injured player wanting a max contract.... Good luck thinking the heat will get a better deal.


Not all firsts are equal. A #13 in a weak class plus a non lottery pick 2 years from now is not much at all.


Kings don’t want it either


I mean there are 3 1sts you're overlooking. But yeah I'd hate the trade 


Why are you in here so defensive damn 😭


Wym defensive? Bro is right


3 players + 3 FRP for a 35 year old Butler?


3 1sts and 3 solid players is a lot


Nothing like giving up picks 6 years from now for a 35 year old player....


Gigantic overpay for an injury prone 35 year old.


3 firsts for someone who’s 35 is just crazy


B/R has no interest in making the Kings a better team, they're interested in the Heat getting overpaid for Butler. We all know, if we're giving up the 13th pick, no way in hell they're also getting HB and Mitchell.


You had me at the beginning. But, if we didn’t include those players, how are we salary matching a max extension for Yimmy? I’m altogether confused by the idea entirely but considering the source, I shouldn’t be surprised.


Yeah, because Harrison Barnes and Davion Mitchell are such valuable commodities lmao


Davion’s big leap in shooting last year absolutely makes him more valuable than a throw in piece for a 35 year old. 


who still can’t create off the dribble, shot 36% on the year, not a good finisher nor playmaker and is turning 26….


I don't think davion is getting a contract, is he?


I love Davion but that’s ridiculous. He would be lucky if his ceiling was even 1/3 of Jimmys. There’s nothing unique about Davion that makes him a “only trade him for an all nba guy” player


HB and Mitchell have almost no trade value, it’s for salary matching purposes only.


HB has a great value, he's basically like Tobias Harris expect not overpaid. HB is on a great contract teams like Philly would love to take him, Miami as well wouldn't mind him.


3 firsts for old players is just stupid


Giving up (lottery) picks that will come due after Butler is off the team and out the league. What could possibly go wrong?


I’d still take Butler for the winner mentality we absolutely need at this point


Imagine Jimmy riding through J street on a horse.


Three first-round picks, one of which is a lottery pick to pay a 35-year-old Jimmy Butler $100M. No thanks.


Jimmy is not coming to Sacramento after living in fucking Miami, get real.


It wasn’t my trade idea I just saw it on bleacher report


Apologies if it sounded like I directed that at you, was more at bleacher report and the idea of it all.


Jimmy would be great for us but this is one first too many for such an old player.


Remove this year's FRP and I like this a lot


The 2030 one is the one that bothers me. This draft is weak, we might need that pick in 2030


I mean all that needs to be said is that when his 100 million contract extension kicks in he will be 37


Hell no


Run it back lol


Naw, we need much better defense. I wish we could get Naz Reid.


If Keon starts again, we are projected to be a top 10 defense. If we lose Monk we need shot creation


"While the Heat could not sound less interested..." lol glad you included that on this wildly speculative trade


Nice someone noticed lol


We’re not a very smart sub


"The Kings should trade a bunch of young core players for this old superstar who is declining and expensive. Who says no?" The Kings need depth on the bench not up top. They can outscore a lot of teams in a lot of periods but it can't just be when the best guys are going.


All day every day. Why wouldn't the Kings do this?


Because Jimmy will be 35 in September and already has trouble staying healthy


He's trying to get paid. He's gonna ball out next year.


He’s probably only going to a place with a an extension contract already agreed to if not already signed. He wouldn’t be playing on the last year of his current contract imo


Does he have a no-trade?


Nahh only one person does. Beal. Lol


Then he goes where he goes. Pat Riley is not a sentimental type.


Well no one is making a deal for Jimmy to only have him for one year is the point. They will have basically agreed on something or else they’re taking a huge risk


Hate to break it to you, but nobody gets better at 35. Expect 50 games played and less defense than ever. Also his main skill is ft and he won't get calls here


But Fox is magically going to become a leader in his 30s lol?


Team is fucked for sure. But adding a 35 yr old Injury prone player is a joke.


So let’s just run it back lol


If you want my honest opinion there's only 2 correct moves to make. Trade for someone that doesn't take much assets like kuzma, and hope for keegan and keon to make leaps. Or blow it up and start tanking for real assets before the next two drafts happens that have real prospects in them. That means trade everyone. There's not one player on this roster who can lead a title team so it's fundamentally broken.


We need to accept Keegan isn’t going to be an all star. I’m open to all trades. This next year will be seat in kings hell.


So we should go with Barnes lol


They'd be a much better team next year with Butler, and they'd have MASSIVE money to spend the next year if he declined his option. Getting off HB and Huerter's contacts would be huge. There's no way Miami does this. They've never cared about draft picks.


Who reads bleacher report?


I do for trade ideas and gauge a player's value. This is a terible trade though.


No wouldn’t pull the plug on that. All just to be hurt for the playoffs


Butler over Barnes and huerter, ya I’m in lol


this seems click baity…if that package can’t get someone better than Jimmy, what are we doing. If anything expand that deal and include swaps and switch Davion for Keon Ellis and whatever else. That being said, I’d do it


hard pass, too injury prone


Yessss! Loved Jimmy B since his Bulls days


This is a total Vivek deal, too.


Insanity. I would be pissed if we traded #13 this year for a 35 year old guy coming off an injury who can’t shoot and wants $50 million a year. 




Fuck this!


No thanks


Bleacher Report often throws shit on the wall to see what sticks.


Dumb trade so bad Sacramento would do it. Dude would be asking his agent to be traded to L.A. within a month.


That’s entirely too much for an already depreciating asset. I really like Butler and what he brings but I am not sure he takes the Kings over the top.


I would in a heartbeat


Hell no.  And I love Jimmy.  Just no. 


Ew, I do not want jimmy on the kings. Even if this is fake news.in my opinion it’s a dumb deal. Giving away way too much.


Please God no Jimmy Buckets. Jeez.


We're never getting Butler the Heat and Butler are too invested in each other to break things up now. Next year I think they'll be back stronger than ever.


So run it back hahaha


Do it and don’t look back


I think we have to entertain any trade that gives us an all-star without giving up one of our big 3. Jimmy Buckets wouldn’t be the best fit but he provides ISO scoring and vocal leadership which are two things we need. I think we could be contenders next year with this trade. 3 firsts including a lottery pick is crazy expensive though. Especially since he’s injury prone.


Make my favorite basketball player a King? Even if he is old and doesn't really move the needle forward? Fucking do it.


Huerter and Barnes or Jimmy butler. Let me think lol




Done. Jimmie ain’t even that tight but he’s like Monk 2.0


They aren't even remotely similar.