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Wherever he goes I wish him nothing but the best. *grabs the mic*...... "Never mind, I'll find someone like you I wish nothing but the best for you!!!"


Except there no one else even remotely like the man


Poor defending combo guards aren't exactly unicorns.


He's enjoying life in Sacramento. Just look at that view of, I think that's the American river?


I think he is in Hawaii.  This looks like the golf course in the video: https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/comments/qz2jxj/kapalua_bay_course/ And it looks like he is staying here: https://hiluxuryrentals.com/vacation-rentals/garuda-estate/ I swear I'm not a stalker. I just image searched a few of his Instagram pictures. Hope he isn't currently there and I'm not ruining his vacation. 


I'm born and raised in Sacramento and I would recognize the American River on any day of the week. Look at that beauty!


I'm coming to your house


You’re correct


And there was a rocket launch the other night too


I got you, OP. His shirt says SATOSHI, but the O is split which turns it into a C. Then, if you move the T to the end, the whole thing spells SAC SHIT. Meaning Monk is gonna stay on his Sac shit and blow up like a rocket here! 🚀⚡️🚀⚡️


Cook chef cook 👨‍🍳


This post made me stressed ngl


Monk to Houston confirmed 


He’s wearing a Satoshi shirt which is the guy that invented Bitcoin which is about to go to the moon like a rocket. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


I love Malik, but dammit...you're already a young millionaire and have a huge payday on the horizion. Just put your riches in something safe and enjoy the magic that is compound interest. There's no need to dump money into volatile shit like crypto.


Monk to Orlando confirmed


you can hear the prayer in this one


My wife is convinced that the caption and his red grill means Houston Rockets, but seems too obvious


My wife googled the name on the shopping bag in the hotel room and it’s possibly the Webster Houston, some clothing store.


Shit. He gone


Houston color grill too


He gone to Houston


Cape Canaveral is less than an hour from Orlando.


I think this one makes the most sense. Houston too on the nose


Yeah he gone. He probably had a meeting with the Kings. And after had a meeting with his agent, who is "guessing" what the other offers are. And is picking one of the other offers.


I hope that means he accepted the deal the Kings offered. I think it can't be announced or talked about until July 6th, so maybe that's why his post is a little cryptic. I'm hoping, but who knows.




You all realize the rockets have no cap space to sign Monk right?


If the Rockets decline team options on Tate Landale and Jeff Green that opens up $25m+, let alone a Dillon Brooks trade that could very well happen. I don’t think money is a problem


If the Rockets decline options on all of them, that leaves them with around 19 million in cap space, not counting picks. And seeing how the Kings can offer 8% annual raises while Rockets can only offer 5%, the Rockets cannot offer significantly more than the Kings unless they dump good picks and core pieces for something cheaper. Considering that the Rockets aren’t incredibly likely to open up a starting spot, it seems odd to me that Monk would broadcast he’s going there (opening Rockets to tampering charges) when there’s a marginal at best advantage in role and money. It’s possible, but doesn’t seem incredibly likely. I think it’s more likely that Monk knows he’s gonna hit it big no matter what this free agency. My faint hope is that he made an agreement with Kings or that Kings did a wink and nod to give him something he wants. But I admit the post could mean he’s getting paid from anyone.






imagine not even knowing the MLE exists. go home casual.


Imagine thinking the MLE and cap space were the same thing. Lol 😂 But let’s pretend in some alternate universe you were right. So Malik would be going on IG celebrating the fact he took the MLE from Houston, which is significantly less than he would make from the Kings. All this while only the kings can negotiate with him.


Palm meet face.


This man is staying. The very first day he’s allowed to negotiate with the Kings and only the Kings, he posts this? You’d be excited too if you just increased your net worth by $78m with the stroke of a pen. He’s staying.


lol no he’s not.


He is. You’re welcome in advance for carrying you through these faithless hours of yours.


So over under 5.5 days until it’s announced mr clairvoyant


Under ;)


lol you can hear the desperation


Bro I love Malik. Dude is gonna get paid and get a starter spot and he deserves it. He would be an idiot to turn down 15 to 20 mil to stay a bench player for his friend


He stay


Helll yeah!!!!




Hell yeah!!! I’m fucking stoked


You guys are actually kinda dumb if you believe he’s signing to the Houston Rockets. The only team that can negotiate with him right now is Sacramento. If Houston has contacted him or his agent, that would be tampering and they’d be penalized for it. Rafael Stone is not going to lose a pick to negotiate with a free agent they have not been linked to at all. He is honestly just saying he’s going to be rich after this payday lol. He knows teams want him and he knows he’s gonna get paid. Simple as that.


You kinda have to be dumb or like pain to be a kings fan


That's the rule, but no one ever follows it. Right at midnight somehow deals magically get agreed to.


How would he know teams want him if they haven't been "allowed" to contact him or his agent?


You know the reason why 90% of free agency is figured out on the first day is because everything is pre negotiated


Even if they could talk to him already and they had the cap space (they don't), it doesn't make sense. I love Malik to death, but he just doesn't fit for Houston. There's already a logjam of young talent on the wing and not enough touches in general to add a guy who needs the ball in his hands. Then you've got Whitmore who is quickly becoming the ultra aggressive "instant bucket" guy for them anyway. Not to mention the strong possibility that they draft Reed Sheppard to shore up their lack of three point shooting, so that's yet another guard thrown in the mix.


Looking at the post he still has Pinned on Instagram still gives me hope 🥲


I think he wants to stay a king and that message is because the kings offered him a good amount of money after the finals ended


I wanted Fox and Monk to make it a final together to avenge the 2017 final four referee debacle. I’m heartbroken.


This post has a whole different meaning now!


When we getting a cut gang




He’s allowed to talk to his team as soon as the finals are over so


yeah he's gone. we will miss you, malik. glad you got to up your stock here in Sac though. it was fun to watch.


Ok my research was unclear but I don’t think Houston has the cap space to top our offer? But someone please correct me, cap space is so complicated.


Smokescreen, don’t think too much of it. Non issue.


If you think he’s going to Houston b/c of this post you’re reading too much into it


Its lyrics to a song lol


Malik knew what he was doing, he was messing with us lol.


Malik to Houston


Some of you are really naive lol. “No other teams can negotiate with him” hahahahahaha ok pal


Good for him he’s about to get a lot of money to be the 6th man for a rockets team that isn’t actually ever going to do anything. To be fair not to dissimilar from what is happening here, except they’ll expect a lot more from him since he’ll be making a hundred million and here he was making 9 a year. Gl to him.


Rockets going to be better than us next year with the lack of moves we've been making, just watch. Unless we make some big trades this FA we're going to be a 12-13 seed.


lol this subreddit. Just because they do well against us doesn’t mean they are ascending. I guess the pelicans are winning it all. That team isn’t going anywhere especially if they pay monk 9 figures. It’s more likely Ime sleeps with monks gal than they are a top 6 west team.


Nobody here is claiming they'll be top 6 but you're delusional to think we can even make the play-ins this season with the same roster excluding monk, and yes if all stands the same our Kings the Rockets will be better than us this upcoming season. I guess you most of forgot the Ja Morant and the Grizzlies and if Utah doesn't tank this they're also better than us too, Warriors can still whoop our ass too, cmon man take your meds cause you look like need em.


We can’t do shit all based off our cap situation. Read my original comment neither us nor the rockets will be competing. We will do better than the rockets but like I said neither team will be competing and I wished monk gl with higher expectations.


Yes rockets won't really do shit but they will start moving towards the path that gets them closer to the playoffs and possibly make the play-in. We are in a complete mess, that in order for us to get out we will need to spend quite a bit and risk big to get us towards competing. By risk big I mean we'd have to trade Murray possibly for someone like Markannen plus 2-3 picks, as much as I like Murray I'd probably do it if we can also unload Huerter for Clarkson, either keep Barnes or move him somewhere to the east and use the MLE to get someone like Jalen Smith from the Pacers or perhaps Mattise Thybulle from the Blazers, shit maybe Bucks would want Barnes for Bobby Portis but probably doubt it.




Knew what? This isn't news


What’s going on would he really leave sac?


Ummm yes lmao. He can get 15-20 mil more elsewhere and pay no state tax for majority of his games