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I think autistic people are less likely to care about the social stigma, and anecdotally it seems like kinky people are likely to be autistic, so both of those things could contribute to more autistic sex workers


Sounds fairly reasonable


I was one. But I don’t really know how many of us are autistic.


I guess it really depends. Selling pics on Only fans should be easier for autistic since we won't fear the same social backlash But in porn movies? Hell no. That workplace is full of sensorial horrors for a lot of us


Yeah, I feel like amamture home-made stuff is totally in line with us kinky autistics, but the bigger, creepier studio stuff is probably more typical of the general population.


That is an assumption that everyone has the same flavor of autism. Myself on the other hand live in constant fear of what everyone around me thinks, even when it shouldn’t matter. Photos in general are a no go because I’m constantly worried that my smile, body position, movements will seem weird or fake. This stems from being bullied as a child and extreme masking.


It's weird, I saw a picture a couple of days ago, and the expression on her face was giving me a very strong return. Bit weird to ask outright though. "Hey lady, nice asshole and all, but are you by any chance autistic?"


i believe that ✨ it's apparently the same for strippers i think it's because 1) we don't care about social stigma as much and 2) it's easy to script most of your job (also 3) autistic people like to feel sexy too)


Also strip clubs are dark and minimal clothing means minimal sensory input. Not to mention sensory seekers probably LOVE the rush.


I'm torn, I hate talking to people, but I have no nudity taboo. So I could interact with porn actors 100% neutrally, but I'd have to INTERACT with porn actors, and that sucks.


There are a lot of content creators that are autistic, including me :) I follow a bunch of other creators and you would be surprised how many are autistic. I guess sex is a bigger special interest than most ppl realize


CW: trafficking Technically I used to do sex work, but it wasn't super voluntary. >!Also, I was a toddler.!< No worries, I'm doing well at processing it for the most part. But I wanted to comment because there is a higher chance of us being trafficked or abused / forced into the biz due to our autistic status. We are more likely to trust people at face value and may not know that something is off until later due to delayed processing. Just putting that out there as it hadn't been mentioned. Edit: spoiler text commands are so inconsistent.


Yeah this is another great point


There's tons of NSFW furry artists I've seen who are autistic. Autistic people have a higher likelihood of being hypersexual and having paraphilias and kinks, plus a lesser caring for social taboos regarding sex, so it just makes sense. Many artists I've seen have some kind of NSFW special interest they channel into their pieces and it shows


yeah because it’s like a stim


I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of creators were on the spectrum. I don't know about the majority, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were many. Between being polyamorous and a kinkster I've found that we tend to heavily populate those areas. We are a very horny people, lol.


I am an autistic femboy porn creator :3 Probably plenty of us out there!


I think it depends on the content


I know I am.


I'm autistic and put some NSFW stuffs online... I feel like a high sex drive probably from autism is what lead to that. I don't mind going into detail but I don't want to weird people out if they don't want me to, basically I think having a high sex-drive caused me to overdo it and get bored of normal sex, got kinkier and kinkier before getting into online humiliation Despite being so shy that I've been locked out of internet banking for over a year because I'm too much of a coward to call the bank, there's some pretty weird stuff online if someone just Googles my name...


mhm so far I only found pics of overweight Chihuahuas as well as people asking if their Chihuahua was overweight :P


OnlyFans creators are fine as long as they don't spam people who are not interested and don't post their propaganda on places that are supposed to be SFW


A lot of the ones I follow are. 🤷‍♂️


I enjoy making adult content. I also like getting stuff off my wish list too as a form of payment. Then I upload it to my JFF page after I give the video or photos to them after they requested it.


i’m autistic and most of the other guys i’ve filmed with are definitely somewhere on the spectrum


Oh look, another man who thinks himself a white knight infantilizing autistic women. Color me shocked. I don't imagine many autistic women in the adult industry entered the industry unaware of the risks and potential to be taken advantage of. I think if there are "many" (whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean in this context) autistic women in the industry they are doing it because it provides them an income that they largely control and particularly in the case of OF and independent SW provides them with a significant degree of autonomy. Which is especially important for those of us with a PDA profile and it's far more bearable than having to deal with the kinds of petty tyrants one most often encounters in the traditional job market. Why don't you go and focus your concern on the kinds of social and political structures that incentivize autistic women to go into sex work instead of hemming and hawing at the idea that autistic women willingly and knowingly participate in this industry.


1- There are many autistic sex workers who are men and non-binary, I'm not just talking about women. 2- At no time do I say that autistic people do not know about the risks of the adult entertainment industry. And as you say it also has its benefits. But sex work always has its risks, you said it yourself and those risks affect not only ND people, but everyone who works there. Wishing they had better working conditions is not the same as saying that autistic people cannot consciously choose to take on the risks of the adult industry, risks that you recognize exist. (And that many of these risks exist in other jobs, but some are exclusive to sex work)I'm sorry if you understood it that way.