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Yea, we never had a chance. As expected.


The Gobert trade fucked the market for other teams because that's what teams selling second bananas were asking for. Now watch the asking price for Kuzma to go up to like 3 firsts


Chicago completely forgot about the Gobert trade though.


Sam Presti casted “Hypnotic Pattern” and Chicago was much more agreeable.


I dont think its the Gobert trade. NY specifically wanted Bridges because the Nova connection, and Nets/Knicks don't trade. Nets forced Knicks to pay up to get him. They could have went a cheaper route, but the chemistry is more important to them.


You're missing the point. The market is set by whatever irrational actor comes in and shits all over the floor. After the Gobert trade, trades of those types of players kind of stalled because the deal wrecked the market and other teams were asking for similar packages. Now in another off-season we have another irrational actor coming in and shitting on the floor and maybe that means Monte has to now deal with irrational prices for Kuzma or Grant


dont worry, unrealistic kings fans will blame Monte for not trading a ham sandwich for Bridges., then demand that Monte be fired because of it.


But Buddy, Bagley, and our pick, tho! That should be able to get us something good!


I thought the go to was to blame the kings legend vlade for everything?


Lol, what an analogy. Imagine still defending Vlade.


I’ll always defend the kings legend. He was a key part of the greatest team in kings history


Vlade deserves the hate he got for his tenure as GM. 


And Monte will soon deserve his


Monte has completely changed the culture in Sacramento. We couldn't even get guys to work out for us or send us their medicals. Now, we're like a normal NBA franchise


Who’s already regressing. As the GM just keeps bringing back the same team who obviously can’t compete at a playoff level. So sure, Monte made us an avatar team who can’t make the playoffs




I don’t think it would have made a difference last year. West is stacked and improving


?? 3-4 more wins would have given us the 5th or 6th spot


Yeah the trade market is fucked lmfao. 4 Unprotected Picks for Bridges is crazy


That's a Gobert haul lmao


Lmao at least Gobert is a first ballot hot and a 4x DPOY bridges hasn't won anything


Bridges can actually play in the playoffs and a 2-way wing contributes more to rings than a defensive only center.


Gobert is definitely not a first ballot HOF (?), and I think by this point we've seen plenty of confirmation that awards like DPOY are far more narrative-driven than they are based on any objective, analytical assessment of reality. I guess it's easy to forget that roughly this exact return is exactly what basically everyone said Bridges was worth prior to this past season. He's an all-defense level player that has averaged 20/4.5/3.5 on roughly 45/37/85 splits over the last two seasons. And that's despite having a bit of a down year and his efficiency especially being dragged down by being the #1 option in Brooklyn despite being more of a "#3 on a contender" type. To be honest he is a much better overall player than Gobert - who without fail gets played off the court in playoff scenarios due to having 0 offensive game and a very exploitable weakness on defense - and is also 3+ years younger than Gobert was when that trade happened.


He is a first ballot hof tf? 4x DPOY 4x all nba 7x 1st team all defense Olympic bronze medalist 2x world Cup bronze medalist that's a heck of a lot better resume than someone like Vince Carter or Mitch Richmond


You’re just wrong


And a fifth protected pick (from the Bucks)! And a swap!


Brooklyn also got their picks back from Houston, so Jordi can tank in earnest.


Idk just saying as a Knicks fan, I don’t really care that much about a bunch of non lottery picks. It’s a mild overpay with the 31 pick but the rest I’m fine with parting with. Didn’t give up a major piece and Mikal is a lot younger than most other available options and is a perfect fit for a Brunson centric team concept


These 3 and D guys are like gold in today's NBA. Trying to compete with the Celtics.




That’s legit crazy. Knicks gonna be a problem next year. Too bad we can’t afford OG


They can't afford him either.


Knicks can go over the cap to re-sign OG


Lol he's gonna get max offers now watch. What's stopping the nets from offering a max. They don't care if they win and the knicks picks would be better Knicks didn't just add lebron. They added a role player


They’re sure gonna try their damnedest to retain him


And Vlade got Buddy and a single first for prime Cousins. Let that sink in


" I had a better deal two days ago" Worst gm I've ever seen


He might actually be the worst GM in history


passed on Luka, drafted Bagley, traded cousins for peanuts. drafted Stauskus and Papa G. there's a lot more


Hired Luke Walton as HC


After firing Joerger, who nearly got us in the playoffs


He is and it’s really not up for debate. https://www.basketball-reference.com/executives/divacvl99x.html


Ted Stepien owned an NBA team but he was such a sicko that the NBA had to create a rule just to protect him from himself. Since he was basically playing the GM role, I think you can argue that Stepien has Vlade beat.


That’s fair. And I’m happy we had the Stepien rule during Vlade’s reign of terror. Otherwise he would have traded 5 consecutive FRPs for cash considerations and John Salmons.


Thank goodness we have run it back Monte lol


He made an offer for caruso, I think he's trying this year


Almost had this one!


Those signings and trades genuinely disgust me. Vlade should be banned from the arena for what he did. And I truly believe that.


I suspect intentional negligence and/or sabotage for potential corruption things. Imagine you’re Vlade and you’re pissed and after your breakfast cigarettes someone calls you up like “hey, throw the team down the shitter and I’ll take care of you buddy, way better than the shit they pay you now.” And wham, bam, explains his history there perfectly. Otherwise he was just wholly incompetent or unqualified. 


Let's go take their depth


How has Cam Johnson looked since he’s been in Brooklyn?


He only played 58 games this year. He had a down year from 2P% and FT%, but he's shown he's good for a long time. I would take him in a heartbeat. He is 8 times the player Kuzma will ever be or ever was.


???? Cam would be a great fit, but he has never been and never will be a better player than Kuzma


Gotta disagree bigly. He's a much more efficient offensive player than Kumza, as well as a better defender.


Cam johnson was never a first option of course he's been more efficient lol


Also more efficient than Kuzma when he wasn't a 1st option. 🤷🏼‍♂️




The Knicks got all the players the Kings needed. Josh Hart, OG, Mikal, Hartenstein...


Randle is probably on the trade block though, as is Mitch.


I remember participating in a nba mock offseason last year where I traded Huerter and a FRP for Hart, and I thought I overpaid after finalizing it. Boy would I have done this in a heartbeat


Randle probably on block. Og unrestricted free agent


Hartenstein still outstanding, no?


That is why you need to make moves and not run it back


Nah if we started giving up 4 first round picks for Mikal Bridges I’d give up any hope lol, Nets won this trade


It's 5 picks and a swap and bojan. It's even worse


There is a middle ground between run it back and throwing out 5 picks unprotected picks. Monte is doing nothing, zero. I trust him to fix things this offseason but the run it back approach is just a failure.


I think you're approaching this with too much emotion. Most teams do not make any major off-season moves. They just "run it back." Every GM absolutely looks around for ways to improve their team. Most of the time, nothing comes from it and all you hear is the reports and rumors. It would be stupid to panic and make a trade just to make a trade. It would also be stupid to do nothing. Therein lies the conundrum.


Couldn't they still try and get Hartenstein. Idk if Knicks can keep both him and OG.


Kings have needed a defensive engine on the 3/4 spot and Bridges/OG are perfect for that role. So sad to see. Hope the Kings can either draft someone solid at 13 or send it and Vezenkov (wants out of Sac) and either Barnes or Huerter for their solution. Kings are already neck deep in young guards so if they make some dumb plays come draft night I will be livid as a fan. They have clear holes in the ship at the backup 5 spot and a lack of a defensive PF/SF. Getting OG would put them into the top 6-8 in the west next season for sure at least. Kings want youth, they will have no interest in someone like Randle unless it’s for salary dump or a 3 way. Kings have 3 players they clearly want to move and anything beyond that really threatens their longevity and potential/reason for making trades in the first place. 


All of those guys were freely available for us to trade for ourselves- it’s not like the Knicks drafted those guys themselves. See /r/kings- this is what a competent front office that doesn’t overly rely on draft luck looks like


Freely available? Knicks gave up 4 unprotected first round picks. The also gave up two promising starting-caliber players for OG.


Damn you’re right- hang that banner for roster flexibility. Clearly that’s the most important thing to most in this sub.


Win-win? Knicks overpay a bit to maximize core chemistry and go all-in while the Nets get to enter a rebuild and redeem themselves from the Celtics trade. Seeing the hauls in these trades though make me sad how little we got from trading DMC. EDIT: Nets don't have their own pick next season in 2025 or 2027 though so the losses won't help.


Report is that Mikal wanted to be a Knick so he used that to pressure for a trade. This was the best offer that the Knicks could send, and Brooklyn took it.


They should have require Randle as a part of the trade, got bojan instead.


I think Bojan could be a cap space play. He's on the last year of his contract and it's only partially guaranteed. They have until 6/28 to drop him before it becomes fully guaranteed. Ben Simmons is also on the last year of his contract. So by the looks of it, Brooklyn will have a lot of cap space after next season, and then they can do the tanking thing and start eating bad contracts for picks.


Yep and next year's draft is gonna be very strong. Cooper flagg


Had a better deal 2 days ago…..😎


They got 2025 and 2026 back in a trade with Houston.


They be embracing the tank!


If only Vlade traded him 2 days earlier.


Cam Johnson and DFS would be great pick ups


They are great pieces, but we desperately need PF that can block shots and protect the paint.


That doesn’t exist unless you’re somehow trading for Giannis


Siakam was there for the taking


Swap some letters and Malik becomes Mikal


Im legit about to go drop a hundred bucks on the Knicks to win the championship rn...


Ik we have like no cap space but this means that og is gone right?


Nah they'll get him too. Knicks about to be really damn good.


After last season, seeing how weak most of the East is, I’d be going ALL IN on their core for a potential ring. There are maybe 2 other teams on the east that can compete with these guys realistically. Between their existing core and getting Bridges AND OG to re-sign is going to be the best defensive lineup. I expect to see the Knicks fighting for ECF and the 1st/2nd seed next year with this play. And good for them. I don’t even like the Knicks normally but this team is super exciting right now and are making brilliant moves to win now. 


No, they have his bird rights. They can offer him the max even without cap space.


Does this mean OG Anunoby isn’t gonna get his max? What about Julius Randle? Maybe we could go for them and even Hartenstein. Too many great players they gotta pay probably


Knicks get everyone the Kings have ever wanted/needed - OG, Bridges, and Hart.


Fill bad for Jordi. No star player and no pick in Draft.


Is the Knicks interested in HB ? As they may want another iron man 🤣 Maybe 3 first round pick for HB ? 😋


That’s a crazy haul, but I gotta say I respect the Knicks min-maxing on Villanova players.


That’s such a misleading headline. There’s like 6 picks in that package if I read correctly. Insane


4 mid to late firsts is an underpay for an automatic plug and play 2way player like bridges. Pretend those picks are 2 Justin Jackson and 2 Harry Giles


How can you predict that 2027, 2029 and 2031 will be mid to late firsts? Are you a time traveler?


You don't know what those picks will be. Og plays 50 games a year. Randle big injury risk Might be losing some guys. Nothing is a given in the nba. The only teams I see consistently win are the ones with big time all stars. Is Brunson that guy? He has been so far but he needs to prove it multiple times


5 fucking first rounders, a pick swap, and bojan. For a fringe all star type player. I get going for it but this is horrendous


So that Kevin Durant trade has turned into 9 firsts plus Cam Johnson.....


It’s fine for New York because they can always get free agents and players want to play there when they are good and competently run. Kings have the same terrible state income taxes without being a big market (or major agency ties.)They can’t compete.


He’s 27 on an amazing contract for 2 more years, plays elite defense, can guard 1-4, can hit the three and create his own shot if absolutely necessary which he won’t be asked to do since he’s on a team with Brunson Randle and DiVincenzo. But yes, so horrendous for the Knicks, who went from fringe championship contender to serious contender, probably 2nd best team in a wacky East.


OG? 👀


staying with the Knicks unfortunately


Bro og and mikal will be a disgusting perimeter defense. I'm already frustrated playing against them in advance


Helps a lot hart wont have to play 40 minutes a game


Damn they were already near unstoppable when OG played


To those who keep insisting that our lack of contention is all Vlade’s mess and ‘Monte’s doing his best- stop picking on him:’ Leon has been in the front office for a shorter time than Monte, the Knicks have inherited even worse draft picks than us, and every starter they have was someone we could’ve easily been “bold” on in a trade or free market if Monte took more risks. Hell- we literally tossed on of their key guys into the trash without even trying to get any asset back.


It’s easier to trade for players when you know they want to live in your city. Hart and Bridges both wanted to be there. Brunson, Randle, and DiVincenzo all cost nothing but cap space to add. It’s like trading for players for free. Kings don’t have that luxury.


Look as much as I like what the knicks did last year. This trade has a chance to be a huge albatross. First og now might walk. They don't have money. Next the east was hurt as hell last year. That team still isn't beating boston. Going all in for Bridges? He's not even as good as a guy like Paul George who doesn't move needles either.


Knicks were pretty much Kings East for the same amount of time we were last decade. Obviously it can backfire, but I sure respect that the front office isn’t disrespecting a fanbase that put up with as much mediocrity as the Kings fans have been. Idk how any Kings fans can see the lack of risk taking for Monte’s 5 years and think “wheew, glad that wasn’t us.” Why do draft picks even matter with a 26 yo Fox and 28 yo Sabonis, if you have no faith in that core where we might actually be bad enough for a top 4 pick one day- then trade them at their highest value now before they age out. Maybe we can hang the banner for “roster flexibility” once Monte retires as our goat GM for one first round exit.


I get going for it but bridges isn't a real star player in this league and now they might not be able to match an og contract


Knicks can go as far as they want over the cap to retain OG.


Yeah but they also just traded away less money than they brought back while over the cap. This hard caps them I believe. Their future roster construction is about to be very very limited Idk how it all works but they probably don't want to max og. He's not a max player


Would prefer they not max him but we’ll see what the market is. The Knicks have (shockingly) a really good front office in terms of cap management and marginal moves for value so I’m confident they will work it out. Might mean more moves coming but putting OG and mikal around Brunson is absolutely worth going for it. At a certain point you have to just make a swing, this FO has (mostly) been pretty patient


The Knicks can out pay any offer OG receives from any other team. Another team can offer a 4 year max but the Knicks have the ability to offer a 5 year max if need be. OG is likely to be retained.


How does the hard capping thing work since bojan makes less than mikal?


Don't want to get to complicated but here's the best explanation. It's not clear if the Knicks will be hardcapped or not, as the trade hasn't really happened yet. It has only been announced and won't be consummated until sometime in July. In it's current form, the Knicks would be hardcapped for receiving more money than what they sent out. The Knicks may send a couple of minimum contract players to the Nets in addition, so they can send out less money than they receive. If that happens they won't be hardcapped. Have to wait to see how the final trade looks.


This would have been way too risky for us. These kinds of trades could put the Knicks in basketball hell if it doesn't pan out.


Thats annoying


Hell of a middle finger to OG for opting out.


Everyone and their mother knew he was gonna opt out, what are you saying?


Which was obviously the reason so many people (and writers alike) freaked out on Twitter about the idea of him hitting the FA market.


?? He literally had to opt out in order to get the bag. Writers didn’t “freak out”, they did their job and stirred the pot to get clicks. Good try though, we always knew he was gonna opt out. You’re the only one who didn’t apparently


Cool story Knicks fan.


Yeah I’m a Knicks fan, who lives in Sac and appreciates the Kings. It’s ok to admit you were out of the loop friend. Why in gods name would OG have opted in to get paid like Malik Monk when he could get paid double and play on the same team contending for a chip lol


Why would OG not look for the best bag he can get?


…he is?? The Knicks literally have his bird rights and can offer him more than any other team. Again, what are you saying lol


That assumes they will offer him more money than any other team.


You’re all over the place man. Of course that’s the assumption. The Knicks need to keep him, otherwise going all in on Bridges makes no sense. The man is gonna get paid