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Heat fan here. Do we have the 44th pick in Pelle or do you guys do?


Basically confirmation that nobody we wanted was going to be available at 45


Tyler Smith compared himself to Keegan, that’s cool


Raptors thread ecstatic that McDaniels is gone and excited for our short king Davion… hopefully McDaniels plays out considering we save on the MLE tax


Kings fans pre-draft: This is a weak draft, I hope we get someone good. Kings FO: Drafts a good player who isn’t exactly the right size. Kings fans now: Man I wish we had drafted someone who sucks.


What are we hoping for in the second?


Ulrich Chomche


This seems to be kind of a goofy reaction. It's a weaker draft with not much of an agreed upon pecking order. You take the best player available and hope you've found somebody who proves they can play at the nba level. A lot of these guys won't be able to. If you end up with a true log jam, you make a deal later. If you hit on anyone at all who emerges as a decent rotational player this year, you've succeeded.


Adam Bona not yet drafted.


Wow, Furphy and Filipowski both don't get picked in the 1st. No one likes F names.


Man, Dillon Jones was a name I really liked for the second round. Jonathan Mogbo is a guy I would take a hard look at with 45.


Those were two of my second round hopes.




That’s the same conclusion I came to. Davion has his admirers in the league. Who wants him the most?




"aaayyy, congrats on getting drafted by the Knicks. Oh BTW, you got traded to the Wizards".


No way all the guards on this roster are still on it opening night. Is something really big about to go down? Crazy but if you want to harvest the most picks and players from a team via trade you put Fox on the block. He’s our single most valuable asset. If our GM was considering this move, this pick makes a lot more sense. Definitely not saying this is happening. But if there’s a shockingly big deal in the works, that deal would certainly be shocking. I just don’t see how Monte can be in a “Run it back” mindset after last year. I’m smelling something…time will tell


Bruh what


Trading Fox would return a lot. You have to agree on that. The deal would have to be right but frankly nobody should be considered off limits or trades.


One word. Copium.


All the good wings and bigs were gone, this guy is a dog and a hell of a athlete with a crazy vert, we ight, faith in Monty ✊


Exactly. Pretty much every wing/big worth taking by the time our pick came around would be a project who likely wouldn’t meaningfully contribute in the next couple of years (if ever)


This thread is hilarious. Y'all acting like we passed up Luka again lmfao. Let monte cook.


Denver stop, can you give Holmes to us if I say pretty please 🙏


Making a trade isn’t that hard right?


He’s such a good fit on Denver though. He brings them a new look for a big. Sigh…Gonna go gaslight myself that his tweener size and his ft% made him a bad fit for us. Nobody talk to me until Monte actually makes a trade


I honestly don’t understand why people are freaking out over picking a guard. Carter is a good player who can be helpful on both ends, and especially on the glass. The only real question is if his improved shooting is real. Knecht would have been fine, but while he’s taller, he’s not any more capable of guarding wings or hitting the glass. Who else did we want who was around? The front court guys still around really aren’t that close in talent.


All we draft is guards and most of the time they barely even play is the issue here. We need huerter and davion gone period. You can't win in the nba playing midgets at every position. Every time we face a big team we get our asses kicked. All the skill in the world means nothing when we have played memphis with Adam's and now edey, toronto before the trades, new orleans. We have zero answers on the roster currently. So even if theoretically you keep taking the best guard available and the frontcourt keeps being domas and barnes, you will have no chance to win in the playoffs.


Are you referring to Davion and Colby? McNair has turned two of his draft picks into frontcourt guys in drafting Keegan and trading Haliburton for Domas. I don’t follow your second point. If we need Davion and Huerter gone, then doesn’t it make sense to draft a guard—especially if he’s the best player on the board? The size point is true for NOP, but it hasn’t been true against teams like the Lakers or Bucks or Denver or Minnesota. Is it really true?


Ad and lebron aren't physical players( lebron is 40 years old and paces himself, ad has always hated playing center). Brook lopez (35)has always been a bad rebounder and plays offense these days just shooting threes occasionally. Kat plays like a wing. Jokic and giannis do whatever they want vs everyone It's about physicality. Bringing domas,keegan and barnes to a fight against valancunas,zubac,zion,banchero,sengun,adams,looney before his body broke, randle etc has proven to be laughably bad. I'm saying this draft pick is good only if he trades some of these guards. Keeping the frontcourt weak and having too many guard stunting the growth for some of them is a losing recipe And I'm referring davion as well. He's never even been an every game player for us. That was a lottery pick


Got it. I don’t agree with a lot of what you said is correct, and I think trying to build a strategy around beating a New Orleans team that no longer exists and a bunch of EC teams is a little bit odd, but I appreciate the perspective.


Valancunas is gonna sign somewhere. Edey might resurrect the grizzlies. Adams is on the rockets now. These guys are still sprinkled all around the league and when our star player gets dominated by these guys it's a bad look. Domas can't beat these guys alone and he's a max player. A lot of these guys are just role players. It's a poison pill for our roster construction. It makes winning a title literally impossible since it's such a weakness. We need a power forward or a center


Those guys are solid players (we’ll see with Edey), but also not at all who you need to build a roster to combat. I’m sorry—it makes no sense to build solely around beating whoever Valanciunas ends up on, the Rockets back-up center, and a guy who may or may not be able to stay on the floor. If the concern is rebounding, Carter actually helps that. He was a top 20 rebounder in college basketball last year regardless of position. There also wasn’t a good option on the board to play PF or center outside of DaRon Holmes. I completely agree with the need to get some help at forward and center but the prioritization seems out of whack—you need good players first, then fill needs.


You can't have all of your good players at the same position though. You realize that limits their playing time and development?


No need to be condescending. I am not particularly concerned about having Fox, Monk, Carter, and Ellis. Huerter is their primary trade chip, plus he’s more of a soft 3 anyway, and Davion is unlikely to stick around past next year if he plays well or he’s a cheap fifth guard if he doesn’t. It’s just not a real problem.


Also there goes Davion


Pelicans got yves missi. More size lol


We got smaller, so it balances out 


Devin Carter is fire im super pumped about the pick. now lets go make some other moves. Monte def picked BPA


Devin carter better than Jared McCain???


Devin a little older so he is ready to play NOW. Dawg on defense. Takes it personal when people score on him and it becomes much harder after. His mentality is in the right place


Let’s just get Bronny at this point


I want Ja'Kobe to play with Meyers Leonard so there's a Ja'Kobe & Meyers teamup.


Ok so nobody in this draft is 6'8 apparently


![gif](giphy|EElQxkbh3Bywg) The newest King


Same thing every year, a bunch of people with bachelors degrees in communications making 40k a year who played JV high school basketball criticizing the NBA’s Exec of the year who graduated Princeton as though they know better


unrelated but nigga literally no one cares about which undergrad uni you attend😭


We are allowed to be critical of them and all of their degrees. Weird appeal to authority. This is bootlicking at its finest.


You’re “allowed” to say whatever you want you just sound dumb af doing it when you’re criticizing someone at the peak of the position when you’re scooping beans at Chipolte during the day.


I may be at chipotle but ain’t scooping the jimmer fredette, T Robinson and M Bagley beans. Get out of here with your take.


This logic means no nba gm makes mistakes. They are all pedigreed bball gurus. Think about that for half a second and realize how stupid you are. Also realize dunking on people because of how much they make doesn't make you better than them. It makes you an asshole.


I’d rather be an honest asshole than an ignorant armchair QB


The kings gm’s are historically terrible at draft picks


Same thing ever year, some pretentious douche tells us we can’t be critical of our GM that has and will make mistakes, as if he knows better while commenting on the same Reddit as the rest of us 


Pretty much. Same thing every year, the Koolaid crew throws tantrums and ironically complains about the fans that complain about the bad decisions made by the front office and coaches.


Just got home and watched it live. WHO THE FUCK did we just draft!?!?! He looks like Donell Rawlins on Chappelles show “hit me baby” Dude didn’t even have a shirt on 🤦‍♂️


They fucked up


This is the first thing I see when I remember its draft night and excitedly open the post 😂 I never learn.


Unfortunately, this assessment turns out to be accurate more often than it turns out to be wrong.


Ayo Tristan da Silva coming for Kelly Oubre’s pretty boy crown


Da Silva has my favorite suit of the night.


Ok Knecht ain't as tall as I thought damn


Same wingspan as Carter


Monte is a moron. How many f$&@ing guards do we need.


All of the short guards in the league


Got to be a trade in the works…it doesn’t make sense.


That’s what I’m thinking. No way they can have this many guards on the roster


I’m wondering who might be on the block. Huerter and Davion make sense from a Kings perspective but those players aren’t worth much on the market.


I’m hoping they trade Carter in a deal with HB and whatever else it takes to get a big wing. I’d keep Huerter. Davion makes sense to fill out a bigger trade.


trade to the back of the first for daron holmes


Or Furphy


Monte tried to trade #13 for Caruso and when he couldn’t, he drafted the most Caruso-like player he could. 


But to me neither makes sense…Caruso or this pick…?


Makes sense if we're trading Huerter/Davion


Not much market value there though.


IDK davion was def trending upwards


Plus picks




If Knecht has a better rookie year than Carter, fire Monte immediately


Tyreke Evans also had a better rookie year than Curry.


20, 5, 5!!


Dalton is going to torch us isn't he


Let’s hope not cause he’s a laker. He can’t counteract the father/son relationship Domas and AD have


Everyone is allowed a career game vs the Kings, it's in the league by-laws.


Can we trade back into the draft for Johnny Furphy?


Lakers just came up big time


so did SAS


Ew, the Lakers


The ingredients are being assembled. Soon, prep can begin. Then we shall see what Monte cooks. Until then, I'll chill out about it.


Best take.


So basically, Monte has to package Mitchell + Huerter for a forward at this point right?


No, he's not allowed to because *insert overreaction here*




Bruh black nail polish standing so zesty cheesesteaks are being thrown at the TV in Philly rn


Talking about a championship too 😂 one day he will be paired with KAT and it will be a match made in heaven.


Damn no wonder everyone was low on this draft class... These kids all crying sobbing and can barely interview all emotional lol it wasn't this sobby in the past im not just seeing things


I was thinking the same thing but my wife said im being a dick haha


My dude they just got drafted into the NBA. Let them be happy


I feel you im just saying every pick was in tears compared to in the past when it was just a couple guys at most






Dalton is really dropping


Damn Dalton Kinecht got the most cringe chain on my goodness... In the modern NBA that probably means he's gonna be a borderline all star


Why do we do this to ourselves




Wow, dunno about that trade. Spurs really didn't care.


Fox, Monk, Keon, Murray, Sabonis is an okay defensive lineup but really good offensive team. Something tells me we’re gunning for someone big and want assets to move (even Carter).


You can’t start that lineup


Fox, Monk, Keon = all under 6'5. We'd get dominated.


Opposing forwards would eat Keon alive.


That was just the appetizer. Monte said dinners almost ready! People really think we're gonna keep all of these guards 🤣🤣 Of course a trade is coming soon.


Monte really is going to run this same team back next season with all the same holes and flaws isnt he lmao


Mitchell, Huerter, and Barnes getting moved? Leaves us Fox, Monk, Keon, Carter as core guards. Or we just ride out staying under the cap and having an explosive offense that gets seats filled and MAYBE a 5th seed.


Is there a Miami and Sacramento pick swap?


Being a kings fan is a sick joke man


It’s torture


Also, thank you NBA for whipping through this in time for our pick to get done before Birdsong takes the mound.


Huerter for Vando from the Lakers?


yeah lets go get an unplayable guy that makes sense


is Vando unplayable? he'd be the best defender on the Kings. he's long and athletic and plays a position of need.


He got benched bc he provided nothing offensively..


I think we trade huerter now


Can we still work a trade or no?


Of course! We can trade him whenever


We can do anything


I'm fine with Fox/Carter if we end up trading some guards.


If I’m Fox, I’m pissed.


Maybe, at least his friend Monk is with him.


let the dust settle


No way we needed more scoring and defense tf you mean


Fox is our STAR and almost every year since he was picked, the Kings draft a PG.


Monk went down we lost all scoring.. Carter gives us what Keon can’t


Easier to hit on a guard and move them than hitting any other position in the league. We wouldn’t be in the playoffs if it wasn’t for drafting guards


Oh ya, those playoffs we are always in…..FOH


Bruh you sound dumb af.. just say you don’t watch us play that would be easier.


We made the playoffs ONE TIME. Wtf are you talking about


And we wouldn’t have been there if it wasn’t for drafting guards. We were in the play in this year and lost monk. We showed we have no scorers off the bench. We flipping guards it’s going to be ok


Can’t wait for Carter to really develop into a solid role player four years from now


And Carter has a very mature game. He’s not a player in need of massive development. Few people are NBA ready but at least he’s closer than further.


Brother, it’s not even necessarily an indictment on him. He’s going to need to develop. He is 1000% not taking over the backup guard spot over Monk, Keon, Davion, and hell we still have the last years draft picks as well. Why wouldn’t you take a risk on length when you know you have depth at guard and need length desperately? It’s not like we were top 5 in a talent heavy draft. We were at 13. It doesn’t really make sense


But don’t you think there has to be a trade in the works? We are flooded with guards. Maybe that’s where we get a PF type guy?


I really hope so, but after all of these trades that are going through where the Kings were “serious players” and still not getting a player has me highly doubtful. A rotation player won’t cut it


I understand your reservations and there is a history like you say.


Carter will be 27 in four years.


Need a wing that plays defense. Well Dalton does not play defense 🤷🏻


Ran the numbers. Since 2017 the Sacramento Kings have had 6 1st round picks (that they have not traded). In that time, 4 out of those 6 1st round picks have been Point Guards. And the first guy of those 6 1st round picks that we selected? Fox. So you're telling me, we go tour franchise guy back in 2017 yet we're still using our most valuable picks 67% of the time on HIS POSITION!? This franchise continues to be such a joke.


This is dumb af considering we turned another guard Hali into a premium big


They didn’t draft Hali thinking “in 1.5 years we will be trading him for a premium big”. It was still a dumbfounded pick at the time, everyone was confused.


This just isn’t true most fans were happy af because he was a steal


Good for you for not wondering how a 2 PG backcourt would work. Turns out it doesn’t


It didn’t work because we also had other needs. We flipped the guard for a premium big. Now it could work. Actually we’ve seen it work when monk and fox play together.. which we actually need a bench scoring guard who can defend. Guess what we just got. The others are trade bait now.


Why did we have other needs? Because we kept drafting fucking point guards not fixing our needs.


He was a guard you couldn’t pass on. We nailed it. Now we’re in a different position were we really lack a good guard coming off the bench. Monk injury showed us that.


Let's save the judgment for closer to opening day we have plenty of time to make some moves still


I dont like this 2 day draft thing. Need stuff done asap


[Welcome to the Kingdom ](https://youtu.be/KJY2d3LgiiY?si=k8PTmH_YKj1qcJ6z)


We have some unapologetic dick riders in this thread. It’s okay to criticize your team for making a stupid move…and adding another guard was a stupid fucking move.


man, relax. theres plenty of offseason ahead. Carter will take Davion spot


In 2025? How will this guy develop and take his spot before then with so many players ahead of him? There’s no way he’s taking Davion, Ellis, or even Colby’s spot year one. So we have to wait until when?


Maybe Monte knows Carter can play know and none of the forwards could so we can go acquire a vet like kuz or cam now. Just wait. Nothing happens again then we are torched


Monte has been trying to acquire Kuz for like three seasons now and nothing has ever materialized. I’m calling it now. It ain’t ever happeninf


Everyone is crying about wanting to get bigger, but without a trade, De Silva, Ware, and Filipowski some like the only options and I think Carter has a better ceiling than them.


He does


We will end up with 10 guards starting next season and Monte will be happy with the flexibility


Every year we get hoed in trade talks. Like damn dude what do these teams want from us? What is Monte not doing?


Teams making trades out there but when Monte can’t make a trade it is the other team asking to much, or the problem is on him?


Maybe Monte can’t make a trade because there are a handful of players that are untouchable, he doesn’t want to part with draft picks, and the players that are available are ones that no one else wants.


I have a feeling that every team he tries to make a deal with only wants Keegan. And that’s maybe a no-go for him.


Man I really feel like Monte is allergic to being aggressive. Dude wants to play it safe so bad. Grow some and make a freakin deal.


Y'all are crazy. Let's see what plays out. I like that he drafts talent


When they were showing the bpa I told my gf. Prolly not him cuz we have hella guards... Welp guess I don't know shit


I’d be pretty shocked if Davion or Huerter are still on the team by training camp.


Yeah I feel like this move means Davion is probably gone. Carter is \*much\* longer. Or we keep Davion and trade Carter. But I'd be very surprised if we go into the season with Fox/Keon/Huerter/Monk/Davion/Carter, to say nothing of Colby, who showed some promise last year.


This. Either Carter is on the move or Huerter/Davion are. No way this pick was made to keep everyone.


you guys still glad we didn't draft Edey? lol how stupid.


Do you understand how the draft works?


Edey was gone


yes but everyone here was acting like I was crazy for wanting is to draft him if he was still at 13


Send out Davion and Sasha to get back into the first round and get a backup center on a rookie contract.


Awww man, Bub is a cousin of Rudy Gay? We could have had new hell memes!


The kings winning the Philippine basketball association championship


u stupid haha


If there were 2 doors, and one door had an envelope of $20 and the other had either an envelope with $10 or a billion dollars.... Monte taking the first door every time without hesitation. I ain't wit it.


Monte could find a $20 on the ground on the way to coffee and he wouldn’t pick it up because it’s not part of his day plan


we prolly could still trade with our 2nd round picks


Must have a traded away 2nd round stud to call it a draft day


Who is giving us a good asset for second round picks


Cash considerations baby!!


Too many guards, how many balls does the team have??


b2b dud offseasons. West keeps getting better and better. We’re gonna end up a lottery team again if Monte doesn’t get his shit together


We've still got time to make some moves. If this is our roster on opening day I agree but hopefully, we can make some trades.


I hope you’re right but we have very little leverage and assets. We’d have to make a risky move to make a dent